Minutes 1975/02/03
Roll Call
February 3, 1975
Gilroy, California
The Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order
by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:08 p.m.
Present: Council Members: Dennis L. DeBell, George T. Duffin, John
Hughan, John E. Pate, Anthony C. Silva, David V. Stout, and Norman B. Goodrich.
Certificate of The Mayor tabled presentation of a Certificate of Service to Miss
Service Lupe Sanchez, retired Library and Culture Commissioner, to await her presence.
Intro. new
emp 1 oyee
The Mayor introduced a new employee: Anne Bianchi, Recreation Leader III.
Councilman stout noted that the request of the American Cancer Society
under the Consent Calendar for waiver of the solicitation permit could be for
the period April 23 through May 2, 1975, rather than the entire calendar year
as noted in the letter requesting same.
Motion was made by Councilman Hughan seconded by Councilman Duffin
that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved. Passed and
adopted by the following Roll Call Vote: AYes: Council Members: Debell,
Duffin, Hughan, Pate, Silva, Stout and Goodrich.
Minutes of the January 20, 1975, Regular Council Meeting;
Minutes of the January 27, 1975, Special Council Meeting;
American Can- Approved waiver of the solicitation permit for the American Cancer
cer Society Society's Annual Crusade for the period April 23 through May 2, 1975; and
Damage Claim-
B.A. Payne
Chil d Dev.
Ce n te r
1st Bapti st
Church Prop.
Street Fl ags
& ALUC Min.
Denied damage claim of B. A. Payne.
Ms. Irma Sanchez addressed the Council and read a letter in regard
to a Communtiy Child Development Center for Santa Clara County.
A letter from the First Baptist Church was noted for a time extension
to March 1, 1975, in regard to occupancy under the City's acquisition. Motion
was made by Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that
said extension be granted as requested.
A letter from Mrs. Helen Schultheis was noted requesting payment in
the amount of $198.00 for street flags. Motion was made by Councilman Silva
seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that payment in the amount of $198.00
for street flags be made to Mrs. Helen Schultheis as requested for 18 flags
@ $11.00 per flag.
Impact A proposed resolution from the County of Santa Clara in regard to
adoption of Economic Impact Reports was noted. Discussion was had in regard
to same. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin
and carried that the City is in favor of the County's proposal and that
Staff be requested to inform the County of same, with the details to be worked
out at a later date.
The following informational items were noted with no separate discus-
sion on same.
Mini Minutes of Santa Clara County Planning Policy Committee and
Airport Land Use Commission Meetings of November 21, 1975;
Peti ti on re:
Zone Ord. mente
Notice of Intent to Circulate a Petition re: Zoning Ordinance Amend-
Discussion was had in regard to said issue.
Plan. Com.
The Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of January 3, 1975,
was noted and discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by
Councilman Duffin and carried that Draft III for North Monterey Street Policy
be approved with a change in item No. 2.d. to change the word, "Houses", to
"Residential Units." Councilmen DeBell and Hughan voted "NolI on the motion.
Personnel Com. Report of the Personnel Commission Meeting of January 29, 1975,
Meet.l/29/75 was noted. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Council-
man Silva and carried that the Commission's action be supported in
regard to granting the $67.29 Uniform Allowance carry-over to Gary
Lester for unused uniform allowance from 1973-74 to 1974-75, on the
basis that the Memorandum of Understanding, dated October 18, 1972,
did not preclude a carry-over.
Soc. Sec.
Benefi ts
The Mayro deviated from the regular agenda in order to accom-
modate interested persons in the audience. ~
The Mayor noted the Employee Associations' request for use of
the City's savings under dropping Social Security benefits, tabled at
the January 6, 1975, Regular Council Meeting. The Mayor tabled same
to await the presence of the Associations' Attorney for said presenta-
The Summary of Monthly Reports of December 1974 was noted and
Disbursements The Report of Disbursements from January 1, 1975, through
January 31, 1975, was noted and discussed. City Administrator Wood
noted that final payment of the Bravo Property (Corporation Yard) had
been completed. ~--------' -
Sewer Farm City Administrator Wood requested a Council Minute Order author-
#4 Annex. izing Staff to proceed with filing an application for annexation with
LAFCO for the annexation of the Anderson-Rea property (Sewer Farm
No.4 Annexation 75-3 to the City of Gilroy). Motion was made by Coun-
cilman Hughan seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that Staff be
authorized to proceed with annexation of the Anderson-Rea property ..
(Sewer Farm No.4 Annexation 75-3 to the City of Gilroy) as requested.
Domestic Sewer A Report was noted on a meeting with the Central Coast Regional
Plant Stan- Water Quality Control Board Staff re: present Domestic Sewer Plant
dards Operating Standards.
Soc. Sec.
Chestnut St.
Truck Pkg.
A Report on the proposed telephone rate increases was noted.
Mr. Larry Brown, representing the Continental Telephone Company ad-
dressed the Council and further explained said proposed rate in-
creases. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman
Hughan and carried that the City opposes said proposed telephone
rate increases, to be presented to the Public Utilities Commission.
Mr. Ernest Miller, attorney representing the Employee Associa-
tions, addressed the Council and explained their request in regard to
use of the City's savings under dropping Social Security benefits.
Discussion was had in regard to same. r.1otion was made by Councilman
Duffin seconded by Councilman Stout that the request of the Employee
Associations be denied by the following Roll Call ~ote: Ayes: Council
Members: DeBell, Duffin, Hughan, Pate, Silva, Stout, and Goodrich.
Noes: Council Members: None.
A request to purchase a low ground caterpillar tractor for the
sewer farm was noted and discussed and further explained by Director
of Public Works Hansen. Motion was made by Councilman Hughan seconded
by Councilman Stout and carried that purchase of the low ground Cater-
pillar tractor in the amount of $37,100.00 from United Equipment be
approved subject to the condition that said equipment be inspected by
Councilman Silva and further approved by him, and that financing of
same be determined by the City Administrator.
A Report on truck parking on Chestnut Street was noted. Motion
was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva and carried
that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance in regard
to same to include trailers as discussed.
Emp. Vacation A request of the City Clerk to carry-over accumulated vacation to
Carry-Over the 1975 anniversary year was noted. Motion was made by Councilman Stout
seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the request of the City
Clerk to carry-over accumulated vacation to the 1975 anniversary year
be granted.
Library & Cult. The Mayor stated that this was the time and place scheduled to
Comm. appt. appoint a Library & Culture Commissioner to fill the unexpired term (1-1-76)
of Miss Lupe Sanchez. A letter from the Library & Culture Commission Chair-
man and a list of potential candidates for said appointment were noted.
Motion waS made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Silva and carried
that Mrs. Muriel Brem be appointed as Library & Culture Commissioner to fill
the unexpired term of Miss Lupe Sanchez.
Industrial City Administrator Wood noted that the Industrial Users of the City's
Sewer Line Industrial Sewer Line have requested that the report on the proposed policy
on the new percolation ponds be tabled to the February 18, 1975, Council
Meeting. Director of Public Wroks-City Engineer Hansen noted the capacity
of said line and further noted that there would be no reason at this time
to delay action regarding Filice Canning Company to connect to said sewer
line. Motion was made by Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman Silva
and carried that the request of the Filice Canning Company to connect to
the City's Industrial Sewer Line be approved with details of same to be
included in an agreement to be presented to Council for final approval of
Res. #1751
Sec. 49
L. Frisone
A request of Mr. Larry Frisone for a time extension under Resolution
No. 1751 (Sec. 49) was noted. Discussion was had on the matter. Mr.
Frisone addressed the Council and further explained his request. Motion
was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Silva that said request
for a time extension under Resolution No. 1751 be granted to August 5, 1975,
by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Council Members: DeBell, Duffin,
Hughan, Silva, Stout and Goodrich. Noes: Council Member: Pate; noting
that said extension for said property is the final extension to be granted
under Resolution No. 1751 (2nd extension expired January 2, 1975).
Industrial Councilman Hughan suggested that Industrial Sewer Collections be
Sewer deposited in a special industrial sewer fund; details to be worked out by
Collections Staff.
Roadway on
Vacant Lot
to Wren
Truck Pkg.
Councilman stout reported that there is a large overhange of trees
in the parkway on Forest Street at Lewis Street.
Councilman stout reported that vehicles are using the vacant lot
at the rear of Gavil an Bank for roadway purposes to \~ren Avenue. Staff was
instructed to request the property owner to block off said property so
that it will not be used for roadway purposes.
Councilman DeBell suggested that the proposed truck parking ordinance
for Chestnut Street include truck dollies.
Freeway 101 City Administrator Wood noted that there will be a meeting with two
~ (2) Highway Commissioners and State Legislature representatives on February
11, 1975, at 8:00 p.m., at St. Catherine's Hall, E. Dunne Avenue, Morgan
~ Hill, for the purpose of requesting acceleration of Route 101 to Ford Road.
Motion was made by Councilman Hughan seconded by Councilman Silva that
Resolution No. 75-4 be adopted supporting the requested acceleration of
Route 101 north of Morgan Hill to Ford Road.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of February, 1975, by the following vote:
Statement of
Lib ra ry
ICC Meeting
Bri efing
Adj ournment
It was noted that th'e final date for City Officials to file their
Statement of Economic Interest - Interim Form #720 is February 6, 1975.
Land- City Administrator Wood suggested that Council send a letter of
commendation to the Parks and Recreation Department for completing the
landscaping in time for the Library Dedication Ceremonies that were held
on February 1, 1975. Motion was made ~y Councilman Pate seconded by
Councilman Duffin and carried that the City Administrator forward said
letter on behalf of the Council.
Councilman Duffin suggested that the City Hall lawn be replanted.
The Mayor noted the Inter-City Council Meeting on February 6, 1975
at the Palo Alto Hills Golf and Country Club. He noted that he would
attend said meeting.
Congressman Mineta's Council Briefing Session Luncheon on February
7, 1975, at 12:00 noon at Peralta's Restaurant was noted.
The League of California Cities Staff Legislative Review for ~outh
County and San Benito County City Councils on February 13, 1975, at 3:30
p.m., in the Gilroy City Council Chambers, was noted.
At 11:36 p.m., motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by
Councilman Silva and carried that this meeting adjourn to February 1~,
1975, due to the Legal Holiday, February 17,1975.
Respectfully submitted,
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