Minutes 1970/07/06 1 3126 Roll Call In tro. new employees Gilroy, California Ju 1 y 6, 1970 The Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, Anthony C. Silva, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Members: Mark E. Kennedy and John E. Pate. The Mayor introduced new employees, Richard Taylor and Kenneth Maxwell, Patrolmen. Cert. of Serv.- Councilman Silva presented a Certificate of Service to retiring R. Stanley, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Robert P. Stanley. P. & R. Com. Minutes In tro. new employee The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 15, 1970, and of the Adjourned Meetings of June 22 and 30, 1970, were approved as mailed and recorded. The Mayor introduced new employee, Joseph Young, Utility Man, who entered at 8:07 p.m. .......... [ [ [ - - Pub. Hear. re: Rezoning of E.side of City from R3 to R 1 Pub. Hear. re: Rezoning.186 ac.-Warde D. Watson R 1 ty. Intro. of Ord. 3127 The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing on a proposal initiated by the Planning Commission to rezone from R-3 to R-1 property bounded on the east by the City Limits, on the south by Seventh and East Streets, on the west by Forest Street, and on the north by Walnut Lane Subdivision and Gilroy Apartments Development. Director of Public Works Henry explained that the present zoning of this area does not conform to the General Plan. The Deputy City Clerk read letters of protest from John A. and John R. Bautista and Rita M. Gianelli, property owners. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present in the audience wishing to protest said rezoning. Mr. Raymond Sanchez, 400 I.O.O.F. Avenue, addressed the Coun- cil and stated his reasons for protesting said rezoning. Mr. Stuart Fletcher addressed the Council; however, it was noted that his property located at 380 I.O.O.F. Avenue was not affected by this rezoning. Mr. Jesus Nino, 7377 Chestnut Street, addressed the Council and stated his reasons for protesting said rezoning. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth that the Public Hearing be closed. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Batrez that the property remain as is. Councilman Batrez amended his motion to state that the Public Hearing be continued so that other interested persons may participate in said hearing. The Mayor asked to continue the discussion before having a second to said motion. Councilman Wentworth stated that he was in favor of continuing the Public Hearing in order to get more information regarding the zoning of this area. Motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Silva to close out this Public Hearing. The Mayor declared the motion out of order. It was then moved by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin that this Public Hearing be continued to July 20, 1970, in order for the absent Council Members to be present at said hearing, and that this motion supercede the original motion. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for a Public Hearing on the request of Warde D. Watson Realty Company to rezone from R-A to C-1, .186 acres located on Leaves1ey Road 1251 west of Murray Avenue. Director of Public Works Henry stated that the Plan- ning Commission had no objection to said rezoning request. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the proposal. Mr. Charles Duncan, representing Warde D. Watson Realty Co., addressed the Council requesting that Council accept the Planning Commission's recommendation to rezone said property. Motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the Public Hearing be closed. Motion was made by Council- man Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that an ordi- nance rezoning said. 186 acres be introduced and published by title and summary. Pub.Hear. re: The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for a Public Rezoning prop.Hearing on a proposal initiated by the Planning Commission to rezone @l N.E. cor. from R-3 (Low Density Multiple Residence) District to R-1 (Single of Murray & Family Residence) District property located at the northeast corner 100F Aves. of Murray Avenue and I.O.O.F. Avenue, north of I.O.D.F. Avenue ap- proximately 9151 and east of Murray Avenue to the existing City Limits. Director of Public Works Henry explained the Planning Commis- sion's proposal to rezone said property. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the pro- posal. As there were no comments from anyone in the audience, motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Duffin and car- 3128 Pub.Hear. re: Fire Chief.s Report re: Weed Abatement Res. #1477 Letters of Appea 1 re: Condo Use Permit-10th & Mon te rey ried that the Public Hearing be closed. Discussion was had. It was recommended that the Public Hearing not be closed but continued in order for interested property owners and absent Council Members to be present. Further discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Pub1 ic Hearing be continued to July 20, 1970, and that this motion supercede the original motion. - ... The Mayor stated that it was the time and place for a Public Hearing Confirming the Report of the Fire Chief regarding Weed Abate- ment Assessments. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the Public Hearing be closed. Motion was made by Counc1man Silva seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 1477 Confirming the Fire Chief's Report be waived and that it be adopted. J RESOLUTION NO. 1477 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SETTING FORTH THE DESCRIP- TION OF PROPERTY, THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND THE COST OF ABATING THE NUISANCE CAUSED BY THE GROWING OF WEEDS AND ACCUMULATION OF REFUSE IN THE CITY OF GILROY, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COSTS SHALL CONSTITUTE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE OWNERS OF LAND. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodr i ch COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor noted letters of appeal from Val and Ernie Filice and from Standard Oil Company of California regarding two conditions, Nos. 3 & 4, contained in Resolution No. 489 of the Planning Commission regarding a Conditional Use Permit for a Service Station at the north- east corner of Tenth and Monterey Streets. Said conditions are as follows: ] "3. That the use permit is val id only for one year." 114. That the two driveway openings on Tenth Street shall be permitted only by an agreement with the City of Gilroy wherein said driveways may be closed at the City.s option." Director of Public Works Henry explained the Planning Commis- sion's decision regarding said permit. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to address the Council. The City Ad- ministrator explained that normally a Pub1 ic Hearing is set for such appeals. The City Attorney Protempore stated that a Publ ic Hearing should be set. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva that a Public Hearing date be set for July 20, 1970. Discussion was had. Mr. Quay House, representing Messrs. Val and Ernie Filice addressed the Council stating that he was informed that if an appeal was presented within fifteen days after the Planning Commissi on's hearing, the matter could be brought before the Council and acted upon. Councilman Wentworth withdrew his motion setting a Pub1 ic Hearing date. The Mayor again asked if there was anyone wishing to address the Council. ., -J Mr. Quay House repeated his appeal of the two conditions con- tained in Resolution No. 489 of the Pa nning Commission. Discussion was had. Mr. Ed Pascuzzi, representing Standard Oil Co. of Ca1 ifornia, addressed the Council stating that his company would erect a service station at that locality only if the City has no plans for closing off the driveways located on Tenth Street. - ... Mr. Ernie Filice, property owner, addressed the Council in regard to the two driveway openings on Tenth Street. ,""''','... - ........ Report of Plan. Com. Meet. of 6/18/70 3129 Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Batrez and carried that the two driveways on Tenth Street be allowed to remain open for a period of twenty (20) 'years and that said open- ings may be closed anytime after twenty (20) years at no cost to the City for improvements or legal costs, and only in the event the City construct an over or under crossing. Secretary of the Planning Commission Henry presented and explained the Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of June 18, 1970. Report of P. & The Mayor noted the Report of the Parks & Recreation Commission - R. Com.Meet. Meeting of June 16, 1970. of 6/16/70 Monthly Report May 1970 Industrial Sewer Rates Res.#1478 - ....... The Summary of the Monthly Reports for May, 1970 were noted, discussed and ordered filed. The City Administrator explained Resolution No. 1478 Estab- lishing Rates for Industrial Sewer Service Charges. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 1478 be waived and that it be adopted. It was recommended that Staff report back in one year to see how City fared under these new rates. RESOLUTION NO. 1478 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING RATES FOR INDUSTRIAL SEWER SERVICE CHARGES. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCLL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodr i ch COUNCIL MEMBERS: None' COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Req. to carryover The City Administrator presented a request from William D- 80 overtime miche1is, Maintenanc-Mechanic, to carryover 80 hours of overtime hrs.-Wm. De- through September 1970. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded miche1is by Councilman Wentworth and carried that said request to carryover 80 overtime hours be granted. Pacheco Pass Dist. 1970-2 Res.#1479- #1486 Res. #1479 1/00'''''''' I _.... Res. #1480 iIP"''''''lII - Imp. The City Administrator presented the following Resolutions regarding the Pacheco Pass Improvement District - Project No. 1970-2. Resolution No. Attorneys, .was read. Councilman Wentworth, adopted. 1479, A Resolution Appointing Engineers and On motion of Councilman Batrez seconded by and unanimously carried, said Resolution was RESOLUTION NO. 1479 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEER AND ATTORNEYS - PACHECO PASS IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Resolution No. 1480, a Resolution of Preliminary Determina- tion and of Intention, was read. On motion of Councilman Silva, seconded by Councilman Wentworth, and unanimously carried, said Reso- lution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1480 A RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION AND OF INTENTION - PACHECO PASS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: - 3130 Res. #1481 Res. #1482 Res. #1483 Res. #1484 AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodr i ch COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCil MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate - NOES: ABSENT: The Engineer presented his report pursuant to said Resolution of Preliminary Determination and of Intention which consisted of plans, specifications, estimate of costs and expenses, maps and de- scriptions and diagram and assessment. After confirmation of the report by the Council, it was ordered filed. .... Resolution No. 1481, A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report, was read. On motion of Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Silva, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. - .... RESOLUTION NO. 1481 A RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S PASS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Goodrich COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate REPORT - PACHECO the following vote: Wentworth and NOES: ABSENT: Resolution No. 1482, A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wate Scale, was read. On motion of Councilman Batrez, seconded by Councilman Duffin, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1482 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE - PAfrHECO PASS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate - - Resolution No. 1483, A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improve- ments and Directing Notice, was read. On motion of Councilman Duffin, seconded by Councilman Silva, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1483 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING NOTICE - PACHECO PASS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodr i ch COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Resolution No. 1484, A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals and Fixing Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work Within Time Specified, was read. On motion of Councilman Batrez, seconded by Councilman Wentworth, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. ... RESOLUTION NO. 1484 - A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS AND FIXING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE WORK WITHIN TIME SPECIFIED - PACHECO PASS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Si1vq, Wentworth, and Goodrich NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate ... ~"'. Res. #1485 - ~ - Res. #1486 - N . C h u r ch S t. Ex tn. Proj. 66-1 Res. #1487 ..... Pub. Hear. 8/3/70 Stop Signs (@ 5th & Prince- valle Sts. lJoF"'.""', - 3131 Resolution No. 1485, A Resolution Descr~bing Proposed Boun- daries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment, was read. On motion of Councilman Duffin, seconded by Councilman Wentworth, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION N.O. 1485 A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, DIRECTING FILING OF BOUNDARY MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND DIRECTING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT - PACHECO PASS IMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Resolution No. 1486, A Resolution Calling for Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds, was read. On motion of Coun~ilman Batrez, seconded by Councilman Silva, and unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1486 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS - PACHECO PASS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 1970-2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July" 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth, and Goodr i ch COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Director of Public Works Henry presented Resolution No. 1487, Directing Making of Amended Assessment regarding North Church Street Extension Project, No. 1966~t, Assessment Nos~ 6A & 7. Motion was made by Counc i 1 man Wen tworth seconded by Counc i 1 man S i 1 va and car r i ed that the reading of Resolution No. 1487 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1487 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE: CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 1028 - NORTH CHURCH STREET EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 1966-1- ASSESSMENT NOS. 6A AND 7. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodr i ch COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: It was moved by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried tha.t a Public Hearing be set for August 3, 1970, regarding the amended assessments for North Church Street Extension Project No. 1966-1. Public Works Director Henry explained the need for stop signs at the intersection of Fifth and Princeva11e Streets, noting that several accidents have occurred at this intersection during the past few years. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Coun- cilman Silva and carried that stop signs be erected on Fifth Street at the intersection of Fifth and Princevalle Streets. Regulations re: The City Administrator noted that the adoption of an ordinance Mobile Home Adopting Regulations for Mobile Home or Trailer Parks was continued Parks to August 3, 1970. ......"'. - Pks. & Rec. apptm't- F. Serrano Com. The Mayor presented the names of Floyd Serrano and Frank Gianell i, submi tted for appo'intment to the Parks & Recreation Commis- sion to fill the unexpired term of Robert Stanley (1-71). After a vote of the Council, it was moved by Councilman Duffin seconded by 3132 Councilman Wentworth and carried that Mr. Floyd Serrano be appointed to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Ambulance Increase Rates The City Administrator presented a request from the Gilroy Ambulance Service for an increase of basic rate charges. Mr. Eldred Holdaway addressed the Council, explaining his reasons for said re- quest. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the request for a _, change in rates be approved and that a resolution approving same be submitted at the regular Council meeting of July 20, 1970. - f!'- .. E1 Camino Viejo A letter from Mayor Caetano regarding the El Camino Viejo Commemorative Commemorative Ride and Fiesta-Rodeo de San Juan Bautista was notep. Ride , t' ~ -- Golf Course Com. The City Administrator presented a request from the Gilroy Meet. 7/7/70 Golf and Country Club for a joint meeting with the Council Golf Cours~ Committee at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 7, 1970, in the City Council Chambers. Council approved the request and set the meeting for July 7, 1970, 8:00 p.m. Painting of curbs- Councilman Wentworth commented on the condition of the parking Monterey St. zones on Monterey Street and recommended re-painting of same. He further recommended that the space in front of the driveways at the now empty Buick Garage be allowed for parking. Staff was instructed to investigate same. Req. to Solicit- The City Administrator presented a request from the Santa Muscular Dys- Clara County Chapter of Muscular Dystrophy Association to sol icit trophy Assoc. funds during the month of November 1970, and requested waiver of a license for same. Council approved said reqL.est. Letter re: Diversion of Gas Tax Monies The City Administrator presented a letter from Senator Collier requesting that the City adopt a resolution opposing the Diversion of Gas Tax Monies. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth that a reso- lution opposing the Diversion of Gas Tax Monies be adopted and that the reading be waived. Said motion died for lack of a second. ... ........ Fed. Grant re: Dev. of N/S Pk. Res. # 1488 City Administrator Wood presented Resolution No. 1488 Authoriz- ing App1 ication for a Federal Grant for the Development of Northside Park and Aughorizing the City Administrator to act as correspondent for same. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Council- man Silva and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 1488 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1488 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT TO DEVELOP OPEN-SPACE LAND. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Si1va~ Wentworth and Goodrich COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Agree. re: of Drainage Ditch/Geo. White Const. City Administrator Wood requested authorization for the Mayor to execute an agreement with Mr. George White to construct a drainage ditch to carry surpl~Bwaters on City property identified as Santa Clara County Assessor's Parcel No. 841-29-01 (1969-70 Roll). Motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Mayor be authorized to execute said agreement. ~ ..... Sewage Lift Stan.- The City Administrator presented a request to purchase a Pacheco Pass sewage lift station from the City of Mountain view in the amount of Imp. Dist. $3,000 for use on the Pacheco Pass Improvement District Project. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that said purchase be approved in the - -~ - - ~ I '~ ~ i I' ~ ~~ I I ~ "-"1 - Bid for Street 5-weepe r to Santa Clara , 3133 amount of $3,000. The City Administrator presented a request to submit a bid to the City of Santa Clara for a Wayne (dual drive and dual broom) Street Sweeper in the amount of $1,025 on July 15, 1970. Motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the money be allocated for said bid. "No Parking" zone - Councilman Silva commented on the red "No Parking" zone in Car101,s Del.- front of Carlo's Del icatessen on North Monterey Street. Discussion N. Monterey St.was had. Res. #1489 Trans. Pol. Meet. of 6/24/70 re: Rapid Trans. Director of Public Works Henry presented and read Resolution No. 1489 Amending Resolution 1438, Changing "No Per king" zone on the west side of Monterey Street in front of Car10.s Delicatessen from 5051 to 475' and requesting a one-hour parking limit be established along the remaining distance of the west side of Monterey Street to Second Street.' .Motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that Resolution No. 1489 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1489 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AMENDING RESOLUTION 1438 TO CHANGE THE "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE WEST SIDE OF MONTEREY STREET FROM 505 FEET SOUTH OF ITS FIRST STREET INTERSECTION TO 475 FEET; AND ESTABLISHING A ONE-HOUR PARKING LIMIT ALONG THE Rffi"AINING DISTANCE ON THE WEST SIDE TO SECOND STREET. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Silva, Wentworth and Goodrich COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kennedy and Pate NOES: ABSENT: Com. Councilman Batrez reported on the recent Transportation Policy Committee Meeting of June 24, 1970, requesting participation by cities within the county in the November election for passage of a t-cent increase in sales tax to be used for rapid transit. Dis- cussion was had. The Mayor noted the presence of Parks & Recreation Commissioner Phi 1 ip Lawton. Council Committee The Mayor noted the list of Council Committee appointments . Appoint- and suggest~d up-dating and re-arrangement of same to be presented ments at next Council meeting. League of Ca1 if. The Mayor noted the League of California Cities' Conference Cities Conf. to be held in Coronado, California, October 25-28, 1970. j Oct.25-28 Adjournment At 10:45 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~L., a ~~ Deputy City Clerk