Minutes 1996/10/21
Roll Call
New Emp.
Emp. Award
Paula Gann
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Regular Meeting
October 21, 1996
Gilroy, California
The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Pastor Kevin Wilson, Gilroy Bible Church, gave the Invocation.
The Deputy City Clerk noted that the Agenda had been posted on
October 17, 1996 - 2: 1 0 p.rn.
Present: Councilmembers: K. A. Mike Gilroy, Charles S. Morales, Connie
Rogers, Suellen C. Rowlison, Thomas W. Springer, Pete Valdez, Jr. and Donald F.
Gage; 7:02 p.m.
Councilman Gilroy introduced Mr. Ted Van Geffm, Chairman, Finance
Committee, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, and an aviation writer.
The Mayor introduced new employee Kelly Singleton, Groundskeeper I.
The Mayor presented Virginia Montano, Secretary, Fire Department with
the Employee ofthe Month Award for September, 1996.
Noted Presentation by Paula Gann, Associate Director of Community
Solutions, inviting the Council to a conference on Friday and Saturday, October 25
and 26, 1996 regarding domestic violence.
Motion was made by Councilman Valdez, seconded by Councilman
Morales that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved by the
following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmembers: K. A. Mike Gilroy, Charles S.
Morales, Connie Rogers, Suellen C. Rowlison, Thomas W. Springer, Pete Valdez,
Jr. and Donald F. Gage:
Pub. Hear.
GP A 95-02
Pub. Hear.
Z 96-02
Pub. Hear.
Z 96-06
Approved the Minutes of the Regular Council Meetings of September 16,
23, and 30, 1996; and
Approved Budget Amendments/Transfers as recommended.
The Mayor stated that a Public Hearing on GP A 95-02 General Plan
Amendment - Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children, Applicant, denied by the
Planning Commission at their October 3, 1996 meeting, has been continued to
October 28, 1996 to coincide with the appeal hearing on Z 96-02.
The Mayor stated that a Public Hearing on Z 96-02 Prezoning - Shriner's
Hospital for Crippled Children, Applicant, denied by the Planning Commission at
their October 3, 1996 meeting, has been continued to October 28, 1996.
The Mayor stated that it was the time and place scheduled to consider a
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Amend Several Sections of the Zoning
Ordinance, including Section 18.30 Commercial Use Table; Section 46.40 Density
Exceptions; and Section 50.40 Architectural and Site Approval, City of Gilroy
applicant, Z 96-06.
The Staff Report was noted and further explained by Planner II Durkin.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for
or against the proposal. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. The
Mayor closed the Public Hearing.
Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers seconded by Councilman
Valdez and carried that Staffbe directed to prepare an ordinance approving the
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, Z 96-06 as presented.
Took no action for reconsideration of removal of Caroline R. Haess1er as
Arts & Culture Commissioner.
Discussion was had by Council in regard to recommendations from the
Solid Waste and Recycling Committee.
Motion was made by Councilman Gilroy seconded by Councilman Morales
and carried to approve delaying implementation of the Yard Trimmings Program
to do further study to review new programs/alternatives for yard waste, including
studying different sized containers with the ability to choose a container size and a
tiered yard waste structure.
Motion was made by Councilman Gilroy seconded by Councilman Springer
and carried approving implementation ofthe Mixed Paper Program.
Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers seconded by Councilman
Morales and carried to include multi-family residential, including those larger than
eight units.
Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers for the City to do an
educational program relating to recycling to meet our 50% goal (i.e. with a
thermometer), and the motion died for lack of a second.
Motion was made by Councilman Springer seconded by Councilwoman
Rogers and carried to accept the :re~qmme119ation of the CAC to delay
Commercial Recycling decision for cardboard for one year.
Motion was made by Councilman Gilroy seconded by Councilman Springer
and carried (Councilwoman Rowlison voting no) to retain the current fee
Council requested quarterly reports on recycling.
The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on
any matter not on the agenda.
Pamela Jones, 1435 Falcon Court, spoke in regard to Northwest Quad
concerns, including the proposed signal light at Longmeadow and Santa Teresa
Boulevard and Shapell Development concerns in which she read into the record
information from an October 18, 1996 memo from the Director of Community
Development to the City Administrator which stated that "The study of uses of
open space will be a part of the General Plan Amendment and Park Master Plan
process. This process will occur over the next two to two and one-half years. It is
staffs recommendation that an analysis be done prior to acceptance of any
dedication of open space. No work has begun on this analysis but it will be a part
of the above process. The City can consider acceptance of the open space during
the approval of any of the final maps which will be fIled on this project. The
acceptance of this open space will not occur until these issues are resolved. At the
June 17 meeting, it was decided to form a recreational use task force. The make-
up of the task force was not decided but presumably, the development community,
including Shapell, would have been included. At the June 24 meeting,
representatives from Shapell requested that their property frontage on the west
side of Santa Teresa between Uvas Creek and Miller Avenue be exempted from
the requirement for separated bike paths/trails. Their request was granted by the
City Council. This precluded any need for Shapell to be involved in the
recreational use task force." She also had questions on Density Transfers, and
questions on the cataloging of the trees in the Shapell development.
Continued action on the City of San Jose request for support to adopt an
ordinance to ban the sale of "Saturday Night Specials" in the City of Gilroy, for
additional information from the Police Department.
Motion was made by Councilwoman Rowlison seconded by Councilman
Morales and carried to approve a request by the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce for
the City to install and remove street pole Christmas decorations, banners, and
The following informational items were noted with no separate discussion
on same:
Customer Service:
Pastor Malcolm MacPhail in appreciation for use of City facilities;
B.L.E.S. inter-office memo in appreciation of Fleet & Facility Services
Division's assistance;
Assemblyman Frusetta applauding Gilroy Youth Center;
City's response to young citizen's honorable actions;
The Dispatch newspaper articles, September 27, 1996, John Lara, Police
Officer and October 5, 1996, Ralph C. Hernandez, City Custodian;
Community Development Department Staff in appreciation of assistance by
South County Housing regarding Willey Cultural Center;
Arts & Culture Commission in appreciation of City Administrator's
assistance with Joint Council/Commissions orientation meetings;
Esther Corral-Carlson, Principal, Glen View School, and Chief of Police
commending Staff for assistance;
County of San Luis Obispo expressing appreciation for the City of Gilroy
Fire Department's assistance in the Highway 58 fIfe;
Plan. Com.
Lib. Com.
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Proposed LAFCO filing requirements, letters from City of Gilroy and
Morgan Hill;
League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin #35 - 1996.
Proclamations issued by Mayor Gage: Hospice Month - November 1996
and Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October, 1996;
Minutes of the Gilroy Visitors' Bureau Advisory Council meeting of
September 12, 1996 and Financial Transactions through August 31, 1996;
Proposed schedule of City Commission reports to Council;
City's response in support of establishing a California Conservation Corp.
in Gilroy;
Report on downtown bicycle enforcement effort;
Falcon Cable new Regional Manager for Gilroy region, Alan Feldstein;
California Fire Chiefs' Association-Fire Districts Association of California
re: Proposition 218.
City's response to City issues raised by Pamela Jones;
Information on Proposition 218-- The Fox Initiative from the League of
California Cities;
Janet Romero comments and suggestions regarding recycling yard waste
and response by Lisa Jensema, City of Gilroy Environmental Programs
The report of the Planning Commission meeting of October 3, 1996,
was noted.
Motion by Councilwoman Rogers seconded by Councilman Morales to
approve the recommendations of the Housing Element Implementation Task
Force, and the motion and second were withdrawn.
Council requested a Study Session be set to review the recommendations
from the Housing Element Implementation Task Force.
At 9:55 p.m. the Mayor declared a recess and reconvened the meeting at
10:05 p.m.
The minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of
September 17, 1996 were noted.
The minutes of the Arts and Culture Commission meeting of September 10,
1996 were noted.
The minutes of the Library Commission meeting of September 4, 1996
were noted.
The minutes ofthe South County Regional Wastewater Authority meeting
of August 13, 1996 were noted.
City Administrator Baksa noted the update on the Water Conservation
Pro gram.
City Administrator Baksa distributed a schedule for the Santa Teresa
Boulevard Signalization.
City Administrator Baksa noted workshops with the Personnel and
Planning Commissions scheduled for November 12.
City Administrator Baksa noted cancellation of the City/School Liaison
meeting and rescheduled to November 20, 1996 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the
School District Offices.
City Administrator Baksa explained Proposition 218 to the Council.
The Mayor announced that the City of Gilroy was nominated and won the
Helen Putnam Award through the League of California Cities for the Youth
The Mayor noted that he will be discussing the issues of crime and gangs
with other cities' officials, and will be hosting a meeting for officials from
surrounding cities to come and discuss what can be done in our cities.
Councilwoman Rowlison noted that we were one of the few cities at the
League conference with all of our Council present. She noted some ideas she
received for projects for the CCC.
Councilman Morales noted a workshop dealing with being proactive and
teaching children about local government.
Councilman Valdez stated that it was the second year in a row that the
entire Council attended the League conference, and thanked Connie for the idea of
the boutonnieres. He noted workshops he attended on downtown revitalization.
He noted a new transit vehicle that will be showcased on December 14 to run
between Tamian Station and Gilroy.
Councilwoman Rogers agreed with the Mayor's decision to bring
surrounding cities together to see a truce program set up. She requested a report
on how many people in Gilroy are on welfare or receive food stamps.
Councilman Gilroy requested Bill Linsteadt give a presentation to Council
every six months for an update on the EDC. He thanked City Staff for their
assistance with the downtown cleanup last Saturday. He noted information he
received at the League conference that needs to get to the Police Department.
Councilman Springer stated that he ordered audio tapes from some of the
sessions at the League conference, and that he will give them to the Deputy City
Clerk if anyone wants to borrow them.
The Mayor and Councilman Gilroy noted videos that the City may want to
air on Channel 34.
The City Administrator distributed binders of information from HCD
regarding the CDBG process.
The Mayor noted the following meetings/events:
Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session, October 24,
1996 - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy Senior Center, 7371 Hanna Street, Gilroy, re:
Preliminary Briefmg and Review of proposed Residential Development Ordinance
City Council Study Session, October 24, 1996 - approximately 8:00 p.m.,
Council Chambers, City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, re: Annual Review of
Procedures regarding CDBG Funding with HCD Staff.
Joint City/School District Liaison Committee Meeting, October 29, 1996 -
5 :30 p.m. to 7 :00 p.m., Gilroy Unified School District Board Room, 7810 Arroyo
Circle, Gilroy (since cancelled and rescheduled to November 20, 1996 - 5:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m.).
At 10:14 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
/ ,~~~\
Deputy City Clerk