Minutes 1992/11/02 1,-; l' {t :::zt; Posting Agenda Invocation Roll Call Consent Calendar Minutes Claim Ord.92-17 Regular Meeting November 2, 1992 Gilroy, California The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Clerk noted that the Agenda had been posted on October 29, 1992 at 10:00 a.m. Pastor Lee Neisch, United Methodist Church, gave the Invocation. Present: Councilmembers: Mike Gilroy, Leonard A. Hale, Paul V. Kloecker, Sara C. Nelson, Suellen C. Rowlison, Pete Valdez Jr. and Donald F. Gage, 7:00 p.m. Motion was made by Councilman Kloecker seconded by Council- man Hale that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved, by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmem- bers: Mike Gilroy, Leonard A. Hale, Paul V. Kloecker, Sara C. Nelson, Suellen C. Rowlison, Pete Valdez, Jr. and Donald F. Gage; Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 19, 1992; Denied Claim of Debra Andrade as recommended; Adopted Ordinance No. 92-17 adding Article VI to Chapter 21 of the City Code establishing a Traffic Impact Fee on Development Projects within the City and changing the effective date for implementation of fees for non-residential development projects to sixty days; Res.92-80 Surplus Items Hearing V 92-06 GPA 90-07 ( " .. ". "".,~ , '\:' '~. .~'..,..( _\~.,. ORDINANCE NO. 92 - 17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND ADDING ARTICLE VI TO CHAPTER 21 OF THE GILROY CITY CODE, ESTABLISHING A CITYWIDE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF GILROY. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, HALE, KLOECKER, NELSON, ROWLISON, VALDEZ and GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None; Adopted Resolution No. 92-80 adding City'S Consolidated Landscape Policy to State Water Conservation Requirements; RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 80 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY REAFFIRMING THE CITY'S EXISTING WATER CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, HALE, KLOECKER, NELSON, ROWLISON, VALDEZ and GAGE None None; and Approved surplus lists to include addendum of one addi- tional police vehicle and authorization to sell same at the City Auction. At 7:08 p.m. Human Resources Director Valenzuela gave his Departmental Report. At 7:42 p.m. Planning Director Dorn gave his Departmental Report. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for a Hearing to consider an appeal on the decision of the Planning Commission approving a Variance request from Section 37.51 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a fifty foot high free- standing sign and a total signage area at 7900 Arroyo Circle, south of Leavesley Road, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Applicant, V 92- 06 (C3 Shopping Center Commercial District). The Staff Report was noted including the Planning Commission Minutes further explained by Planning Director Dorn. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the proposal. Mr. Bob Carne, representing Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., addressed the Council further explaining the Variance request. Mr. Tom Carmichael, 7700 Santa Barbara Drive, appellant, addressed the Council noting his reasons for appealing the Variance granted Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The Mayor asked if there was anyone further wishing to speak on the matter. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion was made by Councilwoman Nelson seconded by Councilman Gilroy and carried directing Staff to prepare a resolution denying the appeal and upholding the decision of the Planning Commission to allow the Sign Variance requested. Councilmembers: Kloecker and Valdez voted "no" on the motion. Discussion was had on a resolution approving the General Plan Amendment request to amend the General Plan Map from Industrial Park to General Services Commercial for property located on the west side of San Ysidro Avenue, east of U.S. 101, between Las Animas Avenue and Leavesley Road on approximately 11 acres, J. Filice & Sons, Applicants, GPA 90-07. ~! .; '! 'I I ! .# " ~ .....;, :,.'. V ~ .{.~ Res.92-81 Wal-Mart Gang Task Force Personnel Com. The Staff Report was noted further explained by Senior Planner Myer. Discussion was had regarding the mitigation measures and same were revised as noted. Motion was made by Councilwoman Nelson seconded by Councilwoman Rowlison that the reading of Resolution No. 92-81 be waived and that it be adopted approving General Plan Amendment 90-07 and making CEQA findings and adopting mitigation monitoring program with corrections as noted. RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY PARTIALLY APPROVING GPA 90-07, AMENDING THE GILROY GENERAL PLAN MAP TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION FROM INDUSTRIAL PARK TO GENERAL SERVICES COMMERCIAL ON AN APPROXIMATELY 11-ACRE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF SAN YSIDRO AVENUE, EAST OF U.S. 101, BETWEEN LAS ANIMAS AND LEAVESLEY ROAD, AND MAKING FINDINGS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND ADOPTING A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HALE, NELSON, ROWLISON and GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER and VALDEZ ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Discussion was had on a proposed Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. At 9:06 p.m. the Mayor declared a recess and reconvened the Meeting at 9:12 p.m. Continued discussion was had regarding the proposed agreement with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Motion was made by Councilman Gilroy seconded by Council- woman Nelson and carried by the following Roll Call Vote to approve the proposed agreement with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in concept as to the business terms outlined: Ayes: Councilmembers: Gilroy, Hale, Nelson and Gage; Noes: Councilmembers: Kloecker, Rowlison and Valdez. It was noted that the City Attorney would present the final agreement for Council approval. Council requested that the Public Works Department report on the traffic impact fees in relation to this project. The following informational items were noted with no separate discussion on same except as noted: Customer Service: California State Automobile Association in appreciation for participation in the 1991 AAA Pedestrian Protection Program; Boy Scout Project on Uvas Creek Park Preserve; and Proclamation issued by Mayor Gage: Philanthropy Day, November 19, 1992. The Minutes of the Gang Task Force Meeting of October 14, 1992 were noted. The Minutes of the Personnel Commission Special Meeting of October 28, 1992 were noted. Motion was made by Councilman Gilroy seconded by Councilman Hale and carried that job descriptions for Engineer I and II and change in job description for Police Records Technician I be approved as recommended. City Administrator Baksa gave an update on the Water Conservation Program. Adjrnmt. i ,~ :_ ,:",~, It .~ City Administrator Baksa distributed a Memorandum regarding the Sidewalk/Curb-Gutter/Street Tree Issue to be agendized on the November 16, 1992 Council Agenda. City Administrator Baksa noted the topic of discussion at the November 19, 1992 Leadership Forum will be Traffic Impact Fees to be taped and shown on Channel 34 and a Public Information Meeting on said Fees scheduled for November 24, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Motion was made by Councilwoman Nelson seconded by Council- man Gilroy and carried by the following Roll Call Vote:that the effective date of implementation of traffic impact fees from sixty to ninety days be reconsidered at the next regular Council Meeting: Ayes: Councilmembers: Gilroy, Hale, Nelson, Rowlison and Gage; Noes: Councilmembers: Kloecker and Valdez. City Administrator Baksa distributed a proposal for Airport Site Selection Study to be agendized on the November 16, 1992 Council Agenda. Motion was made by Councilwoman Nelson seconded by Councilwoman Rowlison and carried that the December 28, 1992 Regular Council Meeting be cancelled. City Administrator Baksa noted the Boy Scouts Project on Uvas Park Preserve. Councilwoman Rowlison noted the new State Legislation re: the Landscape Policy of three inch layer of mulch requirement. Councilman Gilroy invited Council to the VFW and American Legion Joint Veterans' Day Ceremony at 11:00 a.m., November 11, 1992 at the Veterans' Memorial Building on Sixth Street. Councilman Kloecker reported on the ABAG General Assembly Meeting. Councilwoman Rowlison noted success of the Gang Task Force. The Mayor invited Council to the November 4th meeting, noting a video tape will be shown. The following meetings were noted: Joint Council/School District Liaison Committee Meeting, November 5, 1992 - 5:45 p.m., Gilroy School District Board Meeting Room, Arroyo Circle; Council Study Session, November 9, 1992 - 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers, re: Discussion of Residential Development Ordinance issues; Leadership Forum, Senior Center, 7:30 a.m., November 19, 1992 re: Discussion of Traffic Impact Fees; Council Study Session, November 30, 1992 - 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers, re: Discussion of Violent Crime Rate Issue. City Administrator Baksa noted tentative dates for the Council Retreat to be January 22, 23 and 24, 1993. At 10:05 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, 4~1~~' ~~