Minutes 1962/07/16
Gilroy, California
July 16, 1962
This regular monthly meeting is called to order by His Honor Sig
Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich,
Wilford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig San-
Absent: Council Member: Charles F. Quartiroli.
The Mayor asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the regular
adjourned meeting of June 29th and the regular meeting of July 2, 1962. All
Councilmen present answer in the affirmative. .The Mayor now asks If there
are any errors or omissions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omis-
sions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular adjourned
meeting of June 29th and the regular meeting of Uuly 2, 1962 approved.
The Mayor asks for openings of bids on a parcel of property on Way-
land Lane.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch opens the one bid received from
George C. Renz Construction Copstruction Company in the amount of $10.00.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the deed and that the
bid in the amount of $10.00 be awarded to George C. Renz Co~struction Company
for a parcel of property on Wayland lane if the bid is in order.
The Mayor states that this is the time and place of the public hear-
ing for setting of plan lines on Ninth Street.
Director of Public Works Kludt states that Southern Pacific has
stated that they will have an estimate on the cost. for a new crossing within
two weeks and that this public h~rlng will have to be postponed until the
estimate is received from Southern Pacific.
Discussion is had.
Councilman Quartiroli enters and takes his seat at the Council table.
Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Petersen and carried
that this public hearing for setting of official plan lines on Ninth Street be
continued to September 17, 1962.
The City Attorney presents Ordinance No. 6810
The Mayor states that this is the time and place of the public hearing
for annexing the I'First Eastern Addi,tion - (7:-62)11. He asks if anyone present
wishes to speak for or against the annexation. No one present in the audience
Motion by Counci Iman Wentworth second by Counci lman DU,ffin that the reading
of Ordinance No. 681 be waived and that it be adopted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED the l6th day of July" 1962, by the following vote;
AYES:, ,COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Goodrich, Jordan, Petersen, Quartlroli, Went-
worth, and Sanchez.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch states that Mr. Frank Stegall has
requested petmllsfon to locate his taxi stand in front of La Macchia property
at 25 North Monterey Street.
Mr. Robert Byers, attorney repres~nting local taxi owner, Mr. Martin,
comes forward, addresses the Council requesting that this application for a
taxi stand from Mr. Stegall be denied under Section 23.20 of the City Code. He
states that the City of Gilroy does not warrant another taxi business.
Discussion is had.
The Mayor explains that the Council have already granted Mr. Stegall
permission to operate a taxi business in this City and that the request tonight
is for location of such business.
The Council ask Mr~ Stegall what taxi service he will perform in the
Mr. Stegall comes forward and reports that it is his intention to main-
ta i n a 2# hour taxi servi cei n ' the City of Gilroy.
Further discussion is had.
Mr. James Harding, owner of a taxi business in Morgan Hill, comes for-
ward stating that he is in competition with M,r..Stegal1 in Morgan Hill and that
they have a po lice prob I em often, however no other ,exp I ana t i on is given.
The Mayor states that the ordinance regulating taxi businesses is for
a publ ic safety measure and not intended to be a franchise.
Further discussion is had.
The Mayor asks Chief of Police Laizure if he has any objectio~s to,
this request for location of Mr. Stegall's taxi ~tand. Chief Laizure states
that he has no objections.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen and
carried that the request of Mr. Frank Stegall to locate his taxi stand at 25
North Monterey Street be granted.
Counci ImBn Duffin suggests that the Counci I investigate Mr. Stegall's
taxi busi~ess in three months to determine if a 24 hour service is maintained.
Councilman Quartlroli states that the Council ~id not investigate if
there was a need for another ~axi business in Gilroy. .
Discussion is had.
Mr. Martin, owner of the present taxi business in Gilroy states that
the taxi fare should be uniform with both taxi operators.
The Mayor asks Mr. Stegall and Mr. Martin to meet and decide on a taxi
fare and report to the Council on their recommended fees.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch presents and reads the report of
the Planning Commission, reporting on the public hearing before the Commission
on the General Land Use Plan; recommending that precise plan lines for the ex-
tension of Church Street be set as presented on t~e preliminary map.
Di.rector of Publ ic Works Kludt explains the recommended precise plan
lines for the extension of Church Street explaining that these are the same
plans that were suggested by the Counci 1.
Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried
that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare precise plan lines as recom-
mended by the Commission. .
The Mayor asks Planning Commissioner Eckard if he has any further
remarks regarding the report of the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Eckard has no comment.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch reports that recommendations
from Chief of Police Laizure have been received for advancement to the next
step in salary range for ,Eugene Jewell - Range 22, $505.00 to $530~00 and
Cadet Stephen White - hourly, $1.62 to $1.70 to be effective August I, 1962.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli and
carried that Eugene Jewell and Cadet White be advanced to the next step in
their salary ranges, effective August l, 1962.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch reads a letter ,from Cal ifornia
Physicians' Service regarding the increase in membership dues effective . ,
September I, 1962. He states that. all Council Members have copies of the
list of C.P.S. present fees and the Increase in fees. He also states that
California Physicians' Service has extended the effective date of the new
rates to October I, 1962 to the City of Gilroy because we have Indicated
that the City is thinking of participating in this program.
The Mayor states that it was the Council~s intention to review the
present health plan this fiscal year,' however because of the new rates, ac-
tion on this matter will be expedited.
Personne I Commiss i oner Strahl and Mead are: present and Mr. Strati I
requests that this matter be ref~rred to the Personnel Commission for study;
and possibly an interim plan can be presented to the: Council at their
September 3rd meeting for approval.
Discussion is had.
Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Goodrich and car-
ried that the health medical plan for City Employees be referred to the Per-
sonnel Commission for study and report back to the Council with an interim
plan as requested by the Commission.
Commissioner Strahl explains that City participation in a medical
health plan for City Employees would probably be given lower rates because
of a guarantee of a certain percentage of employees participating in the
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch presents a letter from the
International Conference of Building Officials requesting support in oppos-
ing proposed legislation to change standards ,set forth in the Uniform Bui Id-
ing Code, with a letter to Governor Brown attached.
Director of Public Works Kludt gives a summary of the letter stating
that the International Conference of Building Officials approves adoption of
the 1961 Building Code and the 1958 Uniform Plumbing Code with amendments
because this would establish uniformity and ,they are opposed to the proposed
legislation for adoption of an entirely new code.
Motion by Councilman .Quartiroli second by Councilman Jordan and
carried that this Council go on record as opposing the proposed legislation.
The Mayor instructs Assistant City Administrator Reinsch to inform
our representatives of the City's action.
Assistant City Administrator Rein~ch presents and reads Resolution
No. 697. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen that
Resolution No. 697 be adopted.
ADOPTED this 16th day of July, 1962, by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Goodrich, Jordan, Petersen, Quartiroli,
'Wentworth, and Sanchez.
The Mayor states that all 'Counci I members ,have received copies of
a letter from the League of California Cities requesting Council determina-
tion on the necessity for an increase in highway users taxes for city street
Director of Public Works Kludt explains the proposal.
'Discussion is had.
The Mayor instructs Director of Public Works Kludt to obtain addi-
tional information on this matter and report back to the Council at their
next meeting.
Copies of the 1962-67 Capital Improvement Program are distributed
to each Council Member.
A letter is presented and read from The Gamewell Company explain-
ing the deficiencies in the electrical system operating the flee horn at the
Fire House. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch reports that the deficiency
can be corrected by the installation of a Gamewell Smith Valve, in the amount
of $425.00 plus tax.
The Mayor reports that this was an emergency situation and he sug-
gested that the City proceed with the work last week.
I i
Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich second by Counci I,man Jordan and carried
that $425.00 plus tax be allowed In the budget for purchase of a Gamewell Smith
Valve to replace the present unit operating the electrical system for the fire
horn at the Fire Department.
Discussion is had on the City Auditor's report of disbursements from
June 10th to July 10, 1962.
Counci Iman Wentworth reports that visitors from the East complimented
the 'City for the appearance of Monterey Street. He also requests that the parking
sign in front of the Willow's be repaired.
Director of Public Works Kludt states that he has the cost study for
picking up garden refuse prepared, but prefers discussing it with City Adminis-
trator Carr prior to-presentation to the Council.
Director of Public Works Kludt reports that Mr. Andrew:Trinchero has
agreed to dedicating 5t feet of his property on First Street from the alley to
the ex~sting sidewalk and that the City Attorney will prepare the deed and that
the City will install the curb, gutter and sidewalk for this dedication. He also
states that the State of California notified the City that funds are available
to reconstruct the shoulder areas of the street on First Street.
Councilman Wentworth comments on the parking spaces marked in front of
Super Save Market curb on First Street.
Director of Public,Works Kludt reports that parking "T's" were painted
in front of Super Save Market upon the owners request to control parking.
Councilman Goodrich reports that the fruit stand signs on Ninth and
Monterey Streets are very unsightly.
Director of Public Works Kludt requests permission to have these signs
Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth ,and carried
that the signs on Ninth and Monterey Streets advertising the fruit stand be removed.
Councilman Quartiroli reports that certain residents in Gilroy do not
have garbage service and that the Garbage Company should be forced to pick up all
garbage or notify the City of those persons not receiving service.
Discussion is had.
The Mayor instructs Assistant City Administrator Reinsch to notify the
Garbage Co~pany that ,the Council would like to meet with them at the next regular
meeting to determine if some arrangement can be made for giving garbage collection
service to all residents.
Director of .Public Works Kludt presents and reads a letter of resignation
from Building Inspector, Waymon Montgomery to be effective August 1, 1962.
Discussion is had regarding the City's policy for employees compelled to
live in the City limits.
Director of Public Works Kludt recommends that another examination be
conducted for this position and that the advertising and testing be delayed until
City Administrator Carr returns from his vacation.
Director of Public Works Kludt reports that ,he received notice that the
traffic signal at Third Street will be advertised for bid this summer.
Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the County Traffic Ways
Committee approved the Leavesley Road Project as a non-expressway system. He
states that the engineering contract for this project has been signed by W. J.
Hanna & Son. He states that approval from the State Highway Commission for this
project is awaited.
Director of Public Works Kludt reports that there was good representa-
tion from the Volunteer Fire Department at the fire Tuesday evening and that the
victim was dead upon arrival.
The City Engineer reports that the application for obtaining water rights
on the little Arthur Creek should be coming up for hearing soon.
Chief of Police Lalzure reports ,that all Council Members have received
copies of the 1961-62 annual report of the Police Department.
The Mayor reports that William Radtke Jr. has indicated an interest for
annexation of property on Luchessa Lane to the South City Limits between the
railroad tracts and the highwa~! i t
The Mayor i'nstructs/C1'~9 ~d~~nistrator Reinsch to prepare a petition and
description ,of the property for circulation. Councilman Petersen states that he
will assist ~n circulating the petition.
Ass istant City Admi n i strator Rei nsch comments on the Annua I Report of
the Police Department.
The City Attorney reads a news item from a Boston newspaper, obtained
whi Ie he was on vacation in the East. This article is regarding action taken
when a building was constructed too close to the street.
The City Attorney reports that there is a provision in the City Code re-
quiring Garbage Collectors to collect all garbage and requiring tenants to furnish
The Mayor states that there is a League of Cal ifornia Cities dinner meeting
on July 26th In Mountain View.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried
that this meeting adjourn.
' City Clerk ~