Minutes 1971/06/22 Roll Call 3245 Gilroy, California June 22, 1971 The Adjourned Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman~. Goodrich at 4:08 p.m. The Mayor stated that the purpose of the meeting was a Joint Council-Personnel Commission meeting with representatives of the Employee Associations. Present: Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, John E. Pate, Anthony C. Silva, and Norman B. Goodrich. Commission Members: Fred Baker, Donald Gallagher, and Steve Valencia. Absent: Dav i d V. S tou t. Council Members: George T. Duffin, John Hughan, and Commissioners: Donald Dillehay and Vern Gillott. 1 3246 I Meet and Confer Personnel Director Reinsch presented a report on the recent Meet Report and Confer Sessions. Councilman Hughan entered and took his seat at the Council table at 4:09 p.m. Personnel Director Reinsch explained the Memorandums of Under- standing as agreed upon by the Employee Associations at the Meet and Confer sessions and noted that a 5% salary increase, effective July 1, 1971, had been granted to all employees. Other benefits included increased medical and hospital benefits, increased vacation benefit to allow an employee to accumulate 20 days vacation leave after fifteen years of service, an early retirement program to allow Public Safety Employees to retire at age 50 with reduced benefits, and that the pay difference between Workmanls Compensation and normal income be continued by the City for a period of thirty days without using accumulated sick leave if job-oriented injury results in lost time. An additional benefit for Patrolmen would allow that time spent in service as a cedet be counted towards their vacation credit. It was noted that the Gilroy Firemenls Association accepted the Memorandum of Understanding with reservations. The following representatives of the Employee Associations addressed the Council and explained their association's requests for 1971-72 salary and fringe benefits: (1) Robert Alonzo, Gilroy Employees' Assoc~ation; (2) Lee E10ff, Gilroy Police Benefit Associa- tion; (3) Charles Gorman, Gilroy Fireman's Association. Mr. Gorman stated it was the feeling of the Firemenls Association that there was some confusion caused by not being able to meet with the same city representatives at the Meet and Confer sessions. Mr. Eloff ex- plained the Police Benefit Association's request for a 2~!o incentive pay increase for educational benefits. The Mayor requested the Representative of the Personnel Com- mission to address the Council. Mr. Donald Gallagher stated that the Commission had approved the Memorandums of Understanding and that their recommendation has been made to Council. Councilman Hughan asked for comments from the Personnel Com- mission regarding the possibi1 ity of a member of the Council sitting in on future Meet and Confer sessions. Commissioner Valencia stated that any comment made at this time would be of a purely personal nature. .Personnel Director Reinsch presented the recommendation of the Personnel Commission regarding the 1971-72 Salaries and Fringe Benefits and stated that they do not have any objections to the Memorandums of Understanding as presented. Personnel Director Reinsch explained a proposed resolution regarding new classifications and salary and fringe benefits, effec- tive July 1, 1971. Incentive Pay The Mayor opened the discussion with reference to a 2~!o in- centive pay increase as recommended by the Gilroy Police Benefit Association. It was decided that a study would be made regarding an incentive pay program for all employees. A letter from Administrative Personnel was presented request- ing the same consideration that Council gave them last year in regard to salaries and fringe benefits. The Mayor stated tret he will call an Executive Session after this meeting to discuss same. Res. #1579 re: Salaries, etc. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 1579, Allocating Various Employee Classifications to Appropriate Ranges and Amending Personnel Rules and Regulations to Provide for Certain Benefits, be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1579 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY ALLOCATING THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CITY SERVICE TO APPROPRIATE RANGES AND AMEND- MENT OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE CERTAIN BENEFITS. Intro. Ord. Vacation Leave Adjournment 3247 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of June, 1971, by the fol10wi ng vote: AYES; COUNCI~ MEMBERS: Batrez, Hughan, Pate, Silva, and Goodrich. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Stout. The Mayor thanked members of the Staff, Employee Associations, and Personnel Commission for their efforts to bring about a satisfac- tory conclusion to the Meet and Confer sessions. re: Personnel Director Reinsch presented and explained a proposed ordinance adopting Section 17.16(a) of the City Code to provide for twenty days vacation leave after fifteen years of continuous service with the City. Motion was made by Councilman Hughan seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the proposed ordinance be intro- duced, the reading waived and that it ,be publ ished by title and summary. It was moved by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Hughan and carried that the meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, July 6, 1971. Res~,!ctful1Y submitted, ~_ .' ~ (}~ A-/ Deputy City Clerk