Minutes 1966/02/07 Roll Call Minutes ';~::- -1 1 ";:'~_.i J. Gilroy, California February 7, 1966 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: Jehn E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quaftiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. The minutes of the regular Council Meeting of January 17, 1966 were approved as mailed and recorded. Bids-Improve- The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for ment (Whee- opening of bids for improvement of the East Meeting Room and Acoustics ler Auditori-at Wheeler'Auditorium. Director of Public Works Kludt opened the bids um.) and they read as follows: 1. John Andrade - $12,345.; 2. John Brawley, Jr. - $10,840.; 3. Jack Ehrich - $11,187.; 4. Gordon Farotte - $10,586. The City Clerk reported that plans and specifications were taken out by the fo~lowing contractors not bidding on said work: Mark Carden, Dennis DeBell ~nd Morton & Fortino. City Administrator Wood reported that the Architect1s estimate for the Improvements of Wheeler Auditorium was $10,753.00. The low bid of Gordon Farotte was referred to the City Attorney for checking. The City Attorney reported the low bid of Gordon Farotte to be in order. Motjon was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the bid of Gordon Farotte in the amount of $10,586.00 for Improvement of the East Room and Acoustics of Wheeler Auditorium be awarded. Rezoning- (Wren Ave.) So 1 i c i ta- t i on (Amer- Cancer Soc i ety) The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing on the proposed rezoning request of Nancy and A. W. Petersen to rezone their parcel of property on Wren Avenue from "R-I", Single Family Residential District to "R-3", Multiple Residential Dis- trict. He asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against the rezoning proposal. There wasc'no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by Counc ilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried to close the Public Hearing. The City Attorney pre- sented and read a proposed ordinance rezoning the said.premises. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and car- ried that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by'title and summary. City Administrator Wood presented a request from the American Cancer Society to solicit funds during the month of April 1966 and dur- ing the balance of the calendar year. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the American Cancer Society be granted permission to solicit funds in the City of Gilroy during the month of April 1966 and requested said organization to resubmit their application if solicitation of funds is intended during other months of the calendar year. City of Lake- City Admin. Wood presented and read a request from the City of wood request Lakewood for a Resolution supporting members of the Armed Forces of for Resolu- this Country fighting in Viet Nam. Motion was made by Councilman tion. Wentworth seconded by Councilman AIJemand and carried that the City 2''::: '1 n I') '," I I '?j,.:.- .I.',,",,") Administrator be instructed to prepare a similar Resolution for adoption at the next Council Meeting. Introduc- The Mayor introduced Police Patrolman Michael Elder recently re- tion (Mich- hired on the Police Department after a 2 year military leave of absence. ael Elder) Plan.Com. report 1/20/66 Res .#991 Pub.Hear. re:S.W.65- 2 Plan.Com. report 1/20/66 cont in ued Plan.Com. Report 2/3/66 Res.#992 Pub.Hear. re:(rezon- ing) The report of the Planning Commission Meeting of Thursday, January 20, 1966 was presented informing the Council of a Public Hearing held before the Commission on a request of,William Boyle for a conditional Use Permit to erect a motel-restaurant complex on Monterey Road approximately 775 feet southerly of Luchessa Avenue and approving same; informing the Counci 1 of a Publ ic Hearing held on the rezoning request of Orbi t Devel- opment Co., Inc. to rezone a major portion of the "Southwest Annexation 65-2'1 from "R-l", Single Family Residential District to "R-3", Multiple Residence District and "C-l", Neighborhood Commercial District and recom- mended said rezoning subject to the conditions stipulated in Resolution No.334 of the Commission. The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 991 setting a Public Hearing date of February 21, 1966 on the proposed rezoning of Southwest Annexation 65-2. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich second- ed by Councilman Allemand to adopt Resolution No. 991. RESOLUTION NO~ 9~1 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY SETTING TIME AND PLACE ~ HEARING OF THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF SAID CITY ON THE APPLICAT10N OF ORB1T DEVELOPMENT CO., INC., A CORPORA- TION, TO REZONE A PORTION <JF "S0UTHWEST ANNEXATION 65-2 TO THE CITY OF GILROY" FROM Rl DISTRICT TO R3 DISTRICT, AND OTHER PREMISES FROM Rl DIS- TRICT TO Cl DISTRICT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Wentworth and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Planning Commission report of January 20, 1966 was further e~ plained informing the Counci 1 of thei r "No objections" comment on a requ- est by the County Planning Commission on a zone change requested by W. G. Schollenberger Jr. to allow the construction of an additional residence at the Northeast corner of Ronan and Brisbane Avenues; and on an addition- al request for comment regarding a Use Permit request of Howson's Inc. to move their concrete batch plant from Howson & Church Streets to their gravel plant at the Uvas Creek, also recommending approval of the re- quested Use Permit, noting the existence of Official Plan Lines on Santa Teresa Blvd. and Uvas Parkway; informing the Council of the Commissions' discussion of the street pattersn in the Northwest Sector of the City that affect a proposed Elementary School site on Kern Avenue. The report of the Planning Commission meeting of Thursday, Febru- ruary 3, 1966 was presented informing the Council of a Public Hearing' held before the Commission on the proposed rezoning of a portion of the Third Southern Addition from "R-l", Single Family Residence District to IM-2", Light Industrial District and recommending same. The City Attorney p~esented and read Resolution No. 992 setting a Public Hearing date of February 21, 1966 on the proposed rezoning of a por- tion of the Third Southern Addition. Motion was made by Councilman Goo~ rich seconded by Councilman Allemand to adopt Resolution No. 992. RESOLUTION NO. 992 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY SETTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING OF THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF SAID CITY ON ITS OWN INITIATIVE TO REZONE A PORTION OF THE THIRD SOUTHERN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY, SUCH PORTION BEING THE AREA FRONTING MONTEREY HIGHWAY AND INCLUDING THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY FROM SOUTH OF THE S & S WAREHOUSE PRO PERTY TO LUCHESSA LANE, FROM Rl (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO M2 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None 9h:10 -u.Ld Plan.Com. The Planning Commission report of February 3, 1966 was further report 2/3/66 explained informing the Council of a Public Hearing held on the Condi- continued tional Use Permit request of the Tidewater Oil Co. to reconstruct its existing automobile service station at the Northeast corner of Seventh and Monterey Streets, granting same; and informing the Council of a review of the new proposed high school site on Miller Avenue which has been referred to the City.s Planning Consultant for comment. 7th S t. Ext. High Scho- 01 site (Mil,ler Ave.) Personne 1 Com.Report 1/18/66 Study Ses- s ion re: Sa 1 ar y Sur. Discussion was had on the progress of Seventh Street Extension and the City Engineer informed the Council that ,authorization to adver- tise for bids is expected in two weeks. Discussion was had on the proposed High School site on Miller Avenue. The Council did not wish to approve or disapprove said pro- posal at this time. The report of the Personnel Commission meeting of January 18, 1966 was presented regarding the Salary Survey and recommendations pre- pared for Council review. The Council set Monday, February 14, 1966 as a Study Session of the Council to meet with the Personnel Comission to discuss said Salary Survey. Councilman Duffin reported that he would be unable to attend the Study Session. OldCity Hall City Administrator Wood presented a report on the Structural Enqs.Report Condition of the Old City Hall prepared by the firm of Brewster and Greulich, Consulting Engineers'. The report was further explained by Mr. Brewster and Mr. Greulich. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that a Public Hearing be set for Monday, March 7, 1966 for the Disposition of the Old City Hall and instructed Publ ication of the Engineer's Report from Pages 1 through 8. Pub.Hear. Disposi- tion Old C i t Y Ha 11 Budget Amend. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the Budget be amended in the amount of $1,600.00 to increase Account 8B6 to pay the cost of the Engineer's Report. Freeway 101 City Administrator Wood reported on a State Highway Commission Meeting of January 19, 1966. He recommended that the City's Hi~way Signs be: kept in storage at this time. Council concurred. Central City Administrator Wood reported on a Central Costal Regional Costal Reg- Water Quality Control Board Meeting of January 21, 1966. ional Water Control Bd. Meet. Fire Station City Administrator Wood presented a report of the Fire Chief Re:East side on the proposed Fire Protection East .of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The'report was further explaineq by Fire Chief Brittain. Discussion was had. Council wished to have said project included in the 1966-67 Budget for study at that time. Discussion was had on the possibility of constructing an Underpass on Sixth Street at the railroad to allow for better Fire Protection access to the East side. The Council inst- ructed the City Engineer to prepare estimates on the feasibility of such an Underpass at Sixth Street. r 6th S 1:. Underpass Budget Amend. City Administrator Wood recommended a Budget Transfer in the re:Weed amount of $4,500.00 to Account 15B6 for the Weed Abatement program. Abatement Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Councilman Went- worth and carried that the Budget be amended in the amount of $4,500. to increase account 15B6 for the Weed Abatement Program. Personnel Session City Administrator Wood requested a Personnel Session following the Regular Agenda of February 7, 1966. Council concurred. Res.#993 The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 993 removing re:S.W.65- "Southwest Annexation 65-2 from the Gilroy Fire Prote~tJ)on D.istrict. 2 Fire Dis. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich s~conded by Councilman Eckard to adopt Resolution No. 993. RESOLUTION NO. 993 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY WITHDRAWING FROM THE GILROY RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TERRITORY THEREIN RECENTLY ANNEXED 0,"::;:, -1 4 ~ .,J ,l TO THE CITY OF GILROY UNDER THE DESIGNATION "S0UTHWEST ANNEXATION NO. 65-2 TO THE CITY OF G I LROY" PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 1966, by the following vote: AYE~ COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Communication re: The Mayor noted receipt of the Bay Area Leader, January, 1966, Bay AFea Volume 2, No.8. Leader Sewer Fee Protest Meetings Portable Traffic Control Signals Curb & guUer Gymkhana G rd. Prop. Ex t. C hu rch & improve. Duff Chev. Project Proposed 12 Acre Park Commendation Re:Volunteer Firemen Lighting proposals City Hall & P.D.Park.Lot City Administrator W,ood presented and read a letter from Bill Boyle Ford Sales Inc. protesting the City's Sewer Fees. The City Admin- istrator also reported on fees of other c~ties in the immediate area. The Council instructed the City Administrator to check with the City of Monterey, Carmel and Salinas for their Sewer Fees because of the many motels located in these cities. Council also agreed on study and survey of the City's off-site Sewer Fees. The Mayor noted the following meetings; Council Committee Meeting with Gilroy Unified School District in re: Recreation Program at 8:00 p.m. February 10, 1966, Council Chambers and the peninsula Manufacturers. Ass'n. Annual Installation Dinner meeting, February 10, 1966 at 6:00 p.m. at Ricket's Hyatt House, in Palo Alto at $10.00 per person. '-. Councilman Wentworth commented on the feasibility for installa- tion of portable traffic control signals at First and Church Streets. Director of Public Works Kludt reported that this would require approval from the State Division of Highways. Council referred this matter to Staff to investigate this matter with the Division of Highways.' Councilman Wentworth inquired of additional installation of curbs and gutters around the Gymkhana Ground Property. The City Adminis- trator reported that a portion of curbs and gutters have been installed and that he is waiting word on a pending agreement with t he Gi lroy Tele- phone Company who are interested in acquiring 2 lots at the Gymkhana Ground property. ) St. Councilman Wentworth suggested that the City plan the under- ground sewer and water lines of the Duff Chevrolet Project and other pro- perty owners complete the Extension of Church Street. He also inquired if the City is interested in extending Church Street to Pierce Street to the 101 Highway at the City's expense. He also suggested that Council instruct Staff to look into the matter of extension of Church Street through to Ronan Avenue. City Administrator Wood recommended that Council authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans for the Extension of Church Street to Ronan Avenue, and prepare costs on the basis of an Assessment District. Council concurred. Councilman Wentworth requested Council commentcon the proposed 12 Acre Park on George Duffin.s property. The City Administrator fur- ther explained the proposed preliminary plans and recommended that said plans be referred to the Planning Commission prior to Council Action. Council concurred however had no objection to the proposed Park. Coun~il requested Staff to further study alternate, plans for the intersection of Pierce and Church Streets adjacent to the proposed Park. Councilman Allemand suggested that the Fire Chief and Volunteer Firemen be commended on their fire drills during the demolition of the structures at Sycamore Grove and Pentecostal Church properties. The Council instructed the City Administrator to write the appropriate letters for the Mayor's signature. Director of Public Works Kludt presented costs for the lighting proposals at the City Hall and Police Department parking lot, as foltows: 4- 8 ft. standards $600.00, 1 small standard $140.00 and approximate con- duit 300 ft. - $300.00, total project $1,040.00, as quoted by Smith Howard Electric Co. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried that the quotation in the amount of $1,040. of Howard Electric Co. as presented be accepted and the lighting facili- ties be approved, and installed. ~ l Res.#994 re:St.Bd. of Equ. ':)--1- .;.. ~ 1 ;) City Administrator Wood presented and read Resolution No. 994 regarding information requested from the State Board of Equalization. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Went- worth to adopt Resolution No. 994. RESOLUTION NO. 994 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY REQUESTING THE STATE BOARD'OF EQUALIZATION TO PERMIT AN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO EXAMINE ALL OF THE SALES AND USE TAX RECORDS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION TO SALES AND USE TAXES COLLECTED FOR THE CITY OF GILROY, PURSUANT TO THE "BRADLEY-BURNS UNIFORM LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX LAW" PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Eckard, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Pierce St.re: The Mayor reported that property owners on Pierce Street in- driveway formed him that they are unable to drive into their driveways as a access result of the recent excavation work on Miller Slough. Adjournment '- At 11:07 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. I I -)/7/ v.i.',,/>/)., /c- (/--L-t"f,~ City '( --~ t,? T ~(~ / .~j C 1 er k