Minutes 2001/02/05 76i;~ Regular Meeting February 5, 2001 Gilroy, California The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Posting Agenda The City Clerk noted that the Agenda had been posted on January 31, 2001 at 11:45 a.m. Roll Call Present: Councilmembers: Guadalupe Arellano, Peter D. Arellano, Charles S. Morales, Al Pinheiro, Anthony C. Sudol III, Roland Velasco, and Thomas W. Springer - 7:08 p.m. The Mayor stated that under Orders of the Day, action will be taken on Z 00- 07, then the Public Hearing will be held on TM 00-08, then action on NS 00-40. Councilmembers Sudol and Velasco stated that they viewed the tape of the previous meeting and that they will vote on issues at this meeting. Promoted Emp. The Mayor introduced promoted employee Cydney Casper, Planner II, Community Development Department. Kirsten Carr The Mayor introduced Kirsten Carr, Executive Director, Gilroy Visitors Bureau. Vol. Award The Mayor presented the Volunteers of the Month Award for January, 2001 to Laisha & Celina Munoz. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on any item not on the agenda. Amos Brown stated there is a lot of senseless gang shooting going on in this town. He stated that there should be zero tolerance to allow the perpetrator to be on the streets. He stated a joint effort needs to be done to remove the guns from the hands of the kids that carry them. Consent Calendar Motion was made by Councilman Morales, seconded by Councilman P. Arellano and carried that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved, by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmembers: Guadalupe Arellano, Peter D. Arellano, Charles S. Morales, Al Pinheiro, Anthony C. Sudol III, Roland Velasco, and Thomas W. Springer: Minutes Minutes ofthe Regular Council Meeting of January 16,2001; Budget Budget Amendments/Transfers as recommended; Claims Denied claims of Maria Esther Robles and Maria Melendez; Accept. Impr. Accepted Improvements, Tract 9173, Santa Teresa Estates, LLC; Tract 9173 Santa Teresa Est. ,LLC 7i~/':; v' '- Res. 2001-4 Adopted Resolution No. 2001-4 establishing an all-way stop at the intersection of Ronan Avenue and Taos Way in the City of Gilroy pursuant to Section 15.40 of the City Code; RESOLUTION NO. 2001-4 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING AN ALL-WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECTION OF RONAN AVENUE AND TAOS WAY IN THE CITY OF GILROY PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.40 OF THE CITY CODE. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of February, 2001, by the following vote; AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: G. ARELLANO, P. ARELLANO, MORALES, PINHEIRO, SUDOL, VELASCO and SPRINGER NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE Prop.Impr.Agr. Property Improvement Agreement No. 2001-01, Tract 9312, Eagle Ridge, Tract 9312 Phase IV, A.P.N. 810-44-010 & 011, Eagle Ridge Development Company, LLC. Eagle Ridge Ph.IV Pub. Hearing Z 00-07 The Mayor stated it was the time and place scheduled for a continued Public Hearing on a Zone Change request to change the City of Gilroy Zoning Map from Al (Agriculture) to R3-PUD (Medium Density Residential-Planned Unit Development) on approximately 22.3::1:: acres ofland located at the southwest corner of Santa Teresa Boulevard and Hecker Pass Highway. Coastal Rim Properties, applicant, Z 00-07. Councilman Velasco recused himself from discussion and vote on these issues due to the proximity of his residence to this project, and stepped down from the dais. Motion was made by Councilmember G. Arellano, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried (Councilman Pinheiro voting no and Councilman Velasco absent) to direct staff to prepare an ordinance approving Z 00-07. Pub. Hearing TM 00-08 The Mayor stated it was the time and place scheduled for a continued Public Hearing on a Tentative Map request to subdivide approximately 22.3::1:: acres of land into a 13-10t residential (senior housing) subdivision on property proposed for rezoning from Al (Agriculture) to R3-PUD (Medium Density Residential-Planned Unit Development) located at the southwest corner of Santa Teresa Boulevard and Hecker Pass Highway. Coastal Rim Properties, applicant, TM 00-08. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing. Franco Mola stated that they have worked hard on this project for several years. He reviewed the proposed project. Amos Brown stated that he is in disagreement with the map. He asked that the Building Code be revised so that the care facility can be of the highest standard. Joel Goldsmith noted concern with the building height and the Third Street area. He requested that Third Street flow into the Hecker Pass Specific Plan area. He reviewed possible solutions to his concerns. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. In answer to a question, Mr. Mola explained the proposal for the estate lot. He questioned adding this estate lot to the Hecker Pass Specific Plan area. The Mayor requested a friendly amendment to the following motion, but was not agreed upon to add a condition that the estate lot be added for review by the Hecker Pass Specific Plan Committee and also to add a 100' setback from Third Street. ""1 I' -, , ( b / c. NS 00-40 RD 92-29 Motion was made by Councilmember G. Arellano, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried (Councilmembers Pinheiro and Sudol voting no and Councilman Velasco absent) to direct staff to prepare a resolution modifYing TM 00-08, with additional conditions relating to deeding in perpetuity the estate lot containing one unit, dedication ofUvas Parkway to be moved from Phase II to Phase I, and to allow the Hecker Pass Specific Plan Committee to review the Third Street corridor. The Mayor noted a request for a Planned Unit Development design review for the overall design concept for Village Green, a 175-bed senior care facility, 37 senior citizen cottage (condominium) units, and 75 senior citizen rental units, on property proposed for rezoning from Al (Agriculture) to R3-PUD (Medium Density Residential-Planned Unit Development) located at the southwest corner of Santa Teresa Boulevard and Hecker Pass Highway. Coastal Rim Properties, applicant, NS 00-40. The City Attorney recommended that if the Council wishes to take additional action regarding the unit on the estate lot, then explained that the Council should take it out of action related to this application. Planner II Durkin reviewed a compromise plan for parking, decreasing 40 stalls from the current plan from the single family housing area, and noted the location for the gate. Motion was made by Councilman Pinheiro to approve the request modifYing it to require a 100' setback from Third Street and to limit the height to two stories, and the motion failed for lack of a second. Motion was made by Councilman Morales, seconded by Mayor Springer and carried (Councilmembers Pinheiro and Sudol voting no and Councilman Velasco absent) to direct staff to prepare a resolution modifYing NS 00-40 as recommended by the Planning Commission, with staff's amended recommendation for parking. At 8:46 p.m. the Mayor called for a recess, after which he recalled the meeting to order. Councilman Velasco returned to his seat at the dais. The Mayor noted a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending RD 92-29, a residential development allocation of218 units, to relocate to Phase 4 and reduce to twenty-five certain townhouse units on property located north of Mantelli Drive, at the northeast corner of the Country Estates Subdivision, APN 783-47-004, Gill Properties, applicant. I Planner II Casper noted that the applicant has held two meetings with homeowners to address concerns. She noted that the meetings were held on December 19,2000 and January 3,2001. She noted that there have been no changes to the map with regard to these meetings. Russell Schaeffer noted that Country Drive is unsafe for cars or pedestrians. He noted that the Council is planning to add additional vehicles to an unsafe roadway. Kristin Driggs, Valley Oaks Drive, noted that she is impressed with the time the City and the developer have taken with this project. She noted that if the Council does not approve this, it will put the homeowners on Valley Oaks Drive at risk. She requested the Council approve the plan as it is. Heidi Cook, Dove Court, stated that she is opposed to the opening of Crest Hill Way to through traffic due to increased traffic and related safety issues. She requested that the plan be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. l6Y) Mark F. Lyons thanked the Council and the Traffic Engineer for the stop signs. He also thanked the Traffic Engineer for the traffic light to be constructed at Santa Teresa Boulevard and Mantelli Drive in August rather than in two years. He read a letter into the record from Keith Higgins, Higgins & Associates, opposed to the change in the map from the original version. He requested the Council require the developer to construct a 4 foot sidewalk on at least one side of Mantelli Drive from Rancho Hills Drive to the westerly terminus ofMantelli Drive. David Avilla, Valley Oaks Drive, noted that the developer has worked with the property owners, and asked that the map be approved as proposed and approved by the Planning Commission. Frankie Ness, Mantelli Drive, questioned why Crest Hill Way is concerned with the traffic from this project. She proposed that stop signs be placed at every intersection on Mantelli and Country Drives. She requested two accesses out of the area. She requested bumps be placed in the roadway on Country Drive. Susan Stieg, Mantelli Drive, requested a safe community both on Crest Hill Way and Mantelli Drive. She read excerpts from the Fire Master Plan regarding fire and emergency services and response times. She stated that as the City looks at new development, the City needs to look at emergency services. She requested approval be delayed for this project. Karen Titus, Valley Oaks Court, noted there are no bike lanes on Crest Hill Drive. She commented that Keith Higgins is a Country Estates resident. She questioned why the City is spending millions of dollars on roadways if the City is not going to use them. Katherine Filice stated that the plan has been signed offby all departments, and there is nothing wrong with it. She noted that they attempted to include all the residents in the planning process. She noted that meetings have been held, and no better plan has been proposed. She requested Council support by approving the project. (At 9:31 p.m. Councilman Morales left the Council Chambers, and returned at 9:33 p.m.) Brian Elliott, Country Drive, noted a major problem that the Country Estates streets are significantly narrower. He stated that there is a problem of human safety. He noted a blindside corner near the mailboxes for Country Estates. He commented that the Council should address these concerns, and come up with reasonable solutions. City Attorney Callon noted that the Tentative Map and Architectural and Site resolutions will be ll!.odified to include additional meeting dates. Traffic Engineer Abrams distributed operational improvements to the Country Estates/Mantelli Drive area as a result of neighborhood meetings by the developer and communication with the contractor for Country Estates Phase II. Motion was made by Councilman Velasco, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried to approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration, finding that (a) it is completed in compliance with CEQA, (b) it reflects the independent judgment of the City, and (c) there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Res. 2001-5 Motion was made by Councilman Morales, seconded by Councilman Velasco and carried to adopt Resolution No. 2001-5 approving RD 92-29 with the inclusion of further meeting dates. -/ ' 76 \.' TM 99-13 Oaks Motel Pacheco Pass Motel RESOLUTION NO. 2001-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING RD 92-29, A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ALLOCATION OF 218 UNITS, TO RELOCATE TO PHASE 4 AND REDUCE TO TWENTY- FIVE CERTAIN TOWNHOUSE UNITS ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF MANTELLI DRIVE, AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE COUNTRY ESTATES SUBDIVISION, APN 783-47-04, GILL PROPERTIES, APPLICANT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of February, 2001, by the following vote; AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: G. ARELLANO, P. ARELLANO, MORALES, PINHEIRO, SUDOL, VELASCO and SPRINGER NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE The Mayor noted a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy modifYing and approving TM 99-13, a Tentative Map to create sixty-seven single- family lots on approximately 60 acres located north ofMantelli Drive, at the northeast corner of the Country Estates Subdivision, APNs 783-47-003, 783-47- 004 and 783-04-018, Gill Properties, applicant. (At 9:56 p.m. Councilman Pinheiro left the Council Chambers and returned at 9:59 p.m.) Motion was made by Councilman P. Arellano, seconded by Councilman Velasco and carried (Councilmembers Morales, Pinheiro, and Springer voting no) to continue the request to March 5, 2001 to receive information on the possible installation of sidewalks and a review of the legal issues. (At 10:21 p.m. Councilman P. Arellano left the Council Chambers and returned at 10:23 p.m.) The Mayor noted a request for the City Council to issue Administrative Subpoenas regarding the City of Gilroy's compliance review of Transient Occupancy Tax Records ofMotel/Hotel operators for the Oaks and Pacheco Pass Motels. Motion was made by Councilman Morales, seconded by Councilman Velasco and carried (Councilman P. Arellano absent) to approve issuance of an Administrative Subpoena regarding the City of Gilroy's compliance review of Transient Occupancy Tax Records ofMotel/Hotel operators for the Oaks Motel. Motion was made by Councilman Morales, seconded by Councilman Velasco and carried to approve issuance of an Administrative Subpoena regarding the City of Gilroy's compliance review of Transient Occupancy Tax Records of Motel/Hotel operators for the Pacheco Pass Motel. SCVWD Reps. The Mayor noted a letter from the Santa Clara Valley Water District regarding representatives/alternates for committees. Motion was made by Councilman Sudol, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried to appoint Councilman P. Arellano as the representative and Norm Allen as the alternate for the South Flood Zone and Councilman P. Arellano as the representative and Councilman Pinheiro as the alternate for the Water Commission. The following informational items were noted with no separate discussion on same: Legislation: League of California Cities Priority Focus #1-2001 dated January 5, 2001. A& C Com. 12-12-00 76// Customer Service: Letter of thanks from Glenn Morley, C.C.S. Commercial Construction Services Inc., to Norman S. Allen and John Greenhut for the opportunity to address some concerns; Note of thanks from Alice and Frank Bracken, Architectural Facades, to Norm Allen and crew for the help and guidance during their move to Gilroy; Note of thanks from Celia McCormack to John Garcia for helping process her special events application; Note of thanks from Celia McCormack to Don Nunes and Marilyn Guerin for helping with the aerial photos of Christmas Hill Park; Letter of thanks from Mae Franco, City of Hollister, to Jay Baksa for assisting with a Fire Chief oral board; Memorandum of appreciation from the Physically Challenged Board of Appeals to Al Signorotti for his efforts in removing barriers within the City; Letter of appreciation from Frederick M. Etzel regarding Cydney Casper's professional assistance; and E-mail of thanks from Jim Stephens and Steve Ynzunza to Marty Quiroz, Dave Rivers, Dave Jackson, and Steve Baty for their assistance in setting up the Communications Center. Informational items: Minutes of the Police Chiefs Advisory Board Meeting of January 10,2001; Letter from Jay Baksa to the League of California Cities regarding energy conservation; Community Development Department - Planning Division monthly report of long-range applications and status ofRDO allocation & activity dated January 24, 2001; Information from the Advisory Council of the Council on Aging; and Hecker Pass Specific Plan Advisory Committee minutes of January 10,2001. The minutes of the Arts and Culture Commission meeting of December 12, 2000 were noted. Gang Task Force The minutes ofthe Gilroy Gang Task Force meeting of December 5, 2000 12-5-00 were noted. Library Com. 12-13-00 P&RCom. 12-12-00 SCRWA 1-9-01 Plan. Com. 1-4-01 The minutes of the Library Commission meeting of December 13, 2000 were noted. The minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of December 12, 2000 were noted. The minutes of the South County Regional Wastewater Authority meeting of January 9, 2001 were noted. The report of the Planning Commission meeting of January 4,2001 was noted. 767n The City Administrator asked whether March 12 or 26,2001 would be better for a joint workshop with the Planning Commission on the inclusion of the 660 acres into the General Plan. It was noted that Council has a meeting with the school district on March 12,2001 and the City Administrator agreed to check with the school district to review the meeting dates. He distributed a list of the prioritized actions from the Council retreat. He asked the Council regarding setting meetings on soundwall issues and a call-in, and the consensus of the Council was to delete the call-in meeting from the list. He noted that the SCRW A meeting for February 13,2001 has been cancelled, not the March 13,2001 meeting as noted on the agenda. Councilman Pinheiro stated that he will not be able to attend the February 12, 2001 interviews and study session. Councilmember G. Arellano questioned when the City will be doing the street striping. The City Administrator stated that the County does this in August and September. Council agreed to put Chestnut Street from Sixth to Tenth Street on the list to stripe. Council also directed staff to look at all way stops at Old Gilroy and Alexander or Forest Streets. Councilmember G. Arellano noted an article in the paper regarding Murray & Leavesley being a high traffic accident concern and that there is no directional signage. Staff will look at signage for this intersection. Councilman P. Arellano questioned pavement management funds and whether the City has a say on what is done. He was told that the Council approves the list every year. Councilman Morales questioned the Forest Park Assessment District and whether Murray Avenue will be widened. He was told that it would not be widened. The Mayor congratulated the Youth Commission on their first successful fundraising event in conjunction with the 4th Annual Junior High Basketball Tournament. He noted the Youth Commission sold refreshments. The Mayor noted the following meetings/events: *Meeting will be televised on Channel 17 FEBRUARY 2001 5 Study Session - Review of the Corporation Yard Improvement Master Plan - 6:30 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 5*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 12 Interviews for Boards/Commissions - 6:00 p.m., Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room 12 Study Session - RDO Process, Growth Numbers and Affordable Housing Exemption Policy - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room 13 SCRWA Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy (CANCELLED) 20 Study Session - Update on Glen Lorna Ranch Proiect - 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers 20*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 26 Workshop for Council Members/Boardmembers/Commission Members on the Brown Act. Conflict ofInterest, and Meeting Procedure - 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers 27 SCRWAMeeting -7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy MARCH 2001 5*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 13 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy 19*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 27 SCRWAMeeting -7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy "." ,.,.'".~ ;".~_';""',,, .O",-_,",,_..,c. ~ ,. . 'd ~ ~- ~ ---- ~ ------..,,-.- ~.~ . ~-------..- - -'.'.-----.- Adjournment 7 'I 6/9 APRIL 2001 2 Study Session - Police Department - 6:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 2*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 10 SCRWA Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy 16*Regular City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Gilroy City Council Chambers 24 SCRW A Meeting - 7:30 a.m., 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy At 10:38 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~~ /s/ RHONDA PELLIN City Clerk