Minutes 1972/07/10
Gilroy, California
July 10, 1972
The Adjourned Meeting of the Gilr>oy City Council was called to order by
His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:08 p.m.
Roll Call Present: Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, George T. Duffin, John
Hughan, John E. Pate, Anthony C. Silva, David V. Stout and Norman B.
Pub.Hear.re: The Mayor announced that this was the time and place scheduled for
Ronan Ave.-the continued Public Hearing on the Engineerls Report for "Ronan Avenue-
S.Chest- South Chestnut Street Project 1971-111 Assessment District, prepared pursuant
nut St. to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and Resolution No. 1647 of Pre-
Proi.71-1 liminary Determination and of Intention.
Mr. Phil ip D. Assaf, Attorney, noted that all notices required had
been posted and published; that the Engineer's Report had been prepared and
placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, said Report previously ap-
proved by Council at the time the Public Hearing was set.
Director of Public Works-City Engineer Henry submitted the Engineerls
Report and evidence relating to the method of spread of assessment in accor-
dance with benefits.
The following letters of protest from property owners were presented
and read by the Clerk, considered by the Council and ordered filed: Stuart
Fletcher, Sarah A. Brem, Helene F. Anderson, Ralph Caiocca, Joseph A. Mon-
delli, Steidley & Uyeno, Frank P. Borelli, Jr., Attorney; Donald S. and
Alexander S. Chuck, and George Porcella.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard and
the following who wished to speak in opposition to said district were given
the opportunity: Joseph Mondell i, George P. Porcella, Frank Borelli, Jr.,
Stuart Fletcher, Roy Uyeno and Sally Hassell.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard and
the following who wished to speak in favor of said district were given the
opportunity: Dennis DeBell, Juan Ochoa, 915 Luchessa Avenue; Paul Baxter,
Secretary-Manager of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce; H. Miller, Local Manager
of Crown Zellerbach; Bill Corell, Local Manager of Pringle Tractor, a divi-
sion of John Deere Co.; and Doug Neely.
City Administrator Wood explained the necessity for said street open-
ing and improvement.
A letter from Mr. D. H. Neely of the Neely Co., Wholesale Distributors
was presented and read in favor of the formation of said district.
Mr. Stuart Fletcher futher addressed the Council and noted that the
improvement of Baines Lane would be necessary if said Assessment District is
formed. Mr. George Porcella requested the City to present future maps
during a Publ ic Hearing in a position that can be seen from the audience and
also~requested the City to expJain the street width of an 86 foot street,
noting the actual pavement required, etc. City Engineer Henry explained
After discussion and consideration by the Council motion was made by
Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Hughan and carried that the Public
Hearing be closed. Further discussion was had by Council in regard to the
proposed Assessment District. With the approval of the Council the Mayor
re-opened the Public Hearing in order to ask the property owners south of
Tenth Street if they would dedicate the required land for the City to pay
all the costs required to construct that portion of South Chestnut Street
south of Tenth Street.
,.,.-' '11
The following further addressed the Council concurring with the City
constructing and paying the costs involved for that portion of Chestnut
Street south of Tenth Street: Frank Borelli, Jr., Roy Uyeno and Stuart
It was noted by Staff that if the City constructed said portion of
Chestnut Street that Agreements would be required for dedication of the
property involved.
Adjournment At 11:07 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Batrez seconded by
Counci lman Silva and carried that the Public Hearing be continued to July
17, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in order to attempt to come to some agreement with
the property owners on Chestnut Street south of Tenth Street.
Respectfully submitted,