Minutes 1968/09/16 2849 Gilroy, California September 16, 1968 The R gular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by HiseHonor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m. Roll Ca 11 Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kennedy, Anthony C. SIIQa, . and Norman B. Goodrich. Plan.Com. Minutes 8/26/68 re: Princevalle S tree t Absent: Council Members: John E. Allemand, Charles F. Quarti- roli, and Everet~ C. Wentworth. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 3, 1968 were approved as mailed and recorded. City Administrator Wood reported in regard to the Planning Commission Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 26, 1968 pre- sented at the last regular meeting of September 3, 1968 and deferred pending the Commission's approval of said minutes. City Administra- tor Wood read said minutes and noted that same were approved by the Planning Commission at their last meeting. The Mayor requested Council action on the Planning Commission's recommendation of August 26, 1968 regarding Princevalle Street. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding Princevalle Street be approved, specifically that said street remain a IICollec- tor Stree~1 rather than further widening of same as previously sug- ges ted. Minutes Plan. Com. Report 9/5/68 City Administrator Wood reported on copies of the minutes of 9850 Presoning: Pub. Hear. Zon.Amend.re: Sec. 49 Amendment to Tentative Map Westwood Acres Unit #4, Tract #4582 Li brary & Culture Com. Mon th 1 Y Report 8/68 Disbursements the Planning Commission's Regular. Meeting of September 5, 1968, recommending a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit prezoning (Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Counc- ilman SJlva and carried that October 7, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. be set as a Public Hearing date before Council on said proposed zoning amend- ment); recommending a proposed addition of Section 49 to Zoning Ordinance regarding Special Zoning Exceptions (Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that October 7, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. be set as a Public Hearing date before Council on said proposed zoning addition); informed Council of a continued Public Hearing before the Commission regarding the Peti- tion of Landmark Developers for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a convenience market with gas pumps at the northeast corner of First and Hanna Streets; noted a Public Hearing scheduled before the Commission on the Petition of William T. Stamps to rezone from R~l to R-i property near the southeast corner of Ronan Avenue and Church Street; noted a Public Hearing scheduled before the Com- mission on the petition of George White to rezone a .61 acre parcel on the west side of Railroad Street between Lewis and Martin Streets; noted an appeal letter from Ad-Art Sign Company regarding decision of Planning Commission denying a Seaside Oil Sign and after dis- cussion allowing erection of same with the stipulation that same would be required to be removed when the proposed Sign Ordinance is completed and adopted; noting further correspondence from Proud Homes, Inc. regarding progress of proposed development north of the City Limits; and recommending amendment to the Tentative Map of Tract #4582, Westwood Acres, Unit #4 in regard to a mathematical error on the original map. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that said amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission regarding the Tentative Map of Westwood Acres, Unit #4, Tract #4582 be amended. The Mayor noted cancellation of the regular meeting of the Li brary and Cu 1 ture Comm i ss i on of September 5, 1968 due to no quorum present. Discussion was had in regard to the progress of the con- solidation of the Gilroy Library with Santa Clara County Free Li bf ary Sys tem. Councilman Quartiroli entered at 8: 15 p.m. and took his seat at the Council table. The Summary of Monthly Reports of August, 1968 was pre- sented and discussed. The Report of Disbursements from August 11, 1968 to Septem- ber 10, 1968 was noted. Salary increase City Administrator Wood presented a report and recommenda- tion for a merit increase for Eugene Gregorio, Police Cadet, to become effective October 1, 1968, Range 15.5 from Step IIA" - $360. to Step liB" - $378. Motion was made by Counci lman Duffin seconded. by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the salary of Eugene Gre- gorio be increased as recommended. Water Samples A Report of Water Samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department to August 8, 1968 was presented and ordered filed. Staff noted that Well #1 is presently operating within the Water System of the City. Ambulance Service City Administrator Wood presented a Report on a request of Rate Increase the Gilroy Ambulance Service for a Mileage Rate Increase. Dis- cussion was had. Mr. Holdaway, owner of the Ambulance Service, addressed the Council and further explained the necessity for said mileage rate increase request. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that Staff be authorized to prepare a Resolution to increas the Night Rate from $2.50 to $5.00 and mileage rate from $1.00 per mile to $1.25 pe r mil e . -""'\ -- ~I ....... ~~ ...., I ' 2851 Water Pressuriza- City Administrator Wood Reported on a proposed amended tion Project- Agreement for the Water Pressurization Program, same being con- Amendment tinued from the September 3, 1968 regular meeting, in order to Res. #1276 obtain a report on same from the Council Committee. Councilman Quartiroli, Chairman, reported on same. Discussion was had in regard to said proposed amendment. Resolution No. 1276 authorizing the Mayor to execute said First Amendatory to the original Agree- ment with H.U.D. in regard to the Water Pressurization Project. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Silva that Resolution No. 1276 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1276 ..... RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF FIRST AMENDATORY GRANT AGREE- MENT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1968, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy,Quartiroli, Goodr i ch. None Allemand and Wentworth. S i 1 va, and NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Jt.Meet. re: Downtown'Pl an City Administrator Wood presented a request by the City's Planning Consultant for A Joint Meeting to present the Downtown Plan. Council set September 25, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. for said meeting. Water Revenue Bonds-Ord.# 827, Res. # 1277 &#1278 Mr. Richard F. Raymond, Attorney of the firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton, and Lynch, addressed the Council and reported on matters pertaining to proposed Water Revenue Bonds. He presented and explained Ordinance No. 827 amending Ordinance #824 regarding issuance of Revenue Bonds. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Counci Iman Quarti rol i that .thelieadjn:g,of.>Ord:ioance, 827 De waived,Stnd :;that it be_,adopted as an Emergency Ordinance. -, ORDINANCE NO. 827 .... AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 824. ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REVENUES OF THE CITY WATER WORKS AND SYSTEM TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND FINANCING OF ADDIT10NS, EXTENSIONS, REPLACEMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS THERETO: REGULATING THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS: AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT AND THE RIGHTS AND REMEDIES OF BONDHOLDERS THEREOP'. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1968, by the fo llowi ng vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy, Quartiroli, Silva, and Goodrich. None Allemand and Wentworth. Mr. Raymond presented and explained Resolution No. 1277 providing for the issuance of Water Revenue Bonds of 1968. Motion was made by Counci Iman Duffin seconded by Counci Iman Si Iv a that Resolution No. 1277 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1277 ,"""... A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WATER REVENUE BONDS OF 1968, FIXING THE FORM OF THE BONDS AND PROVIDING COVENANTS FOR THEIR PROTECTION - CITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA - $350,000. WATER REVENUE BONDS OF 1968. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1968, by the fol- lowing vote: A YES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy, Quartiroli, Silva, and Goodrich. None Allemand and Wentworth. Mr. Raymond presented and explained Resolution No. 1278 calling for Bids for said Revenue Bonds on October 7, 1968 at 2:00 p.m. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Resolution No. 1278 be adopted. 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County Housing Authority ...... S.C.Co.Civil Def.Report S.C.Co.Plan. Dept.Planning Repor t J 9~ Blair-Westfall Eng.re:Com- munity Zoning G i 1 roy G 1 i de r s Wheeler Aud. '''\ _... '\ Plutnb.Air- Cod., Heat. Counci 1 re: Conf. Res.#1280 re: P.H. for re- 1 oc at i on PUC easement Creekside W. >> -.'''l\ ........ Upper & Lower L1 agas Creek Projects Animal Control Services 2858 (The Mayor deviated from the regular agenda in order to hear Representatives of the County Housing Authority and proposal for a "Town Housell type hous i ng on North Church and Pi erce Streets. City Administrator Wood presented and read a letter from the County Housing Authority in regard to same. Discussion was had in regard to said matter. Mr. Richard Taylor, Vice-Chairman of the County Housing Authority Commisslon, addressed the Council and inquired as to the Council's thinking on said housing and the Commission1s desire to work in cooperation with the City and expressed the County Commission1s desire to work in cooperation with the City and the City's desires regarding density require- ments, etc. Council referred said matter to the Planning Commiss- ion meeting of 9-19-68 for study and recommendation on said pro- posed Town House type housing on North Church and Pierce Streets (informing County Housing Authority representatives of said meeting date in order for a representat ive from said Commission and developers to be present at said meeting.) The Annual Report of the Santa Clara County Civil Defense Office was noted. The Report of the Santa Clara County Planning Depar~ment, "Alternatives for Planning'l was noted. A letter from Blair-Westfall Engineers, requesting a Planned Community Zoning Designation was noted. Staff reported that said matter would be discussed at the Planning Commission's regular meeting of September 19, 1968. re: City Administrator Wood presented a letter from Mr. Ed Peterman requesting use of Wheeler Auditorium by the Gilroy Gliders for a dance at the minimum rental of $15.00 on July 26, 1969. Council denied same noting that the $30.00 rental fee would be required due to the fact that said Dance Club would be selling tickets and open to the Public. A letter from the Plumbing, Heating, Air-Conditioning Council was presented regarding the Annual Business Conference in Arizona. City Administrator Wood presented a proposed resolution setting a Public Hearing on October 7, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. for a proposal of Council's intention to relocate a public utility ease- ment in Creekside West, Tract #4441, Lots 1 through 17 in regard to the development of said subdivision. Motion was made by Councilman Silva seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Resolution No. 1280 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1280 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO RELOCATE A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TEN (10) FEET WESTERLY, TO ACCOMODATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREEK- SIDE WEST, TRACT NO. 4441 LOTS NOS. 1 THROUGH 17. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1968, by the fol- lowing vote: AYES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy, Quartiroli, Silva, and Goodr i ch. - None Allemand and Wentworth City Administrator Wood noted communication from Repre- sentative Gubser in regard to approval of the Upper & Lower Llagas Creek Projects, however noting that funding has not yet been approved for same by Congress. City Administrator Wood noted a verbal communication re- ceived from the County of Santa Clara in regard to approval of Gilroy's Animal Control Service being consolidated with the County 0854 Service~ and noting ~hat same should be finalized sometime in late October 1968. County Planning Councilman Kennedy noted that the County of Santa Clara Dept. forms requested completion of forms included with the report of County Planning Department in regard to "Alternatives for Planning". The Mayor urged all Council Members to complete same and return to City Hall for forwarding to the County. Inter-City Council The Mayor noted the Inter-City Council Meeting scheduled Meet.-Gilroy for October 3, 1968 at the Silver Spur Restaurant in Gilroy; also Retirement noted the Retirement Testimonial for retiring Police Officers E. Testimonial H. Piedmont and Raymond Fortado on September 21, 1968 at the Fortado & I.F.D.E.S. Hall. Piedmont Adjournment At 10:09 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ) V~?4Jp/m,J &,~~ / City Clerk