Minutes 1993/12/13
Crime Report
special Meeting
December 13, 1993
Gilroy, California
The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The Agenda was posted on December 2, 1993 at 11:58 a.m.
Present: councilmembers: K. A. Mike Gilroy, Paul V.
Kloecker, Charles S. Morales, Connie Rogers, suellen C. Rowlison,
Pete valdez, Jr. and Donald F. Gage. (7:00 p.m.)
The Mayor stated that the purpose of the meeting was to
discuss and/or take action regarding the Anti-violent Crime Report
in general and revenue enhancement or reductions, specifically.
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city Administrator Baksa gave an update on the Council's
last study session regarding the Anti-violent crime Report and
noted formal action in regard to the community service officer
would be by a future budget amendment. He further noted possible
increase in various revenue sources and possible new revenue
sources. Discussion was had by council on the matter.
councilman Valdez requested staff check with the League of
california cities to determine if other cities would be interested
in a sales tax increase since same would require a ballot measure.
council requested staff pursue increases to the Real Prop-
erty Transfer Tax and construction Tax and legality of an increase
in utility users tax (water, sewer, garbage) and determine the
amount of General Fund monies that could be available if these tax
increases were in place.
The Mayor requested that the city continue with the process
of hiring the police officers proposed to avoid delays when the
funding is available.
councilman Kloecker requested that all community needs be
investigated, and all funding sources available; i.e., street
repair, storm drain replacement, sidewalk problems, handicap
ramps, etc. for an overall tax increase, rather than just for the
police problems.
councilman Gilroy noted that priorities need to be
established and that he would not be in favor of delaying hiring
proposed police officers at this time; other community needs
should be investigated but not to delay the proposal in the anti-
violent crime report. He further requested that an increase to
the Transient occupancy Tax be investigated.
city Administrator Baksa noted that this year's Capital
Improvement Budget will show the unfunded liabilities and a
summary of what these are and funding sources to be presented to
council at the end of January 1994.
councilman Kloecker noted that council needs to view the
overall scope of the street repair problem and funding for same;
overall scope of the expected annual cost and view a list of major
unfunded problem areas to address in total whether it be in
operation or capital.
city Administrator Baksa noted that currently the council
should focus on four patrol officers to deal with the gang issue
anticipated to be upon the city in the spring.
councilwoman Rogers suggested that an advisory measure be
placed on the June '94 Ballot to determine if the public is
willing to pay for the proposed plan for police officers and
prevention and should contact state legislators regarding the
sales tax increase issue.
councilman valdez noted that infrastructure needs for gang
prevention and intervention should be addressed.
Motion was made by councilman Kloecker seconded by council-
man Morales and carried to direct the city Administrator to
research the four (4) tax increases (real property tax, construc-
tion tax, utility users tax on city utilities, and maintenance
assessment district) and summarize and categorize all unfunded
liability needs and possible funding for presentation to council
at the capital Improvement Budget session.
councilwoman Rowlison requested that the Gang Task Force
Advisory Board inform council of their proposed programs for gang
councilman Morales requested that a retreat with the school
Districts Board Members be scheduled to discuss common issues and
the proposed plans of the city.
councilman Gilroy noted citizens concerns with drug dealers
in specific neighborhoods and inquired where the police department
responsibilities begin and end, further responded to by chief of
Police sumisaki.
councilman Valdez requested that at the next Police
Departmental Report before Council that the matter of assistance
by the utility agencies, i.e. contel; P.G. & E., etc. be
Councilman Kloecker requested a report by the Supervisor of
UNET and activities being accomplished for the city. chief of
Police sumisaki noted that they will be scheduled to give council
an update on their activities.
councilman Morales requested additional information
regarding the city of calexico's sales tax issue.
councilwoman Rowlison distributed an article in regard to
weapons to council for their review.
At 8:46 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
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