Minutes 1984/07/16
Roll Call
Claims - Duran
Claims - A.Bertaud
Claims - S. Lopez
Pub.Hear. re:
Lerma &
Pub.Hear. re:
Asser.1hly of
July 16, 1984
Gilroy, Cali~ornia
Mayor Hughan led thePledQe of Allesriance to the Flag.
The Regular M~eting of the Gi~roy City Council was called
to order by Her Honor Roherta H. Hughan at 8:00 p.m.
Larry Mussallem,
Absent: Council
John E.
Members: Donald F. Gage, Paul V. Kloecker,
pate,'pete valdez, Jr. and Roberta H. Huqhan.
Sharon A. Albert.
The Mavor introduced Rene Mitchell and Julie Spier, Recreation
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman
Kloecker that the followina Consent Calendar items be approved by the
following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councii Member~: Gage, Kloecker,
Mussallem, Pate, Valdez and Hughan. ~sent: Council Member: Albert.
Approved the Minutes of the ReqularCouncil 0eeting of July 2,
Denied Personal Injury Claims of Joseph and Michael Duran;
Denied a Property Damage Claim of Alfred Bertaud;
Denied a Personal Injur:~; Claim of Soledad Lopez; and
Approved the Minutes of the Joint Gilroy/Moraan Hill Special
Council Meeting of July 9, 1984.
The Mayor st:ated that it \\Tas the time and place scheduled for
a Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request from Rl (Single-
Family Residential) District to RI PUD (Single Family Residential
Planned Unit Development Combining) District located at 9055 Santa
'I'eresa Boulevard, NQ]~th of Mantelli Drive, 'I'ony Lerma and city of
Gilroy, applicants.
Planning Director Dorn presented and explained the Staff Report.
The Mayor asJredif there \vas anyone in the audience wishing to
speak on the matter. There was nocorrunent from anyone in the audience.
Motion was made by Councilman Kloecker seconded by Councilman
Gage and carried 1:hatthe Public Hearing 'be closed.
Motion was made by Councilman. Gage seconded by Councilman
Mussallem and carried that the reading of a proposed ordinance be
"aived -and that 5_t ,be introduced. and published by title and summary
approving the requested rezoning.
The Mayor stated that it ",as the ti:ne and place scheduled for
a Public Hearing to consider a pre zoning request to RI (Single Family
Residential) District and:)S (Open Space) District on property located
at 475 Thomas Road, north of Santa Teresa Boulevard, First Assembly of
God of Gilroy, applicant.
Planning Director Dorn presented and explained the Staff Report.
The Mayor asked if there was anyane present in the audience
wishing to speak on t~le l1'atter. There' was no cO!'.l.'Tlent from anyone in
the audience..
Motion was made by Councilman Mussallem seconded by Councilman
Gage and carried that the Public Hearing be closed.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman
Mussallem and carried that the reading of a proposed ordinance be
waived and that it be introduced and published. by title and summary
approving the requested prezoning, to include the mitiqating measures
recommended by Staff.
Hearing re:
term STP
Pub. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled
for the Hearing for public input regarding Gilroy/Morgan Hill Long-
term Sewer Treatment Project. She invited anyone in the audience
wishing to speak on the matter to come forward.
Mr. Paul Barrish, Las Animas Technology Park, representing
the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, ad-
dressed the Council endorsing the recommendation of the Citizens'
Advisory Sewer Committee.
Mr. David Runyon, Morgan'Hill'resideht, addressed the Council
noting preference to the Ocean Discharge Alternative and recommended
that the City take a position as soon as possible for a proposal
that would not be on a regional basis, but for the Cities of Gilroy
and Morgan Hill.
Mr. Bruce Sweeney, 6380 Hyde Park Drive, addressed the Coun-
cil endorsing the recommendation of the Citizens' Advisory Sewer
Committee. He further"requested adequate' planning for that portion
of the pipeline through the San Andreas Faultline. City Adminis-
trator Baksa noted that this was considered and that construction
design is planned to go over the fault.
Mr. Gary Silacci, Gavilan Business Park, addressed the Coun-
cil favoring the Ocean Discharge Alternative.
Mr. Ted Ringel, Silicon Valley Corporation, addressed the
Council requesting the City to take positive action and made it de-
cision to advise the business community that there is a positive
attitude. ,.
Mr. Allen Greco, President of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce,
addressed the Council offering the Chamber's services to convince
the Regional Water Quality Control Board of the long-term plan de-
Councilman Valdez invited the Chamber.to the September 21,
1984, Hearing before the Regional Water Quality Control Board,
scheduled to be in Santa Barbara.
Mr. Leon O'Dell, 760 Carignane, volunteer and developer of
the First Assembly of God of Gilroy, addressed the Council request-
ing the City to proceed on a decision that will benefit the entire
community in general.
Mayor Hughan noted that the Councils did not make a decision
to date in order to allow public input from both the Cities of Gil-
roy and Morgan Hill.
Mr. Tony Lerma, 9055 Morey Avenue, addressed the Council and
noted that there are not many in the audience to speak to this issue
because most of the public input was made at the Citizens' Advisory
Sewer Committee Meetings.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mus-
sallem and carried that the 'Hearing be closed.
Councilman Gage noted that the matter of increased capacity,
lifting of the moratorium and the ceaSe and des"ist order would be
addressed at the September 21, 1984, Public Hearing in Santa Barbara
before the Regional Water Quality Control Board. City Administrator
Baksa noted that the Board would reserve judgement on the Long-term
Sewer Treatment Project until the EIR documents are received.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present in the audience
wishing to speak on any matter not on the agenda.
Torch Runner
Mr. Lloyd Banks, Committee Member of the Chamber of Commerce,
addressed the Council requesting permission to sponsor a parade on
July 17, 1984, to precede the Olympic Torch Runner through Gilroy,
scheduled for 11:19 a.m. He noted that he had received 17 entries
and approval from Cal-Trans this afternoon for the parade to pro-
ceed at St. Mary's Church on First Street to Wren Avenue. He fur-
thur noted that any costs incurred and not paid for by the Chamber,
that he would personally assume all costs involved.
City Admihi~t~ator Baksanoted that the parade permit was denied
since it did not meet the City Code requirements for a 10-day minimum
in filing application for same.
Police Chief Cowart noted that the State verbally approved the
parade, subject to the City's approval; that this is an appeal on the
City Staff's denial of s3,id permit. He further noted that the Olympic
Committee had received approval approximately four months ago to run the
torch through Gil~oy; that a parade would require 901ice parks and recrea-
tion and public works additional manpower. He noted that the Olympic
Committee does not want obstructions that would hamper the runner and
that, at this short notice, it would be difficult to schedule a parade
particularly in front of the runner.
Mr. Banks noted that the parade could begin at 10:30 a.m. and
would be off the street in time for the torch runner; that if the parade
was in progress on arrival of the runner, he would take full responsi-
bility to move the parade off the street. He further noted that he
would be willing to have the parade follow the runner to comply with City
Further discussion was had by Council on the matter. Discussion
was had regarding a possible assembly welcoming group locating at the
empty lot adjacent to MCDonald's Restaurant rather than a parade.
Motion was made by Councilman Mussallem seconded by Councilman
Gage and: carried by the follovling Roll Call Vote to support the City Ad-
mini.strator's decision to deny the parade permit and deny the appeal of
Mr. Danks. Ayes: Council Me;rt:-ers: Sage, Hussallem, Pate, Valdez and
Hughan. Noes: Conncil'.'1ember: Kloecker. Absent: Council '1ember: Albert.
Motion was made by Councilman Valdez seconded by Councilman Pate
and carried that the City support and qive full cooperation to the wel-
coming group for the OlYEIPic Torch Eunner to include mannOVler costs in-
curred, if any.
City Administrator Baksa noted that normally Staff could handle
this type of request with sufficient notice.
A letter from Steelgard, Inc. was noted inviting interested Council
members to view a demonstration of portable classrooms in Lathrop, Calif.
Councilman Valdez publicly apologi.'<:ed to Steelgard, Inc., noting
no intention made- to single out this particula.r conpany and, in his
opinion, this type of classroom is still portable; that the School District
would be the deciding factor.
A letter W3.S noted fron Santa Clara County Chapter of Mothers
Aaainst Drunk Drivers (~iADD) requesting the City to support their position
prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages at qasoline service stations.
Discussion was had on the matter. Motion \'las 'JIade hy Councilman
Gage seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried that Staff prepare a recom-
mendation on the best way to prohibit these sales at gasoline service
stations for Council consideration.
The following informational items were noted with separate discussion
on Item No.3:
Planning Staff Actions, 6-28-84;
Transcript of a speec1:1 given by "Avoid t.he 13" Campaign Chairman,
Police Chief Cowart; and
Senator Mello re: Analysis of ACA 52 (Johnson) omd Jarvis IV Ini-
Councilman Mussallem noted that he and Councilnan Kloecker recently
attended a League Conference for ne..l councilpersons c.nd that a major topic
was the Jarvis Initiative issue and he recommends a Council Study Session
to better inform Council on this major issue to better inform the public,etc.
The Mayor noted that a Study Session would be scheduled for
same and it was further noted that the Chamber of Commerce should
be contacted and become aware of the impacts of this measure, if
Plan. Com. Report The Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of July 5,
7-5-84 1984, was noted.
TM 80-2 &
TM 82-1'
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman
Kloecker and carried that TM-80-2 and TM 82-1, Tentative Map exten-
sion requests, be approved as recommended.
Lib. & Cult. Com. The Minutes of the Library and Culture Commission Meeting of
6-12-84 June 12, 1984, were noted.
Personnel Com.
Acct. Clerks
I & II
Haz. Mat.
Gil/M.H. Jt.
Annual League
2nd Qtr.
Intro. Ord.
re: Stop
Income Limits
Rancho Real-
ROO Extn.
The, Report of the Personnel Commission Meeting of July 9,
1984, was noted.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman
Kloecker and carried that the job descriptions and salary ranges
for Account Clerks I (Range 24.5) and II (Range 25.5) be approved
as recommended.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman
Mussallem and carried that the job description and salary range for
Hazardous Materials Specialist be approved as recommended.
City Administrator Baksa noted a tentative date for Gilroy and
Morgan Hill city Council Dinner September 11, 1984, if agreeable with
Morgan Hill. Council concurred. City Administrator Baksa noted that
he would confirm this date with Morgan Hill and advise Council of the
City Administrator Baksa requested Council confirmation for
reservations to the League of California Cities Annual Conference in
Anaheim. Mayor Hughan, Councilmembers Mussallem and Pate, and Com-
missioner Edde requested reservations to same.
City Administrator Baksa noted that those Councilmembers
attending the Public Hearing in Santa Barbara on Septembet 21 may
want to proceed to the Le~gue Conf~~~~ce in Anaheim, September 23,
City Administrator Baksa dis.tributed copIes of the Second
Quarterly Report and requested Council contact him if there are
any questions.
City Administrator Baksa presented a recommendation to amend
Sections 15.40 and 15.106 of the City Code pertaining to stop signs
to conform to State law. Motion was made by Councilman Pate sec-
onded by Councilman Gage and carried that a proposed ordinance be
introduced, the reading waived, and that it be published by title
and summary as presented.
An Income Limits Report per Council requept was noted for
reference use.
The Mayor noted the request of Rancho Real for ROO Extension
continued from the June 18, 1984, regular Council Meeting.
A letter from W. J. Hanna regarding time extension requests
- ROO units in the northwest quad was noted.
A letter from John M. Filice re: the Residential Development
Ordinance was noted.
Planning Director Dorn presented and explained the Staff
Report. City Administrator Baksa distributed a Status Chart and
Interim Drainage Project report.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker
and carried that Staff prepare recommendations. on ~ Zoning Ordinance Amend-
ment to Section 50.60 changing the ROO structure as noted in the Staff
Report for Council consideratiop. It was noted,tha1; this would require
public hearings before the Planning-Commission and Council for said Zoning
Ordinance change.
Mr. Mike Sheehy, representing Arcadia and Citation Builders, ad-
dressed the Council requesting that the RDO extension requests not be
granted. He noted that Ruth & Going would also be willing to work with
Staff on review of the Residential Development Ordinance proposed amendments.
Mr. W. J. Hanna, addressed the Council and further re-emphasized
developers in the northwest quad have proceeded in good faith, requesting
that all participants in the Interim Drainage Project be granted ROO ex-
Mr. Ted Ringel addressed the Council and noted that, in principle,
he is opposed to ROO extensions; however, can support the request of
developers participating in the Interim Drainage Project for extension
of ROO's.
Motion was made by Conl'1cilroali. Gage secbnde(j by Councilman Valdez
and carried that all e}dstinq buildouts under the Residential Development
Ordinance which would have expired on December 31" 1983, and December 31,
1984, be granted an extension to December 31, 1985.
Mr. Ted Ringel addressed the Council and invited Council and Staff
on his private plane to -::he Regional ~'7ateJ~ Quality Control Board Hearing
on September 21 at Santa Barbara.
Councilman. Hussallem notecl 'chat letters and teleyhone calls to
the Board from Mr. Ringel's business and other businesses would be welcome.
Mr. Ringel further offered his company's engineering services for
technical assistance to the City for presentation to the Regional Water
Quality Control Board.
Emerg. Disaster Councilman Gage'noted that the Council needs to review the County's
Manual Emergency Disaster Manual for action on same; copies forthcoming.
Unit Sewer
Councilman Gage noted a meeting with the industries on July 18 at
3:00 p.m. at city Hall regarding the Ag Budget
Councilman, Valdez noted a recent meeting of the Xconomic Development
Committee jointly meeting with Morgan Hill's Committee and noted their
availability to provide service to both communities collectively and to
continue these joint meetings and proposed future workshops.
City Administrator Baksa noted an informa~ion memo forthcoming for
Council review from an Industrial Conference he and Councilman Valdez
Councilman Mussallem noted that he and Councilman Kloecker will
provide information for Council review from the League Conference they
recently attended for new councilmembers.
Mayor Hughan noted that she was recently elected President of the
Inter-City Council. She noted that Supervisor Diridon recently appointed
her as representative of the Bay Area Water Quality Management District on
ABAG's Regional Planning Committee.
Councilman Valdez noted that there will be vacancies on the Regional
Water Quality Control Board for possible local appointments to said Board.
City Administrator Baksa requested Council direction regarding multi-
family unit's sewer rates for auxiliary uses.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker
and carried that the laundry, swimming pool and commercial sewer rates be
included within the per unit rate charges for multiple dwellings (will be
charged single family rate), to become effective at the earliest possible
1 5040
The Mayor noted the City Administrator's one 'year anniver-
sary with the City.
At 10:20 p.m., the M~yor adjourned the meeting to 7:00 0'
clock p.m., on July 23, 1984, f?r a Special JOlnt Gilroy/Morgan
Hill Council Meetingre: Long~term;Sewer Treatment Project Plan.
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