Minutes 1968/04/01 ()'7 SA Roll Ca 11 I ntro. new emp. Mi nutes Gilroy, Cal ifornia Apr ill, 1968 The Regular Meeting oftthe Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m. Present: Counci 1. Members: John E. Allemand, Mark E. Kennedy, Anthony C. S i 1 va, Evere tt C. Wen tworth and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Members: George T. Duffin and Charles F. Quarti rol i. """""'I I , I -- The Mayor introduced new Police Patrolman, Gary Lester. Councilman Duffin entered at 8:01 p.m. and took his seat at the Council table. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 18, 1968 were approved as mailed and recorded. Appeal re: W.B. An Appeal from Mr. W. B. Starritt, Realtor, was presented Starritt re: regarding the Planning Commissionsl decision denying his applica- Self-S~vice tion for a Self-Service Station at 575 - 1st St. Motion was made S ta t i on by Counc i 1 man All emand seconded by Counc i 1 man S i 1 va and car r i ed that a Public Hearing on said appeal be set for April 15, 1968 at 8: 00 p.m. Damage Claim re: A Damage Claim of Richard Russo was presented. Motion Richard Russo was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that said Claim be denied and referred to the City Attorney and loca' Insurance Carrier. Billboard J. Zanger Petition re: off-s treet parking Foley & Burke Amusement rides r - f ./ - request A request of Mr. Joseph Zanger for Casa De Fruta was presented to erect an advertising sign on Thomas Mangano property at Leaveiley Road and Forest Street Intersection. Mr. Zanger addressed the Council and further explained his request. Dis- cussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that said request be referred to Staff to investigate location, size and sight distance, and to discuss same with Planning Consultant, Warren Jones. Councilman Quartiroli entered at 8:09 p.m. during Mr. Zangerls presentation, and took his seat at the Council table. A Petition from Downtown Merchants' (Fourth to Sixth Streets) was presented in regard to Parking Enforcement, includ- ing Staff recommendations on same. Mr. Gary Hudson, owner of Dick Bruhn's, addressed the Council and further commented on the petition request and explained the parking problem. Dis- cussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the recommendations on the Petition be accepted, recommending a two week warning period prior to issuance of citations for parking in excess of the posted time limit from Fourth to Eighth Streets on Monterey Street and the City Parking Lots and that parking be allowed on Railroad and Eigleberry Streets during the enforcement period. It was also noted that Staff would investigate the possibility of attempting to locate other off-street vacant lots available for employees parking. ~.. ....... Mr. L.C. Farris of Foley & Burke Amusement rides ad- dressed the Council requesting permission to conduct amusement rides at Plaza Shopping Center on May 8th through 12, 1968. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the request for said license to conduct amusement rides at Plaza Shopping Center on May 8th through 12, be approved. 1968 /jlW"".;'~, Bonanza Days Ce 1 brat i on re: Parade - Easenent re: Uvas Dam Water li ne Plan. Com. Report 3/21/68 iiiilflk...J P.&R. Report 3/19/68 Patrolman ment Bond Financing of'lndust- ria 1 Site s ....... -;;;i A.B.C. Transfer Budget Transfers 2789 City Administrator Wood noted that the Rebecca's Childrens1 Home will be using said amusement rides of Foley & Burke on April 26, through 28, 1968 at L.O.a.F. Home. Council had no objection to same. City Administrator Wood presented a letter from Bonanza Days Celebration Committee to conduct Junior and Senior Parades on Monterey Street June 14, and 15, 1968 in connection with the Cel e- bration. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Council- man Duffin and carried that permission be granted Bonanza Day Cele- bration Committee to conduct parades on Monterey Street as requested. The Mayor deviated from the regular agenda to accomodate Mr. Bickel present in the audience, in regard to a Request by Two Property Owners (Mr. W.H. Bickel and Mr. N.P. LaPointe) to Specify the location of a City-owned Easement. City Administrator Wood recommended that the affected property owners grant the City a 15 foot easement parallel to the South line of Burchell Road and the City quit claim the easement in gross to said property owners~ Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that Staff be instructed to proceed with the transfer as presented. Secretary of the Planning Commission Henry presented and explained the Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 21, 1968 informing the Council of a Use Permit granted Michael Filice to operate an automobile agency at the southeast corner of Church Street and Welburn Avenue and noted review of a map of a cluster type sub- division with open space areas same being located in San Jose, noting approval of the general concept but request that proposed subdivision of this type be judged on their own merit. City Administrator Wood presented and explained the Report of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of March 19, 1968, specifically approval of the time schedule for soft-ball leagues, noting the request of the Gilroy Swim Club for financial assistance in the 1968-69 budget; and proposed plans for beautification of Monterey Street. Recruit- City Administrator Wood presented a Report on Patrolman Recruitment and noted that the Personnel Commission report to the Council on January 16, 1967 due to an oversight, did not include the recommendation that an officer with a P.O.S.T. basic certificate and at least 18 months experience could be appointed at Step "C" in the appropriate range, and that same had been published in the announc~ment for recruitment of patrolman. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the recommendation be approved, specifically that an officer with a P.O.S.T. basic certificate and at least 18 months experience could be appointed at Step "C" if said qualifications were met. City A9ministrator Wood presented a Report in regard to Factors in Selecting Industrial Sites, noting that the City cannot use Public Funds to purchase land for proposed Industrial Sites. Discussion was had regarding the Survey. An application to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a Transfer of an off-sale liquor license at 221 - 1st Street (Frisone owner) was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy second- ed by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board be notified that the City has no objections to said transfer. City Administrator Wood pres~nted a request for Budget 9790 re: P. & R. Dept. 10th St. Proj. extension Financial Con- sultant Services Loma Orchard Subdivi- s i on ( J . Stell ing) Intro.Ord.re: Out-side City Dump Users Ord. #816 re: Abandoned Veh. transfers within the Parks & Recreation Department to accounts 20, 21,22 and 24, as follows: From Account 20Al - $232.; 21B2 - $68.; 22Bl - $50.; 22B6 - $244.; 22B8 - $751.; 24Al - $1176.; 24B22 - $350.; To Accounts 20C2 - $472.; 21A2 - $738.; 21B8 - $130.; 22A2 - $1528.; 22B2 - $3., total transfers $2,871.00. Motion was made by Council- man Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the request for Budget transfers within the Parks & Recreation Depart- ment be approved as presented. City Administrator Wood reported on the status of pro- posed Tenth Street Project, noting a proposal to extend said project to Santa Teresa Blvd., depending on the availability of funds and continuation of the $10.00 vehicle tax being continued. ~he Mayor noted that said tax to continue will require a "nolI vote on the ba llot. ... ...... The meeting with the County and City Officials in regard to the IIMissing link" of Santa Teresa Blvd. from San Marti n to Wat- sonville Rd. as to priority of construction was noted. City Admin- istrator Wood and Mayor Goodrich also noted that they have requested the County to give priority to the extension of Santa Teresa Blvd. between Miller Avenue and Thomas Road rather than from San Martin to Watsonville Road. Representative Duffin (Santa Clara County Transportation Policy Committee) noted that this was also his feeling and that his conversation on tre subject with the County had been misinterpreted. City Administrator Wood Reported on Financial Consultant Services for the City. Discussion was had. City Administrator Wood noted that the Federal Government had approved the grant request in connection with the Water Pressurization Project but that the contract would have to be let within 6 months of receiving same in order to meet said requirements and that General Obligation: Bond or Revenue Bonds would have to be pursued in order to meet the City's share of said project and that Financial Consultants should be available to assist the City in this regard. Council authorized City Administrator Wood to proceed in obtaining estimated fees from various Financial Consultants for their assistance in said projects. ... - Director of Public Works Henry presented and reported on a Development Agreement with John Stelling for Loma Orchard Subdivi- sion. Motion was made by Councilman Silva seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the Develppment Agreement as presented for Loma Orchard Subdivision be approved. Director of Public Works Henry noted that the matter of contribution by Munson and Stelling to the Seventh Street Storm Drain Line had been discussed with said property owners. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the Mayor and City Administra'- tor be authorized to execute said Development Agreement for Loma Orchard Subdivision on behalf of the City. The City Attorney presented an ordinance in regard to operation and charges for Out-side City Dump Users. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the said ordinance be introduced and pw- lished by title and summary. ..... .... The City Attorney presented and explained a proposed Emergency Ordinance regarding Abandoned Vehicles and parts thereof. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Alle- mand and carried that Ordinance No. 816 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 816 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT AND REMOVAL AS PWLIC NUISANCES OF ABANDONED, W~ECKED, DISMANTLED OR INOPERATIVE VEHICLES OR PARTS THEREOF FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY OR PUBLIC PROPERTY NOT IN- ~".t",A Housing Auth. Com.Ap.re: . Fred Sanchez S.C. Planning Newsletter S.C.Trans. Plan. Study Bu lIe t in Minutes of Exe.Com.of meet i ng By-Laws re: . G i 1 roy Fir e Dept. Ass' n ,. fe',. '...... Local Council- i ation Council re: Human Rela- tion Problems .. - Recommenda- tion re: ABAG Elks' Lodge Si te 2791 CLUDING HIGHWAYS AND RECOVERY OF COSTS OF ADMINISTRATION THEREOF AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 22660 VEHICLE CODE. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of April, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth, None None Kennedy, Quartiroli, and Goodrich. NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that Fred Sanchez be reappointed Housing Authority Commissioner for a full 4 year term to expire 4-1-72. The County of Santa Clara Planning Newsletter, No. 49 Jan.- Feb. 1968 was noted for informational purposes. The Santa Clara T~nsportaion Planning Study Bulletin, No. 10, March, 1968 was noted. The Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Planning Policy Co~mittee Meeting of February 29, 1968 were noted. A Memo and By-Laws in regard to Formation of the Gilroy Fire Department Association were presented and further explained by Fire Chief Brittain for informational purposes. City Administrator Wood presented a request of Palo Alto to Support the Formation of a local Counciliation Council for Deal- ing with Human Relation P~lems. Council referred same to Staff to further investigate same and refer back to Council on findings. A letter from the Board of Supervisors in regard to the Association of Bay Area Governments was presented. Council requested City Administrator Wood to inform the Board of Supervisors that the City of Gilroy recommends that ABAG "put their house in order." Director of Public Works Henry reported on the excavation project at the Elks' Lodge Site. Discussion was had. Roadside Park City Administrator Wood presented proposed plans for a adj~Elks' site roadside park adjacent to the Elks' Lodge site, noting that would be presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Curb,gutter & pavement re'" placement Councilman Duffin noted the curb replacement on Joseph Gubser property on Miller Avenue. Director of Public Works Henry informed the Council that the City will replace pavement patching at said location. 1st & Church St. Discussion was had regarding the scheduling of the instal- signals lation of signals at First and Church Street intersection. Reti rement Study Discussion was had regarding the proposed retirement study in re: State Retirementfor City employees. It was recom- mended by Council that Staff and Council representatives meet in Sacramento with the State Officials regarding same to determine the status of the Retirement Study and proposed plan for the City of G i 1 roy. ')792 Street Director of Public Works Henry reported that the City Repairing would be sealing cracks in certain City streets this month or possibly around the 1st of next month. SPUR tract- Luchessa Ave. Luchessa Ave. proj ect Director of Public Works Henry noted that the Southern Pacific Railroad is doing work on the spur track at Gubser's ware- house crossing. Director of Public Works Henry noted that an open ditch is pJanned from Luchessa and Sheldon Avenues to the Princevalle Storm Drain in regard to Luchessa Avenue Project. Discussion was had. .. ... Former employee Chief of Police Laizure reported that a former employee, hospitalized - Virginia Cox Spencer has been hospitalized for surgery. Offer re: pur- chase of City Lands GAA proj ect re: curb paint- ing of house numbers Franchise re: Catering in g veh i c- les 10th Biennial I nst i tute Muscular Dystrophy Ass'n. S.C.Co.Flood Control & Water Conser. D i s t. i nv i - tation Fed.Grant re: Sewer Plant Agreement re: Drive In Theatre Butterfly Valves re: Water Pres- The Mayor noted the presence of Planning Commissioner Stephenson and local citizen Bob Weske. City Administrator Wood presented an offer from Mr. Fred Haro in the amount of $1,100. for 40 ft. x 140 ft. on Swanston Lane. Council tabled same in order to receive public bids on said 1 and purchase. City Administrator Wood presented a request frmm the Girl1s Atheletic Association of Gilroy High School, to paint ad- dresses on curbs throughout the City and request to waive the solicitor's license fee for same. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the re- quest be approved ~hd that the license fee for said project be waived. .- -- City Administrator Wood presented a request of Mr. Bahaeddin Ghotb, owner of Baha Drive In Restaurant for a franchise to operate two catering trucks in the City. Council opposed this request and did not grant same. City Administrator Wood noted the 10th Biennial Institute for Mayors and Councilmen on May 19-21, 1968. City Administrator Wood presented a request for Fund Solicitation from the Muscular Dystrophy Association to canvas the City - April 2nd to May 15, 1968. Council had no objection to said reques t. City Administrator Wood presented an invitation from the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation inviting the Council and Staff to a tour of the Rinconada Treatment Plant on April 9, 1968 at 1:30 p.m. Councilman Wentworth and Mayor Goodrich indicated that they planned to attend. Councilman Quartiroli noted that he would like to attend if possible. .... .... City Administrator Wood noted that the Federal Grant ap- plication for the Sewer Plant had been completed and for-warded and that it is possible that same could be approved this year but the funds may not be available until the next year. City Administrator Wood noted completion of the Agreement regarding water facilities for the Drive-In Theatre and that same would be executed soon. Discussion was had regarding the Butterfly Valves for the Water Pressurization System in regard to delivery of same. C;lll"i7::lt-inn Prni..rt- 1 Abag Meet. I n te r - City Counc i 1 Adjourn. 2793 The Mayor noted the Association of Bay Area Governments Meeting in Berkeley on May 10, 1968. The Mayor noted the Inter-City Council Meeting of April 4, 1968 in Santa Clara and requested that five reservations be made for City Officials. At 10:47 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~~. /City Clerk ~