Minutes 1999/10/25 - .. ....-"'F..."'.>"...".""""""-"''''.~'''"''''''.,..'''''''''.".,,',,.....=.f' ", ..---.---~_...__._--~- - Posting Agenda Roll Call ,.':..._ '.~~'::-32~2:"':;':2~:::-c~:."':""'~"':':":"':C:~~'.~~'~""3'~="""~C:.::""""'"~;: .~"-,~-"."",:,,-j',,i'-,""':.cc."'- ,.:,~:~o;;'=:=;,;,.:c';,~,_~::::;",",,~;',<,',,:,:;c-:""""'--"- .L';'" '. ';:".:.;.."Of!;'-~':;',.i.~~';"':._..~...~";'-",.'~~:'- 7 " .' '7 '1 ,.~ Special Meeting October 25, 1999 Gilroy, California The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Clerk noted that the Agenda had been posted on October 21, 1999 at 4:27 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Guadalupe Arellano, Lisabeth A. Gifford, Charles S. Morales, Suellen C. Rowlison, Thomas W. Springer, Anthony C. Sudol III, and K. A. Mike Gilroy - 7:00 p.m. l I 7L.t )r . I.. .J Pub.Hearing GPA 99-01 Adjournment The Mayor stated it was the time and place scheduled for a Public Hearing on a General Plan Update and Amendment request. The proposed 1999 Update of the City of Gilroy's General Plan document is the first comprehensive update of the General Plan since its initial adoption in November, 1979. The proposed 1999 General Plan Update provides a guide for the physical development of the City, and brings the Plan into conformance with changes in State law and other legal requirements; reflects changes in the local population and economy since 1979; incorporates the most recent projections and assumptions regarding future growth; and responds to the issues, challenges and opportunities created by recent trends and developments. The proposed 1999 General Plan includes goals, policies and programs regarding State-mandated General Plan elements (Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Open Space, Conservation, Safety, and Noise), and "optional elements" (Agriculture, Air Quality, Cultural Facilities, Economic Development, Growth Management, Historic Preservation, Parks and Recreation, Scenic Highways, Schools, and Water Supply and Quality) to the year 2020. City of Gilroy, applicant, GP A 99-01. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing, explaining that the Council has not received any recommendation as yet from the Planning Commission, and would therefore be continuing this request to November 1, 1999. The City Attorney stated that the Planning Commission continued their Public Hearing to October 28, 1999. Hearing no comment from the audience, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion was made by Councilmember Arellano, seconded by Councilman Sudol and carried to continue the Public Hearing to the regular meeting of November 1, 1999. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on any item not on the agenda. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. The Mayor noted the following meetings/events: *Meeting will be televised on Channel 34 OCTOBER 1999 26 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy 27*Mayor and Council Candidate Forum - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers NOVEMBER 1999 1 *Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 9 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy 15*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 23 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy DECEMBER 1999 6*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 13 Interviews for Boards/Commissions - 7:00 p,m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 14 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy 20*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 28 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy At 7:05 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. z:~~. /s/ RHONDA PELLIN City Clerk