Minutes 1968/01/15 Roll Call Res.#1213 & #1214 Honor- ing Retiring S. Johnson & M. Martin Introduction- 2753 January 15, 1968 Gilroy, California The Regular Meeting of'the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:01 p.m. Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. D~ffinJ Mark E. Kennedy, Jr., Anthony C.S i 1 va, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich. City Administrator Wood presented and read Resolution No. 1213 Honoring Retiring City Attorney, Sydney S. Johnson. Motion made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand that Resolution No. 1213 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1213 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~.Il.ROY HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF MR. SYDNEY S. JOHNSON. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth, None None Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartirol i, and Goodrich. NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: The Mayor noted that same would be presented to Mr. Johnson at a later date when it would be possible for him to attend a Counci 1 Meeting. City Administrator Wood presented and read Resolution No. 1214 Honoring Retiring Streets and Sewers Foreman, Miguel Martin. Motion was made by Councilman Quartrroli, seconded by Councilman Silva that Resolution No. 1214 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1214 RESOLUTJON OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF MR. MIGUEL MARTIN. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartiroli, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. NOne None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: The Mayor presented said Resolution to Mr. Martin, accom- panied by a Gift Certificate. The Mayor introduced Bruce Jacobs, City Attorney, and William 2'754 2 new emp- loyees Minutes Luchessa Ave. Imp. D i st. 67- 2 Pub.Hear.re: Luchessa Ave. Imp.Dist.67-2 Res.#1215 Res. #1216 E. Ayer, Parks and Recreation Director, recently appointed to their respective positions. The Mayor introduced Mrs. Marjorie Lee Jones, interested property owner, in the proposed Luchessa Avenue Improvement District. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 2, 1968, were approved as mailed and recorded. .......-. The Mayor stated that it was the time scheduled for the Report of Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds re: Luchessa Avenue Improvement District - Project #67-2, o~ened Monday, January 15, at 2:00 p.m. City Administrator Wood reported on receipt of the following bids: 1. Chandler & Company ~ Associates-Beverly Hills, net average interest rate - 5.6603%; 2. Stone & Youngberg-San Francisco, net average interest rate - 5.5762%; 3. First California Company-San Francisco, net average interest rate - 5.7/8%. Mr. Phil Assaf, representing the Legal Firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch addressed the Council and commented on the bids received. ...... Mr. Phil Assaf, noted in regard to the scheduled Public Hearing for proposed Assessmernt District-Luchessa Avenue 67-2 that the Boundary Map had been filed and is presently on file with the City Clerk, that all notices regarding posting and publi- cation of same have been complied with and in accord with legal requirements and that copies of same are on file with the City Clerk. Mr. Assaf also explained the legal procedures regarding establishments of the proposed Assessment District. Mr. Dexter Alghren, Engineer for said project, addressed the Council and descr~bed the boundaries of said proposal, and the Engineer's Report filed regarding same. -- The Mayor announced that this was the time and place of hearing on the Engineer's Report filed pursuant to Resolution No. 1139 of Preliminary Determinat,ion and of Intention, as amended. The Mayor asked the Clerk if any written protests were received regarding said proposed Improvement district. The City Clerk noted that no written protests had been received regarding same. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard and all those wishing to speak were given the opportunity. After due consideration and noting that no written and oral protests were received, motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that said Public Hearing be c~osed. ..... Mr. Assaf presented and explained the following Resolutions in regard to the proposed Assessment District: Res. #1215 - A resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution No. 1139 of Preliminary Determination and of Intention, was read. On motion of"Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Silva, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1215 ON RESOLUTION NO. 1139 of INTENTION - LUCHESSA AVENUE 1967-2. of January, 1968, by the following A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION AND OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day vote: AYES': ..""",,- ....... COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin,Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartiroli, Silva,Wentworth and Goodrich. None None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Res. No. 1216 - A Resolution. Ordering Reduction of Assessment, was read. On motion of Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. - - Res. #1217 Bids re: Luchessa Ave. Imp. D i st. 67-2 .~,.. Res.#1218- 1220 contd ~"."" ........ Res.#1219 2755 RESOLUTION NO. 1216 A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT - LUCHESSA AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1967-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartiroli, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. None None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCil MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: -Res. #1217 Confirming was read. Wen twor th , - A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report, the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions, On mot i on of Counc i 1 man All emand seconded by Counc i 1 man and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1217 A RESOLUTION DETERMING CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY, ADOPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONF1RMING ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING WORK AND ACQUISITIONS - LUCHESSA AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1967-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin,Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartiroli, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. None None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: The Engineer reported that bids for the work had been received: NAME -r:--Gran ite Construct i on Co. -Watsonv ill e 2. Samuel R. Spencer-Gilroy 3. Leo F. Piazza-San Jose 4. McGuire'& Hester-Oakland 5. Harms Bros.-Sacramento 6. Pelligrini Paving-Santa Clara 7. W.D. Smith, Inc.-Alviso AMOUNT $ 231,778.00 206,291. 11 219,532.05 231,180.50 265,682.50 248,960.98 249,544.30 The City Clerk reported the following bids on the bonds had been received: NAMB AVERAGE INTEREST RATE 1. Chandler & Co. & Associates-Beverly Hills 2. Stone & Youngberg-San Francisco 3. First California Co.-San Francisco 5.6603% 5.5762% 5 7/8% Res. #1218-A Resolution of Award of Contract was read. On motion of Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Kennedy, and unanimously carried, said Resolutjon was adopte.. RESOLUTION NO. 1218 A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT - DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1967-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th ~ay of vote: AYES: LUCHESSA AVENUE IMPROVEMENT January, 1968., by the following COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand,Duffin,Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartiroli, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. None None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Res. #1219-A Resolution Awarding Sale of Bonds, was read. On motion of Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Silva, and unanimously carri~d, said Resolution was adopted RESOLUTION NO. 1219 A RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF BONDS - LUCHESSA AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1967-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following 2756 Res.#1220 Pub.Hear.re: IS"Zone re- quirements Northwood Sub- Sign request S.C.Co.Com. Council re: Medical & Den ta 1 Plan.Com.Meet. 1/4/68 vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin,Kennedy,Jr., Quartiroli, COUNC'IL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Res. #1220 - A Resolution Designating Collection Officer, was read. On motion of Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Silva, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1220 ..... A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER - LUC~ESSA AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1967-2. -- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand,Duffin,Kennedy,Jr., Quartiroli, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Pub 1 i c Heari ng on the proposa 1 to rev i se the "S" Zone Requirements and related provisions of the Zoning Ordinance noting that said matter is still being studied by the Planning Commission. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that said Public Hearing be continued to Monday, February 5, 1968, at 8:00 p.m. A letter request of Bollenbacher & Kelton,lnc. for permis- sion to re-establish a directional sign advertising "Northwood Subdivision" at the northeast' corner of Wren Avenue and First Street was presented. Motion'was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that said request for the directional sign be granted on a one (1) year basis"with an option forrenewa 1 if necessary. - ..... Mr. Crosby, representing the South County Community Council, addressed the Council explaining a previous request for support on the need for additional South County Medical and Dental Person- ne 1. Mr. John Proc tor, a 1 so represen tat i ve of sa i'd Commun i ty Council further explained and presented additional information regarding the proposed Clinic for South County. Discussion was had on the matter. Council tabled acsion on the request to the next regular Meeting of the Council on February 5, 1968, at 8:00 p.m. in order for said Community Council to present their report on approval and need for a Clinic in~the South County accompanied by statements of expressions of opinion from the Medical & Dental Associations from South County and Wheeler Hospital Staff on the proposed subject. Secretary of the Planning Commission Henry presented and explained the Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of January 4, 1968, informing the Council of a Use Permit granted Reverend M. C. Valverde for a Church on a one (1) acre site, located at the\ northwest corner of Pierce and Church Streets, subject to I~S" Zonel regulations and a normal average maximum church attendance of 150 persons; informing the Council of approval given a tentative m~~~ submitted by Mr. John Stelling for a 15 lot subdivision located on the south side of Sixth Street, noting that said map had pre- viously been forwarded to each Council Member for their review; / informing the Council of the selection of Chairman. Dale Stephenson on said Commission; and noting that the Planning Commission Com- mittee has been working on the "S" Zone parking regulations and will report to the Commission at their January 18, 1968, meeting hopefully for submissjon of same to the Council at their regular meeting of February 5, 1968. 11IIII ..., 2757 Minutes-Lib. & The Minutes of the Library & Culture Commission Meeting of December 5, 1967 were noted. Personnel Com. Meet. 1/11/68 - -- Res.#1221 re: Salary In- crease ........ Sick & Emer- gency Leave Proposal Personnel Director Reinsch presented and explained the Report of the Personnel Commission Meeting of Thursday, January 11, 1968 recommending a 2~% salary incr~ase for all city employees excluding the City Administrator and City Attorney effective January 1, 1968, noting that a study will continue regarding salary classifications for possible adjustments and recommendations on c-~.f.i..cat~eR.~~or-~~le -adj ustmen"t-s-.,-and-,,f,'ecommendat+one-en' same for 68-69 fiscal year budget, and recommendation on Sick Leave when injured on the Job and Emergency Leave; noting that both recommendations accompanied by suggested resolutions approving same. Discussion was had regarding the recommended Salary Increases. City Administrator Wood further explained the salary survey. Resolution #1221 was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand that Resolution #1221 be adopted, approvirg the 2~70 Salary Classification increase for City employees. RESOLUTION NO. 1221 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY GRANTING TO CERTAIN EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CITY SERVICE, A SALARY INCREASE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the followimg vote: AYES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: Allemand, Wentworth Duffin None Kennedy,Jr., Quartirol i, Si lva, and Goodrich. NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Discussion was had regarding the proposed resolution for Sick Leave and Emergency Leave. Council tabled adopteon of said proposed reolution regarding same for revision and clarification of same. Personnel Director Reinsch also noted the selection of _Cha i rman Howard Basch and Vi ce-Cha i rman Carmen F i 1 ice. Monthly Reports The Summary of Monthly Reports of December, 1967, was pre- sented and ordered filed. Disbursements Cig.Tax. All oca t i on "",,,""'i'll. ....... . Joint-Counci 1 Go If Course Director Mee t. Weed Abate. Notice Forms The Report of Disbursements from December 11, 1967 to January 10, 1968 were noted and discussed. City Administrator Wood presented and explained a Report on Recommendations of the League of California Cities in regard to the Distribution of Cigarette Taxes. Motion was made by Council- man Duffin seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that Staff be authorized to notify local State representatives that they support the "Per Capita distribution" method of allocation of said Cigarette Taxes as recommended by the League of California Cities. City Administrator Wood Reported on a suggested Meeting date of January 18, 1967 with the Gilroy Golf and Country Club in regard to Project Priorities. Council Committee for said matter unable to m~et on the suggested date, set January 25, 1967, for same if agreeable with Golf Course Directors. City Administrator Wood r~ported on the new Notice forms ~or Weed Abatement Program. Council commended Fire Chief Brittain on same. .j rY r-8 ....{a" Water Samples City Administrator Wood reported on satisfactory Water Samples taken by the Santa-Clara County Health Department. Current Burglaries City Administrator Wood reported on recent burglaries and & Arrests-P.D. arrests in the community. Chief of Police Laizure further com- mented on same. 'Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that Staff prepare letters of commendation for the Mayor's signature on behalf of the Council for distribution to each individual member of the Police Department. for their outstanding efforts in clearing the majority of cases. Relbutn Ave. Sewer Li ne Forest St. Imp. D i st. Young Adult Servo Proj. -Res. #1222 Annual Report Library Ord.#814 re: Sewer Chg. ....... Director of Public Works Henry reported on completion of work regarding Welburn Avenue Sewer Line, recommending acceptance of same, with stipulations regarding minor items as outlined by the City Engineer. Motion was made by' Counci lman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the said improve- ment be accepted as recommended Bubject to stipulations on minor items as outlined and that Staff be authorized to record the notice of completion for said improvement. ..- City Engineer Henry reported on the proposed Forest Street Improvement District regarding the schedule anticipated for same. City Administrator Wood noted that cost estimates quoted to pro- perty owners one and a haJf years ago for said improvement were not accurately estimated and were too low. Chief Librarian Goshe:rt Reported on the proposed Young Adul~ Services Project-Federally Financed Joint Systems. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva that Resolution #1222 authorizing execution of said Joint Powers Agree- ment as presented. ... RESOLUTION NO. 1222 . A RESOLUT ION AUTHOR I ZING EXECUTI ON OF JO I NT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNCIL OF LIBRARIANS. PASSED AND ADOPTED th is 15 th day of January, 1968, by the fo 11 ow i ng vote: AYES: ...... COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand,Buffin,Kennedy,Jr., Quartiroli " Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. None None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Young Adult Services Project as . outlined by Chief Librarian Goshert be approved. The Annual Report of the Libraryfor 1967 was noted and discussed. Council commended Chief Librarian Goshert for same. Ch ief Ubrar i an Goshert i nv i ted Counc i 1 to the February 6, 1968, Library and Culture Commission Meeting to tour the Library and review its operations. Ordinance #814 Amending the Sanitary Sewer Charge Rates for Multi-Residential Units previously introduced and published by title and summary was presented for adoption. Motion was made by Council- man Kennedy seconded by Co'unci lman Si lva that Ordinance No. 814 be a~opted. .... - ORDINANCE NO. 814 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SEC. 19.82 OF THE GILROY CITY CODE BY PROVIDING THAT DUPLEXES AND CERTAIN OTHER USERS ENUMERATED SHALL PAY A MAXIMUM CHARGE OF ONE DOLLAR DURING ANY CALENDAR MONTH AS A SANITARY SERER CHARGE. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, .968, by the following vote: AYES: Amphi-theatre re:Xmas Hill Park -".... -- Garden Refuse Service Cost Increase Communication re:City Atty. appointment -","", Cancer Society So 1 i c i ta t i on - P.O. Comp 1 i men t- ary Letter Minutes re: Ex. Com. of Plan. Po 1 i cy Com. Drainage re: Stelling Prop. Car Club re: Garbage Can placement ... :,. '",,,"11I Salary recom - mendat ions Gol~ Course Drainage prof? fem :2759 NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand,Duffin,Kenne,dy,Jr., Quartirol i, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None City Administrator Wood reported that after further study and on-site review of the proposed plans for the Amphi-Theatre for Christmas Hill Park, he recommenes enlargement of same. He further noted that said revision of the plans would increase by $1,600~00, the previous estimate was approximately $6,000.00 (total- ing $7,600.00 for said project). Discussion was had on the proposal. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the proposed revised plans' for said Amphi- Theatre be approved as submitted. City'Administtator Wood reported on the Refuse 'Service Committee Meeting, noting' that the Council Committee has recommended an increase of $.)5 per garden refuse service to South Valley Refuse Disposal Company effective in the 1968-69 Budget, noting that the total garden refuse service charge could be proposed at $.50 per each residential service. Council took no formal action of same at this time. The Mayor noted that the Garbage Company on February 2, 1968, will record for a thirty (30) day Period, the number of non-City residents using the Garbage Dump, located on City Property, to determine if anincrease in dumping charges for non-residents may be a substantial revenue source to the City. . A letter from Mr. Bruce M. Jacobs, City Attorney, was noted regarding his recent appointment as City Attorney. A letter from the American Cancer Society, Santa Clara County Branch, was presented requesting a Solicitation Permit for the Calendar Year of 1968. Council instructed Staff to contact said Society for specific solicitation dates anticipated within the City, prior to taking action on said'request. A letter complimenting Police Patrolman Miles was noted. The Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Planning Policy Committee Meeting of November' 30, 1967, were noted. Councilman Silva requested Staff to forward a letter of t thanks to the Obata Bros. (leasee on John Stell ing property), in appreciation for completion of the drainage ditch on said property in cooperation with the City's Storm Drain plans. Council also thanked Councilmen Allemand and Silva for their efforts in accomplishing completion of said improvement. Councilman Quartiroli requested that a letter of thanks be forwarded to the Road Gents Automobile Club in appreciat~on of their public spirit and interest in 'the appearance of the down- town area. Counc i 1 man Quar t i ro 1 i reques ted tha t the Personne 1 Comm i s- sion be requested to make recommendations regarding salaries of City employees at fiscal Budget time only. It was noted that the recent recommendation on salaries was not initiated by the Personnel Commission and that said request of Council would be noted in the future. Director of,Public Works Henry t1fl"-Qrte.!:l"o.n:-,th~-dred:nagej._:- problem ~t the Golf Course and noted a possible solutIon attempted to alleviate said problem. 9!7.-~n - \), 1st & Church St.Signali- zat i on Hanna St. pavement failures Tenth St. Proj. P.R. Director Fire Train. Exerc i se Joint-Chamber of Com.-Coun c i 1 Mee t. Adv.Sign re: H.Wi lIard Sub. Res.#1223 re: Proposed Annex. re: Golden Gate Ave. ABAG Meet. Director of Public Works Henry noted that he had no further information regarding the traffic signalization completion date at First & Church Streets. Director of Public Works Henry noted proposed plans to correct the failure In pavement on Hanna Street from First to Sixth Streets. Councilman Silva requested Staff to contact Santa Clara County regarding the Shell Oil tanks located in connection with the Tenth Street Project noting possible hazardous situation if not removed'or filled with water during construction of said proj ect. ~ i ....."", Assistant City Administrator Reinsch concurred with the appointment of the Parks and Reareation D'irector recently hired by the City and'noted that same would decrease his workload for more efficiency in his regular duties. Fire Chief Brittain Invite'dCouncilto the scheduled Fire Training Exercise at Sycamore Grove location on January 20, 1968, at 10:00 a.m. City Administrator Wood informed Council that the local Secretary-Manager of the Chamber of Commerce advised him that his Board of Directors will meet with the Council to review ways and means of using their members to, personally contact proposed indus- tries for the City. Council set February 12, 1968 as said Joint Study Meeting if agreeable with Chamber. City Administrator Wood presented a request from Horace Willard to install 'a Sales Advertising Sign at Wren Avenue and First"Street. Motion was made by CounC"i lman Wentworth seconded by Coul=lcilman-Kennedy and carried that said sign request be granted for a nine-month period subject to approval of the Director of Pub 1 i c Works. .. ... City Administrator Wood presented and read Resolution No. 1223 welcoming the Kansas City Athletes. to Oakland as requested by Cy Young, former baseball player of San Jose. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand that Resolution No. 1223 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1223 A RESOLUTION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGING THE OPENING OF THE 1968 SEASON OF THE OAKLAND ATHEETICS BASEBALL TEAM.- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin,Kennedy,Jr. ,Quartiroli, 'Silva,-Wentworth and Goodrich. MEMBERS: None MEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL COUNCIL .... City Administrator Wood presented a request of a proposed annexation of Golden Gate Avenue, north of Gitroy for a proposed Trailer Park development. 'Counci 1 noted that they would be in favor of same, if annexation was initiated by property owners. ....... The Mayor noted the Annual 1968 meeting of the General Assembly of the Association of Bay Area Governments at the Hotel Claremont jn Berkeley on February 23, 1968.- Adjourned At 11:09 p,m., the Mayor declared the Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, -i61/{70/,lfflU k c lion;?c<-J City Clerk 2761