Minutes 1977/05/05 1 r 3935 Gilroy, California May 5, 1977 Adjourned Regular Meeting Res.77-35 Mayor Norman Goodrich took the chair and called the meeting to L.Fowler order. Mayor Goodrich announced that Mr. Lloyd Fowler, Enqineer for the Water District, has been named one of the top ten public worksmen of the year and a proposed resolution was read by the City Attorney which the City Council should join therein. Motion was made by Councilman Childers seconded by Councilman Cunningham that Resolution No. 77-35 be adopted. Jt.Meeting re:Tran- sition " RESOLUTION NO. 77-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO JOIN IN CONGRA- TULATIONS OF LLOYD C. FOWLER, THE CHIEF ENGINEER OF SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, FOR BEING CHOSEN AS ONE OF THE TOP TEN PUBLIC WORKSMEN OF THE YEAR 1977. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of May, 1977, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CHILDERS, CUNNINGHAM, HUGHAN, LINK, PATE and GOODRICH. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: STOUT. Mayor Goodrich stated that the purpose of the joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission is to discuss the area which should be considered as Gilroy's transition zone area. Mayor Goodrich stated that it was felt to be advisable to. have a joint meeting to dis- cuss where these boundary lines should be before the meeting with the County Committee on May 12, 1977. He made note that the transition area would be that which would be beyond the present ten (10) year Urban Service Area up to approximately 1990 and beyond. Mayor Goodrich then asked for a Staff report to explain the exhibits presented by the Plan- ning Department. Mr. Bedaux, Planning Director, then addressed the Council and Commission and read a memorandum presented to them that eveninq. He felt that the Council should consider current General Plan densities on transition areas. It might be advisable to establish planning criteria before establishing transition areas. Current General Plan densities and 3936 land uses should be analyzed and might affect the extent and boundary lines of ultimate transition areas. He explained the General Plan land use designations and showed the boundaries of the planning area. He stated that if a transition area were to be decided on this evening, he urged the consideration of impacts of the General Plan and suggested that possibly Staff should study these areas to ensure a more appropriate development pattern. Mr. Bedaux stated that he was not able to gather much statistical data as to numbers of units which could be generated under the current General Plan standards, but if the information is re- quired at a later date, Staff would be happy to supply them. Councilman Cunningham asked what the plans were for the use of the South County Airport. Mr. Bedaux stated that this area fell outside the General Plan area and stated he was not aware of any plans the County might have for its use. """';:;;:~," i ....."" Mr. Jacobs stated that he had some insight to this and that possibly two run-ways would be added the size of the one which was pre- sently there, and to the west the plan was to develop larger parking areas. Mr. Jacobs stated that the County Transportation Department had an extensive plan on display at the airport. Councilman Pate stated that the County had engaged in some pur- chases of land at either ends of the runway as clear zones, but he was not sure of the amount of land involved. Councilman Cunningham felt that this could greatly affect the northern boundary with regard to Gilroy's industrial development and capacity. Councilman Cunningham felt that the northern boundary of the General Plan should be extended to the sphere of influence line which bisects the South County Airport. Mayor Goodrich stated that the transition lines should be placed around areas where the City feels it can honestly provide services, and which will become a part of the City of Gilroy. ~#",I;,;~" Discussion ensued with regard to the meaning of servicing these outlying areas and the length of time felt to be reasonable for annexation. ...... Councilman Link felt that a larqer area should be taken in and that the number of years involved could not be as few as ten (10), but possibly twenty-five (25) or more. He favored long-range planning for the future at this time. Councilman Childers agreed with the idea of an overlay plan to accommodate annexation at a future date. Councilwoman Hughan inquired about the inclusion of the agri- cultural preserve into the transition area. Councilman Link stated that if Gilroy wanted industrial growth on the east side, some of this land would have to be included particularly the area to the north and west of the sewer plant, at least to Pacheco Pass Highway. Councilman Pate felt that the General Plan may not be up-to- date with regard to what has been done during the past few years, and since it was adopted almost ten (10) years ago, a major revision is probably warranted. Any area which might be included in the transition area should be planned as part of the General Plan. He feels the General Plan is obsolete with regard to present policies. . P'~ ....... Councilman LInk agreed and felt that the County would not let Gilroy include land into the transition area without determining what the area would be used for. Discussion ensued with regard to how much land Gilroy should plan for. Councilman Cunningham felt that there was not enough informa- tion at this time to make a decision for setting transition areas. Councilman Childers asked if it were not possible for Staff to 3937 do this statistical work and bring it back to the Council. Councilwoman Hughan stated that there was only a week to get the proposed area to the County. Councilman Link felt that Gilroy should have something to present to the County although lines may possibly be altered at a later date. Suggestions were made by various members of the Commission and Council as to where and what should be included in the transition areas. ~""'" -..., Councilman Pate stated that the basic policies of the General Plan should be followed or the General Plan should be changed. Council- man Pate stated that a basic policy of the General Plan was to have an industrial belt along the South Valley Freeway serving as a barrier beyond which agricultural land use should be maintained. Various boundary lines were discussed and how much land should be included in these areas, and it was emphasized that those areas designated for agriculture should not be included unless these areas could be fore- seen as becoming part of the City eventually. Councilman Cunningham felt that taking a larger area for a transi- tion zone would be a form of protection against the County which may have different ideas for development which may not be agreeable to the City. He felt that the present growth rate should not be exceeded. Councilman Pate felt that the County wished the City to create a holding zone for the City. The Councilmembers and Commissioners further discussed the pros and cons of taking a large portion of land to be included in the transi- tion area. Councilman Link made some definite suggestions as to the boundary lines which might be considered. Other suggestions were made to include various portions of land felt desirable to be included into the proposed zone. The Llagas Creek on the east to the South County Airport includ- ing the portion of the airport designated in our sphere of influence was set as the eastern boundary. The northern boundary suggested was Church Street south along Monterey Highway to Fitzgerald Avenue to Murphy Lane south to Day Road, west along Day Road to Watsonville Road. The westerly boundary suggested follows Watsonville Road south to the creek along Hecker Pass Highway and Santa Theresa Blvd. to Castro Valley Road which would be the southern boundary to the sewer plant and the Llagas Creek. It was suggested that the City take this proposed transition area to the County meeting of May 12, 1977. Motion was made by Councilman Link seconded by Councilman Cunning- ham and carried by the following Roll Call Vote that the City send the proposed transition areas to the South County Committee with the statement th.at the City wishes to study this area further before a final boundary line is established: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Council Members: Childers, Cunningham, Link, and Goodrich. Council Members: Hughan and Pate. Council Member: Stout. Adjournment Mayor Goodrich adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, '- Michel A. Bedaux Dir~or of Planning ~ ~h ~a1'?~) rizf;u by: ~~~ E. Stei~€h---/ a~;;e'.,f- City Clerk