Minutes 1964/03/23 '104. ~r ...:"'" !~) .li_-..J;... Gilroy, California March 23, 1964 The regular adjourned Council Meeting was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. Absent: Council Members: Wilford E. Jordan. The Mayor asked if all Council Members present had received copies of the regular meetings of March 2nd and 16, 1964. All Council Members present answered in the affirmative. The Mayor asked if there were any errors or omis- sions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omissions were noted. The Mayor declared the minutes of the regular meetings of March 2nd and 16, 1964 approved. The report of the Planning Commission was presented informing the Council of: (1) The County Report on the 701 Planning Program; (2) Preliminary approval of the Official Plan Lines for Uvas Parkway and requested a joint Council-Commission study session on this matter; (3) Planning Commissions' interpretation that trailer parks in "M-2", light industrial zones do not re- quire use permits. City Administrator Wood, in the absence of Director of Public Works Kludt, explained briefly the 701 Planning Program. Discussion was had on the matter. City Administrator Wood reported that the Planning Commission ap- proved in principle the Official Plan Lines for the proposed Uvas Parkway. However the Commission 'requested a joint-study session with the Council prior to setting a public hearing date on the matter. The Council set March 30, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. for the joint-study session requested by the Planning Commission. City Engineer Hanna explained and outl ined the proposed Official Plan Lines for the Uvas Parkway on a map presented for Council viewing. Discussion was had on the proposed plan 1 ines regarding the number of access roads to the Parkway. The City Engineer reported that the City should approve the Official Plan Lines in order to protect the right-of-way; so that the City would be in a position to offer an approved plan to the Division of Highways and other <'-.......".,-"'.""_.~='-"..""'i'W,.."""".."".""'.,.'""';,""?:5!~~"f:'i.~,,~~~':"'L~~":6.~O;,~,'~:.':~.'-:.:';c'''''+,-,.-''..~,-'"'."'''-~{,~.''''''''~M_'''':...:."'W;;''''+.;;.'r''-" ~::'~=.~=jj'c'-''",'''',:l==;=::c;f!'-'<".~'~.~:;:.''''#V._TI:~~~~.~''',~.~\''''"""~'.,;';.4,;<-ii:'i!i~~;;.;;~!;;l:~'1-i~,-;.~-::''F:;''-.'i'J,tSS'''','S~;'''.-", :;';;~5"~'i:;"';;;.U:X,,~Ji:;;;':,-:;iiJ,;7.:YdfJlil,T,.,',F;"c,,.. =1 '3'. ,I () 4-.. f -C';"I State and County agencies; and indicated that the proposed Uvas Parkway could .~ initially provide only 2 lanes of traffic and the additional 2 lanes when in- '~ creased growth requires a 4 traffic lane facility. City Administrator Wood explained the inquiry from Mr. Dennis DeBell regarding mobile trailer parks. He stated that the Planning Commission inter- preted the Zoning Ordinance as not requiring a conditional Use Permit for trailer parks within a IM-2" Light Industrial Zone. City Administrator Wood recommended that the City require Use Permits for trailer parks in order to control location of trailer parks in Industrial Zones. Discussion was had regarding requiring use permits for mobile trailer parks and on interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance regulating said parks. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried that the matter of requiring use permits for trailer parks in Indus- trial Zones be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and re- quested clarification of the first sentence of Section 42.1 of the Zoning Ordin- ance. City Administrator Wood stated that all Council Members had received copies of a proposed sample agreement setting forth conditions for sale of lots at the Gymkhana Grounds. The City Attorney presented and read corrections to the original agreement. Discussion was had requesting additional revisions to the agreement as presented. ~ Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried approving the sample sales agreement as revised setting forth condi- tions for sale of lots at the Gymkhana Grounds with amendments as discussed to include a provision for payment of a 5% sales commission to any realtor consuma- ting a sale of all or a portion of the property and authorizing putting the property on the market for sale at prices previously agreed upon. Discussion was had regarding including in the agreement the City's intention to furnish certain specific improvements. The Council instructed the City Attorney to include in the agreement itemized City improvements to be provided by the City on the Gymkhana Ground property. Discussion was had in reference to fi ling a map of the Gymkhana Ground property. The City Administrator was instructed to obtain a map for the Gymkhana Ground property for filing under record of surveyor subdivision map. City Administrator Wood reported that the Director of Public Works pre- pared and requested approval of plans and specifications for Well No.5. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the plans and specifications for Well No.5 be approved and authorized the call for bids. City Administrator Wood recommended various step increases in the pay plan for the following employees: Susan Mayer, Account Clerk,Range 13.3, Step "C" $335. to Step liD" $351.; Charles Bittle Jr., Fireman-Engineer, Range 18.3, Step "C" $427. to Step "D" $449.; Merle Johnson, Fireman Engineer, Range 18.3, Step "C" $427. to Step "D" $449.; and Roderick Herlitz, Patrolman, Range 20.3, Step "A" $427. to Step "B" $449. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the various step increases as recommended and explained in the memo mailed by the City Administrator be approved. City Administrator Wood requested authorization to appoint Karol Castle to Police Clerk-Matron in Range 17.3 at Step "C" on June 1, 1964 as explained in the memo mailed to each Council Member. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City Administrator's request to appoint Karol Castle above the beginning step as Pol ice Clerk-Matron be authorized. City Administrator Wood requested a budget amendment of $3,000.00 of General Fund monies to the Filter Bed Project, Acct. 40B5 as explained in the memo mailed to each Council Member. Past City Administrator Carr further explained the request for budget amendment. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that additional General Fund monies in the amount of $3,000.00 be allowed in the budget for the Filter Bed Project, Account 40B5. Discussion was had regarding treatment and reusage of industrial sewage. City Administrator Wood reported on 27 satisfactory water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department from January 6th to March 11th. City Administrator Wood reviewed minutes of the Santa Clara County Trafficways Committee for the meeting of March 11, 1964. Copies of said minutes were mailed to each Council Member. ~'1 ,1 '3 '+ f. Mayor Petersen reported that there would be a meeting with a State Official of th~ Division of Housing on Wednesday, March 25th at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to explain the FHA program Housing Act in regards to Migrant Uorkers. He requested that all Council Members attend this meeting if possible. Councilman Wentworth reported that Mrs. Hanna Costello recently com- plained of trucks parking on Swanston Lane at the east side of the Gymkhana Ground Property where rlNo Parking,r signs are posted, real izing that a temporary 10 day permit was issued for parking due to curb and gutter installation on the other side of the street, however the truck is still parking at the same location and when leaving the premises in rainy weather created a slippery and muddy condi- tion on the highway believed to be prohibited by State law. Councilman Wentworth stated that Mrs. Costello wishes parking on the Gymkhana Ground property to be el iminated; that the Body Works Shop on Swanston Lane is creating a junk yard and that the condition of a hut in back of the build- ing formerly occupied by Radio Station KPER is creating a fire hazard. Chief of Police Laizure reported that the State law referred to by Councilman Wentworth does not define mud as injurious material. He also stated that the truck parking on Swanston Lane was legally parked when checked by the Police Department and unless blocking of a driveway complaint is received by the property owner who has control of such driveway no citation is issued because there is a possibi lity of citing a vehicle belonging to the property owner whose driveway is blocked. He stated that the temporary parking permit was issued to allow the cement to dry on the opposite side of the street and that his officers have been notified of the expiration of said permit. The City Administrator was instructed to investigate parking of trucks on Swanston Lane; prohibiting future parking on the Gymkhana Ground property; investigate the possible junk yard created by the Body Works Shop on Swanston Lane; and investigate the condition of a hut in back of the bui lding formerly occupied by Radio Station KPER creating a possible fire hazard. At 10:06 P.M. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich and seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn the meeting. 5 , -, ,.., /71tc V City Clerk ') ./ / .fj /tu) j