Minutes 1966/11/10
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Gilroy, Cal ifornia
November 10, 1966
The Special Meeting of the City Council was called to order by
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Mayor Protempore Everett C. Wentworth at 1:00 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, Chester R. Eckard,
Norman B. Goodrich, and Everett C. Wentworth.
Absent: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Charles F. Quartiroli,
and Kenneth L. Petersen.
The Mayor Protempore st~ted that this Special Meeting was called
Dept.Pub.Wks. for the purpose of a Continued Consideration of Reorganization of the
reorganization Department of Public Works.
City Administrator Wood explained and reviewed the organizational
charts prepared by the Director of Publ ic Works and further explained
the Director of Public Works and for City Engineer. City Administrator
Wood recommended against establ ishment of such dual responsibilities.
He stated that in a community of our size we should attempt to have
clear and definite lines of authority rather than splitting them
further than they already exist.
Council discussed the Director of Public Works' proposal and
the recommendation of the Personnel Commission to change the title
of the present Director of Public Works to Assistant Director of
Public Works and Assistant City Engineer and to establish a position
of Director of Public Works and City Engineer
Mayor Protempore Wentworth explained that at the time the
present Director of Public Works was hired it was the Councils'
intention to sometime in the future to hire a full-time City Engineer
and that the Director of Public Works would meet the requirements of
said position only if he had obtained his registration as a Civil
Engineer. At that time the present Director of Publ ic Works had
agreed to pursue his Civil Engineer registration. He further ex-
plained that the present Director of Publ ic Works had not complied
with said requirement and that it was the Councils' intent to at this
time pursue the matter of the City Engineer and Director of Public
Works being established as one position.
Council further discussed the positions of Foreman in the
Department of Publ ic Works and whether or not they intended to advance
the Sr. Ut il i ty Man in the Water Department to Foreman or not advance
him to said position. It was pointed out that this circumstance
would occur in the Streets & Sewers Department when the present
Foreman retired. It was the Councils' intention that if the recom-
mendation of the Personnel Commission, regarding the change in job
title for Director of Publ ic Works, was accepted that the Assistant
Director of Public Works would furnish direct supervision of the
Water Department and Streets & Sewers Department and that the re-
tiring Foremen would not be replaced. It was suggested however that
the present S~ Utility Men should receive some additional compensa-
tion and title for the increase of responsibilities.
Discussion was had regarding eliminating the title of City
Engineer and entitling same as Director of Public Works. City Admin-
istrator Wood recommended that the two titles remain for these two
Discussion was further had regarding no change in title for
the Senior Utility Men taking the place of the retiring Foreman but
the possibil ity of a longevity pay increase.
Mayor Protempore Wentworth reported that Councilman Duffin
and Councilman Quartiroli had expressed their feelings to him on the
matter discussed at this meeting and that both were in agreement that
the position of Director of Public Works be held by a Civil Engineer
with the title s of City Engineer and Director of Publ ic Works and
that a title be created for Assistant Director of Public Works and
Assistant City Engineer.
Sr.Utility Men Council indicated that it was their desire for the matter of
job title for Senior Utility Men replacing the Foremen be referred
to the Personnel Commission for study and that their previous dis-
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Change in
Job Tit 1 es
of Dir.Pub.
Wks. & City
cuss ion of this meeting regarding same be referred to the Person-
nel Commission.
City Administrator Wood informed the Council that a change
in titles of the present Director of Public Works and City Emgineer
would require an amendment to the City Code by ordinance.
Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Council-
man Goodrich and carried that Staff be instructed to prepare the
necessary ordinance based .upon the recommendation of the Personnel
Commission to change the title of the present Director of Publ ic
Works to Assistant Director of Public Works and Assistant City Engi-
neer and to establ ish a position of Director of Public Works and
City Engineer and that said ordinance be referred to the Personnel
Commission for their recommendation prior to submission to the
Council for introduction and adoption.
At 2:01 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded
by Councilman Eckard and carried to adjourn.
Respectf~IIY sUbmitted~
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