Minutes 1985/03/04 Roll Call 511 3 March -4, 1<)85 Mayor Hughan led the Pledge of AlleGiance to the Flag. The Regular Heetinq of the ~ilyo'/ Ci 1::' ('0un:-::iJ. was called to order by Her Honor Roberta H. Hughan at W:OO p.m. Present: Council Members: Sharon A.Albert, Donald F. Gage, Paul V. Kloecker, Larry Mussallem, John E. Pate, Pete Valde~, Jr. and Roberta H. Hughan. 511 4 Intro. New Employee Employee Award Consent Calendar Minutes Minutes Rent Control Plan. Com. ~/19/85 The Mayor introduced new emplo'Tee, Lanny Brown, Police Officer. The Mayor presented the Month of February 1985 Award to Norman Chapin, .police Officer. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Council- man Hussallem that the following item under the Consent Calendar be approved by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Council Mem- bers: Albert, Gage, Kloecker, Mussallem, Pate, Valde~ and Hughan. p;,. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mussallem that the following item under the Consent Calendar be approved by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Council Members: Albert, Gage, Kloecker, Mussallem, Pate, Valdez and Hughan. - Approved the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 19, 1985. Noted receipt of a letter from Sanford R. Stein re: Rent Control. City Administrator Baksa recommended same be referred to Staff; Planning and other departments for a report on same. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. Mr. Joe Gamboa addressed the Council inquiring about the legality of a landLord increasing rentals at w:ill.:. <The City Attor- ney noted that unless there is a lease in effec.t, landlords can increase rents as often as desired. Ms. Caroline Kornish addressed the Council noting that the inflationary index should be addressed as well as the responsi- bility of the landlord to show adequate maintenance of the building. Mr. Sanford R. Stein addressed the Council and further ex- plained his letter and request for rent control. - Mr. John Hoffmire, representing American Diversified, ad- dressed the Council noting that rent control may affect the City's problem of limited available rentals. The Mayor asked if there was anvone further in 'the audience wishing to speak on the matter. ~ Mr. Jose Dia~ addressed the Council and urged the Council to address the issue of increased rental costs and work with the entire cOflmunity to attempt to solve the problem. In order to avoid r~petition, the Mayor asked for a show of hands of those present in the audience concerned about the rent control issue. Several indicated their interest. " Mrs. Frances Light, resident of Pacific Mobile Estates, ad- dressed the Council, noting the desperate need for rent control in the City. The Mayor noted that the matter would be re!erred to Staff and report and recammendatien presented to Council at their April 1, 1985, regular meeting for further discussion. The following information items were noted with no separate discussion on same: -- Report of Intergovernmental Council r1eeting of February g, 1985; and Leabue of California Cities Appointment of City Administra- tor to League Committees. . The Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 21, 1985, was noted. P & R Com. '2/19/85 JPA Com. ~/12/26;85 .... Sewer Allo- cations - Crime Pre- vention Grant /iIII"'"... Las Animas Pk. Grant - Media Seminar Emergency Services Lease Agree. Keaveny & Dixie Rea Properties - - So. Co. Plan. Committee 511 5 The Minutes of the Parks and Recreation COIT'oDission Meeting of February 19, 1985, were noted. The !1inutes of the Senior Ci tiz'ens' Advisory Committee Meeting of January 1985 were noted. The Minutes of the Joint Powers Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting of February 12, 1985 and February 26, 1985, and summary list of probable environmental impacts were noted. City Administrator Baksa distributed and explained an update of sewer allocation contracts. Council had no.objection to extending the Industrial/Commercial Agreements to November r, 1936, notinq that same were originally extended to September I, 1986, and the extra two months would coincide with the construction season. Mr. Jerry Hatcher ad0ressed the Council noting that he is aware the sewer allotment would be lost if the commitments are not conpleted and requested that the one-half fees to be paid with the agreements be credited for some future use. Discussion was had by Council on the matter. Council noted that if the commitments are not completed the fees would be forfeited as part of the City's criteria in assigning said sewer allotment. City Administrator Baksa recommended approval of a budget amendment to accommodate the Community Crime Prevention Grant. Motion was made bv Councilman Gage seconded by Councilwoman Albert and carried that the recomMended budget amendment to accommodate the COmMunity Crime Prevention Grant be approved. City Administrator Baksa noted approval of the Las Animas Park Grant. City Administrator Baksa noted a Media Relations Seminar scheduled for Barch 6, 1985, in the Council Chambers from 10:00 a.m. to Hoon. City Administrator Baksa noted Staff appointment of Commander Gardner as the City's Emergency Services Coordinator. Councilman Gage noted the Keaveney and Dixie Rea properties wish to settle the suit regarding the sewer farm property and recommended approval of lease/agreements agreed upon to sublet the land back to the farmers. Motion was made by Councilman Gage seconded by Councilman Mussal- lem and carried that the lease/agreements pertaining to the sewer farm properties be approved as recommended and further explained by the City Attorney. Councilman Gage noted Earthquake Preparedness Week April 15-20, 1985, and noted display of earthquake preparedness materials that week in San Jose at the Center for Perforning Arts. Councilman Mussallem noted the lonq-term treatment plant issue to be discussed at the next Joint Powers Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting. Councilman Gage noted the meeting is scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month. The Mayor reported on the Sewer Treatment Plant EIR Scoping Meeting in Santa Cruz on February 27, 1985. Councilman Pate noted the first meeting of the South County Planning Committee to be of an organizational format; meetings scheduled for the secondd and fourth Thursdays at the San Martin Lions Club building; all Councilmembers to receive agendas and minutes of said meetings. l 511 6 Gavilan Sports Complex Adjournment " City Administrator Baksa reported that the Gavilan Sports Complex shbuld be completed by July or August 1985. City Administrator Baksa noted that he would contact Mr. David Jones for the Council Seminar scheduling requested by Council. City Administra~or_Baksanoted that a representative of the City's bonding attorneys would be present at the Council Study Ses- sion scheduled for March 11, 1985 - 7:00 p.m., City Hall Council Chambers re: Mello Roos (Co~unity Facilities Act of 1982 - GC 53311) . Council noted receipt of the proposed 1985-1990 Capital Im- provement Program and ,set March 25, 1985 at 7: 00 p'.m. for a Study Session on same. At 9:06 p.m., the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted,' ~~~~4