Minutes 1964/09/08 --~--~~ 2" C) (15 !.~ ,>-<;. . '--' \./ Gi lroy, California September 8, 1964 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Wilford E. Jordan, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. Absent: Council Members: Chester R. Eckard. The Mayor asked if all Council Members had received copies of the regular meeting of August 17, 1964 and of the special meeting of August 31, 1964. All Council Members present answered in the affirmative. The Mayor asked if there were any errors or om~issions in the minutes as mailed. No errors or omissions were noted. The Mayor declared the minutes oJ the meetings of August 17th and 31st, 1964 approved. The Mayor calls on Mr. Zar Begovich, Manager of the California Automobile Association. Mr. Begovich addresses the Council and presents Mayor Petersen with a Pedestrian Safety Citation to the City of Gilroy on behalf of the Cal ifornia Automobile Association. City Administrator, Fred Wood reports that 4 bids were received for the Pol ice Building and they are read as follows: Gordan Farotte, Base Bid $239,751. Alternate 1. $234,128. 2. $238,433. 3. $238,275. 4. $240,711. Wm. Radtke, Base Bid $230,282. Alternate I. $223,679. 2. $228,336. 3. $228,637. 4. $231,274. R. L. Carroll, Base Bid $228,274. Alternate 1. $223,804. 2. $226,660. 3. $226,794. 4. $230,151. George Bianchi, Base Bid $254,878. Alternate I. $249,878. 2. $254,378. 3. $253,478. 4. $257,878. City Administrator Fred Wood reports that all bids are in excess of the architects estimate. Mr. Hughan of Hughan & Hughan addressed the Council and attempted to explain his reasoning for the excessive differential between his estimate and the bids. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth seconded by Counci Iman Goodrich and carried to reject all bids and proceed to redesign the building with the intention of attempting to meet the budget, and authorized the return of all bidders bonds. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for the scheduled continued public hearing on the request to rezone property on Eigleberry Street between 6th and 7th Streets. Secretary of the Planning Commission, Max Kludt summarizes the Planning Commissions action on the denial of the petition. The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the proposal. Mr. Elmer Young, addessed the Council and pointed out that if his property is rezoned he would not be allowed to expand his commercial building. Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt recommended the rezoning excluding the Elmer Young, Lawrence Osborn and Effie Weldonls properties to remain in the Cl district. Motion by Counci Iman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to close the public hearing. The City Attor~ey presented and read ordinance to rezone property on Eigleberry Street from CI District to R3 excluding premises owned by Elmer Young, Lawrence Osborn and Effie Weldon. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried to introduce the proposed ordinance and publish by title and summary. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Publ ic Hearing on the proposed I'Ninth Western Addition" Annexation. He asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the proposal. There was no comment from the audience. Motion made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to close the Public Hearing. The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 858. Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin to adopt Resolution No. 858. '):iR6 ItI:.JI ---- ,~./ RESOLUTION NO. 858 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT NO MAJORITY PROTEST HAS BEEN MADE TO THE ANNEXATION OF TERR ITORY DES I GNATED I N THE PROCEED I NGS AS /IN I NTH WESTERN ADD IT I ON TO THE CITY OF GILROY". PASSED AND ADOPTED 8th day of September, 1964, by the following votes: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordari,Quartiroli,Wentworth and Petersen. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Eckard - The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 859. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Jordan to adopt Resolution No. 859. RESOLUTION NO. 859 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ALTERATIONS OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY THE ANNEXATION THERETO OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "N I NTH WESTERN ADD IT ION TO THE CITY OF G I LROY" AND FOR THE I NCORPORAT I ON OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY IN AND AS A PART OF SUCH MUNICIPALITY FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL CONTROL THEREOF PASSED AND ADOPTED the 8th day of September, 1964, by the following votes: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli,Wentworth and Petersen. NOES: COUNC I LMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Eckard City Administrator Wood presented a request from Fun Fair Shows for Amusement Ride Concessions at the S/W Corner of 10th and Monterey Streets on September 16 - 20, 1964. Motion was made by Counci lman Goodrich seconded by Counci Iman Wentworth and carried that the request be granted. City Administrator Wood noted and recommended fi 1 ing a letter from Under- ground Power Conference on October 9, 1964. The Mayor appointed Mr. Vinc Chan, Editor of the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, local chairman for United Nations Day, October 24, 1964 as requested by the U.S. Committee for the United Nations. City Administrator Wood noted that the Greyhound Lines, Inc. has applied to Public Utilities Commission to increase Intrastate Passenger Revenues, 5% across the board with additional increase in the Bay Area. The report of the Planning Commission for the meeting of September 3, 1964 was presented re: Request of Driscoll Enterprises to construct a motel on property located in back of the Si lver Spur Restaurant was denied because it was determined not to be a bui ldable lot; Planning Commission concurs with Councills recommendation that the S Zone be attached to Mr. Fi lice's requested M2 zoning at 1061 N. Monterey Street and all future rezoning unless in the Parking District; The Commission has taken under advisement the street patterns southwesterly of Tenth Street. City Administrator presented and explained the revised Freeway Agreement and the States justification for the elimination of additional revisions previously requested by the City. Discussion is had. City Administrator presented and read the Agreement and Resolution No. 860. Motion was made by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Goodrich to adopt Resolution No. 860. ,. RESOLUTION NO. 860 RESOLUT I ON AGREEMENT PASSED AND AYES: OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING FREEWAY NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED the 8th day of September, 1964, by the following votes: COUNCILMEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartirol i,Wentworth and Petersen. COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: Eckard ..... City Administrator Wood reported and recommended amendments to the 1964-65 budget year to allow payment of work completed in the 1963-64 budget year in the amount of $425.14 for replacing poles and renewing lines of the Fire Alarm System and allow payment for projects approved in the 1963-64 budget year but not completed until the 1964-65 budget in the amount of $ 2,405. 42. Motion by Councilman Jordan seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to amend the 1964-65 budget as requested. City Administrator reported the retirement of Mr. James E. Pruett, Custodian. . - - - --..-.--..--______~.. -_..._~___..___~_~_.. -.._...________._...___ 1-- 2387 Mayor Petersen is authorized to present a certificate of service commending Mr. Pruett for long and devoted service to the City of Gilroy. City Administrator requested a Personnel Meeting following this meeting of September 8, 1964. The report from the Wheeler Hospital Association in favor of the Ambulance Ordinance was read. All members feel the Ordinance is well made and should cover all requirements but did fee' it might be adviseable to include some provisions to cover a maximum service rate comparable to rates established in near-by areas. Mr. Holdaway owner of the Gi lroy Ambulance Service addressed the Council and explained that he mai led a rate schedule and submitted a copy at the meeting. The City Attorney presented a proposed ordinance regulating ambulance services. Motion was made by Counci lman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the reading of the proposed ordinance be waived and it be published by title and summary. Mr. LaMacchia addressed the Counci 1 and requested consideration be given to placing of benches on street corners to provide a resting place for the Senior Citizens of Gilroy. Discussion is had. The Council requested the City Staff to present a cost survey on benches. Councilman Wentworth reported that he investigated the progress of the ditch on Leavesley Road Project and wondered if some sort of plan could be worked out to dig the ditch from Be-Ge Mfg. Co. to Mulch1s property, out to the High Schoo 1 . Director of Public Works reported that this project is being pursued. The work is planned to be done on an equipment rental basis and utilizing the zone drainage funds. Councilman Jordan inquired to the progress of stacking lanes between Gilroy and Morgan Hill. City Administrator Wood explained that Mr. Jess Black, Division of Highways, said an attempt to construct the stacking lanes will be made in the spring instead of this fall because of necessity of closing one lane would make it an unbearable traffic problem during the remainder of this construction season. Councilman Jordan inquired about parking provisions for Atkinson Park due to the no parking on Monterey Street between Casey Lane and Leave s 1 ey Road. The City Administrator stated that the Director of Public WJrks Kludt and himself are working on a parking bay plan for the area. City Administrator Wood reported that the Chamber of Commerce will hold their final family show to be held on September 10th and requested and received use of the same facil ities at Miller Park. City Administrator Wood noted the meeting with Gavilan College, September 9, 1964 at 9:00 A.M. Counci Iman Goodrich and City Engineer Hanna are to attend. Director of Public Works Kludt reported that the curb on Chestnut Street has been poured as requested by Council. Recreation Director, Ceci I Reinsch announced that Miss Debbie Armanasco, has been named County Junior Queen for the Santa Clara County Fa i r. Mr. Roy Westphalinger addressed the Council and thanked the Council and City Administrator and Staff for their cooperation in putting on the Fami ly Shows. Mr. Westphal inger inquired to the availability of the new park for the Chamber of Commerce picnic next June 3rd. Discussion is had on barbecue facilities for large groups. Mayor Petersen stated that the matter will be presented to the Recreation Commission. Mr. Westphal inger requested a letter of commendation to be sent to George Archer, professional golfer in appreciation of the fine publicity he has brought to Gilroy. Mayor Petersen reported that he had an inquiry from a property owner of the lot south of the Gilroy property who wants to construct a building on his property and either lease or purchase the City lot for a parking lot. The Council agreed that they would sell if they get a reasonable offer. At 10:45 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. y;L~/:~ By: (,1AAA~~ R Q~ ~ II rlprk Tvnic;t