Minutes 1984/07/09 5030 July 9, 1984 Gilroy, California Mayor Hughan led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call The Joint Special Meeting of the Gilroy/Morgan Hill City Councils was called to order by Her Honor Roberta H. Hughan at 7:02 p.m. Present: Gilroy. Council. Members: Sh~ron A.. Al-bert, Donald F. Gage, Paul V. Kloecker" Larry, MussaJlem, Pete. Va;Ldez, Jr. and Roberta H. Hughan. Absent: Gilroy City Council Member: John E. Pate. ~ ~,;.... Present: Morgan Hill Council Members: Lorraine Barke, William H. Brown, and Bob Foster. Absent: Morgan Hill Council Members: Dean Flory and Neil Heiman. Morgan Hill City Council Members Dean Flory and Neil Heiman entered shortly following the Roll Call. Mayor Hughan explained the format of the Joint Special Meet- ing called for the purpose of the Long-term Sewer Treatment Plant Study and requested a presentation from Chris Cain, Montgomery Engineer, Inc. Chris Cain, Montgomery Engineers, addressed the Councils and explained and summarized the following outline representing what the Citizens' Advisory Sewer Committee and Montgomery ,Engineers have accomplished in the last five months: I. Objective: Implement a Wastewater Management System for Gilroy and Morgan Hill that meets the following long- term goals: " o Cost-effective. o Acceptable to regulator agencies. o Minimal environmental impacts. o Acceptable to consensus of community. II. Alternatives Analysis Methodology: o Identify Basis Alternatives. o Identify Sub-Alternatives. o Screen SUb-Alternatives. o Studies: Sites, Perc Rates, Treatment Impacts o Identify Site, Treatment and Auxiliary Disposal Sub-Alternatives. o Compare 3 Best Sub-Alternatives. o Select Best Alternatives. III. The Basic List of Wastewater Management Alternatives is as follows: p. percolation . i. irrigation (evapotranspiration) s. surface discharge e. evaporation - too much fuel and land r. reclamation/re-use (auxiliary methods can't rely on for main plan) o. other - deep well injection ...",'....... IV. Population Projection V. The Wastewater Management Alternatives are: L SP SO/SOW SL LD Land Disposal Surface discharge to pajaro with advance treatment Ocean discharge with secondary/primary TMT Winter pajaro discharge, summer land disposal Land disposal with under drain discharge 5031 VI. Cost ComDarison for Alternatives Above: 1988 1988 20 Yr. Alt. Cap. 0 & M Present Worth L $5.6 $1.1 $104. SP 3.9 1.6 99.9 SO 7.2 0.7 92.3 SL 4.5 1.5 101. LD 4.3 0.913 89.2 .""" VII. Suitable Land Disposal Sites: ... 25 mile radius around Gilroy. Valley Floor - land use and slope. Tick Canyon and the Fans logical sites. VI I!. Discharge and Treatment Requirements: Alt. Discharge Limits Treatment Required advanced secondary advanced treatment SO N 10 mg/l N - 2.5 mq/l P 0.3 mq/l BOD = 30 mg/l SS = 30 mq/l secondary L, LD SP, SL IX. Comparison of Service Charges: Monthly 1988 Alt. Servo Chq. Connection Fee L $20 $1760 SP 19 1190 SO 18 2700 SL 20 1410 LD 113 1150 - X. Selection Cri'c:eria Ttleighting: ... Selection C~iteria Weight Very Important: Cost 5 Environmental Impacts 5 l\.ccep':ance by Pub. A.CJencies 5 Ir.opor.tan1: : Reliability Expandibility 4 4 Less Important: Speed of If1plenenta'cion 2 Compatible 1'lith Auxiliary Disposal Methods 2 Ir:t'igation with Ag. 'i\7asi:e Syst. 1 XI. .11,,1 terna ti 'Ie Rankine;: Selection Criterj_on: L SP SO SL LD - Costs 3 3 4 3 5 Wastewater Mgt. & Env. Impacts 1 4 5 3 2 - Accept. by Pub. & Requlatory Agencies 3 1 5 2 4 Expandibility 1 5 4 3 1 Reliabili ty 3 3 5 3 4 Speed of Implementation 5 4 4 4 4 Compatible with Aux. Disposal Methods 4 4 2 5 5 Integration with Ag. Waste- THT System 5 1 2 3 4 5032 XII. Weight Total Ranking: L 74 SP 91 SO 120 Recommended by James Montgomery Engineers SL 85 LD 97 XIII. Process Flow Diagram Alternative. XIV. Implementation Schedule: ..... 1. Plan Review 1984 2. EIR - advertise, public hearing and certification by Cities 3. Financial Plan 1984 4. Permit Application 1985 5. Ocean Studies 6. Facility Design 1984-1986 7. Land Acquisition 1984-1985 8. Funding 1985-1986 9. Facilities Construction 1986-1987 to 9/88 10. Public Hearings, 1985 (3) 1986 11. Interim Capacity Design Const. 1984-1985 ....,.... XV. Discussion re: EIR and Amendments thereto: Recommendation: 1. Selected alternative is ocean discharge with second- ary treatment. 2. Protect groundwater by meeting 5 mgll nitrate level. 3. Avoid land disposal on land with high water table. 4. Maintain and expand seasonal wastewater reclamation. 5. Protect pajaro by meeting nitrate and phosphate limits. ..... Mr. Ed Lazzarini, Chairman of the Citizens' Advisory Sewer Committee, addressed the Council noting that the Committee's selec- ted alternative is ocean discharge with secondary treatment and noted that this was thought to be the best long-term solution. He further explained the final report in detail and noted Committee Members individual recommendations accompanied his report. ~ The Mayor asked if there were any Committee Members desiring to speak on the matter. Mr. Charles F. Quartiroli addressed the Council and noted a correction to his recommendations, first long paragraph, changing the word "stayed" to "staged." The Committee Members present stood for introduction. City Administrator Baksa gave a brief summary of long-term funding further outlined on Page 12-7 through 12-18, Implementation Schedule of the Draft Project Report. Discussion was had by Councils. Chris Cain noted that, at this time, the Councils should de- cide what type of sewer system is needed; that at this point, the percentage of cost for each City is not necessary. He further noted that he has copies of the final Draft Project Report for Council- members. ~ Councilman Brown thanked the Citizens Advisory Sewer Com- mittee for their efforts. He recommended that the EIR for the pro- posed plan consider more than one alternative; that Council decision should follow hearings of public input from both cities. - Planning Director Dorn noted that if Council decided to in- clude two alternatives in preparation of the ErR that there would be an additional 15-20% increase in cost of the report; and an addi- tional 5-8% for three alternatives. Councilman Brown indicated his concern that ocean discharge at some future date may require tertiary treatment costs. 5033 Committee Chairnan Lazzarini noted that this was also a concern of the Committee but could ~e added if required at a later date and that it is believed that this would not happen. Further discussion was had in regard to pipeline size and capacity. City Administrator Baksa noted that oversizing of the pipe- line is an important GecisiDn to be made prior to preparation of the EIR. ....1 Further discussion was had on the number of alternatives to be included in the EIR. It ',.!as the general concensus that more than one alternative should be considered in the EIR in the event that the Regional Water Quality Con~rol Board objected to the alternative selected to avoid any time delays. -- Jt. Res. #84-56 & #1923 Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker that the reading of a resolution be '.'Tai ved and that it be adopted accepting for c,::msideration the W2..ste~,7?,ter 11.anagement Alter- native Analysis and Long-Term Plan Draft Projec't Report including acceptance of the Citizens' Se\'!er Advisory Con:mi ttee' s Report. CITY OF GILROY RESOLUTION NO. 84-56 and CITY OF MORGAlJ HILL PES0LUTIOH }~O. 1923 JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CIT'! COUNCILS')F GILROY AND JIlORGAN HILL ACCEPTING FOR CO~SIDERATION THE WASTEWATER .MANAGEMENT ALTE~~ATlVE A~ALYSIS AND LONG-T~ml PIN~ DRAFT PROJECT HEPORTFOR GILROY AND MORGAN HILL AND THE CITIZENS' SEWER ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT. PASSED A.~D ADOPTED ,Tuly 9, 1984 at a .Toint Special Meeting of both City Councils in Gilroy, California. FOR GILROY NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBBRS: COUNCIL MEMBER: ALBBRT, GAGE, and HUGHAN NONE PATE KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, VALDEZ AYES: COUN'CIL MEMBERS: - -- FOR MORGAN HILL ,AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL 1\1Er'ffiFRS: :'P"RKE, BR0{J\T, PWRY, HEIMAN and FOSTER COm~CIL MEMBERS: ~ONB COUNCIL ;'1B",lBERS: :JDNE Councilman Kloecker noted t~-:at he is cO!lcerned, and concurs ',vi th Councilman 3rown, 0 r: the Rc,:rional Water QuaJ_i ty Control Board 's concerns of the paJaro c_iscI1ar']e; that the cities neec-: more factual information from the Board. He further noted that he agrees with hearings for public input and tha~ the EI1~ shnuld contain three alter- natives. He sug,;es+:ed that the two Councils discuss?ll aspects learned following'the hearings an,::'. !xmdinq plan proposed so that everyone is fully inforrr:ed on the final decision and all are com- fortable with same. Councilwoman Barke recommended that the cities retain the Ci tizens' Sewer l;dvisory CQJT'.mi ttee to evaluate _various methods of financing the proposeQ rroject. - Mayor Hughan noted seeking advise of the City's Bonding .1l.ttorney, Wi~.s':lT1, Morton, l',ssaf and McElligott. - Councilman ~rm"n no~:ed th2.'t th"" firm of Burr, ~\7ilson advised him that they wouJJ' p~rform tl12 study i'tt no cost if they could be appointed to issue the bonds. City Administrator Baksa noted that both cities should agendize the financing matter individually since Gilroy is a Charter City and Morgan Hill a General Law City. Councilman Brown suggested both cities jointly issue written communication thanking the Citizens' Sewer Advisory Committee for the time and efforts spent on the long-term sewer treatment plan. 5034 ErR Motion was made by Councilman Brown seconded by Councilman seconded by Councilman Kloecker that requests for proposals for an ErR on Alternatives SO, SP and SL basis be authorized. Discussion was had on the cost for final ErR's on SO, SP, and SL Alternatives. City Administrator Baksa noted that the cost would be an additional 20% for two alternatives and an additional 8% for a third alternative as noted by Planning Director Dorn. Mr. David Runyon addressed the Council noting that a request for proposal would not cost the cities anything; the companies bid- ding would be providing a full cost for an ErR on the Ocean Alterna- tive and could be required to provide a secondary cost for a second alternative. .... ~ Planning Director Dorn noted that the request for proposals would indicate that three full analysis would be required and when the decision is made on the number of alternatives that ErR would be adequate for that decision. He noted that the capacity issue is not required for the scope of the ErR at this point, but before the contract is issued, the capacity issue should be decided upon. Motion requesting proposals for complete ErR's on SO, SP, and SL Alternatives carried by the following Roll Call vote: For Gilroy: Ayes: Council Members: Albert, Gage, Kloecker, Mussallem, Valdez and Hughan. Absent: Council Member: Pate. For Morgan Hill: Ayes: Council Members: Barke, Brown, Flory, Heiman and Foster. Mayor Foster noted that the City of Morgan Hill could hold their hearing on public input at their July 18, 1984, meeting and concurred with a Joint Gilroy/Morgan Hill Special Meeting on July 23, 1984. Mayor Hughan noted that the city of Gilroy could hold their hearing on public input at their July 16, 1984, regular Council Meeting so that both cities could meet on July 23, 1984, to con- tinue discussion on the long-term sewer proposals for Gilroy and Morgan Hill. ..... ,"-;..,..iiIiI1 City Administrator Baksa noted that he would schedule Mr. Philip D. Assaf, Bond Attorney, to explain financing proposal to Council at the earliest possible date. Mayor Hughan agreed that the cities retain the Citizens' Advisory Sewer Committee in the event additional studies are needed regarding the proposed long-term sewer treatment project. Councilman Brown referred to the hearing before the Water Quality Control Board July 13, 1984, and that they have expressed concern that the matter of restoration of full capacity was not adequately noticed and encourages Staff to request to the Board both cities' concerns to address this matter if at all possible and not delay to the September hearing. City Administrator Baksa noted that he and Chris Cain, Mont- gomery Engineers, would be addressing the capacity issue at the July 13, 1984 hearing. At 9:30 p.m., the Gilroy City Council Meeting was adjourned to their regular July 16, 1984, meeting and the Gilroy/Morgan Hill's next Joint Special Council Meeting was scheduled for July 23, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy City Council Chambers. .... ..- Respectfully submitted, ~ r