Minutes 2009/07/13 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call City of Gilroy City Council Special Meetina Minutes July 13. 2009 9092 Roll Call Present: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro II. Discussion of Binding Arbitration Legal Counsel Jeff Sloan shared the processes of binding interest arbitration as well as repealing binding arbitration. Public comment was opened. Brian Darrow spoke against the repeal of binding arbitration speaking on behalf of the South Bay Labor Union. He stated that there had been no harmful affects to the City from what he could tell, and spoke on the need to be collaborative with employees for fair resolution to disputes. Ron Kirkish spoke on the contentiousness of the issue between the unions and the City, explaining that the Council was in office to make the decisions on the finances of the city and then spoke on the amount of time spent on dealing with union issues. Public comment was closed. Council direction: The majority of the City Council gave staff direction to agendize an item on the issue, broad enough to allow the Council to take any of the actions that had been addressed during the current study session. (Council Members Arellano, Bracco, Gartman against) II. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION "w_ Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a) and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11(c) (1) Name of Case: City of Gilroy v. WLC Architects, Inc, et aI., Case No. CIV 471337, Superior Court, County of San Mateo There were no public comments. Acting City Attorney Faber explained that the Council was holding the closed session to allow for a continued discussion to make the decision on whether or not to continue with the existing litigation. III. ADJOURNMENT Motion to Adiourn to Closed Session Motion was made by Council Member Tucker, seconded by Gartman to adjourn to closed session. Vote: 7-0 Yes: Council Member Peter Arellano, M.D.; Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Bob Dillon; Council Member Craig Gartman; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Perry Woodward; Mayor AI Pinheiro ..... The Council adjourned to closed session at 8:04 p.m. ,.....---