Minutes 1965/07/06 94c;n - 4 ~ J ~':J Gilroy, Cal ifornia July 6, 1965 The regular Counci 1 Meeting was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:04 p.m. Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Chalres.F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. The Mayor asked if all Council Members had received copies of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, 1965. All Council Members answered in the affirmative. The Mayor asked if there were any errors or omissions in the min~tes as presented. No errors or omissions were noted. The Mayor declared the minutes of the regular meeting of.June21, 1965 approved. Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt reported on the Planning Com- mission meeting of July 1, 1965 informing the Council of a Public Hearing held before the Commission on the establishment of certain areas to be rezoned from 'IR-311, Low Density Multiple Residence District to IR-3X", High Density Multiple Residence District and reoommended said proposed zoning; informing the Council of the Planning Commissions' review of a preliminary map of an Industrial Develop- ment on Luchessa Lane and recommended approval of said map as presented; and informing Council of Planning Commissions' recommendation to object to a rezoning request of the Gilroy Union High School before the County Planning Commission re: to rezone from single family to restricted agriculture, its 5.625 acre parcel on Kern Avenue. A letter from the Planning.Commission to the County Planning Com- mission was presented and read on the rezoning request. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to endorse the Planning Commissions' views on the subject of said rezonIng and also approving said letter presented to the County Planning Com- mission. City Administrator Protempore.Reinsch presented and read Resolution No. 942, 2460 fixing, the time and place of the Publ i c Hearing before the Counci 1 on the "R-3XII proposal. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Eckard to adopt Resolution No. 942 setting the Public Hearing date of July 19, 1965. RESOLUTION NO. 942 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION UPON THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY ESTABLISHING THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED IN R3X (HIGH DENSITY) ZONE. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli,- Went- worth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None NO ES : ABSENT: Metion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Alle- mand and carried that the preliminary map of the Industrial Development on Luchessa Lane as presented be approved. City Administrator Protempore Resmsch presented a report of satis- factory Water Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department and ~he same were ordered to be placed on file. City Adminis.trator Protempore Reinsch presented a request of the Santa Clara Council of Boy Scouts to use the former Chamber of Commerce office and City Administrator's recommendation that the Gilroy Seventh Day Adventist Church be given first consideration. Discussion was had. The Council instructed Staff to discuss the matter with both organizations to determine if a schedule could be workefr out allowing use of said office by both organizttions. City Administrator Protempore Reinsch presented a report on the Swim Pool. Councilmam Quartiroli suggested that at the end of the season the swim- ming pool be drained and sanded to attempt to el iminate any f~rther reoccurrence of algae and at that time the maintenance responsibility would then be on the Gilroy Union High School during the 9 months used by the school and the City's responsibility during the remaining 3 summer months. City Administrator Protempore Reinsch presented a report on a meet- ing with Gavilan Jr. College in regard to a proposed Joint Water System Develop- ment. He informed the Counci 1 that the Ci ty Attorney is preparing an Agreement for said Joint Water System Development to be presented to the Council and Col- lege Committees for approval and recommendation to the Council. City Administrator Protempore Reinsch presented an application to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for the transfer of an On-Sale Beer License at 415 North Monterey Street. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Alle- mand and carried that the City had no objection to said application and that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board be so notified. City Administrator Protempore Reinsch reported that the City has received copies of the Freeman Report on Library Systems Study and that 2 copies are available for the Councils. viewing at City Hall. He alsooreported that the Library and Culture Commis$~on will make a.summary of said report. Council re- quested copies of said summary when co~pleted. Mayor Petersen asked Supervisor Sig Sanchez if he had any business to discuss before the Council. Supervisor Sanchez reported that he was just visiting. Director of Public Works Kludt summarized the minutes of the Santa Clara County Trafficways Committee meetings of June 9, 1965 and June 17, 1965. The City Attorney entered at 8:59 p.m. Director of Public Works Kludt requested an Amendment to the 1965- 1966 Budget re: Traffic Signal Maintenance to increase Account 31B25 in the amo~nt of $2,215.00. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seronded by Councilman Went- wprth and carried that the 1965-66rnBudget be amended in the amount of $2,215.00 as requested. The City Clerk presented and read a proposed ordinance regarding an increase of Water Service deposits. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Dufh fin and carried that the proposed ordinance re: Water Service Deposits be intro- duced and published by title and summary. Ordinance No. 744 previously read and published by title and sum- mary regarding Tentative and Final Subdivision Maps was presented for adoption. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Alle- mand that the reading of Ordinance No. 744 be waived and that it be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 744 211 61 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SEC. 21.42 AND SEC. 21.84 OF THE GILROY CITY CODE RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS BY REQUIRING TENTATIVE AND FINAL MAPS AND BONDS ACCOMPANYING FINAL MAPS TO BE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL AND AUTHORIZING THE REFERRAL BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF BOTH TENTATIVE AND FINAL MAPS OR EITHER OF THEM. This ordinance was regularly introduced at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Gilroy on the 21st day of June, 1965. It was regularly passed and adopted by the Council of said City on the 6th day of July, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Director of Public Works Kludt reported that the Utility Company (P.G. & E.) requested an opportunity to view the Final map of Subdivisions prior to adoption by Council to be assured that easements on the Tentative ma~s are applied to the Final maps. He stated that this could be accomplished through Staff, City Administrator Protempore Reinsch presented a letter from the firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch in regard to S.B. 687 requesting opposition to said Bill. Metion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City oppose S.B. 687 and that Staff request the Governor to veto said Bill as requested. City Administrator Protempore Reinsch reported on Resolutions from the Public Utilities Commission in regard to the installation o~ Underground Electric and Communication Utilities. A letter from the California State Automobile Association regarding a Pedestrian Safety Citation was presented, read, and ordered filed. A letter from the Santa Clara County Fire Chiefs' Association regarding Instouctional Television Program, was presented and further explained by Fire Chief Brittain. Mayor Petersen recommended appointment of Mr. William J~ Boyle to serve on the Personnel Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Donald Stcahl recently retired from said Commission. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Mr. William J. Boyle be appointed to serve on the Personnel Com- mission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Strahl. Said term expires January 1, 1969. The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 943. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Wentworth to adopt Resolution No. 943 which will include a $15,000.00 Budget amendment to Account 20C3 for sai d purchase. RESOLUTION NO. 943 RESOLUT I ON OF THE COUNC I L OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHOR IZ I NG THE PURCHAS E OF LAND UPON WHICH MILLER PARK IN THE CITY OF GILROY IS LOCATED FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST CREATED BY THE WILL OF HENRY MILLER, AND TO PAY THEREFOR THE SUM OF TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartir~li, Went- worth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 944 Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth to adopt Resolution No. 944. RESOLUTION NO. 944 I l". _ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING OFFICERS WHO MAY ACCEPT AND CONSENT TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS OR GRANTS TO THE CITY OF GILROY AND CONSENT TO THE RECORDATION THEREOF. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1965, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Went- worth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Councilman Wentworth inquired about the newspaper article regarding the City of Gilroy's Assessed Valuation. Supervisor Sig Sanchez reported that said Valuation did not include the Assessed Valuations of Public Utilities figures to berreceived sometime in August 1965. ,,",,, /1(11-" '}. :" 0' 'I ... ":'t .t.J Discussio'n was had regarding Engineer Hanna Jr., informed the Council be presented at the next Council Meeting son, Jones, Morton & Lynch. Councilman Allemand inquired about the present truck route specific~ llya route for those trucks enroute from the Leavesley Road area. Discussion wa~ had. Council instructed Staff to conduct a survey of the present Truck Route within the City to include possible revision d said route to allow trucks to use Forest Street. Councilman Quartiroli noted a complaint of a local citizen ordered by the Police Department to leave Miller Park premises while batting a ball to 2 small children. Discussion was had. Council agreed that organized ball play- ing should not be allowed however questioned the matter of ball playing between 2 or 3 participants. Said matter was referred to Staff. At 10:08 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Counci Iman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. , , ' /) 6h-UI4JJnu t, ~ ) City Clerk progress of Parking District #1. City that the Plans and Specifications would if agreeable with the legal firm of Wi~ / ~