Minutes 1964/07/06 ":"'='~""",~~~~"f'~""""'~"~"'-"""''''''_.,)'''''">>;'",,,''"'~';;;;;;~~''''''_':a'~'''''''''"""'",_"=""'--""""'*,""""~"",-,<:,.:",:."",:1\;=':_='8~.=;",.g:;;;.,,,,,,,~,.M\i(<~,'-=''::lI,'WJ'<-'W;I~;'~_i~~~!;!;.a.f"",~:dfi::;'',,",\W.'Un",,-~';.r.~~'''=i.7;t-;:;!..''0i.';:::::;;;;,;',\,;I:(ot:.'."2"'.!::::-;';=7l,,====:>=i:-':::",=,oZ.L-;,!(',';-r.; :"\C\t)/'"." ./. .i iO- 0 -- Gilroy, Cal ifo~ia July 6, 1964 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:04 p.m. The Mayor asked if all Council Members had received copies of the regular meeting of June 15, 1964. All Council .Members answered in the affirmative. The Mayor asked if there were any errors or omissions in the minutes as mailed. No errors or omissjons were noted. The Mayor declared the minutes of the meeting of June 15, 1964 approved. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for the Public Hearing on proposed Parking District No.1 and declared said Hearing open. City Administrator Wood presented a brief summary of the history of said Parking District entailing approximately 7t years. Mr. Ed Robinson of the firm Hahn, Wise, and Barber addressed the Council and explained the necessity for the Parking District and discussed the parking study made 4 years ago. He stated that the report recommended the formation of the District at that time and the situation is even more/RSw;ssary Mr. Ernest Wilson bond ~ttorney from the firm of Wilson, Harzfeld, Jones and Morton addressed the Council and explained the legal procedures for estab- 1 ishment of the proposed Parking District. City Administrator Wood asked if any additional petitions had been received regardng the District. The City Clerk stated that 1 petition had been filed prior to 8:00 p.m. from Mr. Paul Scheck in letter form and opposing the District. The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of the District. Mr. James B. Pray, Chairman of the Parking District and owner of a business at 94-4th Street, addressed the Council and indicated his desire to hear any op- ,,) '=1 ~ .{... u ), position to the District and that he would answer questions he could, pertaining to the District. Dr. Leon Melkonian, 721-5th Street addressed the Council stating that he owned property within proposed Parking District and was not present to speak against the District, however objected to the proposed plan in general. He stated that the plan was drafted by those who did not understand the community. He stated that the location of 3 proposed parking lots were not necessary. He agreed with the location of the 2 remaining lots between 4th & 5th Streets on Eigleberry Street and between 5th & 6th Streets on Eigleberry Street, however stated that the lots were too small and should include additional adjacent property. Dr. Melkonian also stated that the rear entrance of buildings on Monterey Street were unsightly and that the proposed Parking District should be connected with an urban renewal plan. He closed by stating that he was not opposed to a Parking District however, he hoped his suggestions would be used. Mr. William F. Hall, owner of a business at 6th & Monterey Streets addressed the Council saying the proposed Parking District is needed and that tpe, public wants more parking. He stated that other communities are forming Parking Districts and that Gilroy should do the same. Mr. James Pray answered questions regar~ ng said District. Mr. Jerome Chappell addressed the Council and suggested that the Parking District include property on Monterey and Eigleberry Streets from 1st to 10th Streets. Mr. Pray stated that it was the Committees I intention to form said District on a small scale and add to it if necessary because if a larger area was included there may have been too much opposition and the plan defeated or delayed even further. Mr. Jerome Chappell asked if the City Council could add additional pro- perty to the District if necessary after it had been formed. Mr. Ernest Wilson stated that the Council would have the power to add additional property/to the District once it was formed without additional peti- tions. Discussion was had regarding expansion of the Parking District after its original formation and cost and length of bonds. Mr. Maitland Chappell asked if additional land was added to District who would pay the cost of the expansion1 Mr. E. Wilson stated that the entire District would pay the cost of additional property to the District and the added areas would pay an equitable share of the costs incurred in the original Parking District. He further explained the procedure. Mr. Harold Steinmetz asked if the Parking District was formed who would have control of it? Mr. Wilson stated that normally the City Council would control the Dis- trict and conduct it with advice from the Parking Committee. Mr. Pasquale La Macchia of 210 N. Dowdy St. addressed the Council and stated that he was in favor of extending the proposed District from 1st to 10th Streets because all the merchants and property owners in that area would benefit from said District and all should pay for it. Mr. James Zizzo, owner of Wentz Pharmacy addressed the Council and stated that everyone should share the cost of the proposed Parking District and that he bel ieves that the merchants will be paying the costs too because property owners will include an increase in their leases due to the tax increase. Mrs. Catherine Ryan, property owner at 192-6th Street, addressed the Council and stated that there are property owners included in the proposed Dis- trict who own residential property and live on their property and do not rent it. Mr. James Zizzo stated that he sympathized with these people however in cases of rental property' the rents wi 11 increase. Mrs. Rose Naughton at 575-5th Street asked who would ultimately own the proposed parking lots and who would pay the maintenance cost? Mr. Wilson stated that the City would hold title to the parking lot pro- perties and that the City Council would have the right to maintain the lots from the General Fund or impose a tax upon the property owners within the District and that maintenance cost should be nominal. He further explained that the City would act as trustee for the ~istrict for any proceeds from the properties. Mr. Jerome Chappell asked what the cost of the District would be. City Administrator Wood explained various estimated assessments for a typical assessment based upon a typical 50 ft. lot at various locations through- out the District at a maximum rate of $2.40 per $100. assessed valuation. Mr. Henry Kong of 498 N. Princevalle Street asked Mr. Wilson how many Parking Districts he had given legal advice to in neighboring communities and bel ieved that parking meters were installed at Sunnyvale and Mt. View. Mr. Wilson stated that his firm represented Parking Districts in 35-40 "'" ;)"~ t"\ "/ ;) J) t'5 *- ~ \ .......' cities in the State and that both Mt. View and Sunnyvale had originally installed parking meters however have removed them and are providing free parking to date. City Administrator Wood explained the parking meter situation in Sunny- vale and the subsequent removal of these. Mr. Thomas F. Casey Jr., 1611 Borel Place, San Mateo, addressed the Coun- cil and stated that he was an attorney representing 25% of the p~operty in Park- ing District. He stated that Mrs. Evelyn Casey, property owner in said District opposes the proposal. He stated that the proposed freeway will alleviate most of Gilroy's parking problem. He stated that formation of a Parking District entails many problems that might not be evident at this particular point. Mr. Ed Robinson answered and clarified several points raised re: a. loc~ tions of proposed parking lots which were recommended after study of t~e retail area and thought to be convenient, necessary and essential for shoppers and for long range planning; ~. He noted that the difficulty experienced re: parking district in the City/Burlingame as cited by Mr. Casey was primarily a local pol i- tical problem; c. He noted that the freeway is a concern of everyone in Gilroy however the land use between the railroad and Monterey Street will not change and any relocation of through traffic in consequence of the freeway temporarily MontereV Street r~tocat$on wtll reduce tr~ffic on M6ntetey Street.and will al~ays be heavily traveled. Mr. Casey stated that if a Parking District would be beneficial that they would have provided parking ~ong time ago. He further stated that he is opposed to formation of the Parking District and explained how property belonging to his family would be affected. Mr. George Porcella at 392 Old Gilroy Street addressed the Council and noted the unsightly vacant lot on South Monterey Street belonging to the City which is not considered as a proposal for a parking lot in the District. He also sited the unsightly condition of the unpaved alley between 6th and 7th Sts. and between Monterey and Eigleberry Streets. He also sited the letter from the City requiring compulsory garbage collection and stated that the City should first clean-up their own property. Mr. Paul Scheck addressed the Council and read his letter of opposition to formation of the Parking District previously submitted to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. He asked several legal questions regarding procedures which were answered by Mr. Wilson. Mr. Jack Peters, owner of the Strand Theatre addressed the Council and stated that he believed there was ample parking provided in Gilroy and that the proposed freeway would provide even more parking since much traffic would be removed from Monterey Street. He stated that if the Parking District was formed that consideration should be given to providing entrances to Monterey Street for the proposed lots on Eigleberry Street. Mr. Jerry Rianda at 410 Miller Avenue asked if property owners could pr~ vide parking why it would be necessary for them to be included in the District. It was explained by City Administrator Wood that the Parking District would take over the parking obI igations and the property owner's entire lot could be put to use for business purposes. Mr. James Pruett asked if the 1.0.0 F. Assln. property on Eigleberry Street WJuld be assessed since they are in the District but have 17 parking spaces in back of their bui lding already existing. It was explained that the I.O.O.F. Ass'n. would be included in the Parking District. Mr. Wilson stated that petitions received after 8:00 p.m. on July 6, 1964 would be considered in the form of an oral protest only and should be read at the next Council Meeting as a matter of record. Motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to continue the Publ ic Hearing to August 10, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. At 10:45 p.m. the Mayor declared the Publ ic Hearing continued to August 10, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. and declared a recess. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 10:50 p.m. The Mayor stated that this was the time and place scheduled for the Publi c Hearing on establishment of IIR-3X", High Density Multiple Residence District and asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the proposal. There was no objections or protests from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried to close the Publ ic Hearing. The City Attorney presented and read the title of a proposed ordinance establ ishing "R-3X" District. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried that the ordinance be introduced, the reading be waived and that it be pub- lished by title and summary. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing on allowing IR-3X" as a conditional use in a I'C-l" District and asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the proposal. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. ,] 'I C) n L ~J () .1 Motion was made by Counci Iman Eckard seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried to close the Public Hearing. The City Attorney presented and read the title of a proposed ordinance allowing "R-3X" as a conditional use in a "C,...l" District. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to introduce the ordinance, that its reading be waived and that it be publ ished by title and summary. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing requiring Mobile Trailer Parks as a conditional use in IM-2" District and asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the proposal. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried to close the Publ ic Hearing. The City Attorney presented and read the title of a proposed ordinance requiring Mobile Trailer Parks as a conditional use in a "M-2" District. It was noted by the Director of Public Works that the wording "Light Commercial Zone" should be corrected to read "Light Industrial Zone'!. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Jordan and carried that the ordinance be introduced, its reading be waived, corrections made as noted by Director of Public Works Kludt, and that it be publ ished by title and summary. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Publi c Hearing on rezoning of a 2 acre parcel of land in Westwood Acre Subdivision from "R-l" to "C-l". Discussion was had as to the location of this parcel. The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the proposal. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried to close the Publ ic Hearing. The City Attorney presented and read the title of a proposed ordinance rezoning a 2 acre parcel of land in Westwood Acre Subdivision from "R-l" to "C-l". Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Jordan and carried to introduce the proposed ordinance, that its reading be waived and that it be published by title and summary. The Mayor stated that it was the Hearing on adoption of Official Plan Lines Monterey Highway to the proposed extension The Mayor asked if anyone in the the proposa 1 . Mr. Robert Howson addressed the Council and stated that the proposed Official Plan Lines would affect access to his gravel plant at Uvas Creek. It was explained to Mr. Howson that access to his gravel plant at Uvas Creek would be improved. With this knowledge Mr. Howson had no objections to the proposal. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried to close the Publ ic Hearing. The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 843. Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth and seconded by Councilman Eckard to adopt Resolution No. 843. time and for Uvas of Santa audience place scheduled for Parkway from Thomas Teresa Blvd. wished. to speak for the Publi c Roa d at or against RESOLUTION NO. 843 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING OFFICIAL PLAN LINES FOR THAT PART OF UVAS PARKWAY BETWEEN THOMAS ROAD AT MONTEREY HIGHWAY TO A PROPOSED EXTENSION OF SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i ,Wentworth, and Petersen.. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NOES: ABS ENT: The City Attorney presented and read a legal opinion regarding an ordinance requiring property owners to install sidewalks if less than 50% of the area has sidewalks already constructed and informed the Council that this would be illegal. He also presented statements to this effect from the League of California Cities Legal Department. The City Attorney requested permission to be excused from the Council meeting. The Mayor excused the City Attorney at 11:13 p.m. City Administrator Wood explained that the Building Department W<:lS unable to inspect the premises at 36 South Monterey Street because the building ~") ..) "'7 o. , ; .} J ..,.. .. __ I: was locked. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Jordan and carried to defer action on the appl ication for "on-sale" beer and wine 1 icense from Helen P. Rodriguez and Rosa M. & Victor C. Soto at the same location until a report can be obtained from the Building Department. The report of the Planning Commission meeting of June 18, 1964 was filed ~e: notifying the Council of the continued Publ ic Hearing on a rezoning request for property on Eigleberry Street between 6th and 7th Streets and denied the re- quested rezoning; informed Council of review of traffic circulation patterns in 2 sectors of the City. Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt reported on the meeting of July 2, 1964 informing the Council of a waiver granted to Mr. Allan Legge at 444 North Hanna Street re: off-street parking requirements; and of the continued dis- cussion of Official Plan Lines for further extension of Santa Teresa Blvd. City Administrator Wood reported and recommended that a 12" water main at Wren Avenue and 1st Street to 3rd Street and Santa Theresa Drive be installed, bel ieved to alleviate the low water pressure situation in the Castlewood Park area and further recommended to postpone to the 1965-66 Budget the Capital Out- lay Project in the 1964-65 Budget of a 12" Main on Monterey Street from 10th to 9th and from 9th to Forest Streets in the amount of $15,000.00 to allow for the installation of the 1211 main to service Castlewood Park area estimated at $13, ~50.00. He further recommended that the 1964-65 Budget be amended to increase account 41C-l in the amount of $10,000.00 for purchase of an automated pressure control system to improve City-wide water pressure. Motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Capital Outlay Project as recommended be postponed to the 1965- 66 Budget to allow for installation of the 12" main to service Castlewood Park area provided easements can be obtained from the San Martin Vineyard Property at no cost to the City and further to amend the 1964-65 Budget to include pur- chase of an automated pressure control in the amount of $10,000.00. The Mayor instructed City Administrator Wood to contact Mr. M. J. Filice regarding easements through the San Martin Vineyard Property. Councilman Wentworth noted that a proposed verbal commitment by the City was given to Mr. Fil ice regarding allowing Wren Avenue to be jogged in order to not disect his property in terms of a proposed subdivision and if this were allowed the City would be granted right-of-way through the property. The Counci 1 agreed that a jog in Wren Avenue would be considered however an off-set of the same street is to be discouraged. The City Administrator's summary report on the Industrial Development Conference in Los Angeles was noted. City Administrator Wood reported on Police Science Course #64 completed by various members of the Police Department. The Mayor instructed letters of commendation be forwarded to those employees completing said course. Director of Public Works Kludt reported on the minutes of the Santa Clara County Trafficways Committee meeting of June 10, 1964, re: recommendation that Santa Teresa Blvd. be included into the State Highway System further recommending that Leavesley Road from Monterey Street to Ferguson Road at Pacheco Pass Highway be included into the State Highway System and that from Pacheco Pass at Monterey Street to Ferguson Road be deleted from said System. Further recommending to the State that the Uvas Parkway be tied into the Bloomfield interchange in connection with the proposed freeway; and recommending to study freeway routing from San Jose to Watsonville. Councilman Goodrich suggested that the City recommend to the County that the Official Plan Lines of Santa Teresa Blve. be extended from Hecker Pass High- way southerly to Uvas Parkway. Director of Public Works Kludt stated that he would discuss this at the next Santa Clara County Trafficways Committee meeting. City Administrator Wood presented and read Resolution No. 844. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Oouncilman Wentworth and carried to adopt Resolution No. 844. RESOLUTION NO. 844 A RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING MR. FLOYD M. EMERSON, DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT OF THE GILROY ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AND THANKING HIM FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR CITY. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i ,Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: A letter from the Royal Masters Car Club was presented, read and filed 0')....1 ~~I #) << ~A. thanking the CJty for cooperation during thei-r recent project for installation of sea t be 1 ts . A letter from Akol and Hansen was presented and read regarding termina- tion of partnership. Motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Counci lman Goodrich and carried that the City noted the termination of partnership of the Akol & Hansen firm and instructed the City Administrator to advise the firm that the respective partner shall remain responsible to th'e city until their current Service Agreement (Police Annex) is completed. A letter from the AAA was presented, read, and fi led regarding a Pedes- trian Safety Ci~ation, 25th Program, to be awarded to the City. A letter was presented and read from a property owner's attorney reques- ting the City to object to the application of Pacific Cement & Aggreg~tes for a gravel processing operation at Hecker Pass Highway and Burchell Road. Motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that a letter of protest be filed with the Board of Supervisors re: application of Pacific Cement & Aggregates, Public Hearing scheduled for July 14, 1964. A letter was presented, read, and filed from Virginia Cox Spencer thank~ ing the City for her retirement badge and luggage presented to her upon her retir- ing from the City. City Administrator Wood presented a complaint from, R. Carpenter et aI, alleging injuries occuring at the Swimming Pool. The Council was informed that the matter had been referred to the City's Insurance Carrier. The City Barbecue of July 18, 1964 at the Gi Iroy Golf & Country Club was noted. The League of California Cities Meeting of July 23, 1964 at Burlingame was noted. No one indicated their desire to attend. City Administrator Wood requested Council Members to inform the City if they intended to attend the League Conference on October 11-14, 1964,. in Los Ange- les in order that reservations could be made. City Administrator Wood noted that Robert Taylor, Mercury Reporter had accepted a position with the Associated Press in West Virginia. Discussion was had regarding installation of sidewalks and curbs in areas of the City where ordinance requires such installation. The Council indicated that the City should install sidewalks in areas where property owners were notifed to install them if they have not been construc- ted to date. The matter of Holidays occuring on Saturdays in reference to the City Hall closing on those days was discussed. It was suggested that the City Hall re- main open on Friday if the holiday occurs on Saturday with half of the employees taking the holiday on the Friday and the remaining employees taking the holiday on the following Monday. Discussion was had regarding repair of certain streets within the City. Councilman Jordan noted the illegal parking of a trailer on, property on Hanna Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets on the East side of the street. This matter was referred to the Pol ice Department. The matter of maintenance of the City parking lot on South Monterey Street was referred to the Director of Public Works for action. At 12:00 o'clock midnight motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. ~I / 7/~ Jt:. !WZ6/ ..." ,,' L!/ -', i"," ~ ;l ~.::: City / ), /7:;~-~1~ CIeri