Minutes 1964/03/02 c) rli') ;.", ..k D .J ;) Gilroy, Cal ifornia March 2, 1964 , This regular Council Meeting is called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:00 p.m. Present: Counci 1 Members: Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Wil- ford E. Jordan, Charles F. Quartirol i, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. Absent: Council Member: George T. Duffin. The Mayor asks if all Council Members present have received copies of the minutes of the regular meetings of February 3rd and 17, 1964. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares the mi~utes of the regular meetings of February 3rd and 17, 1964 approved. City Administrator Carr states that students from Rwcker School are present in the audience. The Mayor welcomes the students present. A letter from the I.F.D.E.S. is read requesting permission to hold a fiesta and parade on Sunday, May 3, 1964. Chief of Police Laizure reports that he has no objection to the request. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the request from the I.F.D.E.S. to hold a fiesta and parade on May 3, 1964 be granted. The report of the Planning Commission is presented and read informing the Council of the public hearing before the Commission on a request for a variance to encroach upon the rear yard; of the public hearing before the Com- mission on a request for a variance to construct four-plexes on 7 lots in Park Meadows; Unit No.2; and recommendations on density limitations. Discussion is had on density 1 imitations. Councilman Goodrich representing the Council at the Planning Commis- sion meeting reports on the Commissions' thinking on density limitations. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 805. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Wentworth that Reso- lution No. 805 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 805 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE FROM WALK CORPORATION TO SAID CITY OF GILROY LOCATED ALONG WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF CHURCH STREET, DATED NOVEMBER 15, 1963. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Peters en. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin ;"j q 'J 6' ~.Jc) The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 806. Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Resol~ tion No. 806 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 806 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE FROM EDGAR SUTHERLAND TO SAID CITY OF GILROY, SAID PREMISES TO FORM A PART OF SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF CHURCH STREET. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin The Mayor commends City Administrator Carr and City Staff for comple- tion of this transaction. City Administrator Carr presents, reads, and explains a letter from the Division of Highways approving expenditure of Gas Tax Funds for right-of- way for the southerly extension of Church Street. Copies of the 1964-69 Capital Outlay Improvement Program are presented to each Council Member. City Administrator Carr reports that the letter submitted in the front of the Capital Outlay report fully explains the program. The C'i ty Attorney presents and reads a 1 etter from Akol & Hansen and Associates to serve as a basis for a proposed contract agreement for development of an area master plan for Civic Buildings. Discussion is had. Mr. John Hughan addresses the Council and states that under the pro- posed agreement services for a master plan by his firm would be on an hourly basis and that the Council would have an option to cancel the agreement at any time. The Council agree that a study should be made as to the feasibility of a library building at the present City Hall site prior to purchasing addit- ional land for a new library site. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a contract for a master plan on the basis of Mr. Hughan1s presentation and instructions to proceed with the plan after approval of the contract. Mr. Hughan presents and distributes to each Council Member copies of the preliminary floor plan of the proposed pol ice facil ities and explains that the plans are not in the final preliminary stages. Presentation of the plans are tabled until completion of the agenda. City Administrator Carr reports that Mr. Dennis De Bell agrees to selling his property on Murray Avenue for a well site for $3,000.00 providing he can continue with his proposed development on the remaining portion of property. City Administrator Carr asks the Council if development takes place on this property is the Council in favor of the site, is the price satisfactory and is the proposed well site agreeable for a contract for purchase. Motion by Counci lman Goodrich second by Counci lman Eckard and carried that the City proceed and enter into agreement.with Dennis De Bell for purchase of a portion of his property located on Murray Avenue for the proposed well site. City Administrator Carr presents, reads, and explains Resolution No. 807. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Eckard second by Councilman Wentworth that Reso- lution No. 807 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 807 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE EXECUTION OF A LOCAL AGENCY STATE AGREEMENT NO. UE 64-3 FOR THE IMPROVE- MENT OF LEAVESLEY ROAD BETWEEN MONTEREY ROAD AND EAST CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF GILROY. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clar9, State of California on March 2, 1964 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin .""'I\~. " .~ 'J.. ' , I '. , I kOej ~ A letter from Director of Publ ic Works Kludt is presented and read rec- ommending acceptance of improvements and faci lities in Westwood Acres, Unit No. 1. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 808. Motion by Counci lman Wentworth second by Councilman Jordan that Resolu- tion No. 808.be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 808 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS MADE, EXCLUSIVE OF PLANTING OF TREES, MADE BY THE DEVELOPERS OF WESTWOOD ACRES, UNIT NO.1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin NO ES: ABSENT: A letter from Director of Public Works Kludt is presented and read recommending acceptance of improvements and facilities in Las Animas Estates, Units No.2 and 3. The City Attorney presents Resolution No. 809. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli that the reading of Resolution No. 809 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 809 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS, MADE, EX- CLUSIVE OF PLANTING OF TREES, MADE BY THE DEVELOPERS OF LAS ANIMAS ESTATES, UNIT NO.2, TRACT NO. 3412. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin NOES: ABSENT: The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 810. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth that Reso- lution No. 810 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 810 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS MADE, EXCLU- SIVE OF PLANTING OF TREES, MADE BY THE DEVELOPERS OF LAS ANIMAS ESTATES, UNIT NO.3, TRACT NO. 3583. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin City Administrator Carr presents, distributes and explains copies of a review of budgeted items and their progress in the current budget. Councilman Quartiroli presents and explains cost estimates for a 50,000 and 30,000 gallon reservoir at Christmas Hill park. The Council agree to installation of a 50,000 gallon reservoir. City Administrator Carr asks the City Engineer to obtain the elevations so that the plans and specifications for the reservoir at Christmas Hill Park can be prepared. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Eckard and carried that the plans and specifications for a 50,000 gallon reservoir be prepared and that Councilman Quartiroli, City Engineer Hanna Jr., and Assistant City Administrator Reinsch work together to accomplish this task. Water samples taken by the County Health Department are presented. All samples are satisfactory. The Mayor states that all Council Members present have received copies of the City Auditor's financial report for February 1964; reports of receipts of City Officers; progress reports of City Officers; report of the Building Inspector, Fire Department, Police Department, and Poundmaster; and the City Auditor1s report from July 1, 1963 to February 29, 1964. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Eckard and carried that all reports as submitted be accepted. "')... .,,;., 8 ~' ~) --l ~.. .....du"'>. Councilman Wentworth reports on the Special Committee meeting on the Miller Slough Channel. He states that the Committee recommends deepening and widening the ditch from the Sixth Street Brfdge down towards the bottleneck in the channel which should also be corrected. The City Engineer explains the proposed plan and illustrates it on the blackboard. Councilman Wentworth states that Supervisor Sanchez has requested the City's plan on the matter. He.also states that the property owner has agreed to selling a portion of his land for $500.00 for right-of-way necessary to correct the bottleneck in the channel. Councilman Eckard suggests that the City contact the Flood Control District and offer that the City will purchase the right-of-way necessary to correct the bottleneck in the channel if the Flood Control District will maintain and clean the channel. Councilman Wentworth suggests that the Special Committee for the Miller Slough project remain intact to follow-up on this matter with the Flood Control District. Councilman Wentworth states that there was no flood problem under the bridge at Gentry because the farmers have been maintaining the channel at this location. Councilman Wentworth states that he will continue working on this matter. The Mayor states that at this time the Council will review the pre- I iminary plans for the police facilities. Mr. John Hughan comes forward and explains the detailed preliminary plans. Discussion is had. City Administrator commends the architect for the use of the present facilities of the east wing of Wheeler Auditorium embodied in the over-all plan. Mr. Hughan reports that his firm was able to proceed on the preliminary plans at a faster rate than expected due to the well planned program given to them by Chief of Police Laizure. He states that the next step is the prelim- inary estimate which he expects to be completed in one month or possibly sooner. Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Eckard and carried that the architects be instructed to proceed with the preliminary plans for the police facilities and that the Council are very satisfied with the plans presented to date. Discussion is had regarding allowing land development within the City in areas contributing flood waters to Miller Slough. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the City Council go on record that it will allow normal development in areas within the City and in areas that may be annexed and that the Council recognizes the fact that it must alleviate the flood problem in Miller Slough through minor improvements to the present channel and proper maintenance to allow for additional water in the slough. The Mayor states that the Planning Commission will be advised of the Councils' action. Councilman Wentworth asks when the parking limit signs for Walnut Lane will be installed. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the parking limit signs were ordered especially for Walnut Lane and this took approximately 2 months and that when they arrived they would not fit the regular brackets however, the City crew will install them soon. Councilman Eckard reports that the Special Committee for the Gvmkhana Ground property met with the appraisers and recommends that 50% increase be added to the original price established by the appraisers and that the follow- ing stipulations be agreed upon before purchase: 1 year after purchase of land the buyer must fullfill his obligation previously stated at the time of purchase, that the property would be used for light industry not speculation, if he does not fullfill his obligation the property would revert back to the City and that the buyer would pay cash for the property. Discussion is had. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to prepare conditions of sale as outlined for the Gymkhana Property to be presented at the next Council Meeting. Councilman Quartiroli reports that there is no street lighting on Church Street at Howson Street. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Eckard and car- ried that P.G. & E. be authorized to install an electrolier on Church Street at Howson Street and on Welburn Avenue at Church Street if one has not already been installed. Discussion is had regarding installation of improvements at the Gym- khana property. .~"."",;:'",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_<c_~,,,,,,",,,,,~'~'",',,,",,,,.,,,,.,.,,_v.;,,..~,,";4';",,,c,,~,>-,,,,,'~"l.~.~,,,,",,.,,.~".,#=o_.u.;.;" - . .... -- ... -- --. --- ':.) ,) 0 _ ,_~ d "J The Mayor states that John Kent would like a legal decision from the City on its action taken to not purchase land in Westwood Acres for the Uvas Parkway right-of-way. Discussion is had. The Council agree that the City is not in a position to furnish legal opinions to others. The Mayor states that Dr. Barton and Dr. Perry have requested parking permits on Fifth Street for emergency vehicles. Discussion is had. Chief of Police Laizure reports that the present ordinance allows issuance of parking permits on Alexander and Eigleberry Streets and parking permits for service vehicles in loading zones in alleys. Further discussion is had. The Mayor recommends that this matter be left in the hands of the Police Department. Discussion is had regarding parking limit exceptions for doctors and crippled people. It is decided to proceed with enforcement of the present parking ordinance. Moti on by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that this meeting adjourn at 10:57 p.m. () 7/. J (;. J v' / " {/ l./ -/ ....... V vt- City Clerk ~) .r .-/ &- l/d<.. 'tv)