Minutes 1973/11/19
Roll Ca 11
COl sen t
M i n u te s
November 19, 1973
Gilroy, California
The Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to
order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:04 p.m.
Present: Council Members: Dennis L. DeBell, George T. Duffin,
John E. Pate, Anthony C. Silva, David V. Stout and Norman B. Goodrich
Absent: Council Member: John Hughan
Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Stout
that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved. Passed
and adopted by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Council Members:
DeBell, Duffin, Pate, Silva, Stout and Goodrich. Absent: Council Manber
Consent Calendar Items: 1) Minutes of the November 5, 1973,
Regular Council Meeting approved;
Res. #1777
Geo. C. Mi 1 ias
2) Adopted Resolution No. 1777 Honoring George C. Mi1ias.
CITY COUNCILMAN 1932-1940; GILROY MAYOR 1940-1954 and 1956-1958
WHEREAS, the Community has determined to honor George C. Mi1ias
for his many contributions; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Mi1ias faithfully and dynamically served the City
first as a Councilman for eight (8) years, and subsequently as Mayor
for sixteen (16) years for a total of twenty-four (24) years of service
to the people of our community; and
WHEREAS, he did,during that tenure, undertake and participate
in many new programs for the betterment of our City including, but not
1 imi ted to the following:
1932, Paving of Monterey Street;
1936, Developed Plans and Bond Funding for City Auditorium;
1936, Establishmend of Gilroy Gymkhana and Horse Show;
1937, Adopted City.s Fir~t Zoning Ordinance;
1938, Appointed First Community Recreation Commissi on;
1938, Appointed Norman Goodrich as City Traffic Officer;
1940, Auditorium Completed;
1943, Levied 5% Victory Income Tax;
1947, Installed Traffic Signals on Monterey Street;
1948, Appointed Full Time Fire Chief;
1950, Appointed Full Time Building Inspector;
1950, Expanded Sewerage Treatment Plant;
1950, Widened Monterey Street;
1950, Installed Storm Drain System;
1954, Honored GEORGE C. MILIAS for providing the longest
public service to the Citizens of Gilroy. A record
that remains unchallenged.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Gilroy City Council hereby
takes this opportunity along with all other members of the Community
to extend its sincere appreciation to GEORGE C. MILIAS for his un-
precendented loyal service to his fellow citizens, his community and
our American way of life. May he enjoy many mbre successful endeavors
throughout the rema i nder of his exemp 1 ary 1 i fee
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be
included in the records of the City of Gilroy for the reference of all
future generations.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of November, 1973, by the
following vote:
Pub.Hear. re:
L. Wi 11ard
3) Set December 3, 1973, as Public Hearing date on Prezoning
Request of Larry Willard upon annexation 9.15 acres to R~l and 1.1 acres
to R-3 located approximately 700 feet north of First Street on the west
side of Morey Avenue;
Salary Merit
4) Approved Salary Merit Increase of Richard Taylor, Patrolman,
Range 32 from Step IIDII $988 to Step IIEII $1038., effective December 1, 1973.
S.C.Co. Heart 5) Approved request of Santa Clara County Heart Association, Inc.,
--- Assoc. for waiver of solicitation permit for fund drive during February 1974.
S.C.Co. Referrals Noted the following County Referrals on Planning and Land Develop-
on Plan. & ments, for review and had no comments on same: a) G. M. Gardener,
Land Dev. Minor Land Division, #24573.30; b) N. P. Massa11em, Preliminary Map,
#24S73.33; c) G. Orlando~ Exemption, #23S73.29; d) & e) N. Cadwallader,
Preliminary Maps, #24S73.32 & #24S73.31.
S.C.Co. Trans.
Com. Meet.
The Mini Minutes of the Santa Clara County Transportation Com-
mission Meeting of October 10, 1973, were noted.
Plan. Com.
11 115/73
Santa Teresa
Pol icy
Urban Servo
Marcella &
Buena Vista
Lib. & Cult.
Com. Meet.
1012/ 73
1973 Uniform
Fire Codes
Club OK
The Planning Commission Report of the November 15, 1973, meeting
was noted. Discussion was had on the proposed Santa Teresa Expressway
Policy recommended by the Commission.
Councilman Hughan entered at 8:15 p.m. and took his seat at the
Council table.
It was requested that the Planning Commission update the General
Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin and
carried that the Santa Teresa Expressway Policy as recommended by the
Planning Commission be adopted with the exception to omit from Item No.
5 Iland shall be restricted to one corner of an:intersection,'1 and further
recommended that the Planning CommIssion look at the General Plan and
recommend proposed commercial areas along Santa Teresa Expressway. Coun-
ci lman Stout voted Ilnoll on the motion.
Discussion was had in regard to Urban Service Area. Motion was
made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that
the Urban Service Area remain as it is at this time as recommended by
the Planning Commission.
Discussion was had on the proposed Marcella and Buena Vista
Avenue Subdivision in the County. Motion was made by Councilman Hughan
seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the City strongly dis-
approves said subdivision as recommended by the Planning Commission and
Staff and requested that a letter be forwarded to the Santa Clara County
Health Department with copies to the Board of Supervisors and County
Planning Department informing them of the City's reasons for disapproval
of same.
The Minutes of the Library and Culture Commission Meeting of
October 2, 1973, were noted.
A. proposed ordinance previously introduced and p~blished by
title and summary amending portions of Sections 10.9 and 10.10 of the City
Code so as to adopt the 1973 Uniform Fire Codes as modified and amended
by County ordinance was presented for adoption. The Mayor suggested
that same be tabled to a later date in order to determine what the County
is going to do in regard to the proposal to ban fireworks throughout the
County. Motion was made by Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman
Pate and carried that said ordinance be continued to December 3, 1973.
The Report of the Director of Public Works in regard to said
proposed ordinance was noted.
A letter from local merchants regarding the proposal of the Club
OK to relocate said business from 7377 Monterey Street to 7450 Monterey
Street was presented and read. The report of the Police Department re-
garding same was noted. Motion was made by Counci lman Hughan seconded
by Councilman Stout and carried that the request of Mr. Any Nebesnick to
relocate the Club OK to 7450 Monterey Street was denied by confirming
Council1s previous policy that no card rooms would be allowed north of
Sixth Street.
Inter-City Council The Inter-City Council Annual Christmas Party of December 6, 1973, ~
at the Officers' Club Ball Room, Moffett Field was noted.
Jt. Plan. Com.- The Joint Council-Planning Commission Meeting of November 26,
Council Meet. 1973, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gilroy City Council Chambers was noted.
At 9:23 p.m., the Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
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