Minutes 1963/03/25
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Gilroy, California
March 25, 1963
This special meeting is called to order by ~is Honor Kenneth L. Petersen
at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Counci I Members: George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B.
Goodrich, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen.
Absent: Council Membe~: Wilford E. Jordan.
The Mayor states that this is the time and place for the public hearing on
the proposed "F i fth Nor thern Add it i on". The Mayor as ks if anyone in the a ud i ence
has anything to say for or against the proposed annexation.
Mr. Irvin Holl ister addresses the Council and states that he objects to
the proposed annexation because he will not benefit by the annexation and he be-
I ieves that the Miller Slough condition should be corrected before annexing this
The Mayor states that the area affected by flooding was left out of the
proposed annexation.
Mr. Tomey addresses the Council and states that he is against the annexa-
tion because the cost to the property owners is too high. He also states that
the future plans for widening of Ronan Avenue and for widening of the bridge are
located in flood area.
City Administrator Carr reports that the cost to the property owners for
improvements are only estimates and that it is up to the property owners after
annexation to decide which improvements they wish to include in an assessment
district. '
Councilman Goodrich states that the Council is merely acting as referee
in this proposed annexation and that it is up to the people in the area to decide
what they wish to do.
Mr. Pierce Oliver addresses the Council and states that he is in favor of
the proposed annexation because the people in the area need sewer and water
facil ities. He thanks the City for its interest in the proposed annexation.
Councilman Quartirol i asks if an assessment district is formed when the
bonds would be paid off.
City Administrator Carr states approximately 15 years.
Councilman Eckard states that the longer this annexation is prolonged the
higher the costs for improvements will be.
Mr. Oliver states that he hopes the City will guarantee a low rate of
interest on the bonds.
The City Attorney states that the City cannot guarantee this.
Mrs. Anthony Silva addresses the Council and asks if the property owners
will be compelled to pay for sewer and water immediately after annexation of the
territory or when the facil ities are installed.
It is explained that the property owners would not pay for improvements
until and if voted on as an assessment district.
The City Engineer explains the procedures in forming an assessment district.
Discussion is had on City taxes vs County taxes in the area.
Mr. George Azevedo addresses the Council and asks if the assessed valua-
tion would remain the same if annexed.
It is stated that if the annexation is approved and if the property is
improved the assessed valuation would probably increase.
The City Attorney states that before the property owners would vote on
any improvements a complete plan will be developed for examination and will be
set out in detail to show what the property owners would get if an assessment
district is approved.
Mr. Gustav Steele asks what percentage of assessed valuation would defeat
the annexa t i on.
It is explained that protests from property owners owning 50% of assessed
valuation of land only, in the territory would defeat the annexation.
Mr. George Azevedo asks why an area basis was decided on as a pol icy for
determining cost to each property owner.
City Administrator Carr states that this was not a City policy and that
there are many different ways to determine costs, however, the area basis was
thought to be the most feasible.
Discussion is had.
The Mayor asks City Administrator Carr if he has examined the written pro-
tests against the annexation.
City Administrator Carr reports that he has examined the protests and that
the total assessed valuation of land in these protests totaled $7,960.00 and that
the total assessed valuation of land only in the entire proposed annexation is
$44,870.00, and that protests filed are insufficient to defeat the annexation at
this time.
Motion by Counci Iman Eckard second by Councilman Quartirol i and carried
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that this meeting recess to April 4, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers,
10 South Rosanna Street, Gi lroy, Cal ifornia in order to provide 10 days for
additional fil ing of protests if any.
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