Minutes 1967/06/29
Roll Ca 11
Bids re:
Mul ti Peri 1
Elks Lodge
Proposal for
City Owned
Gilroy, California
June 29, 1967
The Regular Adjc;>urned Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was
called to order by H.s Honor Norman B. Goodrich at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, Anthony'C.
Silva, Everett C. Wentworth and Norman B. Goodrich
Absent: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kennedy,
Jr., and Charles F. Quartiroli.
City Administrator Wood presented a Report on Bids for Multi
Peril Insurance Coverage opened on Tuesday, June 27, -1967 at 4:00
P.M. The Bids were as follows: 1. Voorhies and Parrish-a. Annual
Premium for 3 yrs.' $7~'8l8;'OO for 5 yrs. $7,818.00, B. Annual Pre-
mium, Alternate'#l - 3 yrs & 5'yr~. $7,134.00' 2. Eustice Insurance
b. Annual Premium ~ Alt. #1 ~ $8,007.00 for 3 yrs.; 3. Eustice
Insurance a. Annual Premium $8,239.00. for 3 yrs., b. Annual Pre-
mium Alt. #1 - $8,043.00 for 3 yrs. It was recommended l:iy Staff
that the low bid of Voorhies and Parrish for Alternate #1 Annual Pre-
mium for.5 yrs. in the amount of $7,134.00 be accepted.
Mr. Firman Voorhies, addressed the Council and explained the
bid subm i tted by his I nsu rance Company.
Councilman Kennedy and the City Attorney enter'ed at 4:04 p.m.
and took their seats at the Council table.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch reported on ~e addi-
tional coverage to be obtained from the proposed bid.
Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Council-
man Allemand and carried that the low bid for Multi Peril Tnsur-
ance Coverage be awarded to Voorh1.es and Parrish for the Annual
Premium Alternate No. l~for a 5 yr. period as recommended ,by Staff
and that the 1967-68 Budget be amended to incorporate Accounts
12B33, 12B34, and 12B35 intor one Account l2B33 entitled "Multi
Peril Insurance".
City Administrator Wood commended Assistant City Administra-
tor Reinsch for the excellent job he did in.the preparation of the
specifications for the insurance bids.
The Mayor called on the Elks Lodge Organization to Make
Formal Offer on City Owned Lands.
Mr. Joseph Gubser, Jr., Co~Chairman of the Elks Lodge
Building Committee, addressed the Council and presented a forma~
offer to purchase 5+ acres of City owned land at $5,000.00 per
acre located in the vicinity of the Northeast corner of Hecker
Pass Highway and Burchell Road.
Discussion was had regarding additional items to the pro-
posal not submitted at this time in writing.
Bid Open-
ing set
for Sale
of City
City Administrator Wood presented a letter from Mr. Walter
J. Doyle, Appraiser, regarding appraisal of the property in
City Administrator Wood also presented a Report regardi~g
publication of the Elks Lodge Proposal and an Invitation for
additional offers from any interested parties.
Discussion was had regarding said Report. It was agreed
that 10 days should be changed to 30 days for the deposit of the
total purchase price. It was also agreed by the Council that
the City would assume the publication fees. The representative
of the Elks Lodge, Mr. Gubser, agreed that the Elks would assume
the preliminary title insurance, revenue stamps and fees required
if there were awarded the biddor said property.
Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Council-
man Kennedy and carried that the formal proposal of the Elks Lodge
to purchase 5+ acres of City owned land be acknowledged and that
same be made a part of the record and that Staff be authorized to
publish said offer and call for other bids from interested persons
for opening at the July 17, 1967 Council Meeting.
Weed Abate- Councilman Allemand inquired about additional discing
ment proj.needed in the City regarding the Weed Abatement Program. City
Administrator Wood noted he would discuss this progress with the
Fi re Ch i ef.
Councilman Silva inquired about the weeds on property be-
longing to Mrs. Agnes Doyle. The Mayor instructed Councilman
Silva to contact Mrs. Doyle regarding same.
Further discussion was had regarding the Elks Lodge pro-
posal re: the City establishing a precedent controlling future
development on these excess lands. The City Attorney noted that
thus Council nor future Councils would be restricted to a use
for these residual lands as consequence of selling one parcel to
a fraternal order. That other uses could be considered in the
future. He personally would like to see the City retain a sub-
stantial portion of this land for park purposes.
Adjournment At 5:05 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Wentworth
seconded by Councilman Kennedy to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
" c{
" J c.
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City Clerk