Minutes 1967/10/02 ,.. 2708 Roll Call Intro.R. Cox, eng.-aide Minutes Bids re: Im- provement bonds-So Chestnut st. Ext. Proj. #67-1 Gilroy, California October 2, 1967 The regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by "Hfs-Honor.Mayor>Nohmalt B.G09drich at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kenaedy, Jr., Charles F. Quartiroli, Anthony C. Silva, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Member: John E. Allemand. The Mayor introduced new employee Mr. Richard Cox, Engineer- ing-Aide. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 18, 1967 were approved as mailed and recorded. City Administrator Wood reported on the following Bids received for Sale of Improvement Bonds re: South Chestnut Street Extension Prodect #1967-1: I.J.B. Hanauer & Co., Newark, New Jersey - Interest Cost: $60,166.00~ Average Interest Rate - 4.90316%; 2. First California Company, San Francisco - Int~ Cost: $62,887.70, Aver. Int. Rate - 5.12497'10; 3. Robert E. Schweser Co. of Cal if., Ventura - Int. Cost: $65,151.55 - Aver. Int. Rate - 5.30946%; 4. Stone & Youngberq:, San Francisco - Int. Cost: $67,101.18, Aver. Int. Rate- 5.46834%; 5. Grande & Co., Seattle, Wash. - Int. Cost: $67,269.24, Aver. Int.Rate - 5.48204% and 6. Gross & Co. Inc., Los Angeles - Int. Cost: $68,716.70, Aver. Int. Rate - 5.6000%, noting that J. B. Hanauer & Company, of Newark, New Jersey were the low bidders with an average net interest rate of 4.90316%. Res.#1145 & #1146 City Administrator Wood presented and explained Resolution re: Deter.unpd.No. 1145 Dete~~ining Unpaid Assessments and providing for Issuance Assess. & ~f Bonds. Motion was~made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Awarding Bonds Councilman Duffin that the reading of Resolution No. 1145 be waived re:S.Chestnut and that it be adopted. St. Ext. E'roj. 67-1 ...... ....., Bids re:Butter- fly Valves Water Pres- surization Proj. ,.. . ~,.... Pub. Hear. re: rezoning Luth- eran Church Prop.-Hecker Pass Hwy. Intro-Proposed ord.rezoning Church prop- erty Plan. Com. Meet. 9/21/67 "",.... ..... 2709 RESOLUTION NO. 1145 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS.. SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET EXTENSION - PROJECT NO. 1967-1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: Duffin, Kennedy, Wentworth, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBER: Allemand Jr., Quartiroli, Silva, City Administrator Wood presented and exp1amned Resolution No. 1145 Awarding Sale of Bonds to J. B. Hanauer & Co., of Newark, New Jersey. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin that the reading of Resolution No. 1146 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1146 A RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF BONDS - SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET EXTEN- SION - PROJECT NO. 1967-1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy, Jr., Q.uartiroli, Silva, Wentworth, and Goodrich. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: Allemand City Administrator Wood reported that no bids were received for the scheduled Bid Opening of Friday, September 29, 1967 re: Rubber Seated Butterfly Valves for the Water Pressurization Project. Discussion was had. The City Attorney stated that it would be ac- ceptable to obtain quotations from bidders without readvertising specifications for said Valves if same were opened on a specific date and if same consisted of a firm bid. The Council authorized Staff to waive the penalty clause, obtain quotations from bidders without readvertising specifications for said valves under the con- ditions stated by the City Attorney, and request approximate deli- very date of same for report at the next Council meeting of Octo- ber 23, 1967. City Administrator Wood noted that said quotations would be called for and analyzed on Friday, October 20, 1967. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing on the proposal to rezone 4.70 acres of land belonging to the Lutheran Church on Hecker Pass Highway from 1I1-ZII Interim Zone to IIR-111, Single Family Residential District. He asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the proposed rezoning. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Public Hearing be closed. The City Attorney presented and read a proposed ordinance rezoning same. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by title and summary. Secretary of the Planning Commission Henry presented and explained the report of the Planning Commission meeting of Thursday, September 21, 1967 informing the Council of the Commissions' dis- cussion 'of-the proposed 26 acre development at. the,Gavilan College ~nt~ance on the west si~e of Mesa Road, tabled fof further Study by the Commission on October 5, 1967 Planning Commission meeting; (City Administrator Wood noted that Planning Consultant, Warren Jones, had requested that same be continued to the October 19, 1967 Planning Commission meeting to allow sufficient time to prepare a study of the general area - and that the County has been notified of said action by the Planning Commission requesting that the County continue the matter to their first November meeting: if a cpntinClati!,n is not granted t~e ~lanning Commission may have to discuss same at their October 5th meeting or call a Special Meeting.) Planning Commission further recommended Council to set a Moritorium period on additional subdivisions west of Wren Avenue. (Council 9710 Water Samples Encroachment Permi t re: Luchessa Ave. discussed same, took no action, and referred said matter to the Planning Commission for further study of the traffic circulation in the area, requesting that study be given specifically to signal- ization at First St. and Miller Ave. and requesting Staff to con- tact the Division of Highways in regard to improving Hecker Pass Highway to four lanes.) Council discussed proposed extension of Third Street. Mr. M. J. Filice addressed the Council and reported on the schedule of propo- sed development in said area. Council instructed Staff to arrange a meeting with Mr. M. J. Filice to discuss same. ...... Secretary of the Planning Commission, Henry, further reported on the Planning Commission meeting regarding recommendation to change the terminology in the Zoning Ordinance re: expansion of existing church buildings and structures. Council took no action and re- ferred same back to the Planning Commission for clarification of same, to be presented to the Council at a later date; further in- formed Council that the Planning Commission approved a sign at the Plaza Rexall Drug Store. . ...,h'.... City Administrator Wood presented a report on satisfactory Water Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department. He further noted that Well #1 remains out of service and the building is being removed in order to prepare same for the photo- graphic survey of said well. City Administrator Wood reported on a Railroad Spur Encroach- ment Permit on Luchessa Avenue and recommended approval of same. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that said Encroachment Permit as outlined by the City Administrator be approved and that the Mayor be authorized to execute same. '67 State Legis- City Administrator Wood reviewed the highlights of the 1967 lation State Legislation affecting Cities. Inact i ve Time Deposits Res.#1147 re: AJR #29 - City Administrator Wood reported on the City's Time Deposit Pr9gram. Council agreed and approved inclusion of Time Deposits and Active Cash Balances separately on the Monthly Report to the Counci I. City Administrator Wood presented and read a proposed Reso- lution re: Assembly Joint Resolution No. 29. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Resolu- tion No. 1147 be adopted. ........ RESOLUTION NO. 1147 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA, URGING CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORT OF THE CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Wentworth, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand I Kennedy, Jr., Quartiroli, Silva, Minutes s.c.co. The Minutes of the Santa Clara County Planning Policy Com- Plan. Policy mittee Meeting of Thursday, August 24, 1967 were noted. Com. Meet. ~ 1st & Church St. Director of Public Works Henry reported on the progress of signalization signalization at First and Church Street Intersection to be com- pleted by the Division of Highways (Stymie & Mitchell Contractors) noting that same should be completed prior to November 17, 1967. Res. #1148re: 63 S. Mont. St. property (Sal- vat i on Army) k",;Mj The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 1148 authorizing execution of the Deed from the City of Gilroy to The Salvation Army for purchase of city owned land located at 63 S. Monterey St. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded, by Councilman Wentwoc~h that Resolution No. 1148 be adopted. ., 2711 RESOLUTION NO. 1148 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING SALE OF PREMISES ON SOUTH MONTEREY STREET FORMERLY OCCUP~ED BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC HOTEL TO SALVATION ARMY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, FORTAESUM OF_SEVENTEEN' THOUSAND FlVE~HUNDREDDOt:LARS AND DIRECT- ING THE EXECUTION OF DEED CONVEYING TITLE. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Wentworth, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand Kennedy, Jr., Quartirol i, Si lva, ...., NOES: ABSENT: Agreement re: Elks Lodge site The City Attorney presented and read a proposed Agreement with the Elks Lodge for their planned lodge site. Discussion was had. Council referred said agreement to the Council Committee to discuss same with the Elks Building Committee on October 6,1967 at 12:30 p.m. and report back to the Council at their next meeting. S.C. Co. Heart Ass'n. Solici- ta t i on City Administrator Wood presented a request of the Santa Clara County Heart Association Inc. for a Solicitation Permit during February 1968. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin second- ed by Councilman Wentworth and carried that said Solicitation Per- mit be approved for the month of February, 1968. United Nations Day City Administrator Wood presented a request of the United Nations Association to proclaim October 24, 1967 as IIUnited Nations Day'). Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth seconded by Counci 1- man Kennedy and carried that October 24, 1967 be proclaimed as IIUnited Nations Dayll as requested by the United Nations Association. ~'...'..d~. Jr.Chamber Com. Mr. Vance Baldwin, President of the Gilroy Jr. Chamber of Event-Salute Commerce, addressed the Council and extended an invitation to attend to City & Co. Jr. Chamber's Salute to City & County Government Activities at Government Campbell on October 14, 1967. - Jt.-Sewer Agree. A letter from Movgan Hill's City Administrator, Les Doolittle, Gilroy-M.H. in regard to Gilroy-Morgan Hill Sewerage Agreement. It was noted that Gilroy and Morgan Hill Council Committees have agreed on the contents of the proposed Agreement, with the exceptions of the Boundary agreement and sharing of costs of the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Interceptor Line. Council set a Committee Meeting date of Friday, October 6, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. to meet with Morgan Hill's Council Committee to discuss said Agreement, noting that said date could be changed if Morgan Hill Committee is unable to meet on that date. Council also agreed that special Council Meeting could be called if required to finalize the Agreement. '67 Alley Im- provement Discussion was had on the 1967 Alley Improvement projects. Alley Clean-up Program Discussion was had regarding the alley clean-up program re: P.G. & E. easements possibly interfering with said program. ".... Deeds re:Filli- The City Attorney noted that the deeds were prepared re- pe11i & Bosco garding the Fi11ipelli and Bosco property. City Administrator property (W. Wood noted that same should be discussed with the developer prior Welburn Ave. to Council approval. Sewer Li ne) - Left-turn lane- Director of Public Works Henry noted that the Division of lst,& mont. Highways is presently studying the possibility of a left turn lane Street on Monterey Street at First Street intersection. "Check Cashing" Police Chief Laizure noted the phamplet on IICheck Cashingll Phamplet ,prepared by the Police Departmeht and included with the Council agendas. Council approved same for distribution to the local merchants. 01'71 (\. ~...' 4 "L; Alley Clean-Up Fire Chief Brittain reported that he has received good cooperation from property owners this year in keeping their alleys clean, as compared to last year. Abandoned autos Councilman Silva noted the good job of the Police Depart- ment in regard to removing abandoned vehicles located at the So~tbern Pacific Depot property. Plan. Com & P. & R.Reps. The Mayor noted the presence of Planning Commissioner Brodersen and Parks & Recreation Commissioner Parrish. Jr. Chamber Invi- The Mayor thanked Mr. Vance Baldwin for the invitation to tation the Jr. Chamber of Commerce event. Annual League Conf.-S.F. City Administrator Wood requested confirmation of Council Members attending the Annual League of California Cities Conference 'rlJ San FrancJsco, Octc;jber':-:15~lS; :t967.. 3Courici t,Members Duffin, Quartiroli, Wentworth and Goodrich noted that they w8uld be able to attend. '-- Old City Hall Sketch City Administrator Wood presented an India Ink Sketch of the Old City Hall building by Mrs. Kaufman for sale in the amount of $50.00. Council approved purchase of said sketch in the amount of $50.00 noting that if the Historical Society wished to purchase same jointly with the City they could do so, otherWise the City would purchase same. Mrs. Jones' invita- City Administrator Wood noted Mrs. Wilbur Jones' invita- tion re:League tion to City Officials attending the Annual League of Calif. Conf. Cities Conference in San Francisco. Inter-City Meet. The Mayor noted the Inter-City Council Meeting of October 5, 1967 in Saratoga, hosted by the City of Monte Sereoo. ABAG '67 Meet. The Mayor noted the ABAG, 1967 Autumn General Assembly meeting in Berkeley October 13, 1967, and informed Representative Quartiroli that he would try to attend same with him. Adjournment At 10:20 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Silva to adjourn to October 23, 1967 at 8:00 p~m. due to City officials attending the Annual League Conference in San Francisco on the regular meeting date. of Y' ~))-o... /-'? "'-L'/,_ i,(J.VJJIJ1.}...JyC-. , City Clerk Respectfully