Minutes 1964/05/18 23Q4 Gilroy, California May 18, 1964 The regular Council Meeting was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:05 p.m. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Charles F. Quartirol i, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. The Mayor asked if all Council Members had received copies of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 4, 1964. All Council Members answered in the affirmative. The Mayor asked if there were any errors or omissions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omissions were noted. The Mayor declared the minutes of the regular meeting of May 4, 1964 approved. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for opening of bids for Statutory, Honesty and Faithful Performance Bonds for officials and employees of the City. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch opened the bids and they read as follows for a 3 year pol icy period: 1. Eustice Insurance Company - $1,011.00; 2. Voorhies & Parrish $978.00; 3. August Piedmont - referred to Staff to determine totals since the figures were not indicated on the bid. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for opening the bids for the construction of a 50,000 gallon reservoir at Christmas Hill Park. Director of Public Works Kudt opened the bids and they read as fol- lows: 1. Sunset Associates from Redwood City - $7,500.00; 2. Renz Construction Company - $9,719.00; 3. Radtke & Son - $5,869.00. The low bid of Radtke & Son was referred to the City Attorney for checking. The City Attorney stated that the bid of Radtke & Son was in order. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried to award the bid of Radtke & Son in the amount of $5,869.00 for con- struction of a 50,000 gallon reservoir at Christmas Hill Park. City Administrator Wood presented and read a request from the South Santa Clara County Ministerial Association for aid to transients. He stated' that Rev. Tufft was present in the audience to answer any questions the Council might have concerning this proposal. Discussion was had. The Council agreed that it was the City's responsibility to give aid to needy transients. City Administrator Wood stated that he was opposed to the City offer- ing an outright donation of funds for the program other than offering Staff ser- vice in aiding the program. That this would be a substantial contribution in time and manpower. Further discussion was had. The Council instructed the Mayor, City Administrator to meet with the Ministerial Association to include Mr. Bibbens, Chairman of the American Red Cross to study the proposal in reference to costs and source of funds for the program. Motion was made by Councilman Quartirol i seconded by Councilman Jor- dan and carried to recognize the aid to transient problem as presented and aufhorize the Police Department to act as referral agency in givIng aid to tran- sients. The determination in regard to any additional contribution was deferred pending a report on the Mayo~meeting with the interested parties. Mr. Jim Pray, Chairman of the Down-town Psrking District presented petitions from what he reported to be over 51% of the property owners in the area who are in favor of the proposed District. He explained that legal procedures now require the City to prepare necessary resolutions and set public hearing dates in order to proceed with the Parking District. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Good- rich~nd carried that the Staff determine if a sufficient majority is represented by the petitions and if such a majority determination is present, to proceed with the preparation of the legal documents required to establish the proposed Off-Street Parking District program. City Administrator Wood explained the legal procedure regarding forma- ~) ~r, .-.- ...,. ,." ""\ ,.1 u tion of the Parking District. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch stated that the bid of August Piedmont for Slatutory, Honesty and Faithful Performance Bonds has been calcula- ted to be in the amount of $1,051.14. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to award the bid to Voorhies and parrish in the amount of $978.00 for Statutory, Honesty and Faithful Performance Bonds for officials and employees of the City of Gilroy. The Mayor stated that a representative of the Progressive Housing Cooperative Committee is present in the audience regarding the 'IWorkable Program." Mr. Louis Barozzi, Representing the Committee came forward and stated that the Committee decided to drop the option on the land for the Housing Project and to further study the program in order to provide more information for the Council and community. Discussion was had. Father Burke stated that the Committee would like Council approval of the Workable Program so that any further study of the project would not be in vain. Further discussion was had. The Council indicated that further study on the Program would be necessary before they would take any action on the matter. Mr. Bruce Jacobs, Representing the Committee stated that the Program is certainly a worthwhile project however the Committee feels that additional information regarding the Program is necessary and that Council action sho~ld be deferred at this time. Mrs. Richard Putman addressed the Council and stated that the commu- nity had been misinformed on the type of housing to be constructed and that the group wants the Council support of the Program. Mr. Gordon Hunter of Kern Avenue addressed the Council, presented and read a classified ad from the Mercury Newspaper in which request had been made for anyone desiring low cost housing to contact the party at a Gilroy phone number. Mr. Hunter stated that he felt that underhanded methods were being used for promotion of this program. The Corresponding Secretary of the Group came forward and stated that the telephone number listed in the classified ad sited by Mr. Hunter was her tele- phone number and that this publication was not intended to be underhanded and that it was the intent to inform people desiring low cost housing of the Committees' interest in the proposed project and welcoming interested persons to join this group. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to defer action on the proposed "Workable Program" at the present time. Councilman Jordan asked if the Housing Committee was satisfied with the Council deferring action on the Workable Program at this time. Father Burke stated that he agreed with Mr. Bruce Jacobs that Cou~cil action was not necessary at this time. The Council instructed City Administrator Wood to contact a representa- tive of H.H.F.A. for a work meeting of the Council to obtain further information regarding the "Workable Programfl. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt presented and explained the report of the Planning Commission meeting of May 7, 1964 re: Review of 2 variance requests of Donald L. Stone Organization and granting said variance; Public Hearing on the Official Plan Lines for Uvas Parkway informing Council of continuing the Publ ic Hearing to June 4, 1964; Study on 2 proposed zoning amendments and setting of Publ ic Hearing for June 4, 1964 on proposed amendment requiring a conditional permit in an flM_2rr zone for mobile home parks and informing Council that further study was necessary on proposed amendment establ ishing R-3X zone prior to adop- tion of resolution; Presentation of application from Dennis De Bell to construct a Mobile Home Trailer Park on Murray Avenue which required further study; and Requesting Council to instruct Staff to prepare Official Plan Line Map for Wel- burn Avenue from Wren to Morey Avenues and to prepare a tentative collector street system in the area bounded by Tenth, Thomas Lane, Rosanna and Princevalle Streets. Discussion was had. City Administrator Wood stated that he would prefer that Uvas Parkway Plan Lines be approved prior to adopting the Official Plan Lines for Welburn Ave. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt reported that this was the intent however preliminary design for Welburn Avenue is what the Commission is seeking. Mr. Francis Crawford, Attorney-at-Law, Representing a group of property owners owning property in the proposed Uvas Parkway Planning area, came forward and addressed the Council stating that his cl ients objected to setting of Official Plan Lines in the Miller Avenue to Thomas Road area and also to the collector street system because the land is located outside the Corporate City limits and will decrease the property value. ,:"), , - (10 ~ij~)b The City Attorney stated that it was legal for the City to set Official Plan lines in territories located adjacent to the Corporate City Limits and beneficial for better planning. Further discussion was had on the matter. The Council instructed the Staff to proceed with design of Official Plan Lines for Welburn Avenue from Wren to Morey Avenues and prepare a tentative col- lector street system as recommended by the Commission. City Administrator Wood noted that copies of the 1964-65 Preliminary Budget had been included with the Council agenda and requested dates for work sessions and review of the Budget. The Council set Monday, May 25th at 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 27th at 8:00 p.m. for Budget work sessions. City Administrator Wood noted the summary of reports of City Officers submitted to each Council Member. Discussion was had regarding the reports. Copies of the report of disbursements from April 10, 1964 to May 10, 1964 were noted and discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Quartir~ 1 i and carried to approve the reports as submitted. City Administrator Wood recommended a step increase in the pay plan for June Cadi Ie, Clerk-Typist, Range 13.3 Step IID" $351.00 to Step "EII $369.00. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Quartirol i and carried that the step increase as recommended by the City Administrator be approved. Satisfactory Water Samples taken by the County of Santa Clara Health Department from April 14th to May 11th 1964 were presented and ordered filed. Director of Public Works Kludt presented an agreement for Maintenance of State Highways within the City. He explained that this agreement was approved on April 6, 1964 however the State has since informed the City that they wish to delete the section in the agreement that refers to parking and that approval of a new agreement is necessary at this time. Resolution No. 825 was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Wentworth to adopt Resolution No. 825. RESOLUTION NO. 825 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF GILROY. ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Councilman Wentworth suggested that Mi Iler Slough near Peralta's Busy Bee should be pumped out to correct the muddy situation and repair the opening in the bridge at the same location to correct the hazardous condition and pre- vent possibility of future accidents like the occurrence over the week-end of the child falling through the bridge into the Slough. Director of Public Works Kludt stated that the State Division of Highways has been contacted on the matter of repairing the opening in the bridge and it would be corrected. The Council referred the matter of the muddy situation in the Slough to the City Administrator for further action. Councilman Goodrich asked if the water valve near Hecker Pass Road had been found by use of the recently purchase detector. Director of Public Works Kludt reported that the water valve had been found and this fact was reported on a previous monthly report of his Department. Councilman Quartiroli suggested that the City continue to require instal- lation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters whether 50% of the block has these facili- ties or not. The City Attorney stated that the City is bound by law on this matter. Councilman Quartirol i suggested that ordinances of other communities be investigated to determine if they require 50% of the block to be installed with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks before they can require others in the block to provide these facilities. City Administrator Wood reports that he will investigate policies and ordinances of other communities regarding this matter. Councilman Eckard asked if an individual recently soliciting business to sweep the sidewalks had a municipal license. City Administrator Wood reported that the individual would be classified ') ,)-- :.... ~-~) ~-) j under Janitorial Service in the license ordinance and this type of service requires no license if an individual is in business for himself and has no one working for him. Director of Public Works Kludt noted progress of Well No.5. Mr. Arch Finney, Representing the First National Bank, addressed the Council stating that he had a communication for this Council but it was del ivered too late for this agenda. City Administrator Wood presented and read the letter from the First National Bank inviting the City to use its' local banking facil ities. The Counci 1 indicated that this matter was administrative and if there was no problem they would have no objections to the City using the First National Bank's local facilities. City Administrator Wood noted the Public Hearing before the State Highway Commission regarding the median widening Project of North Monterey Highway 101 to be held in Sacramento May 20th. He stated that if any of the Council wished to attend he and other officials would be leaving Gilroy at 6:00 a.m. May 20th. Councilman Goodrich reported on a recent meeting he and City Admini~ trator Wood attended regarding the Bond Issue re: "Measure C". He explained that this measure provided $615,000. for an air-port facil ity in the South County. The Council indicated that they would endorse this issue. City Administrator Wood stated that he had the name of an individual who would be willing to speak on Measure IIC" of the Bond Issue if any of the Council knew of a service organization seeking additional information on the matter. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Gilroy City Council is in favor of Measure "C" of the proposed Bond Issue and instructed the Staff to prepare a resolution endorsing said Measure. Motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth to adopt Resolution No. 826. RESOLUTION NO. 826 RESOLUTION BY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ENDORSING AND URGING THE ELECTORATE TO SUPPORT MEASURE "C" OF COUNTY BOND ELECTION ON JUNE 2, 1964. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 18th day of May, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None City Administrator Wood reported that he recently received an inquiry from a prospective lessee of City owned property who wished to keep the inquiry confidential and asked the City Attorney if the Council could hold a closed session on the matter. The City Attorney stated that the subject matter would not qual ify for a closed hearing. Councilman Wentworth suggested that the Mayor appoint a Council Com- mittee to study the proposal and make recommendation to the Council at a later date. The Mayor appointed Councilman Wentworth, Eckard and Goodrich as a Committee to study the proposal from the prospective lessee and report back to the Council on the matter. At 10:00 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. ? ,J ") ;ODM#~ 6. jC7~ CIty Clerk .