Minutes 1966/11/07
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Gilroy, California
November 7, 1966
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Protempore Everett C. Wentworth at 8:04 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Chester
R. Eckard, Charles F. Quartiroli, and Everett C. Wentworth.
Absent: Council Members: Norman B. Goodrich and Kenneth L. Petersen.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 24, 1966 were approved
as mailed and recorded.
Intro.City Eng. Mayor Protempore Wentworth introduced Mr. William K. Henry, City
Mayor Protempore Wentworth noted that students from Gavilan College
were present in the audience observi~g the Council Meeting.
Pub.Hear.re:S.W. Mayor Protempore Wentworth stated that it was the time and place
65-2 rezon- scheduled for the Public Hearing on the proposed rezoning of the "Southwest
ing Annexation 65-2" from IIR-3" Multiple Residential District, and "C-III,
Neighborhood Commercial District to "R-I", Single Family Residential
District. Mayor Protempore Wentworth asked if there was anyone'in the
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re: C .Zam-
zow,P. &
Appea 1 re:
Sign Va r i-
ance 472
berry .
ing 6th &
audience desiring to speak for or against the proposed rezoning. There
was no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by Council-
man Eckard seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the Public
Hearing be closed.
The City Attorney presented and read in part a proposed ordin-
ance rezoning "Southwest Annexation 65-2". Motion was made by Council-
man Duffin seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried that the ordinance
be introduced and published by title and summary.
Mayor Protempore Wentworth presented a Certificate of Service
to Mrs. Celeste Zamzow recently resigned from the Parks and Recreation
An Appea 1 from G i 1 roy Deve 1 opmen t Coplpany was presen ted on
action of the Planning Commission in regard to denaal of a sign vari-
ance to Dale Connell at.472 North Eigleberry Street, Gilroy. Motion
was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Allemand and car-
ried that a Public Hearing date be set before the Council on said Ap-
peal for Monday, November 21, 1966 at 8:00 p.m.
City Administrator Wood informed the Council of the filing of
a Notice of Intention to Circulate a Petition to enact a City Ordinance
for rezoning at property located on Sixth and Princevalle Streets.
Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt presented an oral
report of the Planning Commission meeting of Thursday, November 3, 1966,
informing the Council of the Planning Commissions' recommendation that
the proposed change in the ten (10) day appeal zoning ordinance require~
ment on variances and use permits be established for fifteen (15) days
instead of thirty (30) days as previously suggested by the Coun~il.
Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Allemand and
carried that the fifteen (15) day time limit as recommended by the Com-
mission regarding appeals on variances and use permits be approved.
Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt also informed the
Council that the following Official Plan Lines be established: sixty (60)
foot width on Welburn Avenue, Ronan Avenue presented as a preliminary
to the Planning Commission, sixty (60) foot width on Kern Avenue, sixty-
six (66) foot width on Wren Avenue, and an eighty-six (86) foot width
on Church Street. Council concurred with the recommended widths on Wren
and Kern Avenues and Church Street, however requested that the limits of
Welburn Avenue be set at an eighty-six (86) foot width from Wren Avenue
to the proposed Expressway, an eighty-six (86) foot width from 101 High-
way to the Miller Slough Bridge, and suggested that the sixty (60) foot
width remain on the developed area of Welburn Avenue and at such time
that a four (4) lane carrier was needed that no parking may be estab-
lished at this location from curb to curb. Mayor Protempore Wentworth
also suggested that these proposed Official Plan Lines be discussed at
the Study Session of the Planning Commission and Council if time permits,
said meeting scheduled for November 14, 1966 at 8:00 p.m.
Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt also informed the
Council that the Planning Commission, rather than waiting for the
federal approval of the 701 Planning Study, plan to proceed to change
the terminology of "CO" Commercial Office zoning to "PO" Professional
Office zoning; and that set-back requirements for garages be changed
to exceed twenty (20) feet.
Water Samples City Administrator Wood presented a report of satisfactory
Water Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department and
recommended filing of same.
Appo in tmen t
of City Administrator Wood requested
City Clerk. Motion was made by Councilman
man Allemand and carried that Mrs. June E.
Deputy City Clerk as recommended.
the appointment of a Deputy
Duffin seconded by Council-
Cadile be appointed as
Award of bid:
Sedan-Di r. (4) Door
Pub.Wks. awarding
City Administrator Wood reported on the bids regarding a four
Sedan to be used by the Director of Public Works recommending
the bid to Gilroy Motor Company in the amount of $2,316.46.
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Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Cou~cilman
Allemand and carried that the bid for a four (4) door sedan be
awarded to Gilroy Motor Company in the amount of $2,316.46.
Real Property
6th & Rosanna
City Administrator Wood reported on an offer to sell Real
Property to the City of Gilroy located on the Southwest corner of
Sixth and Rosanna Streets. Council deferred action on same to the
Study Session of the Council on November 14, 1966 when plans for
the City Hall Complex would be discussed.
ABAG General
Councilman Quartiroli, representing the Council on ABAG,
reported that he and Chief of Police Laizure attended the ABAG
General Assembly of November 4, 1966. He recommended that the Plan
as presented to be voted on at the December 16, 1966 Meeting be
endorsed by the City and he requested authorization to vote in
favor of same on behalf of the City. The Council authorized
Councilman Quartiroli to cast an affirmative vote for said Plan on
behald of the City as requested.
Apoi nt.P.& R.
Com. (Brunet-
Mayor Protempore Wentworth recommended the appointment of
Mrs. Arnold R. Brunetti as Parks and Recreation Commissioner to
fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Celeste Zamzow to expire January
I, 1970. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Council-
man Allemand and carried that Mr$. Arnold R. Brunetti be appointed
Parks and Recreation Commissioner to fill the unexpired term of
Mrs. Celeste Zamzow.
Card Room License City Administrator Wood presented a report and recommenda-
Gilroy Bowl tion on the Card Room License of Gilroy Bowl at 154 North Monterey
Street, Gilroy, to expire November 16, 1966. Motion was made by
Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried
that the Card Room License at the Gilroy Bowl, presently operated
by Mr. Leon Welco, be continued with the conaition that if the
card table operation was changed, or the physical structure of the
bowling alley operation, or any portion thereof is changed, that
the license automatically would come before the City Council for
review before the license can continue, as recommended by the Chief
of Po 1 ice.
Plan. A letter from the Mayor of the City of Santa Clara was
presented in regard to Countywide Planning Committee, stating that
said City is opposed to the proposal to form a County-wide Plan-
ning Committee.
Denta I C 1 in i c
Reques t.
A letter from Dr. C. A. Bozzo was presented in regard to
an Endorsement to Establish a Dental Clinic for Brain Damaged
Children. City Administrator Wood reported that Dr. Bozzo subse-
quently advised him that the Catholic Church will act as fiscal
agent for the clinic and will request the City for an endorsement
at a later date. Council took no action on the matter, and instru-
cted the City Administrator to contact the local Dental Association
to determine their thinking on Dr. Bozzo's request.
Flood Control & A letter was presented from the Flood Control and Water
Water Dist. District regarding the 566 Funding Program.
re:566 Prog.
Director of Public Works Kludt recommended that Represen-
tative Duffin be given authority to cast an affirmative vote at
the Transportation Policy Committee Meeting regarding the 70-30%
split. Council indicated that Representative Duffin had been
given this authority and that they have not changed their feelings
in this regard.
101 Hwy.Signs A letter from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce was presented
requesting erection of Route 101 Highway Signs informing the public
of congestion of traffic when entering the City of Gilroy. Motion
was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Eckard and
carried that Staff be instructed to erect the said signs at the
North and South City Limits on M0nterey Highway.
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Minimum rental
Wheeler Aud.
Parking Lot
Li ght-C i ty
Ha 11
Utility Bill
re: City Administrator Wood presented a request of the Library and
Culture Commission for minimum rental fee of Wheeler Auditorium for
the Don'Cassack Chorus and Dancers to be co-sponsored by the Commission.
Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Duffin that
the $15.00 minimum rental fee for use of Wheeler Auditorium by the Don
Cassack Chorus and Dancers be allowed as requested.
Councilman Duffin reported that the light at the south end of
the North Exit of the City Hall Parking Lot was in need of adjustment.
Councilman Eckard inquired of an individual Utility Bill regar~
ing the sewer service charge. City Administrator Wood indicated that
he would check on same.
Juvenile Officer Councilman Eckard suggested the need for a full-time Juvenile
Officer in the City of Gilroy. Discussion was had. City Administrator
Wood was instructed to contact the School to determine their thinking
on the matter.
Fence-M ill er
Adjourned to
Councilman Allemand reported that the fence on Miller Slou~h
off of Welburn Avenue on La Coche Way is in need of repair. Director
of Public Works Kludt reported that said fence is continually in need
of repair due to vandalism and reported that same should be changed
to a chain-linked fence. Council referred the matter to the Director
of Public Works to study the matter for a possible solution of same.
At 9:40 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded
by Councilman Duffin and carried to adjourn to a Personnel Session re-
quested by the Director of Publ ic Works.
Mayor Protempore Wentworth declared a five (5) minute recess.
At 9:48 p.m. Mayor Protempore called the Personnel Session to
order. He stated that this was an Open Hearing requested by the Direc-
tor of Publ ic Works regarding the change in title of the present
Director of Public Works to Assistant Director of Publ ic Works and
Assistant City Engineer, and to establish a position of Director of
Public Works and City Engineer. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt re-
quested that the position of Director of Public Works remain apart
from the position of City Engineer, and that two positions be proposed.
He further explained his reasons for said p~oposal.
The Mayor Protempore asked if anyone in the audience wished to
speak fegarding Mr. Kludt's proposal. The following persons addressed
the Council and concurred with Mr. Kludt's proposal: Mr. Ray Probert,
Mrs. Rose Naughton, Mr. Edward Peterman, and Mr. Linton Kludt.
Mayor Protempore Wentworth referred said matter to the next
regular Council Meeting of November 21, 1966 for further consideration
of the matter of reorganization of the Department of Public Works.
At 10:39 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded
by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the Personnel Session be
adjourned and that the Regular Meeting of the Council be reassembled.
At 10:39 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Coun-
cilman Eckard and carried to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
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City Clerk If