Minutes 1964/01/06 n,."),jO. ~ .) LJ . G i 1 roy, Ca 1 i fo rn i a Janua ry 6, 1964 This regular monthly meeting is cal led to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:00 p.m. Present: Counci 1 Members; George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. Absent: Council Member: Charles F. Quartiroli. The Mayor asks if all Council Members present have received copies of the minutes of the regular meetings of December 2nd and 16, 1963. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular meetings of December 2nd and 16, 1963 ap- proved. A letter from St. Maryls Church is presented and read requesting per- mission to use Wheeler Auditorium for a dinner on January 22nd at the minimum rental fee of $15.00. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the request from St. Mary's Church to use the auditorium be granted. A letter from the Gilroy Ministerial Association is presented and read requesting use of Wheeler Auditorium at the minimum rental fee of $15.00. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the request for use of the auditorium from the Gilroy Ministerial Ass'n. be granted at the minimum rental fee of $15.00. 2B?1 A report from the Parks and Recreation Commission is presented and read recommending a proposed six year development plan for Christmas Hill Park. Councilman Quartiroli enters and takes his seat at the Council table at 8:06 P.M. City Administrator Carr explains the proposed six year development plan for Christmas Hill Park and copies are submitted to each Council member. Discussion is had regarding the most feasable manner of supplying water to the park, a reservoir or a pressure system. It is suggested that this matter be investigated. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City Staff proceed with the work as outlined in the proposed six year development plan for Christmas Hill Park and that a report be submitted at a later date regarding the feasabil ity of a structure for water storage. A report from the Planning Commission is presented and read regarding public hearings before the Commission on rezoning of Las Animas Estates, Unit No.3 from "R-A" to IIR-3"; on rezoning of Las Animas Estates, Units Nos. I and 2 from "R-A" to "R-l"; recommending a five year Capital Outlay Improvement Program; and informing the Council of the election of E. D. Martin as Chairman of the Commission for the 1964 year. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 795. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Duffin that Resolution No. 795 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 795 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING APPLICATION TO REZONE LAS ANIMAS ESTATE$, UNIT NO.3, TRACT 3583, FROM R-A TO R-3 DISTRICT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: The City Attorney presents Resolution No. 796. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth that Resolution No. 796 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 796 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING APPLICATION TO RE- ZONE LAS ANIMAS ESTATES, UNIT NO.1, TRACT 3106, AND UNIT NO.2, TRACT 3412, FROM R-A TO R-I DISTRICT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None City Administrator Carr suggests that the Council meet to discuss the Capital Outlay Improvement Program immediately following the 8:00 p.m. meeting with the architects scheduleJfor January 13th. City Administrator Carr presents a proposed ordinance defining territory that shall comprise Fire Zone No.2 previously read and published by title and summary. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli that the reading of Ordinance No. 713 be waived and that it be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 713 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SEC. 6.11 OF THE GILROY CITY CODE, DEFINING THE TERRITORY THAT SHALL COMPRISE FIRE ZONE NO.2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None City Administrator Carr presents and explains tentative plan maps for development of the Gymkhana Grounds. Copies of the proposed maps are sub- mitted to each Council Member. Discussion is had regarding installation of the proposed access street. 0J00 / <l 1-,' /. ~-~~ A letter from Gordon Farotte is presented and read offerring to pur- chase proposed Lots I and 2 of the Gymkhana property as shown on the tentative plan maps for $9,000.00. Discussion is had regarding grading the proposed access street of the Gymkhana property. The City Attorney reports that the City does not legally have to go to bid for selling the parcels of the Gymkhana Ground property however the League of California Cities recommends that offerring the property for bid prices is the best practice to follow. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City Staff confer with a minimum of 2 brokers (3 if possible) and obtain an independent appraisal on both proposed plans A and B and place each lot on a sq. ft. basis. It is suggested that the City Staff determine from the selected real estate brokers whether they would prefer to sell the proposed Gymkhana Property parcels with a developed street or undeveloped and if they prefer sewer and water facilities installed prior to offering the property. Gordon Farotte's offer is tabled and held for consideration. The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to inform Mr. Farotte of the Council IS decision. City ~dministrator Carr states that John Kent representing the Annex~ tion Committee of the Chamber of Commerce is present and wishes to report on the survey taken for the proposed San Martin Annexation. Mr. Kent addresses the Council and reports that 400 cards were sent out and 46 were for annexation of San Martin and 64 were against annexation. He reports that the Chamber of Commerce gives 4 alternatives regarding annexa- tion of San Martin: I. Forget the annexation, 2. take a survey indicating who would vote for annexation of the area as uninhabited territory, 3. the City could pay for facilities required, 4. the City staff could estimate the total cost of facil ities required. Mr. Kent states that the City should consider annexation of San Martin at this time. The Mayor thanks John Kent for the report of the proposed annexation of San Martin. Discussion is had. City Administrator Carr requests a copy of the Chamber of Commerce report given by John Kent. Mr. Kent'states that he will have a copy prepared. Councilman Eckard states that he would be in favor of annexing territory south of the City I imits where a large portion of uninhabited territory is available and toward the proposed Gavilan College site where he believes increase in growth is inevitable. A letter and resolution from the Board of Supervisors regarding the Library Establishment Grant is presented and read. City Administrator Carr presents and explains the proposed budget for expenditure of gas tax funds. He states that the expenditure for pur- chase of the Kishimura property, was scheduled to be transferred from the Gas Tax Fund after approval from the State however the State will not accept the appraisal established by the City since the figure must be from a bonafide appraiser. He asks the Council if they wish to proceed in obtaining land appraiser for appraisal of this property. The Council instruct City Adminis- trator Carr to use his discretion in hiring an appraiser for appraisal of the Kishimura property and proceed in obtaining an appraisal in the best interests of the City. City Administrator Carr presents and reads Resolution No. 797. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli that Resolution No. 797 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 797 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES. ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None A letter from Virginia Cox, Police Clerk, to Chief of Pol ice Laizure is presented and read announcing her intention to retire April 1, 1964 but wish- ing to continue as matron for emergency night calls. Mayor Petersen accepts Virginia Cox's letter with regret on behalf of the Council. Chief of Pol ice laizure states that the department needs a matron for night calls and that since this is on a contractual basis it would be an ideal set-up. 2323 A memo from the Chief of Police is presented and read regarding issuing of retirement badges for Police Personnel. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Council approve the proposed policy for issuing retirement badges for anyone qualified for such badge. City Administrator Carr reports that Mr. Acker is present regarding a request from the Gilroy Garbage Disposal Company that garden refuse be placed in standard 32 gallon galvanized garbage containers and limited to 2 cans per week. Mr. Acker addresses the Council and explains the problem further speci- fically that there are numerous boxes of garden refuse especially during the pruning season and that the time element involved for collection is quite costly. Discussion is had. It is decided that this request not be granted at this time because: it is too soon after requiring compulsory garbage service. The Mayor appoints Councilmen Wentworth, Eckard and Goodrich to meet with Mr. Acker to discuss his problem of garden refuse collection and report back to the Council. A letter from the Road Buggy's Car Club is presented and read announcing election of its new officers. The Mayor requests that a letter be written to the Club thanking them for their letter. A letter from Frank Lemos is read requesting that signs in the sidewalk area in front of the Post Office be removed as they are in violation of the sign advertising ordinance. City Administrator Carr states that the City Staff will take care of this matter. A letter from the Division of Highways is presented notifying the City of the public sale of property adjacent to Burchell Road. Discussion is had. No action is taken regarding a City bid on the property. A letter from the Board of Supervisors is presented and read requesting that a City representative be present at a meeting on the San Francisco Bay Shoreline. The Mayor states that if possible he will attend. Water samples taken by the County Health Department are presented and read. All samples are satisfactory. The Mayor states that all Council Members have received copies of reports of the Building Inspector, Police Department, and Poundmaster; the financial report for December 1963; report of receipts of City Officers; progress reports of City Officers; and the City Auditor's report from July 1, 1963 to December 31, 1963. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that all reports be accepted as presented. Discussion is had regarding cleaning the ditch at the Miller Slough at Howson Bros. Councilman Duffin asks for progress on hiring of a new City Administrator. City Administrator Carr reports that the State Personnel Board was co~ tacted today and to date they have eight applications on file and 22 were sent out. Councilman Eckard asks if the City intends to endorse the proposed Gavilan College bond issue. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the City Attorney prepare a resolution endorsing the Gavilan College Bond issue. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 798. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth that Resolution No. 798 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 798 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY AND CONSENTING TO ITS RECORDATION. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: The City Attorney reports that he objects to compulsory installation of sidewalks on his property. Discussion is had. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that he has set January 20th as .....- "''''P''''''';'''''''-''''",,,,,,,,-,,, -,', ,:~__"~~''''''''''''_~"''''-''''',"_~~,'..'"_;o',:'>":",,,-,,^",,,,,,,,,>c_,,-,,='""'i>;;';",j));"'''-j-'~i:t'<ii:<U,~;'~c",,'',;M,.,,,..''''-"'''':,,";i'"",=.Y.i-$i*",-,:.o.,-""..!.~--:;'<":'1~'!X'";:';j~_"=:""""_>w~..:o.",,,[ll>jtt',,r,,,,~.-=~m,~'~;;"\'4:"""";t',';~'r2',-~..!b',:".i;!:;:t';';2"'G':"=::c.'_J':,;.;;;;tOj;:;~"'::'::'~",,,,',",.,',?_Cc :.,.".;;'-,"Tc;,.,",.:.:,~.::;.",.,."",:';;::"":ii-''''''_~~''_'2.'l.:.7.:.".....,.;- 2B24 the public hearing tor hearing property owners who are required to install sidewalks when more than 50% of sidewalks are installed in the block. Discussion is had. Director of Public Works Kludt states that post-cards and notices to be placed on properties have been prepared however he will delay post- ing of said notices if the Council wishes to delay enforcing the ordinance requiring installation of sidewalks. The Council instruct Director of Public Works Kludt to proceed with the original order to enforce the sidewalk ordinance and continue to notify the property owners of the public hearing scheduled for January 20th. Discussion is had regarding removing Christmas Hill Park from the tax roll. City Administrator Carr reports that annexation necessary to remove Christmas Hill Park from the tax rolls is scheduled for January 1965 after payment of the last parcel. Director of Public Works Kludt requests that the Council take note of his report on the total gallons of water pumped in 1963~ 529,157,000 gallons or 1624 acre feet. Discussion is had on the fire alarm system at the cannery. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch reports that 4 employees will be retiring in 1964 and requests Councils' thought for doing something for these employees. The Council state that a gift should be presented to those employees retiring and presentation to be made at a Council Meeting. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that this meeting adjourn at 10:40 P.M. /1 ,/'/ ,r' .-::.., I . ') /' i 'l,; / 11/./11 _. City --.. ) ( ./-~ L :/d:,; ;,:,- " Clerk i /