Minutes 1966/06/14
Roll Ca II
of Eng.Serv.
by City Eng.
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Gilroy, California
June 14, 1966
The Special Meeting of the City Council was called to order by
His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:10 p.m.
Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, Chester R. Eckard,
Norman B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and
Kenneth L. Petersen.
Absent: Council Member: George T. Duffin.
The Mayor stated that he called the meeting for the purpose of
discussing Engineering Services prior to approval of the 1966-67 B~dget.
Councilman Wentworth commented that it was his understanding
that this meeting would be a Closed Session regarding personnel. City
Administrator Wood reported that the Special Meeting was called in
accord with procedure outlined in the City Charter and it eould be
closed by Council if individual personnel qualifications or performance
were to be discussed. The City Attorney confirmed this statement.
City Engineer Hanna presented a report of Engineering Services
provided by his firm for July 1965 through June 1966 and stated. that
in his opinion the City is not ready for a full-time Engineer, how-
ever he noted that possibly a Draftsman could be provided for in the
1966-67 Budget to prepare detail services and to begin the City.s
Engineering Program. During this period the City could continue using
the services of a Consultant for major Engineering Projects. He also
noted that 43.5% of his past engineering services for 1965-66 was for
Field Surveys which would be necessary in the future in addition to a
full-time Engineer as provided for in the 1966-67 Budget. He also
stated that $1,465.10 of the City.s Engineering costs for 1965-66 was
for preparing descriptions and maps for proposed annexations and
suggested that the City consider charging an Annexation Fee to defray
a portion of this engineering cost. He also noted that six months of
1965-66 ther~ were no fees paid by the City for Engineering costs.
Discussion was had regarding future Public Works Projects in-
volving engineering services which would be in addition to the figures
provided in the 1966-67 Budget.
City Administrator Wood stated that the City will have to
continue to use Consultant Services on major Public Works Project5.
That it would not be economically feasible for the City to Staff-up
in an attempt to provide all future engineering services.
Discussion was had regarding conflict of interests when the
present City Engineer does engineering services for the City and
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private firm6 concerning subdivisions, etc.
At 8:,5 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by
Councilman Wentworth and carried to conduct a closed personnel session
as requested by the Mayor.
At 9:40 p.m. the meeting was reconvened an'd called to order by
the Mayor.
The Mayor stated that the Council discussed the City,ts engineer-
ing problems and that the matter would be further discussed at the Public
Hearing on the 1966-67 Budget on June 20, 1966.
Adjournment At 9:41 p.m. motion was made by Counci Iman G00drich seconded by
Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjeurn. .
Respectfully submitted,
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