Minutes 1966/03/21
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Gilroy, Cal ifornia
March 21, 1966
The regular meeting of'the City Council was called to order by His
Honor Mayor Protempore Everett C. Wentworth at 8:00 p.m.
Roll Call Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Norman
B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth.
Absent: Council Members: Chester R. Eckard and Kenneth L. Petersen.
Minutes The minutes of the regular Council Meeting of March 7, 1966 were a~
proved as mailed and recorded.
Bids-7th St. The Mayor Protempore stated that it was the time and place scheduled
Ext. for opening of bids for Seventh Street Extension-1966. Director of Public
Works Kludt opened the bids and they read as follows: 1. Granite Constru-
ction Co. - $17,891.00; 2. George C. Renz Construction Co. - $18,834.00;
3. Samuel R. Spencer $13,995.00. The City Engineer explained the plans and
specifications and the work to be completed by the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company re: Seventh Street Extension project. The low bid of Samuel R.
Spencer was referred to the City Attorney for checking. Discussion was had
regarding said project. The City Engineer was excused to further check the
bid calculations of Samuel R. Spencer. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin
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Labor Camps
Res.#lOO) re:
C en 5 U S
Stop Light
1st & Church
seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the bid of Samuel R.
Spencer for the Seventh Street Extension in the amount of $13,995.00 be
allowed based on the calculations of the City Engineer. Director of
Public Works Kludt reported that the bid specifications require the work
to be completed in 60 days.
The Mayor Protempore introduced Mr. Herman Kalish, State Housing
Authority, who desired to make a presentation on Migrant Labor Camps in
the City of Gilroy. Mr. Kalish addressed the Council and requested
postponement of said presentation at this time in order to have a
Study Session with a Committee of the Council regarding said matter.
Mayor Protempore appointed Councilman Allemand as Chairman of said
Committee and Councilmen Goodrich and himself (Wentworth) as members
of the Committee, to study the Migrant Labor Camp program.
City Administrator Wood presented and read a County Resolution in
re: to Designating March 21-28, 1966 as "Countdown 66 Week" regarding
the Countywide Census and a request from the County for the City to
adopt a similar Resolution. Motion was made by Councilman DuffIn
seconded by Councilman Goodrich to adppt Resolution No. 1001.
o PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Giltoy this 21st
day of March, 1966 by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, and
ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard and Petersen.
City ~dministrator Wood presented a request from Mrs~ Mary Huerta
for a Stop Light at First and Church Streets. He explained a letter
recently received from the Division of Highways prohibiting portable
traffic signals at this location or on any State Highway. He also ex-
plained that the City has been unsuccessful in its numerous attempts
to convince the State that traffic signals are needed at that inter-
section. He reported that the State indicated that such traffic sig-
nals may meet its warrants in approximately two years.
City Administrator Wood presented a Summary of Monthly Reports for
February 1966.
Disbursements Disbursements from February 11, 1966 to March 10, 1966 were pre-
sented and discussed.
Water Samples City Administrator Wood presented a report of satisfactory Water
Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department which were
ordered filed.
Salary Increase City Administrator Wood presented memos regarding salary merit
increased for two City Employees. He requested a salary increase for
Albert L. Brittain, Fire Chief, Range 28.8 from Step "D" $767.00 to
Step II E" $805.00 and Pedro Altamirano, Utility Man, Range 18.8 from
Step "B" $427.00 to Step "C" $449.00. Motion was made by Councilman
Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the salary
increases as reqoested be allowed to become effective April 1, 1966.
Counc i 1
Com. Meet.
Autho- City Administrator Wood presented a report on a Housing Authority
Council Committee Meeting of March 10, 1966. The City Administrator
introduced Mr. Harvey N. Kroll, Assistant Director of Reginal Public
Housing Administration who explained the Federal Program and answered
questions of the Council regarding said matter.
Councilman Quartiroli was excused from the Council Meeting at
Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman
Goodrich and carried that the City Administrator be authorized to
proceed with the prepar.ation of necessary documents for the estab-
lishment of a Housing Authority in the City of Gilroy and that 5
members be;, appointed by the Mayor to be confi rmed by the Counci 1.
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City Administrator Wood recommended that no application be made at
this time as to the Section 23 of the Housing Act. That this should fol-
low in sequence after the Housing Authority is established.
Councilman Quartiroli returned at 9:10 p.m. and took his seat at
the Council table.
Joint Sewer
City Administrator Wood reported on the March 16, 1966 Sewer Meeting
with Morgan Hill. The Mayor Protempore set a Council Sewer Committee Meet-
ing of March 29, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. to complete and establish new contract
figures to present to the Morgan Hill City Council. (Council Sewer Com-
mittee: Goodric~, Quartiroli, and Wentworth)
Migrant Labor The Mayor Protempore tentatively set March 28, 1966 as a Council
Camp Com. Committee Meeting on study of Migrant Labor Camps if agreeable with Mr.
Meet. Herman Kalish of the State Housing Authority.
Joint Com.Meet. City Administrator Wood reported on a Council-Unified School District
re:Recrea- Joint Committee Meeting of March 9, 1966 on the City Recreation Program.
tion Pro- Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Councilman Duffin and
gram carried that Staff prepare an Agreement with the District covering the out-
line and pertinent points as presented by the City Administrator and
authorized Staff to proceed with the recruitment of a Parks & Recreation
P.& R. Director City Administrator Wood presented job specifications for Parks and
Job Speci- Recreation Director as previously submitted to Council and approved by
fications the Personnel Commission. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded
by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the job sp~cifications for Parks
and Recreation Director be approved as presented.
Golf Club
City Administrator Wood presented and reviewed the Final Agreement
with the Gilroy Golf and Country Club. Motion was made by Councilman
Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the Agreement
as presented be approved and that the Mayor Protempore be authorized tQ
sign same.
Mayor Protempore Wentworth called a Recess at 9:35 p.m. and called
the meeting to order at 9:42 p.m.
Northside Park City Administrator Wood presented and reviewed the Revised North-
Plan side Park Plan and Cost Estimates. The total estimated cost for said
Park is $369,175.00. Discussion was had. The Council wished to eliminate
the provision in the proposed plan for the Overnight Trailer Spaces and
wished to include wading pool 25. X 501 or 30' X 60' and a small softball
diamond. The Northside Park Plan was referred to Staff for: further study.
Budget Amend- City Administrator Wood requested a Budget Amendment to increase
ment re: Account 8C2 in the amount of $342.00 to pay for installation of the
Drinking drinking fountain at the City Hall Lobby. Motion was made by Councilman
Fountain Goodrich seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the Budget
be amended in the amount of $342.00 as requested.
S.C.Trans. The minutes of the County of Santa Clara Transportation Policy
Policy Com. Committee Meeting of February 9, 1966 were noted and explained by Repre-
Meet 2/9/66 sentative Duffin.
Appointment Director of Public Works Kludt reported that he is the only Alter-
of Alter- nate Member of said Committee at Staff level and indicated that the Com-
nate to S.C. mittee is not in accord with non-elected officers as members of said
Trans. Committee. Mayor Protempore appointed Councilman Eckard as Alternate
Policy Representative of the County of Santa Clara Transportation Policy Com-
Com. mittee effective 3-21-66 to replace Alternate Representative Kludt.
Bond Issue re: City Administrator Wood presented a Resolution petitioning the
Old City Board of Supervisors to include a Bond Issue regarding Disposition of the
Hall Old City Hall on the June Primary Ballot as per Council instructions fol-
lowing the Publ ic Hearing on the Disposition of the Old City Hall. Dis-
cussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by
Councilman Goodrich and carried that Council rescind their previous action
taken following the Public Hearing on the Disposition of the Old City
Hall of placing the matter on the June Primary Ballot and to delay action
onthe matter until the November 1966 Election and instruct Staff to inves-
tigate other possibilities of aid through other agencies.
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Invitation from
Rebekah Lodges
The City Engineer reported that he would contact the firm of
Brewster & Greulich, Structural Engineers, in regard to their philo-
sophy of how they arrived at the estimate on renovation of the Old
City Hall.
A letter Inviting the Mayor and Council to attend "Com-
munity Appreciation Night", March 25,1966 from 1.0.0.F. and
Rebekah Lodges was noted.
Co. of Los Angeles A letter and Resolution from the County of Los Angeles urging
request in op- Opposition to Proposed Amendment Legalizing the Sale of Marijuana
position to was noted and ordered to be placed on file.
Sale of
Mar i j uana
Thank-you letter
from Pol ice
Bay Area Leader
Po 1 icy
A memo from the Gilroy Police Department was noted thank-
ing the Council for its Support and Assistance in Dedication Cere-
mon i es of the New Po 1 ice Fac i 1 it y.
A copy of The Bay Area Leader, February 1966, Volume 2 #9
was noted.
City Administrator Wood presented a letter of approval from
James L. Greenfield, Assistant Secretary of State, regarding the
Council's Resolution in support of our country.s purposes in
City Administrator Wood presented a letter from Thomas H.
Kuchel, U.S. Senator thanking the City for the resolution re: the
Admin..s policy on Viet-Name
Mayor & Councils City Administrator Wood informed the Council of the 9th
Conf.-Monterey Biennial Mayors and Councils League of California Cities Confer-
ence in Monterey, May 22nd through 24, 1966.
Ex t. C h u r c h St.
Leaf Dump
Blocked SPRR
cross i ngs
Sewer Farm Beds
The City Engineer presented cost estimates regarding the
Proposed Assessment District for the Extension of Church Street
north to Ronan Avenue. Staff was instructed to proceed with pre-
paration of a plan in sufficient form for a work study meeting of
the Council prior to meeting with property owners affected in
the proposed extension of Church Street and authorized to obtain
an appraisal of the property and leave the meeting date of the
Council Committee meeting to be determined by the City Administra=
Mayor Protempore Wentworth ~eported that the property be-
longing to Smith Howard at the corner of Ronan and Carlyle would
be available for the City.s Leaf Dump if dirt is mixed with the
leaf operation in lieu of the City's present Leaf Dump on Church
Street north of Welburn Avenue.
The Mayor Protempore reported that a ~rain blocked all Rail-
road Crossings South of the I.O.O.F. Crossing on 3-21-66 for 48
minutes and noted the necessity of Fire Protection on the East
side of the City.
The Mayor Protempore requested Council approval of bedding-
up the remaining 20 acres of the Sewer Farm property directly to
the East. Discussion was had regarding Weed Abatement at the
Sewer Farm. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by
Councilman Duffin and carried that Staff be authorized to proceed
with bedding-up the remaining 20 acres of Sewer Farm property,
leveling the land and subsoiling as recommended by Mayor Protempore
Wentworth. Councilman Quartiroli suggested sterilizing the ground
with pellets as a means of preventing weeds at this location.
Sympathy Card re: The Mayor Protempore requested that a sympathy card be for-
Family of Mrs. warded to the family of Mrs. Elmer J. Chesbro on behalf of the City
Elmer J.Chesbro Council.
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Plan.Com.Meet. Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt reported that the
Commission was unable to meet on March 17, 1966 due to lack of a
Reservoir Director of Public Works Kludt reported that the City Crew
would be cleaning the reservoir 3-22-66.
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Div.of Hwys.re: . Director of' Public Works Kludt presented and read a letter from
stop signals at the Division of Highways regarding installation of portable stop
1st & Church signals at First and Church Streets not in conforming with State
policies and striping on First Street between Hanna and Miller Avenue not
recommended and not in accord with left turn lanes on Carmel Street or
Mi 11er Avenue.
Sympathy Card
Fami ly of
re: Chief of Police Laizure reported on the death of Virginia Cox
Spencer.s husband and the Council requested that a sympathy card also
be forwarded to Virginia Spencer.
At 11:16 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by
Councilman Duffin and carried to adjourn.