Minutes 1964/02/17 ~-~-"-~'''-''''''''''''''"='''''W'=^;~~".~-~''''F'''''''-"''''"'''"~=''''_'''''''~~''''~'''''"''''.'"",..-",~-".",.,\.-"",,,,,",j'~:"",",,V~""".''''=,"a",,,'''''''~',,",N''''''~',.;4-,.:,\'.;,'..;,,;;q." 0Q'.31 ~ , ~) , ~ .- .- , Gilroy, California February 17, 1964 .j This regular monthly meeting is called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a petition for annexation of the proposed "Seventh Western Addition to the City of Gilroy. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 803. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Wentworth that Resolution No. 803 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 803 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF GILROY OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRI BED HEREI N AND DES IGNATED "SEVENTH WESTERN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY" AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO. ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: City Administrator Carr presents and reads a petition for annexation of the proposed "Third Southern Addition to the City of Gilroy". Discussion is had. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 804. Mot i on by Counc ilman Duff i n second by Counc i 1 man Wentworth that Resolution No. 804 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 804 2B32 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF GILROY OF UNIN- HABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "THIRD SOUTHERN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY.' AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO. ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Peters en. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: A letter from the Elders Group of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is presen~nd read requesting permission to paint the street numbe~ on curbs in the City of Gilroy. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the Elders Group of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints be granted permission to paint the street numbers on curbs. Councilman Duffin asks what the charge to property owners will be per number. A spokesman representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints addresses the Council and states that the cost will be $1.00 per street number. He states that they will use traffic paint because reflector paint is too costly. He also asks for a permit for the church members to carry when sol iciting business to paint the numbers on the curbs. The City Administrator states that a permit will be issued. A letter from M. Chiesa is presented and read requesting permission to erect a temporary sign to advertise for leases in the Town Plaza Shopping Center on Hecker Pass. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that M. Chiesa be allowed to erect a temporary sign advertising the Town Plaza Shopping Center and said sign to be removed when the leases for the shop- ping center are filled. The Mayor introduces Mr. Fred Wood who is the Councilsl selection for the City Administrator.s position. Mr. Wood addresses the Council and thanks them for selecting him as the new City Administrator. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the Council appoint Mr. Fred Wood as City Administrator at $12,500.00 annual salary beginning March 16, 1964. The Mayor introduces the City Staff to Mr. Wood. The report of the Personnel Commission is presented and read recommending changes in certain job classifications; Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the change in job classifications as recommended be approved. The report of the Plannin~ Commission is presented and read informing the Council of the public hearing on a request for a variance; of the public hearing on a request for a use permit; authorization for a permanent sign at the Town Plaza Shopping Center; informing the Council of the ruling on "Family Home Day Care" of children in a "R-I" Zone; progress report on density 1 imitations; and informing the Council that the Commission approves in principle the request for a mobile park home on property belonging to De Bell and approval of land use only on the preliminary subdivision map for development on Wren Avenue. The City Administrator explains that the sign request for the Town Plaza Shopping Center meets the zoning and building regulations. He also states that Planning Commission had to determine whether the Family Home Day Care was a home o~cupation or a nursery school. Discussion is had regarding possible flodding in the area of the proposed mobile home park and subdivision on Wren Avenue and if flooding is not anticipated the possibil ity of causing flooding in other areas of the City. City Administrator Carr presents and reads the alternatives open to the Council regarding development of properties which will contribute flood waters to Miller Slough. He recommends that the County Flood Control District be approached on a cooperative project for such minor improvements on the present channel as might be necessary until the Miller Slough Diversion is accomplished under Public Law 566. Discussion is had. It is suggested that a Committee of the Council meet with the Flood Control District to take necessary steps to alleviate the flood problem in the City to do whatever possible to widen the present Miller Slough channel. It is the general opinion of the Council that future development should not be prevented, however, the Councils' instructions to~e Planning Commission, on developing the mobile home park and on the subdivision on Wren Avenue be tabled :.), ,~ .{..~3,3R until the Council Committee can meet with the Flood Control District. The Mayor appoints Councilmen Wentworth, Quartiroli, and Goodrich to meet with the Santa Clara County Flood Control District Officials and dis- cuss improvements to Miller Slough on a cooperative project and report back to the Counc i 1 . The Mayor calls on Mr. Dennis De Bell and asks if the Councils' deci s i on meets wit h his approva 1. Mr. De Bell addresses the Council and asks if development will be allowed on the North side of Hecker Pass Highway. It is the Councils' opinion that the City will not hold up develop- ment of property located in the City 1 imits that the flood problem was a City problem. Mr. De Bell is also concerned with development in the Leavesley Road area. The Mayor states that the Council Committee should have an answer from the Flood Control District in two weeks and that action on development in the area of the Miller Slough Channel will be answered at that time. City Administrator Carr states that the proposed "Eighth Western Addition" property itself is not subject to flooding but it creates flood water after development. He asks if the Council is going to allow land to develop and create water elsewhere. The Council state that they will allow land development because it is their intention to clear up the flood problem. A letter from the Committee of land appraisals at the Gymkhana Grounds is presented and read. City Administrator Carr states that the appraisers recommended Plan B of the lot division and that the total price of the property including utilities is $53,125.00 including 5% commission to brokers. Discussion is had regarding the appraisal value of the property and the net cost of the property to be realized after utility costs are deducted. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Quartiroli that the City sell the Gymkhana Ground property in lot divisions subject to condi- tions that the Council will outline pending further study. Further discussion is had prior to voting on the above motion. Mr. Stu Fletcher addresses the Council and states that the City cannot sell the property unless the terms and conditions are set forth. Further discussion is had. A roll call vote is taken on the motion to sell the Gymkhana Ground property in lots subject to conditions to be outl ined at a later date. Council Members Duffin,Quarti rol i, and Wentworth vote "Yesll on the motion; Counci 1 Members Eckard, Goodrich, Jordan, and Petersen vote "No" on the motion. The motion is not carried. Councilman Goodrich states that he is disappointed in the ultimate net return to be derived from the proposed sale of the property. The Mayor states that previously the Council went on record to sell the Gymkhana Ground property as a whole parcel for $30,000.00 if a bona fide industry would make such an offer. City Administrator Carr reports on the best alternative for water supply at Christmas Hill Park after meeting with Councilman Quartiroli and the City Engineer. He states that they have decided on a reservoir as the best alternative estimated at $3,300.00 plus piping and controls. He states that the specifications for the pump have been prepared by the City Engineer and are ready for bid. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the plans and specifications for the pump at Christmas Hill Park be approved and that they be advertised for bid. City Administrator Carr reports that he spoke with Mr. Davis, from Emerald Distributors Inc. regarding the proposed under piping for the sprinkler system. Mr. Davis addresses the Council and states that he can work in cooperation with Buckner Mgf. Co. and can present the plan for design of the underground piping. The City Administrator states that the system can be installed on a manually operated basis and transferred to automation if desired at a later date. Mr. Davis states that Buckner Mfg.Co. should have the design in 3 weeks. The Mayor instructs the City Administrator to make the necessary arrangements with Mr. Davis to design the proposed plan for the sprinkler system at Christmas Hill Park. Director of Public Works Kludt presents two possible sites for a well in the Leavesley Road area. He presents a site belonging to Mr. Allemand 750 feet from Murray Avenue stating that road construction necessary to the site would be estimated at $1,500.00 plus additional pipe for 12" cast iron main estimated at $8,250.00. He also presents a possible site and recommends this site belonging to Mro De Bell, located 200 feet from Leavesley Road, and estimates 2:3;34 the cost of the property to be $3,000.00. Motion by Counci lman Wentworth second by Councilman Eckard and carried that the City make the necessary arrangements to negotiate with Mr. De Bell for purchase of his property on Leavesley Road for a well site. The Mayor states that Rev. Schultheis is present in the audience and asks that his letter be read at this time. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a letter from Rev. Schul- theis reporting on the Migrant Worker Seminar and soliciting support of the Council toward better housing for migrant workers. Rev. Schultheis addresses the Council and states that the letter is serf-explanatory and that there will be no financial burden placed upon the City. Discussion is had. It is the Councils' wish that this matter be referred, to the Board of Supervisors, since any petition endorsing the proposal should originate on the County level. The Council state that they will consider endorsing a policy for better housing for migrant workers if requested to do so by the Board of Super- visors. Mr. Wood requests permission to leave this Council Meeting. The Mayor excuses Mr. Wood. City Administrator Carr reports on a meeting had with the developer of Westwood Acres regarding right-of-way for Uvas Parkway and recommends that this matter be tabled, for the present. Motion by Counci lman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that this matter of right-of-way for Uvas Parkway be tabled. The City Engineer leaves this Council meeting. City Administrator Carr presents a bill from the Golf Club for moving dirt away from the reservoir which benefitted the City in installing a drainage pipe 1 ine, the benefit estimated to be about $300.00. He states that there is $176.00 remaining in the budget after the installation of the line. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Duffin and carried that'$176.00 be paid by the City toward the $300.00 bill for moving dirt from the reservoir and that the balance of the bill be forwarded to the Golf Course. The City Administrator recommends that future work be approved by the Golf Club prior to presentation of a bill. City Administrator Carr reports that $5,189.40 will be refunded to the developer in Westwood Acres for oversizing of sewer and water lines and that these are budgeted items. Discussion is had. City Administrator Carr reports that the City has required a maximum 351 width of driveways and recommends that a definite pol icy be established if this is the width requirement desired by the Council. Discussion is had. The City Council approved the 35' width and instructed the City staff to set the policy in writing. City Administrator Carr presents and recommends that the following advancements in the pay scale be approved effective March 1, 1964: a. Louis Gagnebin, Building Inspector, Range 24.3, IIB" $546. to "C" $573; b. Linda Dal Bon, Account Clerk, Range 13.3, liB" $319. to "C" $335.; c. C. J. Laizure, Chief of Police, Range 29.3 liD" $767. to "E" $805.; d. Marlene Enos, Account Clerk, Range 13.3, ''Al' $304. to "B" $319.; e. Jack L. Baxter, Police Cadet, Range 11.3, "A" $276. to "B" $289. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the advancements in the pay scale be approved as recommended. The Mayor states that all Council Members present have received copies of the report of disbursements from January 10th to February 10, 1964 and the reports of the Police Department and Poundmaster. Councilman Wentworth reports that the Special Council Committee on refuse disposal met with Mr. Acker and states that it was decided to include notices with the March 1st water and garbage bi lIs explaining and defining garbage and garden refuse. He states that the Committee also recommends a 5 cent per meter increase in payment to the Garbage Company for garden refuse pickup. Motion by Counci Iman Wentworth second by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the recommendation of the Committee to increase cost of garden refuse collections be approved. Councilman Wentworth recommends that the Special Committee remain in- tact because the garbage rates will be reviewed again in Apri I as set forth in the present garbage ordinance. Councilman Wentworth requests repair and painting of the sign in Miller Park. Counci Iman Eckard reports that the City parking lot on Monterey Street be cleaned up. The City Administrator refers this matter to the Director of n ') I) """ ...~ D .J ;) Publ ic Works. Councilman Goodrich requests that the no parking in front of the former Gilroy Auto Electric on South Monterey Street be made avai lable for parking since there are now 2 parking spaces available. Discussion is had regarding the increase in burglaries within the City. The Mayor states that Mr. Dale Connell is present representing the Planning Commission. Mr. Connell addresses the Council and recommends that the Mayor ap- point a Council Committee to discuss an increase in lot price for the Gymkhana Property and put it on the market. Councilman Wentworth reports that there are 25 employees at the top of their pay scale and suggests that the Council instruct the Personnel Commission to study this matter. Discussion is had. Further discussion is had regarding selling the gymkhana ground property. The Mayor instruct those members voting against selling the gymkhana property in lot divisions for various reasons to meet and review the lot prices and to determine their values on the lots. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the reports of the City Officers as presented be accepted. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Eckard and carried that this meeting adjourn at 11:10 p.m. ) I't;J?/JJ'lZ/ ) ,v'" " .<,.... / (/' ,. i-Zz,/jJv.. / City Clerk / 1 / V ,