Minutes 1976/05/17
Gilroy, California
May 17, 1976
The Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by
His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:03 p.m.
Present: Council Members: William E. Childers, Dennis L. DeBell,
George T. Duffin, Marion T. Link, John E. Pate, David V. Stout, and Norman
B. Goodrich.
The Mayor welcomed members of the government class of Gilroy High
School who were in attendance and noted the Gilroy Rotary Club is sponsoring
a "Youth in Government Day" this month.
Cert.of Service- Mayor Goodrich presented a Certificate of Service to retiring Library
J.Porter and Culture Commissioner, John Porter.
Promotion-H.R. The Mayor noted the promotion of H. Richard Lake Trom Police Patrol-
Lake man to Police Sergeant.
New Employee The Mayor introduced new employee, Philip 1~1ike" Hord, Water Quality
Control Plant Operator I.
, Consent Councilman Link requested that Item C, "Report on Budgeted Purchases
Calendar in Excess of $1,500." be removed from the Consent Calendar for further dis-
Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin that
the following items under the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item
C, be adopted by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Council Members: Childers,
DeBell, Duffin, Link, Pate, Stout and Goodrich.
A. Approved Minutes of the May 3, 1976, Regular Council Meeting;
B. Approved Salary Merit Step Increases for the following five (5)
City Employees: Mr. Gary DeLorenzo, Engineering Aide, Range 29.5 Step "C",
Merit Step
Casey St.
RR Cross-
Closure '
over $1500.
$962./mo. to Step "D", $1,OI1./mo.; Mr. Craig Martin, Police Cadet, Range 21.5
Step "A", $3.46/hr. to Step "B", $3.61/ hr.; Mr. Peter Timewell, Patrolman,
Range 32.a Step "A", $996./mo. to Step "B" $1,046./mo. The following two emp-
loyees were granted Salary Merit Step Increases retroactive from May 1, 1976:
Mrs. Judy Rogers, Account Clerk, Range 24.5 Step "A", $687./mo. to Step "B",
$719./mo. and Mr. Jorge Gonzalez, Patrolman, Range 32.5 Step "A", $1,Ol1./mo.
to Step "B", $1,062./mo.
D. Set June 21, 1976, as the date for a public hearing to hear
protests and comments on repair costs for the Sidewalk Repair Program;
E. Set June 21, 1976, as the date for a public hearing for the
closure of Casey Street railroad crossing;
C. Discussion was had on Budgeted Purchases Exceeding $1,500.
noting the following three (3) bids received for an equipment trailer: (1)
Edward R. Bacon (Wisconsin) - $8,978.20; (2) Pringle Tractor Co. (Miller) -
$9,105.40; and (3) Western Traction (Hyster) - $9,236.50. It was recommended
the bid be awarded to Western Traction for the Hyster unit because of the
additional features offered - safety, larger tires, and tandem tubular axle
Councilman Link questioned why the higher bid of Western Traction
was recommended if all three (3) bidders met specifications. Staff noted
that the special features of the Hyster unit are worth more than the $258.30
additional cost and that the City will recover this additional cost in sav-
ings and maintenance in just two to three years of operation.
Mr. Fred Weske, Pringle Tractor Company, addressed the Council and
stated his Company had sent a letter to the City after the bid opening speci-
fying that they would make a 22' bed for the trailer.
Mr. Phil Still ian, Edward R. Bacon Co., addressed the Council and
stated he felt his Company met the bid requirements and that if certain speci-
fications were desired, they should have been made part of the specificatiors.
Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen stated that he was
not aware of the letter from Pringle Tractor but did receive a letter from
E. R. Bacon.
Further discussion was had on the matter. Motion was made by
Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman Link that the bids be rejected and
the specifications be rewritten. Motion failed by the following Roll Call
Vote: Ayes: Council Members: Childers, Link and Stout. Noes: Council Mem-
bers: DeBell, Duffin, Pate and Goodrich.
Mr. William Demichelis, Equipment Maintenance Supervisor, addres-
sed the Council noting that he had spent eight (8) months researching
various trailer manufacturers and felt the Department was liberal and fair
in the specifications. "
Councilman Pate stated that if the specifications are too closely
written, it will cut out bidders.
It was moved by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Pate that
the bid price of Western Traction in the amount of $9,236.50, with a 2% dis-
count, be accepted. Motion carried by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes:
Council Members: DeBell, Duffin, Pate and Goodrich. Noes: Council Members:
Childers, Link and Stout.
Bid Opening re: Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen reported on the fol-
Sidewalk lowing bids received for the second phase of the Sidewalk Repair Program:
Repair Proj.(I) George Bianchi - $21,137.50; (2) Andero Construction - $25,025.00; (3)
R. H. Wehner - $29,125.00; (4) Torres Construction - $31,496.00; and (5)
Morgan-Pacific - $31,995.50, recommending the bid be awarded to George Bian-
chi Construction, Inc. Motion was made by Councilman Link seconded by Coun-
cilman Childers and carried that the contract for the second phase of the
Sidewalk Repair Program be awarded to George Bianchi Construction, Inc. of
San Jose, in the amount of $21,137.50.
Bid Opening re: Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen reported on an in-
TV Inspec. formal bid opening for the video tape investigation of 9,000 l.f. of sewer
of Sewers mains noting the fOllowing two (2) bids were received: (1) Pacific Pipeline
Survey Company - $0.41 per lineal foot and Heil Equipment Company - $0.35
per lineal foot. Public Works Director Hansen recommended the bid be awarded to
Pacific Pipeline Survey Company based on their wide experience in this field.
Motion was made by Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman Duffin that Council
accept Staff's recommendation and award the bid for the video tape investigation
of 9,000 l.f. of sewer mains to Pacific Pioeline Survey Company at $0.41 per
lineal foot.
Pub.Hear.re: The Mayor noted it was the time and place for a public hearing on
Amended Amended Assessment - Ronan Avenue Improvement District - Project 1969-1 - Assess-
Assess- ment No. 23.
Ave. Imp.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for
or against the proposal. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion
was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the
Public Hearing be closed. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman
Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the reading of Resolution
No. 76-22 confirming said amended assessment be waived and that it be adopted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1976 by the following vote:
Bonanza Days City Administrator Wood presented a request of the Bonanza Days' Com-
mittee for a proclamation declaring September 18th through 26, 1976, as "Gilroy
Bonanza Days 1976"; use of Christmas Hill Park Barbecue area on September 18th
from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and September 25th and 26th for the Community Fair
and Family Picnic; permission to conduct the Junior Parade on Saturday, Septem-
ber 25th, 11:00 a.m. and the Gilroy Bonanza Parade on September 26th at 1:00 p.m.
Motion was made by Councilman Link seconded by Councilman Childers and carried
that the requests of the Bonanza Days' Committee be approved subject to approval
of the Fire and Police Chiefs.
County-wide City Administrator Wood presented a request from LAFCO for consideration
Balance in participating in a county-wide balance of land use study and the City's will-
of Land ingness to provide Staff and financial assistance to support the study. It was
Use noted the objections of the study would be to deterMine the net effect potential
Study growth of individual communities has on neighboring communities and on the county.
Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman
Link and carried that the City of Gilroy is opposed to providing Staff and
financial assistance for said study without additional information from the
County. Council directed the City Administrator to obtain more information from
the County in this regard.
A Proclamation, previously issued by Mayor Goodrich, proclaiming the
days of May 20th, 21st and 22,1976, as "Gilroy Beautification Days" and the
First Anniversary of the Downtown Beautification Project was noted.
Loma Prieta An invitation of the Loma Prieta Resource Conservation District to
RCD participate in the annual tour sponsored by the Santa Clara County Association
Tour of Resource Conservation Districts was noted. Purpose of the tour is to review
the upstream fire protection portion of the Little Llagas 566 Project.
Dept. of Trans. A letter from the Department of Transportation in r~gard to the Call-
re:Bid ing of Bids for Reconstruction of Route 101, Sargent Over-Crossing to Carnadero
Opening Creek, was noted.
Plan.Com. Heard the Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of May 6, 1976,
Meet. noting a request for abandonment of a 20' emergency access easement between Lot
5-6-76 10 of Tract 5507 and Lot 7 of Tract 5701 (El Dorado Subdivision). The Planning
Commission recommended the easement not be abandoned since it is needed as an
emergency access and is in violation of the City Code.
Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen explained the request
of Ben Morton for abandonment of the easement on the grounds it will be a
shortcut for cars and offers no privacy for neighbors and requested Council
to set a public hearing on the matter for Monday, June 21, 1976, by adopting
a Resolution of Intent to abandon said easement. Discussion was had on the
matter, specifically, regarding policy concerning cul-de-sacs. Council con-
tinued the matter to the next regular Council meeting and referred the sub-
ject of lengths to cul-de-sacs to the Planning Commission for discussion at
their meeting of May 20, 1976.
Classification Personnel Director Cecil Reinsch reported on the new Classifica-
Plan tion Plan for City employees (previously submitted to Council) and request-
Res.#76-23 ed Council adoption of same. Motion was made by Councilman Link seconded
by Councilman Duffin and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 76-23
adopting the Classification Plan be waived and that it be adopted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1976, by the fOllowinq vote:
76-77 Budget City Administrator Wood reported on the Preliminary Budget for the
1976-77 Fiscal Year and requested the first of three (3) budget study ses-
sions be set for Wednesday, May 19, 1976, at 9:00 a.m. Council concurred.
Old City Hall City Administrator Wood reported on the recent tour of Old Town,
Los Gatos, and several other buildings which Mr. Frank Laulainen, A.I.A.,
participated in restoring. It was noted that Mr. Laulainen and his struc-
tural engineer have inspected the Old City Hall and that it is their pre-
liminary opinion that the building could be restored, structurally, for an
estimated $150,000.00.
Mr. Marcel Braquet, Bicentennial Chairman, addressed the Council
noting he had participated in the tour and was impressed with Mr. Laulainen's
projects. Discussion was had regarding financing of the Old City Hall re-
storation project. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Council-
man Childers and carried that the City Administrator contact ~1r. Frank Lau-
lainan to solicit an architectural oroposal for restoration of the Old City
County Fa i r
Exhi bit
City Administrator Wood presented a request of Mr. Fred DuBridge
of the County Fair Board, for a City entry of an exhibit at the County Fair,
August 20th through 29, 1976. Discussion was had. Council directed the
City Administrator to solicit ideas for presentation at the next regular
Council Meeting.
Zone Change
Planning Director Michel Bedaux presented a report and request
for Council review and determination of proposed new zone change procedures,
zoning ordinance format, and an increase in filing fees. Discussion was
had on the proposals and Council took the following actions: (a) Motion was
made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried to accept
the Planning Commission's recommendation that zone change denials would not
automatically come before Council for appeal. (b) Motion was made by
Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the request of
the Planning Director to remove the Zoning Ordinance from the City Code and
have the Planning Department reproduce and amend same be denied. Councilman
Duffin voted "no" on the motion. (c) Motion was made by Councilman Pate
seconded by Councilman Link and carried directing the City Attorney to pre-
pare an ordinance setting planning fees by resolution rather than by ordin-
ance. The proposed fee schedule was referred back to the Planning Commission
for further review.
Parks and Recreation Director Ayer presented a proposal by the
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints for construction of a con-
cession stand at Las Animas Park noting his department has received requests
from Little League and the Softball Leagues for a Consession Stand. The Church
has offered their services to do a community service project for the Parks and
Recreation Department and has prepared a plan for the Concession Stand using
the original Park building plan as a guide. Mr. Ayer noted there is $1,500.00
in the budget for the announcer's booth which he proposes to be transferred to
this project. In addition, the Gilroy Softball Board of Managers has pledged
$600.00 for the project. Discussion was had. Motion was made by Councilman
Duffin seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the City accept the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. proposal to construct a Concession Stand
at Las Animas Park and approve the transfer of funds from the 1975-76 Budget
to finance said project. Councilman Stout voted IIno" on the motion.
Street Tree Parks and Recreation Director Ayer noted a Street Tree Workshop to be
Workshop held Tuesday, May 18th at the Gilroy City Council Chambers, 7:30 p.m. and in-
vited Council to attend.
State Compo City Administrator Wood presented a report on the State Compensation
Refund refund in the amount of $4,873.31, based upon the City's loss experience for
the 1973-74 year. Council directed the City Administrator to commend City
employees and Fire Chief Brittain for their contributions toward this safety
Limits- Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen presented a
a traffic and engineering survey on Third Street between Monterey
Westwood Drive and recommended the speed limit remain at 25 mph.
curred with Mr. Hansen's recommendation.
report on
Street and
Council con-
Dev.Agree.- Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen presented a recommenda-
Tr.5839 tion for approval of a development agreement and tract map for Tract #5839,
Murray Murray Manor. Councilman Stout requested to be absent from discussion due to
Manor a conflict of interest. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Council-
man Link and carried that the development Agreement and tract map for Tract
#5839, Murray Manor, be approved as recommended.
Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen presented an agreement
for future dedication and improvement for property on the south side of Ronan
Avenue, approximately 75 feet east of Church Street, belonging to Mr. Mike
Light and recommended approval and authorization to execute said agreement.
Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Childers and car-
ried that the deferred agreement for Mr. Mike Light be approved and executed.
Bicentennial Director of Public Works Hansen noted the pens and pencilS distributed
Pens & to Council were donated to the Public Works Department by a local merchant who
Pencils wished to remain anonymous.
Change Order- Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen requested approval of a
Murray change order in the amount of $8,000.for additional work on ~1urray Avenue
Ave.Proj.Project 75-5 due to soil conditions. Councilman Stout requested to be absent
75-5 from further discussion due to a conflict of interest. Motion was made by
Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Link and carried that the Change Order
in the amount of $8,000.00 for additional work on Murray Avenue Project 75-5
be approved.
Westwood & Councilman Childers inquired if stop signs would eventually replace
3rd St. the flashing red lights at the intersection of Third Street and Miller
Avenue. Director of Public Works-City Engineer Hansen noted that stop signs
would be installed.
Lib.& Cult. The Mayor appointed Mrs. Barbara Biafore, 721 Second Street, Gilroy to
Commis- fill the unexpired term of Mr. John Porter on the Library and Culture Commission,
sion ape ending January 1, 1979.
The Mayor appointed Councilman Dennis DeBEll to serve on the Housing and
Urban Development Block Grant Committee as requested by the County Board of
Co. Library
Commi ss ion
The Mayor recommended Mr. Howard Smith's name be submitted for appoint-
ment to the County Library Commission.
Industrial Dev. Due to the lateness of the meeting, the Mayor requested that the Re-
Report view of the Initial Six MOnth's Results on Industrial Development be tabled to the
next regular Council Meeting. Mr. Ray Ball, Industrial Director, concurred.
State Water City Administrator Wood noted a meeting of the State Water Resources
Resources Control Board to be held Thursday, 1:30 p.m., at the Gilroy Public Library
Bd.Meet: and requested the attendance of the Sewer Committee at said meeting.
ABAG Task City Administrator Wood noted a meeting of ABAG Task Force on
Force May 28, 1976, 10:30 a.m., at the County Planning Department.
Uvas Creek City Administrator Wood noted a Citizens' Advisory Committee Meet-
Flood ing and presentation by the Army Corps of Engineers on recommendations on Alter-
Control nate Flood Control Works for Uvas Creek to be held Thursday, May 27, 1976,
2:00 p.m., in the Gilroy Council Chambers.
Housing Planning Director Bedaux presented a report on the Housing Assist-
Assist- ance Plan noting that HUD has submitted a set of new forms which must be
ance Plan completed by all Housing and Community Development Act grant applicants. It
was noted that the City must set a goal for housing assistance needs for lower-
income families and submit same to the County of Santa Clara for incorporation in
the County's application to HUD for second year funding.
It was recommended by the Planning Director that the City Council
adopt 90 units as the current year's goal and 270 units as the three year
goal. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin and
carried that the Planning Director be authorized to submit to HUD an estimate
of 90 units as the current year's goal and 270 units as the three year goal
for providing housing assistance to lower income families.
P.& R. Annual Parks and Recreation Director Ayer presented copies of the Parks
Report and Recreation Department's Annual Report to Council and Staff.
The Mayor thanked members of the Gilroy High School Seniors Govern-
ment Class for attending the Council Meeting.
At 11:25 p.m., the Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
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