Minutes 1987/02/17 1 c <~ f74 I ,) 't Posting Agenda Roll Call Consent Calendar Minutes Res.87-7 Energy Conserve Claim- Whalen Claim - M.Kunimura Ord.87-2 Junk & Second Reg\llar Meeting February 17, 1987 Gilroy, California Mayor Hughan led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Clerk reported that the Agenda had been posted on February 11, 1987 at 5:14 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Sharon A. Albert, Donald F. Gage, Paul V. Kloecker, Larry Mussallem, Daniel D. Palmerlee, Pete Valdez, Jr. and Roberta H. Hughan. (8:06 p.m.). Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmembers: Albert, Gage, Kloecker, Mussallem, Palmerlee, Valdez and Hughan: Approved the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 2, 1987; Adopted Resolution No. 87-7 Approving a State Contract for Energy Conservation Program. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 7 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY OF AGREEMENT WITH ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CONCERNING THE PARTICIPATION OF THE CITIES OF GILROY AND MORGAN HILL IN THE ENERGY MANAGER SALARY GUARANTEE PROJECT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: ALBERT, GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, pALMERLEE, VALDEZ and HUGHAN. None None COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Denied a Damage Claim of Dick Whalen and Dick Whalen Service Center & Engine Company as recommended; Denied a Damage Claim of Mason Kunimura as recommended; Adopted Ordinance No. 87-2 Enacting Chapter 12B of the Gilroy City Code pertaining to Junk and Secondhand Dealers; ORDINANCE NO. 87 - 2 N~ ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ENACTING CHAPTER 12B OF THE GILROY CITY CODE PERTAINING TO JUNK AND SECOND-HAND DEALERS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987, by the Res.87-8 re: Weeds 1#""'''4 - Minutes Bids re: Circ.Element 'JIIlIJilI<"-'Ilt Bids re: Gav. Sports Pk. - Appeal Hear. re:Fence- Ruff alo .""'... ....... r,1175 ) "" ...... ~ \.. following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ALBERT, GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, PALMERLEE, VALDEZ and HUGHAN None None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Adopted Resolution No. 87-8 Declaring Weeds to be a Public Nuisance, Describing same, and Providing for Giving Notice of Public Hearing Date for Objections thereto; RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 8 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DECLARING CERTAIN WEEDS GROWING IN THE CITY OF GILROY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE, DESCRIBING WEEDS WHICH CONSTITUTE SUCH NUISANCE AND PROVIDING FOR GIVING NOTICE OF THE ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION BY PUBLICATION THEREOF. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: ALBERT, GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, PALMERLEE, VALDEZ and HUGHAN. None None COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Approved the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of February 10, 1987. Planning Director Dorn presented and explained a Report and recommendation on the Selection of Circulation Element and Study Consultant. Motion was made by Councilman Palmerlee seconded by Councilman Kloecker and carried that TJKM (in conjunction with David Powers as environmental consultant) be hired for the overall project bid of $100,000. plus $33,700. for the EIR as recommended. Councilman Gage voted "no" on the motion. City Administrator Baksa presented and explained a report of bids received for the Gavilan Sports Park backstop and perimeter fencing and additional backstop. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mussallem and carried that the bid of Steel Fence Systems for the Gavilan Sports Park backstop and perimeter fencing be awarded in the amount of $18,085. as recommended and that the Parks and Recreation Director be authorized to continue negotiations with the School District regarding the second backstop and selection of a location. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Commis- sion's decision denying a Variance request to Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance for property at 800 Welburn Avenue, Anthony & Jessie Ruffalo, Applicants, to allow a reduction of the required side yard setback from ten feet to one foot. Planning Director Dorn presented and explained the Staff Report. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. Mrs. Jesse Rufallo, 7664 Ticonderoga Place, addressed the Council requesting an amendment to the original request to install the fence to the back of the dwelling. The Mayor asked if there was anyone further in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Discussion was had by Council on the matter. The Mayor closed the Hearing. Motion was made by Councilman Valdez seconded by Councilman Gage and not carried by the following Roll Call vote that the reading of a resolution be waived and that it be adopted to grant 5476 Pub.Hear. 65864 Dev. Agree.-Filice Pub.Hear. Flood PI. Mgmt. Ord. Pers.Com. Appmt. the fence variance requested: Ayes: Councilmembers: Gage, Kloecker, and Valdez; Noes: Councilmembers: Albert, Mussallem, Palmer lee and Hughan. The City Attorney noted that the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the Variance is upheld. Motion was made by Councilman Kloecker seconded by Councilman Palmer lee and carried that the Planning Department review reducing setbacks on corner lots of this type, reporting on pros and cons of same and report back to Council in sixty days. The Mayor explained to Mr. & Mrs. Ruffalo that the matter of considering a change to the Zoning Ordinance would be considered at a later date and that their variance request is ... denied at this time, as recommended by the Planning Commision. - The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for a Public Hearing to Consider adoption of the Second Amendment to the Development Agreement between the City of Gilroy and Filice Family Estates. City Administrator Baksa presented and explained the Staff Report. The Mayor noted and explained the changes within the Agreement. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. Mr. John Filice, Jr., Attorney, representing Filice Family Estates addressed the Council noting that they concur with the changes and noted that the "then existing" industrially zoned property is also acceptable. Mr. A. Box Saxe, Attorney addressed the Council and further explained the historical record provided within the agreement. The Mayor asked if there was anyone further in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. .. .... Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mussallem that the reading of an ordinance be waived, that it be introduced and published by title and summary approving the second amendment to the Agreement as recommended. The Mayor thanked the City Staff and Filice Family Estates for working out the Agreement which will benefit the entire City. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled to consider revision to the City of Gilroy's Flood Plain Manage- ment Ordinance. Planning Director Dorn presented and explained the Staff Report. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mussallem and carried that the reading of the proposed ordinance be waived, that it be introduced and published by title and summary revising the City's Flood Plain Management Ordinance to conform to federal requirements as recommended. .... .. The Mayor recommended the appointment of Mr. James Trelut as Personnel Commissioner to fill the unexpired term of retired Commissioner True (1-1-90). Motion was made by Councilman Kloecker seconded by Council- man Gage and carried that James Trelut be appointed Personnel Commissioner as recommended. Presby- terian Ch. Utilities - Res.1I87-9 ",.,"';'''' - HCD Citi- zen Adv. Com. Rep. 87-92 Cap. Imp. ~,... -- So.Co. Alter- natives 5477 A Request of the Gilroy Presbyterian Church for Water and Sewer Services and the City Administrator's recommendation on same was noted and further explained by City Administrator Baksa. He noted that it is recommended that Deferred Development Agreement, Development Agreement and Annexation Agreement be entered into; 600 gal./day sewer allocation and water service allowed pending approval of same by Morgan Hill to be presented to the Joint Powers Sewer Advisory Committee. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. Mrs. Joan Harrison, Attorney representing the Church Property, addressed the Council noting that they concur with the recommended agreements. The Mayor asked if there was anyone further in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. Ms. Roxie Thomas, addressed the Council requesting that the City approve the request and support the proposed church project. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried that Staff's recommendation regarding the Agreements, sewer allocation and water service for the Gilroy Presbyterian Church property be approved. The Mayor thanked the Church and City Staff for working together on this project. The City Attorney explained a recent City Code amendment requiring Council to designate city officials required to be bonded with Statutory Public Official's Bonds and limits thereof. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker that the reading of Resolution No. 87-9 be waived and that it be adopted designating the City Administrator, Director of Finance and City Clerk be bonded with Statutory Public Official's Bonds at $50,000.00 limits as recommended. RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 9 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DESIGNATING CITY OFFICIALS REQUIRED TO BE BONDED AND LIMITS THEREOF. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: ALBERT, GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, PALMERLEE, VALDEZ and HUGHAN. None None COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: The Mayor recommended the appointment of Ann Juri, South County Alternatives, as the City Representative on the H.C.D. Citizens' Advisory Committee. Motion was made by Councilwoman Albert seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried that Ann Juri be appointed as the City's representative on the H.C.D. Citizens' Advisory Committee as recommended. The 1987-1992 Capital Improvement Program was presented for approval. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker and carried that the 1987-1992 Capital Improvement Program be approved as presented. The Mayor called upon South County Alternatives, Inc. for their Mid-Year Report. Ms. Barbara Kern, Program Manager for La Isla Pacifica Shelter for Battered Women, addressed the Council noting that the three Program Managers are present to give an up-date of South County Alternatives Programs. '" 5478 So. Valley Intercom. Hosp. Res.87-10 Starritt improve- Const. Mr. Billy King, Program Manager of the Drug Prevention Intervention Component at South County Alternatives, addressed the Council and gave an up-date on the Program. Ms. Nan Pacheco, Program Manager of the 24 Hour Crisis Line, addressed the Council further explaining the Program. Mr. Albert Valencia, Executive Director of South County Alternatives, addressed the Council thanking the City for its support to their organization. (The Mayor deviated from the regular agenda in order to accommodate interested persons in the audience.) Planning Director Dorn presented and explained the Staff Report of A/S 86-43, South Valley Intercommunity Hospital PUD recommending approval of the 20 conditions as modified by the letter from A. Bob Saxe, dated February 17, 1987, distributed at this meeting. .... IIlIII' Mr. A. Bob Saxe, Attorney, addressed the Council, noting that he concurs with the City's recommendations and further explains Condition No.4. Ms. Bonnie Simonsen, Chairperson of the Hospital Board of Directors, addressed the Council regarding the project. Mr. Mark Jones, Architectural representative, addressed the Council and explained the concept of the project plan. The Mayor requested an additional provision be required regarding the traffic signalization. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried that the Circulation Element as recommended by Staff for the Hospital Project be approved. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Valdez that the reading of Resolution No. 87-10 be waived and that it be adopted approving the South Valley Intercommunity Hospital PUD to include the 20 conditions recommended by Staff as amended per Mr. A. Bob Saxe's letter dated 2-17-87 with the addition that there will be deferred agreements regarding traffic signalization. ... -- RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 10 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR SOUTH VALLEY INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL FOR PROPERTY BOUNDED BY COHANSEY AVENUE TO THE NORTH, NO NAME UNO AVENUE TO THE WEST, FUTURE ARROYO CIRCLE DRIVE TO THE EAST AND LAS ANIMAS AVENUE ONE FOURTH MILE TO THE SOUTH. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: ALBERT, GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, PALMERLEE, VALDEZ and HUGHAN. None None ~ Mr. W. J. Hanna, addressed the Council, thanking the City for its cooperation regarding this project. (Councilmembers Gage and Mussallem left the Council Chambers at 10:31 p.m.) " ' - A request of Starritt Construction regarding street .... ments was noted including the Staff Report reagendized to allow the applicant to present the request, further explained by City Administrator Baksa. (Councilman Gage entered at 10:34 p.m. and took his seat at the Council table.) ~ USA-H.C. Miller - - P.& R.Com 1-20-87 Plan. Com. 2-5-87 A/S D.Christo- pher Res .87-11 ~"'~ - CUP 86-56 5479 Mr. Mark Starritt, addressed the Council further explaining his request noting that he is not in agreement with the City's interpretation of the Deferred Development Agreement. (Councilman Mussallem entered at 10:39 p.m. and took his seat at the Council table.) Mr. Starritt continued with his explanation of the matter. The Mayor asked if Council wished to reconsider the matter. There was no comment from any councilmember. An application from H. C. Miller for Urban Service Area modification was noted and Staff Report further explained by Planning Director Dorn. Motion was made by Councilman Palmerlee seconded by Councilman Gage and carried that the application for Urban Service Area modification be accepted. The following informational items were noted: Planning Staff Approvals, dated January 28, 1987; Congressman Edwards re: One Year Moratorium on Testing Nuclear Weapons; Congressman Mineta re: One Year Moratorium on Testing Nuclear Weapons; Report on Investments with Maturities Exceeding One Year; City and Santa Clara Valley Water District Correspondence Requesting Approval of Southern Pacific Transportation Company Permit for Culvert required in Llagas Creek Watershed Project; and Proclamation Issued Regarding Viet Nam Era Veteran's Readjustment Act of 1974 in Connection with Veterans' Job Training Program. Councilman Valdez noted that Mr. Joe Garcia wished Council to convey the above proclamation to employers. Council suggested that the information be forwarded to the Chamber of Commerce to inform their members of this matter. The Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting of January 20, 1987 and the Minutes of the Senior Citizens' Advisory Board Meeting of December 15, 1986 were noted. The Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 5, 1987 was noted. Noted the A/S 87-2, Don Christopher Hillside Residence PUD and Staff Report further explained by Planning Director Dorn. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Kloecker that the reading of Resolution No. 87-11 be waived and that it be adopted approving the PUD as recommended for Don Christopher Hillside Residence. RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 11 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR DONALD CHRISTOPHER FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON WELBURN AVENUE NEAR RANCHO REAL. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, VALDEZ and HUGHAN. ALBERT None PALMERLEE, COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBERS: Noted Revocation of Home Occupation, CUP 86-56; and 5480 Land Use Survey Bldg.Bd. of Appeals JPSA 1-13-87 Lib.& Cult. 1-13-87 Bd.of Appeals Res.87-12 Bldg.Bd. of Appeals Appts. Study Session Redvlpmt. J.Mont- gomery S.C.Co. Court Chgs. Noted the Annual Land Use Survey. Noted the Minutes of the Building Board of Appeals Hearing of January 30, 1987. Noted the Minutes of the Joint Powers Sewer Advisory Com- mittee Meetings of January 13th and 27, 1987. Noted the Minutes of the Library and Culture Commission Meeting of January 13, 1987. City Administrator Baksa presented a recommendation to create a Seven Member Building Board of Appeals. - .... Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mussallem that the reading of Resolution No. 87-12 be waived and that it be adopted creating a seven (7) member Building Board of Appeals as recommended. RESOLUTION NO. 87 -, 12 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CREATING A SEVEN MEMBER BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: ALBERT, GAGE, KLOECKER, MUSSALLEM, PALMERLEE, VALDEZ and HUGHAN. None None COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: The Mayor recommended the appointment of Mr. Ben Pappani to replace Mr. Douglas Hollenback on the Building Board of Appeals and Mr. Joseph Curro as the seventh member; terms expiring January 1, 1981. Council set February 23, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. as a Study Session to discuss the second half of the Comprehensive Fee Schedule and the James Montgomery Report on Sewer Fees. City Administrator Baksa noted that redevelopment information concerning the Downtown Area will not be available by March 1st as previously noted; that same should be completed by the April 6th Regular Meeting. JIll ..... City Administrator Baksa distributed a Technical Memorandum No.6, dated February 9, 1987 from James Montgomery Consulting Engineers regarding the Long-term Wastewater Facilities. The Mayor noted a recent Reception held in honor of Miss America that she and Councilmembers Gage and Valdez also attended. Councilman Valdez noted the Mayor's response to the Dispatch Editor regarding the Board of Supervisors' Contempt of. Court Charges. Motion was made by Councilman Palmerlee seconded by Councilman Kloecker and carried that Council take action on the matter, noting tht the need to take action arose after posting of the agenda (2-11-87). Motion was made by Councilman Palmerlee seconded by .. Councilman Kloecker and carried that the letter be forwarded to the newspapers and to whoever the Board of Supervisors request it __ be forwarded. Councilman Mussallem noted the Chamber of Commerce Breakfast scheduled for February 18, 1987 at 6:45 a.m. Councilman Mussallem inquired of the number of septic tanks existing on properties within the City. Planning Director Dorn estimated same to be approximately 20 existing septic tanks in the City. Adj rnmt . At 11:23 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, r"Q/! ,)1.;"0 ! k