Minutes 1969/06/03 370 Req. for salary in- creases by 3 employee associations Birth of Jill StaceYT& Jayne Sara S ein- metz-Res.# 1360 2971 Gilroy, California June 3, 1969 (The purpose of this,meeting is to meet with representatives of the three (3) employee associations regarding four areas of concern in the Memorandums of Understanding). The Mayor opened the meeting with a discussion regarding the 10% salary increase requested by the three employee associa- tions with regard to a 7~% increase in July, 1969 and an additional 2~% increase in January, 1970, rather than a straight 10% increase effective July 1, 1969. City Adminstrator Wood explained the three Memorandums of Understanding with the three employee associations. At this time, City Administrator Wood announced that at 3:00 a.m., June 3, 1969, Mrs. Susanne Steinmetz, City Clerk, gave birth to twin girls. The City Administrator presented and read Resolution No. 1360 honoring Mrs. Susanne Steinmetz and electing themselves as Honorary Godfathers of Jill Stacey and Jayne Sara Steinmetz. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Council- man Sil'va that Resolution No. 1360 be be adopted and that duplicate copies of same be sent to Mrs. Steinmetz. '9'72 Emp. Assoc. Representa- tives Ovwrt ime Comp.for Fire Dept. Employees Ad j ou rnmen t RESOLUTION NO. 1360 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY HONORING MRS. SUSANNE STEINMETZ, GILROY CITY CLERK. PASSED AND ADOPTED, in duplicate, this 3rd day of June, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy, and Goodrich. None Batrez Pate, Silva, Wentworth, - City Administrator Wood called upon the following employee association representatives, who, in turn, introduced members of their respective associations: Richard Cox, Gilroy Employees' Association; Bob Wilson, Gilroy Police Benefit Association; and Charles Gorman, Gilroy Firemen.s Association. .... Councilman Batrez enters and takes his seat at 8: 12 p.m. Bob Wilson, Gilroy Police Benefit Association, addressed the Council and explained his association's request for a 10% salary increase, noting that thei r original request was for 12~%. Char 1 es Gorman, G i 1 roy Firemen's Assoc i a.t i on ,addressed the Council and explained his association'srequest for a 10% salary increase, noting that their original request was for considerably more than 10%. Mr. Richard Cox, Gilroy Employees' Association, addressed the Council and explained his association's request for a 10% salary increase, noting that the:ir original request was for 15%. Discussion was had in regard to salary increases and~e cost of living increase. The Mayor commended the representatives of the three employee associations for the thoroughness of the sur- veys presented to the Council. - ... Discussion was had re~arding cost of living increases, salary surveys, and salary classifications. The Mayor noted that the Council is gradually 'attempting to increase the salary range. Discussion was had regarding new vacation benefits in com- parison with those of other cities. Mr. Richard Cox, Gilroy Em- ployee Association, stated that the GEA is negotiating for benefits now being enjoyed by surrounding cities. Discussion was had in regard to sick leave and unlimited accumulation of same. Representatives of each association expres~ed their reasons for requesting unlimited accumulation of sick leave. It was the general feeling of the Council that an increase from 90 days to 120 days for sick leave was in order, same to be dis- cussed at the next Council meeting. Discussion was had in regard to overtime compensation for Fire Department emp 1 oyees. Counc i 1 author i zed the City Adm i n i s tra- tor to negotiate with the Gilroy Firemen's Association for compen- sation of said overtime. Councilman Wentworth requested permission to leave at 10:05 p.m. - The meeting was adjourned at 10: 15 p.m. ...... Respectfully submitted, ~h ~ // ~ ~ , :-{ ~J/ CL, . AI-~-r ' Deputy Ci ty Clerk -