Minutes 1996/02/26 6760 Invocation posting Agenda Roll Call volunteer consent calendar Budget Regular Meeting February 26, 1996 Gilroy, california The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. pastor Malcolm Macphail, New Hope community church, gave the Invocation. The city clerk noted that the Agenda had been posted on February 22, 1996 - 8:20 a.m. present: councilmembers: K. A. Mike Gilroy, charles s. Morales, connie Rogers, suellen c. Rowlison, Thomas w. springer, Pete valdez, Jr. and Donald F. Gage; The Mayor presented the Volunteer service program volunteers of the Month of February 1996 to the Rainbow Girls' organization. Motion was made by Councilman Gilroy, seconded by council- man Morales that the following item under the consent calendar be approved by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: councilmembers: K. A. Mike Gilroy, charles s. Morales, connie Rogers, suellen C. Rowlison, Thomas w. springer, Pete valdez, Jr. and Donald F. Gage; Approved Budget Amendments/Transfers as recommended. willey cult. ctr. pub.Hear. Waste Mgt. plan Res.96-7 skateboards etc. 676t Fire chief Gillespie gave the Department Report assisted by Rod Pavao, chief of operations; Ed Bozzo, Fire Apparatus Engineer regarding swift Water Rescue; update on Emergency Medical services and Regional Fire Protection Update. At 7:35 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the meeting and continued with the regular order of the agenda. city Administrator Baksa presented and explained a recommen- dation on bids received for the willey cultural Center further explained by parks superintendent Headley. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Motion was made by councilman valdez seconded by council- woman Rowlison and carried that the bid of south Bay Maintenance company in the amount of $213,790.00 be awarded for the willey cultural Center Restoration project as recommended. The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing to consider a resolution approving the county of Santa Clara Integrated Waste Management plan, Summary plan and siting. The staff Report was noted and further explained by city Administrator Baksa. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the proposal. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion was made by councilwoman Rowlison seconded by councilwoman Rogers that the reading of Resolution No. 96-7 be waived and that it be adopted approving said plan as recommended. RESOLUTION NO. 96 - 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN, SUMMARY AND SITING ELEMENT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of February, 1996, by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, MORALES, SPRINGER, VALDEZ None None ROGERS, ROWLISON, and GAGE An ordinance amending section 16.32 of the city code and adding section 16.32-1 was noted relating to the regulation of skateboards, roller skates, inline skates and other similar wheeled devices further explained by city Administrator Baksa. Discussion was had by council regarding the proposed ordinance. Mr. Bob Dyer, 1230 First street, Ste. 204, representing Hecker Pass, Westwood center, orchard, safeway, El Dorado plaza and contempo shopping centers, addressed the council noting a severe problem with property damage, landscaping, sprinklers, curb and sidewalks, walls and windows, and customer harassment at the centers created by skateboard riders. Discussion was had regarding penalty for repeated violators. councilman Valdez suggested that vendors issue the city'S regulations at the time of purchase of skateboard, etc. Motion was made by councilwoman Rowlison seconded by councilman Morales and unanimously carried that the ordinance be read by title and waived further reading of the ordinance. The city Attorney noted minor changes to the ordinance. The Clerk read the title of the ordinance. 6'~6r.J ( ~ CIB 1996- 2001 Visitors' Bureau Motion was made by councilwoman Rowlison seconded by councilman Morales and carried that the ordinance as amended be introduced and published by title and summary. The 1996-2001 capital Improvement Budget was noted and further explained by city Administrator Baksa. Motion was made by councilwoman Rowlison seconded by councilman valdez and carried that the 1996-2001 capital Improvement Budget be approved as submitted. city Administrator Baksa requested council return their copies of the CIB for an update on same. The year-end audit of the Visitors' Bureau was noted and further explained by Len west, Executive officer, and Kerry Dexter/David peoples, chairperson of the Advisory Council and review of the Visitors' Bureau of Goals and objectives. It was requested the Visitors' Bureau video tape be displayed on Channel 34. It was requested by council that a survey of Cal Train's number of patrons for cal Train weekend service be polled. The following information items were noted with no separate discussion on same except as noted: customer service: Inter-office Memorandum from community Development to community Services staff In Appreciation; Letters In Appreciation of police Department for Adopt-A- school Program; (Councilwoman Rogers complemented officer steve Morrow and others for this successful program. city Administrator Baksa noted that letters and funding were received without solicitation); Concerned citizens In Appreciation of Museum staff; councilman springer In Appreciation of community Development Director's Efforts on Arcadia/Farotte Development; santa clara valley Water District's reappointment of councilwoman Rowlison as representative on Board of Directors and community Development Director as alternate representative on the South Flood Control Zone Advisory; and reappointment of c~uncil- woman Rowlison as representative on the santa Clara valley Water commission and Mayor Gage as alternate; League of california cities Legislative Bulletin #7 - 1996; (councilwoman Rowlison requested council support proposition #62- tabled action on same to await a formal bill identification and recommendation from the League); Concerned citizen re: Gilroy Dispatch Article on police officer at High school Campus; Gilroy Police Department Employee of the Month of November, 1995, Carol sanford, Police Records Technician II; GDDC re: Future of Gilroy's Downtown; Minutes of Santa clara county Library District Joint Powers Authority Meetings of october 26, 1995 and January 25, 1996; city'S Investment Report, January 1996; Senator Feinstein re: Federal Gang Violence Act Press Release, February 12, 1996; (councilman Gilroy requested that a letter of support from the Mayor be forwarded.); and P.& R.Com. 1-16-96 2-20-96 Res.96-8 Amicus Brief 6763 supervisor Honda re: Domestic Partners' Ordinance for Santa clara county. councilman Gilroy requested the city respond with a reply not in favor of the proposed ordinance. council requested this matter be addressed by supervisor Honda at a council study session. The Minutes of the of the Parks & Recreation commission Meeting of January 16, 1996 were noted. The Minutes of the senior Advisory Board Meeting of January 22, 1996 were noted. The Minutes of the Arts & culture Commission Meetings of January 9, 1996 and February 13, 1996 were noted; and The Minutes of the Library Commission Meeting of January 10, 1996 were noted. The Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting of February 20, 1996 were noted. Motion was made by councilman Valdez seconded by council- woman Rowlison that the reading of Resolution No. 96-8 be waived and that it be adopted endorsing Measure "A" Yes on Parks. RESOLUTION NO. 96 - 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ENDORSING THE PASSAGE OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY MEASURE A ON THE MARCH 26, 1996 BALLOT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of February, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS; NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, MORALES, SPRINGER, VALDEZ None None ROGERS, ROWLISON, and GAGE city Administrator Baksa distributed the summary of the Facilitator's Report on the council/Managers' Retreat. A request from Independent cities Association was noted to ]01n Amicus Brief re: city of Alhambra v. Ikemoto re: property Taxes further explained by the city Attorney. Council took no action on the matter. The city Attorney reported on the Gaeta v Gilroy Law suit and North v city Law Suit noting both had been ruled in favor of the city of Gilroy. councilwoman Rowlison noted an article re: Gangs in the February 25 San Jose Mercury News to be copied for council review. councilman Morales recognized concerned citizens in their efforts for community safety and funding received for At Risk Families/Youth and AAUW for Seminars provided. councilwoman Rogers noted a Youth services Action plan of the city of San Jose to be distributed to council for information requesting that a council Study Session be scheduled regarding Youth Programs, opportunities and recreational needs for their involvement during planning process. city Administrator Baksa suggested council representatives be appointed as subcommittee of collaboratives' to address the youth programs. The Mayor noted the following meetings/events: Luigi Aprea Fundamental School Science Faire, February 27, 1996 - 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., 9225 calle Del Rey, Gilroy, re: city councilmembers volunteering to judge exhibits; 676/1 Adjrnmt. ,":':':;';_'."7;"''''';:'';;,oo_.,Yif''''-'; '";"':';'2'f,~d$.~'V"e;E-~'W'~'I.J;:i..Ji!.','",~.'.:z:':~~"';[j:(,\~-.-.",:;"",-;;_",,:;;';:'::X',-b'_.:-!.'_VL;~,",""-,~'~-:-,~~Y...::",:.Ur'.:;;'ht:.;~:;;)t'-"l~"C_':;i_-': ,. = "2.K'::{,{-,:2;:.::.d.j~',:,,-,",,~"<' Joint cities of Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill and San Juan Bautista study Session, February 27, 1996 - 7:00 p.m., Hollister city Hall 375 Fifth street, Hollister, re: Cable TV Refranchising; Joint city/school Liaison committee Meeting, February 28, 1996 - 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., School District Board Meeting Room, 7810 Arroyo circle, Gilroy, re: Issues of ~utual Concern; Lord's Table Fund Raiser, March 16, 1996 - 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saint Mary's Parish Hall, 11 First street, Gilroy; city councilmembers volunteering to serve; and sound Demonstration re: santa Teresa Boulevard Sound walls, March 19, 1996 - Time and Location to be Determined. At 9:00 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted,