Minutes 1979/10/29
Roll Call
MDGP Revi ew
October 29, 1979
The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called
to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Council Members: Brian D. Cunningham, Roberta H. Hughan,
Marion T. Link, John E. Pate, David V. Stout and Norman B. Goodrich.
Absent: Council Member: William E. Childers.
The Mayor stated it was the purpose of this meeting to continue
review of the Modified Draft General Plan.
The following items were discussed:
1. Councilwoman Hughan distributed copies of the following wording
in connection witn Industrial Park implementation, to be possibly incor-
porated under Section _0 "In addition to the lands designated for
industrial park zoning as shown on the Modified Draft General Plan Map,
industrial park uses will be considered acceptable for other areas of the
City if such uses meet the criteria as set forth in terms of environmental
compatability with existing or planned adjoining residential and commercial
uses, and that any such development will meet high standards of landscaping,
buffering and design."
2. Page 42, Line 12 - Add as Item 6B, the above statement.
3. Page 42, Item 8 - Add, "NO commercial uses will be permitted
along Santa Teresa Boulevard except at the intersection of Day Road and
Santa Teresa Boulevard."
4. Page 43, Item 13 - IICommercial development will not be per-
mitted along Santa Teresa Boulevard in order to minimize the number
of points of ingress and egress along the Boulevard, except at Day
Road. Gilroy will also request the County of Santa Clara (omit and
the City of Morgan Hill) not to permit commercial development along
the boulevard.1I
5. Page 43, Item 14 - Add, "No service stations will be per-
mitted along Santa Teresa Boulevard."
6. Page 43, Item 16 - Substitute Liman Avenue for Las Animas
7. Page 44, Item 22 - Change to, IIParking lots fronting onto
the west side of Monterey Street wi 11 be di scouraged. II El iminate rest
of sentence.
8. Pages 45~47 - Refer the categories of commercial land use
designation to the Planning Director for further review.
9. Page 48, Line 30 - Change to read, liAs part of the environ-
mental assessment developed for any proposal to construct a new shop-
ping center in the Gilroy Planning Area, economic considerations should
be included."
Add the same sentence to Item D, Line 15, and substitute
"industrial developrrent" for lIa new shopping center.1I
10. Page 51, Line 32 - Previously discussed. Also, change
IIwillll to "may".
11. Page 52, Line 13 - Use "should" instead of IIwillll.
12. Page 52, Line 18 - Change IIwillll to "should".
13. Page 53, Item 12 Change to read, IINeighborhood parks
should be no less than three acres in size and located within walking ..<-
distance of elementary school childern.1I
14. Page 53, Line 8 - Shall read, as, IICommunity parks will be
at least 20 to 30 acres in size.1I Omit rest of paragraph. Change
wording in appendix.
15. Page 54, Line 19 - Add, pre-treatrrent m3.y be required."
16. Page 55, Item 28 - Change to read, "Extensive new deve 1 op-
ment wi 11 not be permitted beyond Uvas Creek..... II
17. Page 57, Line 29 - Chanqe to read, IIlinear park and limited
parking areas.....1I
18. Page 58, Line 13 - Change to, lias a Senior Citizens Center
or a Community Center."
19. Page 67, Line 3 - Change to read, "Among the techniques
for achieving this objective could be the following."
20. Page 76, Line 19 - Change to read, "A neighborhood park
could contain the following facilities."
21. Re: The General Plan Map - Motion was made by Councilman
Link seconded by Councilman Cunningham and carried that the land west
of Tenth Street between Chestnut Street and Alexander Street be zoned
Commercial rather than Light Industrial.
Motion was made by Councilman Stout seconded by Councilman
Cunningham and carried that the Modified Draft General Plan be referred
to the Planning Commission for report back to the City Council no
later than the November 5, 1979, meeting.
At 10:30 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,