Minutes 1968/07/15 I"" 28BO Roll Call Bids re: Used DC4 Tractor Gilroy, California Ju 1 y 15, 1968 The regular meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m. , . l Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, Mark E. Kennedy, Charles F. Quartiroli, Anthony T. Silva, Everett C. Wentworth and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Member: George T. Duffin. Newlor Purchasing Agent Reinsch presented a report of the following bids received on July 12, 1968 at 1:00 P.M. for the new or used tractor and disc: Petersen Tractor, $14,225.90; Clifford Tractor, $13,709.26 and Jose Ramirez, $8,000.00. Purchasing Agent Reinsch recommended that the bid be awarded to Jose Ramirez in the amount of $8,000.00 for a used tractor and disc with a 45 day 100% guarantee.' During discussion Councilman Duffin enters and takes his place at the Council table. Councilman Wentworth moves seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the low bid of Jose Ramirez in the amount of $8,000.00 for a D4 used tractor and disc be accepted. Monthly Report June 168 City Administrator Wood presented the Summary of the Reports of June, 1968 and same was ordered filed. Disbursements The Report of Disbursements from June 11, 1968 to July 10, 1968 was noted and ordered filed. Salary Merit Increases ,......, 1 .1 2831 City Administrator Wood presented recommendations for Salary Merit Increases for the following to become effective August 1, 1968: L. A. Eloff, Patrolman, Range 26.5 from Step "A" $617.00 to Step "B" $647.00; R. P. Cry, Police Cadet, Range 15.5 from Step IIA11 $360.00 to Step IIB" $378.00; T. P. Sanchez, Sr., Utilityman, Range 23, from Step IIDII $602.00 to Step "E" $631.00; S. T. Gutierrez, Utilityman, Range 21.5 from Step "A" $483.00 to Step "B" $507.00; J. P. Crumrine, Utilityman, Range 21.5 from Step IIA" $483.00 to Step "B" $507.00. ...... Water Samples City Administrator Wood presented a report of satis- factory Water Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department, same ordered filed. Pressurization Schedule Gilroy-Morgan Sewer Ease- ment Rights of way Acq. -, Request for Additional Office Space ...... I Report on New Barbecue Facilities at Christmas Hi 11 Park Councilman Duffin inquired about pressurization schedule. City Administrator Wood explained that the project is behind schedule due to shipment of the Butterfly Valves. Hill City Administrator Wood reported on the completing of the acquisition of the eighteen (18) required for the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Trench Line; and explains that the Contractor agrees to conform to our agreements with these grantors at no extra cost. These provide replacing top soil cover and protection of grantors improvements. Council approved the general considerations (in regard to any damages sustained by grantor) and two specific considerations and requested Staff to contact Morgan Hill in re: agreement to share cost of any crop damages on the same pro-rata share basis as the pipe oversizing. City Administrator Wood presented a report requesting additional office space by temporarily converting the East Room to office space for the Public Works Dept., use of City owned residence at 253 W. Seventh Street for Parks and Recreation Dept., conversion of present office used by Parks and Recreation Dept. into a ladies. lounge room and architectural planning of a westerly addition to the City Hall during the current fiscal year and construction during the 1969-.jo fiscal hear, funds permi tting. Council authorized Staff to proceed with said recommenda- tions. City Administrator Wood presented a report on the new barbecue facil ities at Christmas Hill Park and requested an amendment to Account 20C2 in the amount of $597.00 and that the City convey its sincere thanks to Gilroy Bonanza Days Committee, Gentry Foreman's Club, South Valley Refuse Disposal Inc., and Brem's Gravel for their generous donations toward this faci 1 i ty. Councilman Wentworth moved seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that account 20C2 be amended in the amount of $597.00 and instructed Staff to write a letter of appreciation to the four contributors for their generous donation. Items Purchased City Administrator Wood r~orted that the following items City of Santa were purchased at the City of Santa Clara Auction Sale on Clara Auction June 15, 1968 in accord with prior discussion with Council: Five (5) Pipe Lift Tongs, Two (2) Booster Pumps and Motors (de Lavals - 1 4/3 25 h.p., 480 V. 3 ph., 1750 r.p.m. @l 100"- rated) One (1) 1959 I-Ton Ford Pick;up and One (1) 1962 Plymouth Station Wagon. ...... . 4 Council approved said purchases. ')832 Purchase of Tax Deeded Land at 1 26 S. Church Street Agreemen t with Mr. J. Stell- ing in re: to Miller Ave. City Administrator Wood reported that the City of Gilroy now has title to tax deeded lands at 126 S. Church St. subject to a one year redemption period. He recommends that the property be advertised for sale in the minimum amount of $5,500.00 and explained the time period required to ~erfect the title to the property. Councilman Wentworth moved seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the property at 126 S. Church Street be offered for sale at a minimum bid of $5,500.00 noting the one year title perfection period, required by the title company. ~ Director of Public Works Henry reported on an agreement with Mr. Stelling in re: 81 ft. strip along Miller Avenue. Mr. Munson and Mr. Stelling have reached an agreement and Mr. Stelling has signed a deed to the City whereby the City will receive~de- dri cat i on upon acceptance of two cond i t ions: shou 1 d any property owner along the westerly alignment of Miller Avenue within the 1 imits of this deed request that the City abandon the extra width of Miller Avenue (above a 60 ft. width) the City agrees that if the width is abandoned it will not exceed a width of three feet. The City agrees that if the northerly side of Miller Avenue is improved westerly from the improvements of Creekside West, Tract #4441, the new street section with regard to the width will be the same as Creekside West, Tract #4441. ItIIiifIII Discussion is had in regard to the responsibility of the trees along Miller Avenue. Motion by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva and carried to accept the agreement with Mr. Stelling, authorizing the City Administrator to sign, conditioned upon a prior agreement with Mr. Munson in regard to the care of his trees and to hold the City harmless. ~ Tenth St. Bid Director of Public Works Henry reported on the Tenth Street Bids re: (Tenth Street, U.S. 101 to Old Gilroy Road.) He noted the following bids: Geo. Renz, $203,324.40; A. J. Raisch, $208,988.90; Pell igrini Paving, $231, 858.60; and Granite Construction, $231,144.00, and recommended the low bid of Geo. Renz, in the amount of $203,324.40 be approved and recommended to the County. Newsletter "Santa Clara Valley Plans'! No. 50 - Motion by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the low bid of Geo. Renz in the amount of $203,324.40 be approved and recommended to the Coun ty . The Newsletter "Santa Clara Valley Plans" No.50, 1968 from County of Santa Clara Planning Department was noted. League of Cal if. The League of California Cities, Peninsula Dvision, Cities Meet- Meeting Notice for August 15, 1968 was noted. ing So 1 i c i ta t ion Permit Request Marine Corp Reserve County Planning Po 1 icy Comm i t- tee request Min. Staff City Administrator presented a letter of request from the Marine Corp. Reserve to solicit funds from August 15 to October 15, 1968. .. ... Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the solicitation permit be granted. The Mayor noted a letter from W. D. Weisgerber, Chairman of the Planning Policy Committee urging the County and Cities of Santa Clara County to provide a minimum staff to accomplish more effecHve coordination among local governments. It is proposed that the cities provide one secretary to be funded by ~',"""", - HUD 1 etter in re: Open Space Grant Northside Park H. U. D. 1 etter approving Water Well Pump Pressuri- za t i on Lower Llagas Creek Project 2833 proposed that the cities provide one secretary to be funded by city conttibution; the County would provide two professional staff peiople to be assigned to the County Planning Department. The assessment would be according to population and Gilroy's assessment would be approximately $400.00. * Motion by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried to contribute the $400.00 assessment to provide minimum staff. City Administrator reported on H.U.D. letter in re: Open Space Grant for Northside Park, stating that funds had been allocated to assist in the acquisition of open space land for the project but would have to re-submit an applica- tion for a development grant and noting that plans must be in conformity as originally submitted. Council agrees with the original plans for the North- side park and requested that the Planning Commission be guided by same. City Administrator noted letter from H.U.D. approving Agreement with the Contractor on the Water Well Pump Pressuri- zation Project. City Administrator Wood reported that he was advised by phone that the Lower Llagas Creek Project has been approved. Library Committee City Administrator Wood reported that the Library Committee has expressed a concern in re: to the timing of a Bond Election for the proposed new library. Ded i ca t i on of An~y bet. Carmel & Sargents Sts. Mee tin g with San Martin 8/6/68 Request to purchase Buzzini Property ,~..-'_."I!I ...'" Supervisors Budget hearing Council indicated that this EJection should wait until next spr ing. City Administrator Wood reported that the property owners between Carmel and Sargent Streets indicate they are willing to dedicate their property in order to construct the alley. City Administrator Wood reported that San Martin has requested a meeting with Gilroy and Morgan Hill and he has tentatively set August 6, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. in the Counci 1 Chambers for said meeting. City Administrator Wood reported further request from the Buzzini Family to purchase their property in re: extension of Chestnut Street. Council instructed Staff to write to the Buzzini Family and inform them that the City's position has not changed and to proceed with the assessment district. Discussion is had on location and funding of the South County Airport. Supervisor Sig Sanchez addressed the Council and reported that the new site on Murphy Avenue has not changed San Martin's opposition to the Airport, he notes that the budget hearing is set for July 23, 1968 at 8:00 a.m. aro recommends that representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Service Clubs be in attendance at the budget meeting in support of the project. * See correction in Minutes of 8/19/68 Meeting. :,1884 Dog Pound M i n i mum S ta ff Request Schedule for Outfall Sewer Bids for Hirasaki Farm Curbs, Gutters W. 6th St. & Mi ller Ave. Christmas Hill Park Attend- ants City Administrator reported on the possibil ity of the County taking over the operation of the dog pound. Supervisor Sanchez addressed the Council and explained that both Dr. Turner and Dr. Haines felt that the Gilroy Pound was not properly located but would continue to use the local facilities until South County facilities could be constructed somewhere near San Martin. The Council concurred with said proposal. Councilman Kennedy reported on the June 27th County Planning Policy Committee meeting in re: providing a full time secretarial position and two planners with a recommendation to be made at the July 18th Supervisors Budget session. ..... ..... Council instructed Staff to draft a letter to the Board of Supervisors requesting two (2) planners be provided for the County Planning Commission. Councilman Wentworth inquired of time schedule for the Outfall Sewer Bids on the Hirasaki Farm. Director of Public Works Henry reported an agreement is being negotiated at the present time. Councilman Allemand inquired about the status of the railroad crossing at 6th Street getting out of hand again. He also inquired of any changes on W. 6th Street construction. Director of Public Works Henry reported that curbs a~d gutters would be installed soon on 6th Street and also Miller Avenue. - Councilman Silva inquired about Park attendants at Christmas Hill Park on Saturdays and Sundays when damage is occur i ng. ......,; Director of Parks and Recreation reported that an attendant was on duty on Sundays. Council requested that Staff take the matter to the Parks and Recreation Commission for discussion and possible so 1 uti on. Development Agree- Director of Public Works Henry presents and reads ment Hirasaki a development agreement with Manabe Hirasaki on 2.07 acres Farm located on Banes Lane. Pappani Commercial Zone request ABAG Meeting City Barbecue Reminder Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth se<D nded by Councilman Silva and carried that the agreement be approved as submitted. The Mayor noted the presence of Mrs. Elaine Codiga, C lerk- Typ i st. - A letter dated May 17, 1968 from Pappani family indicating their desire for Commercial Zoning at the north- east corner of Hecker Pass Highway and Morey Avenue. ...... City Administrator Wood noted meeting of ABAG General Assembly of September 27, 1968 at Hotel Claremont, Berkely, California. City Adm~nstrator noted City Barbecue, Saturday, August 3, 1968 at 6:00 P.M., at the Gilroy Golf and Country Club (Hecker Pass Highway). 2835 Storm Drain Councilman Allemand inquired of the status of the on Miller Ave. Underground Storm Drain crossing Miller Avenue Director of Public Works Henry stated that it was a 1 ready in. Proposed Annex. Discussion is had on annexation of 140 acres near of 140 acres the Junior College. near Jr. Col- lege Staff was authorized to proceed with the same. Councilman Wentworth suggests Morgan Hill be contacted to determine how they handle this type of problem. Adjournment At 10:24 P.M. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, /~ ~A~' ~. (JAJ', Q.t , De~uty Ci ty Clerk