Minutes 1963/07/01
Gilroy, Cal ifornia
Ju,]y I, 1963
This regular monthly meeting is called to order by His Honor Kenneth
L. Petersen at 8:04 p.m.
Present:Council Members: George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B.
Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen.
Absent: Council Member: Charles F. Quartiroli.
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The Mayor states that this is the time and place for opening of bids
on comprehensive I iabil ity insurance.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch opens the bids and they read as
I. Voorhies and Parrish Insurance $4,282.55 per 1 year advanced prem-
ium; 2. August Piedmont $4,820.50; 3. Eustice Insurance $4,302.71.
He explains that the bids are for a 3 year contract and the premium is
payable annually in advance plus an audit.
The Mayor refers the low bid of Voorhies and Parrish Insurance to the
City Attorney for checking.
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Councilman Quartirol i enters and takes his seat at the Council table.
The Mayor states that this is the time and place for the public
hearing on zoning of Westwood Acres. He asks if anyone in the audience wishes
to speak for or against the proposal. There is no comment from anyone in the
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Counci Iman Jordan and car-
ried that this public hearing be closed.
The City Attorney presents and reads an ordinance zoning Westwood
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth that
the proposed ordinance zoning Westwood Acres be introduced and publ ished by
title and summary.
City Administrator Carr presents a request for an adjustment on a
water bill. He explains that there has been an error in bill ing since 1959
due to a mix-up in the meter sheets, and each consumer was charged for the
other persons bill. He sta}es that the overpayment was refunded and recom-
mends that the $65.20 be written-off and not charged to the proper consumer
since it was the City's error.
Motion by Councilman Quartirol i second by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the over-billing in the amount of $65.20 be written-off in the
Water Department due to the City's error in billing.
The Mayor requests that a report of the Advisory Committee regard-
ing the offer for a portion of the Gymkhana Grounds be given at this time
since Mr. Saccullo is present in the audience.
Councilman Goodrich reports that the Committee met and recommends
that the City property located at the Gymkhana Grounds is not for sale at
this time. He explains that the Committee feels that the property should
be reserved for a larger type of industry and that if this 2 acre parcel is
sold at this time the remaining property would be useless for the type of
industry desired at this site.
Councilman Quartiroli suggests that possibly I
and that the property could be divided up into
smaller manufactures such as Mr. Saccullo. He
will be locating at this site.
Councilmen Eckard and Wentworth agree with Councilman Quartiroli.
Mr. Saccullo addresses the Council and states that he would purchase
I acre with an option to purchase an additional acre for future expansion.
City Administrator Carr recommends that if the Gymkhana property is
divided up into smaller parcels that a study should be made for an access
road to utilize the property to the best advantage.
Motion by Councilman Quartirol i second by Councilman Eckard and
carried that this matter be further investigated and that a study be made
for dividing up the property into smaller parcels to obtain the maximum
usuage from the property.
The City Attorney reports that the low bid of Voorhies and Parrish
for the comprehensive liabil ity insurance is in order if all of the Cityls
vehicles are included.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth and car-
ried that the low bid of Voorhies and Parrish Insurance be awarded in the
amount of $4,282.55 for the comprehensive liability insurance.
A report from the Parks and Recreation Commission is read regarding
regulations at MillerPark recommending that signs be posted prohibiting ball
playing at the park.
Discussion is had.
Councilman Quartiroli states that if the City has a park the
children should be allowed to use it.
Councilman Jordan states that the Commission has made a study on
this matter and that the Council should follow their advice.
The Mayor suggests that this matter be referred to the Recreation
Commission for further recommendation and more clarification.
Councilman Duffin suggests that the signs read I'Family and Children
Only. No Golf.'1
The Mayor refers this matter to the Commission for further study.
City Administrator Carr presents and reads Resolution No. 768.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli that
Resolution No. 768 be adopted.
sites of
acre be sold to Mr.
smaller parcels for
states that no large
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 1963, by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and
The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance amending the
City Code pertaining to permit parking and regulation of yellow zones.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Duffin and carried
that the proposed ordinance pertaining to permit parking and regulation of yellow
zones be introduced and published by title and summary.
City Administrator Carr requests Council authorization to pay for
pump repairs at the sewer farm property.
Councilman Wentworth states that maintenance is an unknown figure for
budgeting purposes however the particular item was not authorized prior to ob-
taining a purchase order. He states that in the future,purchase orders should be
authorized before any expense is incurred.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and car-
ried that payment be authorized and that the 1963-64 budget be amended to provide
for an additional expenditure of $423.54 from miscellaneous expenditures.
The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 769.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Resolu-
tion No. 769 be adopted.
WHEREAS, JOHN BRITZIUS died in the City of Gilroy on the 10th day of
J~ne, 1963; and
WHEREAS, said JOHN BRITZIUS was raised in the City of Gilroy and for
many years and until his death, was a member of the Volunteer Fire Department of
the City of Gilroy; and was during all of said time a conscientious and faithful
member of that Department, always ready to serve the Department and the City of
Gilroy in any eventuality requiring the services of the Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, the said JOHN BRITZIUS was also a devoted husband and con-
siderate father and a steady and industrious employee, he having served one of
the main business institutions in the City of Gilroy continuously for more than
25 years and was so employed at the time of his death, and was generally what
is termed a good citizen, always serving to the best of his ability in whatever
he undertook to do; and
WHEREAS the passing of one who has served his community well should
not be permitted to pass without a record or a memorial thereof being made and
due recognition given;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Gilroy that
in the death of said JOHN BRITZIUS, his family has lost a devoted and considerate
husband and father, the City of Gilroy has lost the services of an industrious
and unselfish member, and the community at large has lost a good and earnest
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be entered in full upon
the minutes of this session of the Council and that a copy duly certified be
del ivered to the surviving wife of JOHN BRITZIUS.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 1963, by the following vote:
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i,Wentworth,
and Petersen.
Kenneth L. Petersen
Susanne E. Payne
City Clerk
City Administrator Carr states that all Councilmen have received copies
of the inspection report on City jail facilities by the County Healt h Department.
He states that he will inform the Health Department of the City's proposal for a
new Police Station.
A letter from the Division of Highways is read regarding arrangements
to divert traffic around Gilroy and Sunday traffic control.
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City Administrator Carr reports that the signs for diverting the traf-
fic have already been posted.
Discussion is had on the Leavesley Road Project.
City Administrator Carr reports that all Council Members have received
copies of a letter from the Santa Clara County Flood Control District request-
ing investigation of possible waste of,water by industries.
Discussion is had.
The City Administrator is instructed to notify the local industries of
the water issue and enclose a copy of the letter from the Flood Control District
and send a copy of his letter to the industries to the Board of Supervisors.
The Mayor states that he is automatically a member of the Inter-City
Council and they have requested that the City appoint an alternate member from
the Council. The Mayor appoints Councilman Eckard as representative to the Inter
City Counc i I .
A letter from Don Ambrose is read thanking the Pol ice Department for
the daily house check.
A letter is read from the Chamber of Commerce thanking the Council for
use of the auditorium chairs at their recent barbecue.
A letter from the Gilroy Union High School is read thanking the City
for use of Wheeler Auditorium for their recent play.
Water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department are
presented. All samples are satisfactory.
The Mayor states that all Council Me~bers have received copies of the
Building Inspector's report; the financial report for June 1963; reports of
receipts of City Officers and progress reports of City Officers.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and car-
ried that all reports as presented be accepted.
The Mayor calls on Councilman Wentworth for an additional report on
disposal of industrial effluent.
Councilman Wentworth reports that Henry Allemand has agreed to use the
industrial sewer effluent on the East side of the Llagas Creek and that instal-
lation of the pipe line for this water to service the 47 acre piece of property
is estimated at $1,500.00 and that the Committee recommends that additional
filter beds in the 20 acres of property to the East be util ized as soon as
possible. He also recommends that a study be made to determine if the sewer
rental charge to the local industries for sewer effluent replaces the amount
of income derived from the crops at the sewer farm.
City Administrator Carr states that this study was made at the time
the sewer charges were set.
Discussion is had.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Jordan and carried
that installation of a pipe line at the sewer farm in the amount ,of $1,500.00
be authorized and that additional filter beds be used in the 47 acre parcel in
the near future.
Mr. Roy Westphal inger addresses the Council and requests permission
to install a IIWelcome to Gilroyll sign on City property at the Corporation yard.
Motion by Councilman Quartirol i second by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the Chamber of Commerce be allowed to erect a sign on City proper-
tyon Old Gilroy Street.
City Administrator Carr reports that he has contacted several archi-
tects regarding the proposed police station and requests that the Council view
some of the police station sites built by the various architects. He states
that he will contact the Council on the dates available fo~ viewing various
po 1 ice s ta t ions.
The Mayor states that the Board of Supervisors have passed a resolution
endorsing the Bracero Program and asks the Council if they are in favor of en-
dorsing this program.
Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Wentworth and carried
that a letter be prepared and sent to members of Congress reporting that the
City of Gilroy endorses continuation of the Bracero Program.
The Mayor states that the League of California Cities Conference will
begin October 20th to 23rd. The City Admin~ trator names suggested hotels avail-
able. The Council direct the City Administrator to select the hotel.
The Mayor also states that the City Barbecue will be on July 6th at
the Golf Course.
Roy Westphal inger addresses the Council and informs them that there
is a new Golf Course proposed to be located at New Avenue.
Councilman Duffin reports that the stree5 recently paved are an asset
to the City.
Councilman Eckard asks who is responsible for policing people operating
without a business license.
City Administrator Carr states that the Bui Iding Inspector, and Pol ice
Department are responsible with this duty.
Discussion is had regarding the probationary period of the present
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Building Inspector for moving inside the City limits.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that this meeting adjourn at 10:17 p.m.
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