Minutes 1984/07/23
~ouncilman Brown. inquired if the requests for proposals had
been advertised. Chris' Cain noted that the quotation date was Aug-
ust 3, 1984, and that the requests for proposals indicate that the
EIR prepared should serve as theEIR for any of the five alternatives.
Councilwoman Albert inquired of ter~iary treatment require-
ments if ocean discharge alternative was selected, further explained
by Chris Cain.
Councilwoman Albert inquired if the alternative of discharg-
ing to the ocean was se:J,.ected, Vfould there be a backup system in
the event one of the industries had.!3. spill that went into the treat-
ment plant. Chris Cain noted that it was anticipated in the design
that several ponds would be maintained to catch surges of flow that
would exceed capacities of the pipe line and also could be used to
catch a toxic spill if same occurred; that if the cities chose to do
this, there would be a capital outlay to provide that type of re-
liability and most communities to not have that capability. He
furth~r noted that this d~cision wo~ld be presented to Council upon
final design.
Mayor Hughan opened the meeting for Council discussion. Coun-
cilwoman Albert inquired about the charts on Page 7-5 compared to
Page 7-7 within the PrQject Report prepared by Montgomery Engineers,
further explained. by Chris Cain. ,,-
Mayor Hughan noted the purpose of the meeting was to continue
discussion on the long-term sewer treatmen~ project plan n,oting, that
at the ]"ast Joint Meetipg, the, City, Councils ,authorized requests
for proposals for the EIr's to include three and, effectively, all
five of tbe alternatives that were, presented to them; that at this
meeting discussion will be c9ntinu~d and 'decide if the Councils
wish to make a preference or- final decision in order to commence
discussion with other agencies that will be affected by the Sewer
Treatment Plant. Mayor Foster agre~d with Mayor H~ghan's analysis
and recommended Council proce~d.
STP Project
Councilman Pate' entered and to6k, his seat at the Coun<i:il
Present: Morgan Hill City Council Members: Lorraine Barke,
William H. Brown, Dean Flory and J. Robert Foster. Absent: Council
Member Neil Heiman.
Present: Gilroy Council Members: Sharon A. Albert, Donald F.
Gage, Paul V. Kloecker, Larry Mussallem, Pete Valdez, Jr. and Roberta
H. Hughan. Absent: Council Member: John E. Pat-e.
The Joint Special Meeting of the Gilroy/Morgan Hill City
Councils was called to. order by Her'Honor Roberta H. Hughan at
7:04 p.m.
Roll Call
Mayor Hughan led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Joint Special Meeting
Gilroy/Morgan Hill City Councils
July 23, 1984
Gilroy, California.
504 '1
Mayor Hughan requested an informal poll of Councilmembers' pre-
ference previously suggested by Councilman Gage for the Wastewater Manage-
men't A,lternatives outlined in the Project Report.
Councilman qage preferred the SO Alternative (Ocean Discharge) .
Councilman Flory preferred the SO Alternative (Ocean Discharge).
Councilman Kloecker preferred the SP Alternative (Surface discharge
to Pajaro with advance treatment), with the understanaing there is tertiary
treatment with de-nitrification and noted cuntinued concern about Idck of
qua.ni~ Lfication of the water Quality Board's opinion concerning discharge
to the Pajaro. He fULthE:r noted that final decision of selection oI an
alternative should be made after re,-,ei.f:.!t of the EIR.
Councilwoma.n Albert pr~eft::rs 50 (Ocean Disc~(large) clnd SL ('Vhn LeI.
pajaro .:iischal:ge, swnmer la!1d disposal) aud has not made a decision at
this time on one alternative.
councilman Brown noted that he was not prepared at this time to
select an alternative between the SO (Ocean Disc!large) and LeI. Lia:.::y tL:eat-
ment with direct relea~e into the pajaro.
Councilwoman Barke preferred SO (Ocean Discharge):'
Mayor Hughan prefer.r.:ed direct discharge into the pajaro basically
becau~e the up-f.r.ont.. costs, noting thdt if both Ocean Di::.charge anL! pajaro
Systems can be proved to be environmentally safe, she objects tu the
local residents paying cheprimary cost of the plant instead of spreading
that cost over the life of the plant.
Mayor FosteL preferred the Citizens' Sewer AdvisoLY Committee's
recommendation of S0 (Ocean Discharge) Alternative.
Councilman Valdez preferred 50 (Ocean Discharge) .
Councilman Pate preferred SO (Ocean Discharge) .
Councilman IVlUssallem preferred SO (Ocean Discharge) wit!l an lncrease
of reclamation use if feasible.
Mayor Huyhan noced that the majority of each Counci.l prefers Ocean
Councilman Brown noted concern with the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Dispatch
article regarding the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments com-
menting on the Ocean Discharge Alternative. He further noted if it is not
necessary to select a specific alternative at this point in time, it would
be remissive to do so because of political opposition against whichever
alternative is selected. He recommended a final decision after receipt
and study of the EIR's. He further requested more positive input from the
Regional Water 9uality Control Board'as to exactly why there is opposition
to tertiary treatment and release into the Pajaro.
Councilman Kloecker concurred with Councilman Brown's remarks and
not make a final decision until after receipt of the EIR. Discussion was
had on the matter.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Flory and
carried by the following Roll Call vote that the cities of Gilroy and
Morgan Hill express a preference for the Ocean Discharge Alternative as
outlined in the July 1984 J. M. Montgomery report as the apparent best
means of meeting the long-term wastewater management goals of Gilroy and
Morgan Hill, recognizing that the results of an Environmental Impact Report
will be the basis for arriving at a final decision. For Gilroy: Ayes:
Council Members: Gage, Mussallem, Pate, Valdez and Hughan. Noes: Council
Members: Albert and Kloecker. For Morqan Hill: Ayes: Council Members:
Barke, Brown, Flory. Absent: Council Member: Heiman.
Discussion was had in regard to the proposed suggested second motion
authorizing the Joint Powers Sewer Committee and Staff to proceed with
specific action.
Councilwoman Barke inquired of Morgan Hill's funds for the EIR costs.
City Manager Cate noted that Gilroy has budgeted $100,000.00
for same and Morgan Hill has included in their preliminary budget
42% of those funds which will be proposed for adoption at the next
Councilman Kloecker inquired'of the cost of the detailed
engineer's report on the alignment and other engineering aspects
of the proposed land outfall line.
Chris Cain further explained additional study needed ,for the
Ocean Discharge Alternative so as to nOt jeo.rardize other conmunities
waiver application and additional study needed for alignment. He
further noted that Montgomery's recommendation would be to focus and
not do the engineering on all the options, but to do the engineering
on the option believed to be selected. He further noted that the
final decision would be presented to each Council for review.
Councilman Valdez referred to that portion of the proposed
motion of contact with political entities and AMBAG staff and recom-
mended any type of public relation assistance from the Chamber of
commerce/Economic.. Development Committees and create a liaison be-
tween those entities and the Joint Powers Committee to lend assis-
tance and be apprised of ongoing development of the sewer treatment
plant and, at that point, can be called upon for assistance in
public relations.
Mayor Hughan suggested that they be notified when this matter
will be agendized on the Joint Powers Committee and attempt to es-
tablish some type of acting group.
Councilman Gage noted that the Joint Powers Committee needs
to be the focal point, be the direction, and can request any assis-
tance needed for support. Councilman Valdez recommended that this
be formalized as part bfthe motion proposed.
Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Pate
and carried by the following Roll Call Vote to autho+ize the Joint
Powers Sewer Committee and Staff to proceed with the following
action, subject to a final budget appropriation by both Gilroy and
Morgan Hill City Councils: (1) To retain a qualified firm to prepare
an Environmental Impact Report on the five alternatives as outlined
in the J. M. Montgomery Report; (2) To proceed with a more detailed
engineer's report on the alignment and other engineering aspects
of the proposed land outfall line; (3) To make preliminary contact
with the Staff of those political entities and AMBAG that will be
involved with review of any of the alternatives and be available to
answer questions raised by those agencies; (4) To authorize the
Joint Powers Sewer Committee and Staff to develop a plan to use com-
munity resQurces in discussions with ~utside agencies. For Gilroy:
Ayes: Council Members: Albert, Gage, Kloecker, Mussallem, Pate, Val-
dez and Hughan. For Morgan Hill: Ayes: Council Members: Barke,
Brown, Flory and 'FoSter. Absent: Council Member: Heiman.
Council confirmed the September 11, 1984, Joint Gilroy/Morgan
Hill Dinner.
Mayor Hughan noted the Joint Powers Sewer Committee Meeting
July 24, 1984, at 8:30 a.m.
It was noted that the next Regional Water Quality Control
Board Meeting is scheduled for September 21, ,1984, in Santa Barbara.
Mayor Hughan noted a request of City Administrator Baksa for
Gilroy City Council to meet briefly following this meeting to schedule
some meeting dates.
Councilman Brown inquired if any actions have begun regarding
the development of a financial plan for the Sewer Treatment Project.
Mayor Foster noted that.both City Attorneys have ruled that the
cities can have revenue measures, however, the Jarvis Initiative will
greatly affect the financing selected.
Councilman Brown inquired if any direction has been made of the
Citizens' Sewer Advisory Committee to assist in identification of
financial planning alternatives.
Mayor Hughan noted that discussion was had on this matter but no
diredtion was confirmed;' each city was separately going to talk to their
bonding attorneys for financial information.
Discussion was had in regard to the Jarvis Initiative affect on
financing the project.
City Administrator Baksa noted that his request for meeting dates
is to establish anagreeahle date when the city's Bond Attorney can meet
with the Gilroy City Council on financial information for the project and
noted that he and City.Hanager Cate will continue to investigate financing
options. He noted that this could be an item of discussion at the Joint
Dinner Meeting in September when both cities have reviewed and studied
financial options for the project.
At 7:54 p.N., Mayor Hughan adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,