Minutes 1962/10/15 1 n.).)~ L: .;..' '"-J tJ Gilroy, California October 15, 1962 This regular monthly meeting is called to ,order by His Honor Sig Sanchez at 8:05 p.m. Present: Council Members: Geerge T. Duffin, Wilford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Counci I Member: Norman B. Goodrich. City Administrator Carr reports that Frank Stegall and Randy ,Martin have requested additional taxicab licenses and that temporary licenses have been issued pending Council action. Mr. Martin addresses the Council and states that if approved his addition- al taxicab license will be used only for a substitute v~hicle. Mr. Stegall addresses the Council and states that if approved his additional taxicab license will be used primarily for a substitute vehicle however it will be used as a second car if his business requires it. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth that licenses issued to Frank Stegall and Randy Martin for additional taxicabs be approved. A report of the Planning Commission is presented and read recommending that West Coast Properties, Inc. be granted a Use Permit to conduct a coin op.erated laundry and dry cleaning establishment on property at First and Eigle- berry Streets; recommending the adoption of plan lines for the northerly exten- sion of Church Street from Welburn to Liman Avenues; informing Council that October 18, 1962 is the date for a publ ic hearing before the Commission on establishing official plan lines on Tenth Street from Monterey Street to Pacheco pass; and requesting that the City Englnee~ attend Planning Commission meetings. Director of Public Works Kludt explains the request of West Coast Proper- ties I nc. Planning Commissioner Jacobs reports that the Commission approved grant- ing of the Use Permit for the business requested, however the plans must conform with all regulations,. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 707. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth that Resolution No. 707 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 707 RESOLUTION OF COUNC.lL APPROVING ACTION OF PLAN.NI-NG COfo1MISSION APPROVING,GRANT- ING OF A USE PERMIT TO WEST COAST PROPERTIES" INC. TO OPERATE A COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT ON, PREMISES AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FIRST AND EIGLEBERRY STREETS. , PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1962, by the foHowing vote: AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: Duffin,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: C'OUNCI L MEMBERS: None ABSENT: . COUNC I L MEMBER: ,Goodr I ch. ,Direotor;of Public Works Kludt explains the proposed recommended plan 1 ines for the northerly extension of Ch~rch Street from Welburn to Liman Avenues. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 7U8. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Petersen that .R:esolution No. 708 be adopted. ; f ) RESOLUTION NO. 708 2226 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GilROY F.IXING TIME AN.DPLACE OF" HEARING REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING AND RECOMMENDING ADOPlJON 'OF OFFICIAL PLAN LI NES F.OR THE N.ORTHERl Y EXTEN.S I ON OF CHURCH STREET- FROM WflBURN AVENUE TO A POINT 160.58 FEET NORTH OF L1.MAN,AVENUE. ... PASSED, ANIl.,ADOPTEO thi s ,15th day of, Dctober, 1962, by, the, fo 1.1 owi n-g vote: AYES: COUNCl,l MEMB,ERS,: Duffin,Jar:dan,Petersen,Quartir:oli ,Wentworth and Sanchez. :_' ,L '. NO ES: CD.UNC I,l MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: Goodrich DisC-uss,lon is had on the s.cale of the map de~Lgnatlng the northerly extension of Church Street as presented. City Administrator Carr presents and reads the minutes of August 15, 1955 regarding the retainer fee of $100.00 being paid to the City Engineer and sets forth the services he agreed to perform for the fee. Discussion is had. City Engineer Hanna Jr. reports that he has no objections in attend- ing Planning Commission meetings for the same retainer fee however he requests that some consideration be given at the next budget for an increase in the retainer fee because when this fee was established 7 years ago, the Planning Commission met only upon call. The City Attorney reports that he asked W. B. Stuart if an acre of his land would be availab~e for purchase by the City for their ~roposed fire house site. Mr. Stuart informed him that someone has an option on his prope~- ty whtch this land is a part of and that he woulu contact the par.ty who has the option. He also stated that the property would be sold for $6,000.00. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to try to determine the name of the person holding the option to determine if the City can do business direct with Mr. Stuart1s permistion. City Administrator Carr reports that property south of the armory pro- perty is available for the fire house and that Dale Connell is the agent for this property. Mr. Connell addre~ses the Council and states that at the present time two acres are available for $15,500.00 and that there would be no trouble in disposing of one acre ~f the City decided it wanted this location. Discussion is had. The notice of intention to abandon the property on the North East corner of Wayland Lane and Welburn Avenue, formerly dedicated for street pur- poses is tabled since the resolution setting time of hearing is not prepared. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to prepare the necessary reso- lution for the next meeting. City Administrator Carr reports that the Council directed him to write Southern Pacific on the appearance of the .property occupied by a Fruit Stand on Monterey and Ninth Streets. He states that he received a copy of the letter addressed to the lessor, and reads the letter. City Administrator Carr reports that he inspected the property and a II the surplus signs have ,been removed, and If the present arrangement is maintained it would be acceptable. The Mayor states that he received a letter from a Committee of farmers on the east side of town regarding the proposed li,ttle L1agas Creek. The Ma~or states that this matter can be postponed to later on this evening uecause representatlv~for two other Items on the agenda are present requesting Council action. A letter Is read from the Gilroy High School District requesting a clear zone for buses and additional crosswalks on I .O.O.F. Avenue. Discussion is had regarding additional crosswalks on I.O.O.F. Avenue, one at Swanston Lane and one West of the Old Music Building. The'Mayor suggests that the City Staff, school, and police depart- ment work out the crosswalk situation. Mr. Floyd Emerson, Superintendent of Schools, addresses the Council and states that the school is bringing this problem to the Council1s attention and that It is the Counc 11: s prob I em since the school :i s not respons i b I e fOr students when off of school property. The Mayor instructs the City Staff and the Police Department to work out the problem with the school authorities assistance so that all concerned will be in agreement. The Mayor states that the matter of students driving up and down I .O.O.F. Avenue is a matter of policing. Discuss,ion is had regarding the request for a clear zone for the buses. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to prepare andordinance estab- lishing a clear zone on I .O.O.F. Avenue. Discussion is had on the matter of a JlNo-U Turn" sign at the far west end of I .O.O.F. Avenue. ""..~ ~, ......., ."~,~ 2227 ....<~,., The Mayor instructs ,City Admlnistrat:OrCarr andChl.ef lalzure to study the "No""U Turn" matter and report to the Council if It Is determined that such a sign i.s necessary. Mr.: Emerson thanks the Council for their time given'on this problem. The Mayor states that Mr. Jim Zizzo and John Gregory are present in the audience representing the Gilroy Merchants. Association who wish to determine If the City wishes to parti.cipatein ways of Improving the Monterey Street business district. John G.regory addresses the Counci I and inqui res if the Counci I woul,d be willing to participate with their Association in a tree program in the business districts. Discu~sion is had. The Mayor suggests that if this project is, continued that consideration be given to include all of Mo~terey Street. Mr. Jim Zizzo addresses the !ouncil and states that if this project is undertaken,all of itIhe commercial districts will be considered., All Council Members present have no objection to the tree project for the business districts. The Mayor suggests that the Merchants. Association prepare a cost estimate for the proposed tree project. At this time discussion is had on the Miller Slough project. The Mayor explains that he received a letter opposing the L1agas Water Shed Project under Public law 566. This letter Is .read. The Mayor states. that he instructed City Administrator tarr to prepare a letter to the Board of Directors of the Loma Prieta Soil Conservation District requesting that the Miller Slough Project be separate from the entire project If it would qualify under Public Law 566. The Mayor states that he received unofficial word that there is a good possibility that Miller Slough Project would qualify under Public law 566 if divorced from the Llagas Water Shed Project. He states that 566 funds are not available unless the project receives the approvaU of the Soil Conservation Di~ trict. The Mayor states that s1nce the llagas ~aterShed Project is now on the priority list and In ord.er not to lose the priority it isan opportune time to request ,the Districts approval for the Mllter Slough Project. Discussion is had. :' Cf,ty Administrator Carr reads the letter prepared to send to the Soi I Conservation'District requesting, thei r cooperation., Mot i on by Counc i.1 man Jordan second by Counc i 1 man Petersen and carr led that the letters b.eforwarded 'to proceed wi th ,seeki ng, the Sol I Conservat i on Districts approval on the MIller,Slough Project. City Administrator Carr requests appointment of a special Council com- mittee for the proposed "Fifth Northern Addition" annexation and assessment district. The Mayor appoints Councilmen Jordan, Petersen and Wentworth as members of the Special Committee. City Administrator Carr explains that it Is easier to work with a Coun- cil Committee on matters such as this rather than to try to explain In detail to the entire Council. Discussion is had regarding the present ordinance requiring solicitors and itinerant merchants to fll~ a bond with the City if a deposit is required from the customer for their goods or services prior to final delivery of merchandise. City Administrator Carr reports that at the present time the City staff has not required this bond, however it is required by ordinance. Discussion is had. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to conduct a:study to determine if the bond requirement is necessary and to report back to the Council at the next meeting. A letter is read from W. J. Hanna. and Son recommending that improvements in Tract 3106, Las Animas Estates be accepted subject to installation of street signs. This matter Is tabled since a resolution accepting this subdivision is not prepared. A letter is read from Victor E. Capp;:t regarding "Sister City Programl.. This matter is held in abeyance until more information during the league of California Cities Conference can be obtained ffom other cities involved in this program. A letter from the Division of Highways is read setting forth construc- tion standards for the extension of Seventh Street into Old Gilroy Street. A letter fr.om "Callfornian1s Against Proposition No. 23" is presented. No action is taken since letters on this matter have already been forwarded to our representatives. Reports of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Depart- ~... I L 'iW;;;::-",.... ,~""'.. .:i4 ('H) >) 8 ~ ,I..U..J ment are presented.' All sampleiare ;atisfactory. The'Kayor states that,al1 Council members have received copies of the City Auditor's report of disbursements from September 10, 1962 to October 10, 1962 and the Auditor1s report from July I, 1962 to September 30, 1962. Motion by Counci Jman Wentworth second by Counc'ilman Duffin and carried that. the reports as presented be accepted. The Mayor calls on Mr. Bill Davis, Mercury Repor'ter who introduces Mr. Ron Mi ller, formerly a reporter for the Santa Cruz Sentinel, and now the Mercury reporter for Gilroy. Councilman Wentworth requests that the Gilroy Evening Dispatch print a correction regarding the sign request of Hogue Brothers. He explains that the reason Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howson objected to this signtwas because they thought the location of the sign was to be on a City park and believed that advertisi'ng on a par.k was not proper~. He further states that ,they were in favor of adv.ertlslng local bllsiness but did not realize that the request was for a sign location on Southern Pacific Company property. ' Councilman Petersen asks why Gilroy's rain fall statistics are not in the Mercury newspaper. Discussion is had. City Administrator Carr renQests that the matter of rain fall statistics be left in the hands of the City staff to direct someone to ob- tain this information. All Counci Imen a.gree. Discussion Is had on the "Fifth Northern Addition~'. Discussion is had regarding annexation of property belonging to Councilman Quartlroli bei,ng initiated apart from the proposed "Fifth Northern Addition". Chief of Police Lalzure reports that 826 warning notices have been the past 20 days for vehicles parking on thewrong,side of the the residential districts and that citat'icons wi II be issued for this soon. Diiscussion ,is had regarding complaints on the recent ordinance adopted requiring-grass clippings, to be put in boxes. The Mayor asks the Councilmen to be thinking about someone to fill the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commiss.ion. , The Mayor states that the League of California Cities is October 21-24th and that the Santa Clara County United Nations Is October 27th at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. The Mayor Councilman Petersen to represent the City at this festival. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Duffin and carried that this Council Meeting adjourn at 11:00 p.m'. issued In street in violation Conference Festival appoints .-J )2lj..(vrN1/;./ City Clerk