Minutes 1967/05/23
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Elks' Proposal
re: City Lands
Gilroy, California
May 23, 1967
The Special Meeting of May 23, 1967 of the Gilroy City
Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B.Goodrich
at 8:03 p.m.
Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, Anthony C.
Silva, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich.
Absent: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kennedy,
Jr., and Charles F. Quartiroli.
The Mayor stated that the purpose of the meeting was
called to hear a proposal of the local Elks' Organization
regardihg the feasibility of leasing or purchasing a portion
of the City owned excess lands adjacent to the Golf Course
for a Club House site.
Mr. John Klarich, Spokesman and Chairman of the Building
Committee of the Elksl Organization addressed the Council and
requested permission to present the proposal when additional
Counc i 1 Members are presen t.
At 8:05 p.m. the Mayor declared a Recess in order for
Staff to determine if the absent Council Members intended to
be present at this meeting.
At 8: 10 p.m. the Mayor called the Special Meeting of the
Council to order. Staff reported that Council Members Duffin
and Quartiroli would be approximately one-half hour late.
The Mayor declared a Recess in order to wait for Council'Mem-
bers Duffin and Quartiroli.
At 8:52 p.m. the Mayor cafled the meeting to order.
Council Members Duffin and Quartiroli were present at this time.
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Mr. John Klaricn, addressed the Council, and explained the
proposal of the Gilroy Elks' Organization to lease or purchase
a portion of City owned lands adjacent to the Golf Course
property for an Elks' Club House site. He stated that the
Elks' Building Committee were present in the audience to
determine the Councils' feelings on such a proposal.
Discussion was had.
It was the general opinion of the Council Members present
that if said property was sold to a private organization that
the monies derived from said sale could be used for other
City needs.
Council referred said matter to Staff and instructed City
Administrator Wood to prepare a report for Council at their
next regular meeting of June 5, 1967 as to whether or not said
property should be considered for some more useful purpose
that would result in a benefit to the entire Community.
Said report to include recommended 'procedures to follow in the
event some disposition is later determined.
At 9:40 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Duffin
seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
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