Minutes 1974/03/06
Roll Call
March 6, 1974
G i 1 roy, Ca 1 i fo rn i a
The Adjourned Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called
to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 4:06 p.m.
Present: Council Members: Dennis L. DeBell, George T. Duffin,
John Hughan, John E. Pate, David V. Stout and Norman B. Goodrich.
Council Member: Anthony C. Silva
The Mayor stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss
the amended Lease Agreement for the Gilroy Branch Library following action
of the Board of Supervisors regarding same.
The City Administrator reported that the Board of Supervisors
at their March 5, 1974 meeting had approved the Amended Lease Agreement for
the Gilroy Branch Library. City Administrator Wood further explained said
Lease Agreement. City Administrator Wood presented an additional report in
regard to the Bids for the Library Project and requested that Council defer
action in regard to the changing of the conduit to romex in regard to the
wiring when Mr. Robert Wong, A.I .A. was present.
Councilman Stout recommended no deletion in the original library
contract specifications because of the Library Building being permanent for
a long time; further, that if additional funds were needed to complete same
without changes that recreational funds and related projects be deferred to
accomplish completing the Library building in its original plans and speci-
Monterey St.
tity Administrator'Wood noted that the City's cost of the proposed
project estimated to be $51,500, could be budgeted in the 1974-75 budget.
Motion was made by Councilman Hughan seconded by Councilman Pate
and carried that the Amended Lease Agreement for the Gilroy Branch Library
be approved as presented and that the Mayor be authorized to execute same
on behalf of the city.
City Administrator Wood presented an additional report in regard to
the bids for the Library Project. Discussion was had in deleting the
fountain and pool, carpeting,and possibly changing the conduit for the
wiring to romex and changing the dimmer requirement in the 1 ighting system.
Motion was made by Councilman Hughan seconded by Councilman DeBell
and carried that the Bid of Gordon Farotte for construction of the new
Library Building be accepted and awarded subject to eliminating the fountain
and pool, the carpeting and the question of wiring and dimmers negotiated
by the City Administrator and further subject to the contractor being in
agreement with said deletions.
City Administrator Wood presented an additional report in regard
to the State of California Department of Transportation proposal for re-
surfacing Monterey Street from First to Ninth Streets in conjunction with
the Downtown Beautification Project. Director of Publ ic Works-City Engineer
Hansen noted that the State recently informed the City that said project
would be delayed if the total project final bid was in excess of their
original estimate; further that the maximum the State would reimburse the
City if the City performed the work would be $150,000.
Mr. Jerry Fuchs, representing the Downtown Merchants' Association,
noted that the merchants do not want the median strip on Monterey Street
Council agreed that the City should proceed with the plans and
specifications for the project in the event there was a delay with the
State awarding the contract for resurfacing Monterey Street from First to
Ninth Streets; that the City proceed with the proposed Assessment District
required under the project to modify the Parking District and form a new
District also required under the Beautification Proposal; and that the
City Administrator attempt to resolve the Statels recent notification that
they would contribute only a maximum of $150,000 before contacting the
Highway Comm i ss i on in rega rd to same.
City Administrator Wood explained to Mr. Robert Wong, A.I .A. for
the Library Project, the action taken by Council in regard to the contract
for same. Council requested Mr. Wong to obtain the figures of conduit vs.
romex in regard to the wiring of the Library Building and also the cost
of the cimmer requirement in said contract.
At 5:10 p.m., the Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
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City Clerk