Minutes 1966/04/18 l 0h:4)O .;,.' U U '- G i 1 roy, Ca 1 i foW a Apri 1 18, 1966 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Protempore Everett C. Wentworth at 8:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quartirol i, and Everett C. Wentworth. Absent: Council Members: Chester R. Eckard and Kenneth L. Petersen. Minutes The minutes of the regular Council Meeting of April 4, 1966 were approved as mailed and recorded. Bids:re:S.Mont. The Mayor Protempore stated that it was the time and place schedul- St.Sewer ed for the opening of bids on 'the South Monterey Street Sewer Line. Direc- . Line tor of Publ ic Works Kludt opened the bids and they read as follows: I. William Radtke & Son - $5,396.50; 2. George C. Renz Const. Co. - $5,590.00; 3. J. & E. Const. Co., Los Altos - $7,107.00; 4. Camino Real Const.,Salinas- $7,666.00. The low bid of William Radtke & Son was referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for checking. Hecker-Pass A petition from Felix A. Pappani, et aI, Howson's Inc., Darol Morey Ave. and Naomi Gardner and Gilroy Elks Hall Assln. was presented requesting' Annexation annexation of 74.586 acres of land to be known as "Hecker-'Pass-Morey Ave. Annexation 66-1 to the ~ity of Gilroy". City Administrator Wood explained the location of the proposed annexation. The City Attorney presented and read in part Resolution No. 1003 setting Monday, May 2, 1966 as the Publ ic Hearing date on said proposed annexation. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Duffin that the reading of Resolution No. 1003 be waived and that it be adopted. Res .#1003 Hecker- Pass Morey Annexation RESOLUTION NO. 1003 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF GILROY OF UNIN- HABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "HECKER PASS-MOREY AVENUE ANNEXATION 66-1 TO THE CITY OF GILROY" AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO. Ronan Ave.# 66-1 Annexa- t i on Res. #1004 Res. #1005 Pub .Hea r. for Ronan Ave.66-1 Farrell Ave. 101 Annexa- tion Res. #1006 Res. #1007 Pub .Hea r . for Farrell Ave.-lO 1 Annexa t i on ~-'~-~''-''-'-~''''-':''~~-'-''--- 25:31 ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodric~, Quartiroli, and Wentworth. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard and Petersen. City Administrator Wood explained the location of the proposed Ronan Avenue No. 66-1 Annexation. The City Attorney presented and read in part Resolution No. 1004 initiating proceedings of the City of Gilroy to annex on its own initiative 6.485 acres of land to be known as "Ronan Avenue No. 66-1 Annexation to the City of Gilroyl'. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Quartiroli that the reading of Resolution No. 1004 be w~ived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1004 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO INITIATE ON ITS OWN MOTION PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, and Wentworth. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard and Petersen The City Attorney presented and read in part Resolution No. 1005 setting Monday, June 6, 1966 as the Public Hearing date on, said proposed annexation. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Council- man Allemand that the reading of Resolution No. 1005 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1005 RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "RONAN AVENUE NO. 66-1 At:JNEXATION TO THE CITY OF GILROY" AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, and Wentworth. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard and Petersen. City Administrator Wood explained the location of the proposed Farrell Ave. - 101 Annexation. The City Attorney presented and read in part Resolution No. 1006 initiating proceedings of the City of Gilroy to annex on its own iniHative 3.37 acres of land to be known as "Farrell Avenue-lOl Annexation to the City of Gilroy". Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Duffin that the reading of Resolution No. 1006 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1006 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO INITIATE ON ITS OWN MOTION PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, and Wen tworth. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard and Petersen. The City Attorney presented and read in part Resolution No. 1007 setting Monday, June 6, 1966 as the Public Hearing date on said proposed annexation. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Council- man Allemand that the reading of Resolution No. 1007 be waived and that it be adopted. ' RESOLUTION NO. 1007 RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFlGI.LROY I),~ i,.') 1""\ . ,~ .-('1 ~0u':'; Cancer Month TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "FARRELL AVENUE - 101 ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF GILROY" AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartirol i, and Wentworth. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard and Petersen. Control City Administrator Wood presented a request of the American Cancer Society for the Mayor to proclaim April 1966 as "Cancer Control Month". Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the Mayor be authorized to issue said proclamation as requested. Card Room re- ques t-G i I roy Bowl S. Mon t. Sewer Extens ion Bid Plan.Com.Meet. 4/7/66 City Administrator presented a telegram request of Mr. Leon Welco, new owner of Gilroy Bowl at 154 North Monterey Street for a Municipal Card Room License at that location. Motion was made by Councilman All~ mand seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that said request be referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report to the Council. Mr. Leon Welco addressed the Council and explained where he proposed to locate the Card Table if the request was granted. The City Attorney reported that the low bid of William Radtke and Son for the Extension of the South Monterey Sewer Line to be in order. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the bid of William Radtke and Son in the amount of $5,396.50 be awarded for the South Monterey Street Sewer Extension. The report of the Planning Commission Meeting of Thursday, April 7, 1966 was presented and explained by Secretary of the Planning Com- mission Kludt informing the Council of its determination that the re- quest of Palomar Foods of San Diego to erect 20 cucumber pickl ing vats on Ninth Street at the Gilroy Scales property would require a condition- al use permit in the "M-2", Zone; informing the Council that the Com- mission concurs with the Council.s request for Official Plan Lines for Murray and Kern Avenues and that the Planning Consultant would be made aware of this thinking; recommending approval of the final map of "Wrenhaven Unit No.2" subject to the execution of an adequate bond; and recommending approval of the Capital Improvement Program for 1966- 1971. Mayor Petersen entered and took his seat at the Counci 1 table at 8:35 p~m. E.9th St.Curb & Discussion was had regarding the curb and gutter installation Gutter Instal- on East Ninth Street. Council requested Staff to contact Mr. Lours lation Saccullo to complete his curb and gutter installation on East Ninth Street. Final Map of Wrenhaven Un i t#2 approval March 166 Monthly Reports Di sbursements Water Samples Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Final Map of Wrenhaven Unit #2 be approved subject to the execution of an acceptable improvement agree- ment and the posting of an adequate bond. The Summary of Monthly Reports of March 1966 was presented and ordered filed. The Report of Disbursements from March 11, 1966 to April 10, 1966 was noted and ordered fi led. City Administrator Wood reported receipt of satisfactory Water Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department. Sat~vy Increases City Administrator Wood recommended approval of step increases in the Salary Pay Plan for the following employees: David Strick- land, Police Patrolman, Range 22.8 from Step 'WI $495.00 to Step "BI' $520.00 and Joseph Valenzuela, Police Cadet, Range 12.8 from Step 'WI $304.00 to Step "B" $319.00 to become effective May 1, 1966. Motion was made by Counci Iman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the step increases in the Salary Pay Plan for David Strickland and Joseph Valenzuela as recommended be granted. Auct i oneers License 2. hi)'.) , U i) {) City Administrator Wood reported on the Business License Ordinance in regard to "Auct i oneers'l and recommended an amendment' to the Bus i ness License Ordinance to include a provision for Auctioneers with Fixed Place of Business as follows: Class A: (2nd hand goods only) $50.00 per year or $10.00 per day, Class B: (new & used goods) $150.00 per year or $25.00 per day. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that Staff be instructed to proceed with preparation of an ordinance to include the recommendation as presented by the City Administrator regarding Auctioneers. 1966-71 Capital City AdmInistrator Wood reported on the proposed 1966-1971 Capital Imp.Program Improvements Program submitted with the Agenda. The Council set Monday, April 25, 1966 as a Study Session of the Council to discuss said Capital Improvement Program. Spring Clean- City Administrator Woodcrecommended City Participation in "Spring Up Week Clean-Up Week" Apri 1 25-30, 1966 and requested a budget amendment to allow for the pick-up and disposal by the Gilroy Garbage Disposal of all materials property owners may want to dispose of during this Program. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Staff proceed with the requested "Spring Clean-Up Week" and engage the Gilroy Garbage Disposal for pick-up and disposal of all materials property owners may want to dispose of during this clean-up w~ek not to exceed $800.00 for said service. It was noted that the cost estimated per hour for this service by the Gilroy Garbage Company would be ~10.00 for each packer truck manned by two men. Tree Excava- Councilman Wentworth reported that the Garbage Contractor will tion Xmas be donating his tractor for excavation of 3 or 4 acres of prune trees Hill Park at Christmas Hill Park and that he (Councilman Wentworth) will be dona- ting his time by operating said tractor. Res. #1008 Pay Plan Res. #1009 Emp.Classi- fication Ranges Res .#1010 Housing Author i ty The City Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 1008 Establ ish- ing a Basic Pay Plan to be applied to the Various Employee Classifica- tions. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin to adopt Resolution No. 1008. RESOLUTION NO. 1008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING A PASIC PAY PLAN,WHICH SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Went- worth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard NOES: ABSENT: The City Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 1009 Allocating the Various Employee Classifications in the City Service to Appropriate Ranges as Determined by Study of the Personnel Commission to become effective June 1, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Goodrich to adppt Resolution No. 1009. RESOLUTION NO. 1009 A RES.OLUTlON OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ALLOCATING THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CITY SERVICE TO APPROPRIATE RANGES AS DETERMINED BY STUDY OF THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966, by the following Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Went- worth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 1010 Establish- ing a Local Housing Authority. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth to adopt Resolution No. 1010. RESOLUTION NO. 1010 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NEED FOR A HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE CITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966 by the following vote: 2534 AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Went- worth, and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor noted that the appointment of 5 Commissioners for the Housing Authority would be confirmed at the next Council Meeting. Calif. Histori- City Administrator Wood presented a letter from the Conference of cal Socie~y California Historical Societies regarding preservation of the Old City Hall re:Old City which was ordered to be placed on file. Ha 11 SPRR re: Luchessa Crossin~ !l!l'~1 A letter from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in regard to Luchessa Road Crossings wascpresented. The City Attorney was instructed to determine if the City can feasibly bring to issue and obtain a judge- ment on citations issued to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.s Eng- ineers if they allow trains to block railroad crossings for a period of time longer than five minutes as requlated by ordinance. Freeway Bypass A letter from Assemblyman George W. Milias in regard to the Free- re:funds way Bypass at Gilroy. Joint Water Agree. re: Gavilan Co 11 ege A letter from Gavilan College in regard to the Joint Water Agree- ment was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City accepts said letter of April 14, 1966 from Gavilan College School District at satisfactory evidence of their position regarding the Well. Proposed Migrant City Administrator Wood reported on an appraisal of a 5 acre Labor Hous- parcel of property proposed for possible Migrant Housing Location to ing be appraised at $7,500.00 per acre, however noting that said property owners have requested $10,000.00 per acre. Council wished to investi- gate additional property adjacent to the above referred to property as suggested by Councilman Wentworth. City Administrator Wood and Council- man Wentworth agreed to investigate this property for a proposed Migrant __, Housing Location and report to Council on their findings. City Parking Lot restric- tions Res. #1011 Mobilehomes Status Report re:Freeway Bypass Council requested City Administrator Wood to arrange if possible a tour of the Migrant Labot Housing Facilities at Indio, California and to contact members of the Council to determine if they would be able to attend on the date arranged. City Administrator Wood presented and read a card from Mr. Harold Steinmetz requesting local merchants not to allow their employees to park their vehicles in the City Parking Lots. City Administrator Wood re- ported that after checking said Parking Lots in question, the Police Depart- ment determined that there is an average of 25 parking ~paces available at all times, and he recommended that the lots not be posted for limited parking until they are near full capacity. Council concurred with~e City Administrator1s recommendation. City Administrator Wood presented and explained Resolution No. 1011 requesting the Division of Housing, State of California, to assume responsibility for enforcement of mobilehomes and mobilehomes park law. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Counci Iman Duffin to adopt Resolutton No. 1011. RESOLUTION NO. 1011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY REQUESTING THE DIVIS10N OF HOUSING, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT OF MOBILE- HOMES AND MOBILEHOMES PAR~ LAW. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1966 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli, Went- worth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Eckard ~~ City Administrator Wood reported on the Status of the proposed Freeway Bypass. Councilman Quartiroli suggested that a copy of said report be forwarded to the Local Chamber of Commerce and to the Service Clubs. Councilman Duffin suggested that the City Council set a definite ~-'- ~~J~ date for installation of the Highway signs notifying motorists going through Gilroy of the traffic problem. Council took no action at this time. Ext.Church St. Councilman Duffin inq~ired of the progres~ on the Extension of Church Street. City Administrator Wood reported that the appraisor is studying estimates for right-of-way costs. Railroad Overpass Crossings Councilman Allemand inquired of the preliminary plans for the proposed Overpass for access to the East side of the City. The City Engineer reported that he would have these preliminary pl'ans for presentation to the Council at the Work Study Session on the Capital Improvement Program, on April 25, 1966. Ivy removal City trees re: Directorjof Public Works Kludt requested the City to begin an Ivy Removal Program on City trees located in the park-ways because this excessive growth of ivy on certain trees is causing the trees to eventually die. Council concurred with this Program. Dispatch Editor The Mayor welcomed the new Dispatch Editor, Patricia Hepperle. Library Week City Administrator Wood presented a request for the Mayor to proclaim National Library Week April 17-23, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Mayor be authorized to proclaim National Library Week April 17-23, 1966. Adjourned At 10:40 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. )