Minutes 2009/05/18 9061 City of Gilroy City Council MeetinCl Minutes May 18. 2009 I. OPENING Mayor Pinheiro called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. City Clerk Freels reported that the agenda had been posted on May 13, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. Roll Call Present: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro. B. Orders of the Day There were no agenda changes. C. Proclamations, Awards and Presentations Mayor Pinheiro presented the Proclamation designating Mayas Foster Parents Month. Mayor Pinheiro read the Proclamation naming Hepatitis B Awareness Week. II. PRESENTATIONS TO COUNCIL A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Sandra Sammut shared the summer activity guide with the Council and the public and highlighted some of the featured events. B. Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System Presentation Fong Winn of the Obstetrics and Gynecology diVision at Valley Medical Center gave the presentation. C. Gilroy Chamber of Commerce Presentation of Recommendation to Place a Measure on the Spring 2010 Ballot Repealing Binding Arbitration Susan Valenta, President of Gilroy Chamber Commerce and Christina Chavez of the 9062 Government Relations Committee of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, shared their presentation. Charles Sakai, City Legal Counsel, spoke on the issue of bargaining with the unions to place the item on the ballot explaining that it was a question of Interest arbitration and would need to be addressed in negotiations. If no agreement was made during negotiations, then the item could go forward at the City level to be placed on the ballot. Public comment was opened. Jim Buessing spoke against placing the initiative on the ballot. Moe McHenry spoke against placing the initiative on the ballot. Tim Day spoke in favor of placing the initiative on the ballot. Public comment was closed. Charles Sakai spoke on the arbitration process with regards to binding arbitration and then spoke on the supreme court case on the issue. He then spoke on ways to go through arbitration sharing the variety of forms of interest arbitration. Susan Valenta stated that the Chamber would make a commitment to support the measure to let the voters decide. She then stated that the Chamber Board would need to make a policy statement and would campaign within the confines of their organizations structure. Council Member Woodward asked for a roll call vote on the item. Failed motion on Item II.C. Motion: to agendize for a future meeting within 30 days with a resolution to place the item on the Spring 2010 ballot Moved by Council Member Cat Tucker, seconded by Council Member Bob Dillon. Vote: Motion failed 3-4. Yes: Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor AI Pinheiro No: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Perry Woodward Motion on Item II.C. Motion: to approve that a resolution be drafted for a study session on the issue in December 2009. Moved by Mayor AI Pinheiro, seconded by Council Member Bob Dillon. Vote: Motion carried 5-2. Yes: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro No: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Craig Gartman 9063 III. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Bracco reminded everyone about the Memorial Day parade. Council Member Gartman requested that staff look at a bush that was encroaching on the road on the south side of Santa Teresa on Miller. Mayor Pinheiro reminded everyone of the Special Election on May 19th, spoke on the Memorial Day Parade, and the discussions between SCRWA and SCVWD joint meeting on water rate increases and then spoke on the City of Los Altos grant writing committee of members of the community. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of May 4, 2009 Regular Meeting Motion on Item the Consent Calendar Motion: to approve Item IV.A. Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 7-0. Yes: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro V. BIDS AND PROPOSALS A. Approval of Bid for the Chestnut Street Bicycle Pedestrian Bridge Project Federal Project No. CML-5034 (015), Project No. 09-CDD-169\ The staff report was presented by City Transportation Engineer Dey. City Attorney Callon spoke on the advantage of the lowest bidder if the item went back out with the knowledge of what the other bidders had submitted. She stated that the Council could take the opportunity to reject all bids and stated that it was a material defect to not have submitted the information as requested in the bid. She also explained that if the bidders did not want to provide one of the city preferred providers, they could have submit their own as described In the bid documents. Public comment was opened. Kevin Albanese, bidder on the project, shared the bid documents provided and spoke on state law requirements. He spoke on the invitation to bid and bid documents and the requirement to list a supplier for the bridge. He stated that his bid had a minor Irregularity and stated that the majority of the other bidders had not provided the same 996.4 information, asking the Council to award the bid to his company, JJA as they were the lowest bidder. He then stated that he felt his company was bound to using one of the pre approved bridge manufacturers. City Attorney Callon stated that the requirement was a material term of the bid and could not be waived. Motion on Item V.A. Motion: Rejecting Bids from Joseph J. Albanese, Inc., Nexgen Builders, Inc., Guerra Construction Group and Monterey Peninsula Engineering due to Non- responsiveness Moved by Council Member Bob Dillon, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco. Vote: Motion carried 5-2. Yes: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro No: Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Cat Tucker Second Motion on Item V.A. Motion: approve bid from Trinchero Construction Co., Inc in the Amount of $329,829.00 for Project No. 09-CDD-169 Moved by Council Member Bob Dillon, seconded by Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.. Vote: Motion carried 5-2. Yes: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro No: Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Cat Tucker VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearing items. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. New Library Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEE D) Presentation David Richards, the consultant on the project, gave the presentation. The Council agreed to proceed with LEED Gold using the existing building design. VIII. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS There were no new business items. 9065 IX. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS X. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS XI. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS The Council agreed to agendize the discussion of paying prevailing wage for the library project at a future meeting (Council Member Arellano voting no) The Council agreed to agendize the discussion of Piece Labor Agreement for a future meeting. XII. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH NEGOTIATOR - COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNITS Pursuaht to Government Code Section 54957.6, Gilroy City Code Section 17A.8 (5) City Negotiators: Thomas Haglund, City Administrator; LeeAnn McPhillips, City Human Resources Director; Charles Sakal, City Legal Counsel; Christina Turner, Finance Director; Dale Foster, Fire Chief; Denise Turner, Police Chief Collective Bargaining Units: Local 2805, IAFF Fire Unit Representing Gilroy Fire Fighters Gilroy Management Association Representing Employees Designated as "Exempt", Excluding Confidential and Council Appointed Employees AFSCME Local 1 01 Representing Employees Affiliated with AFSCME, Local 101 Gilroy Police Officers Association, Inc. Representing Gilroy Pdlice Officers Anticipated Issues(s) Under Negotiation: Wages, Hours, Benefits, Working Condition Memorandums of Understanding: MOU Between City of Gilroy and The Firefighters Local 2805, IAFF Fire Unit; Petition for Representation of the Gilroy Management Association; MOU Between City of Gilroy and AFSCME, Local 1 01; MOU Between the City of Gilroy and Gilroy Police Officers Association, Inc. B. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Gilroy City Code Section 17A.8 (a) (4) NamefTitle: Thomas Haglund, City Administrator There were no public comments. The Council adjourned to closed session at 10:41 p.m. Closed Session Announcement: The City Council met in Closed Session and provided direction to the negotiation team. XIII. ADJOURNMENT