Minutes 1985/12/14 5212 December 14, 1985 Gilroy, California The Special Joint Meeting of the Gilroy/Morgan Hill City Councils was called to order by Her Honor Roberta H. Hughan at 1:09 p.m. Present: Gilroy City Councilmembers: Donald F. Gage, Paul V. Kloecker, Larry Mussallem, Daniel Palmerlee~ Pete Valdez, Jr. and Roberta H. Hughan. Absent: Councilmember: Sharon Albert. Present: Morgan Hill City Councilmembers: William H. Brown, Dean Flory, J. Robert Foster, Neil Heiman and Lorraine Barke. Mayor Hughan st~ted the purpose of this spe?ial meeting is to discuss the adoption of a Long Term wastewater Management Plan. Several alternatives have been presented and the Draft EIR presents the environmental considerations of these alternatives, as well as the "No project" alternative. The Cities have solicited comments which should focus on the sufficiency of the DEIR in identifying and analyzing the possible impacts of the project on the environment. Mayor Hughan noted the meeting will start with a report from James M. Montgomery Engineers, consultants for the project. Mr. Chris Cain, James M. Montgomery Engineers, addressed the Councils and presented information on what the project is and where we are in the environmental process. Mr. Cain described the list of alternatives proposed for con- sideration: 1) L - Land disposal; 2) LD - Land disposal with dis- charge of dewatering wells or underdrain flows to the pajaro River; 3) SL - Combination of winter surface discharge to the pajaro River and summer land treatment and disposal; 4) SO - Surface discharge to the ocean (Monterey Bay) ; and S) sp.- Surface discharge to the pajaro River. Mr. Cain also referred to the No Project Alternative. The types of treatment needed for each of the above alterna- tives were graphically explained by Mr. Cain. (At 1:19 p.m., Gilroy Councilwoman Sharon Albert took her seat at the Council table.) Mr. Curtis Alling, Vice President of Earth Metrics, Inc., authors of the DEIR, addressed the Councils and summarized the 5213 environmental review process. He ~urther noted that it is expectec the process for preparing t:-le final F~IR will occur f!:"om .Tanuary through March, 1986. Hayor Huqhan opened the hearing for public discussion and noted that written connents can be made and subraitted by ,Tanuary 7, 1986. .... Ms. Jo Stallard, representing the Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club, addressed the Councils. ).is. Stalla:rd felt there is not enough emphasis placed in the DEIR on the effects to the environment, speci- fically, the Pajaro River area, the Wetlands, beaches, Elkhorn Slough, and Monterey Ray. lUso, not enough concern was given to increased industrial toxics and t.he issue of growth as a result of the new treat- ment plant. She further noted that additional written comments would be forthcoming. - Hr. Bert l1alech, LOl1a Prieta Resource Conservation District, addressed the Councils and expressec3. concern fm: the pajaro River Basin. He noted the DEIR does not adequa~:ely address the number of agencies presently running water into the pajaro River. Further, more study should be made on a land drain system that would lead to crop produc- tion or an ecological reserve for fish, game anc other wildlife. Mayor noted copies of the DEIR have heen placed in the following locations for public review: Aptos Lihrary, Gilroy Library, Gilroy Planning Department, Monterey Library, Morgan Hill Library, Morgan Hill Planning Department, Salinas Library, San Renito County Library, San Jose Library, Santa cruz Librarv. Seaside Library, and Watsonville Library. """'I.- Mr. Walter Wong, Director of Environmental Health, Monterey County, addressed the Councils and noted that~Monterey County is in the process of reviewing the Environmental Impact Report and will submit written comments by the January 7, 1986, deadline. Mr. Wong read a list of it~11S they feel are not adequately addressed in the DEIR for the record. -- Mr. Wong further noted that the Board of Supervisors of Monterey County on December 10, 1985, amended Monterey County General Plans and Coastal Plans to require all new and/or expanding wastewater dis- chargers into the coastal waters of Monterey County to obtain a permit from the Health Department. Ms. Robley Levy, Santa Cruz County Supervisor, addressed the Councils and reported it is their feelings that the dumping of waste- water into Monterey Bay is a proposal they believe to be inappropriate, unacceptable and not environmentally sound. Further, they feel the DEIR is inadequate and tha.t none of the alternatives are acceptable. Ms. Levy stated the Board will submit specific comments before January 7, 1986. She asked that the EIR address issues of alternatives other than discharge into Monterey Bay. Mr. John Regan, Executive Vice President of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Councils and read a report prepared by an ad hoc group of the Industrial D.evelopraent.CoIl1Ii1ittee. The report suggests considera-t:ion he sriven to Al.ternates SO c.nd SF. Mr. Regan further stated they believe the DEIR is accurate ana well-done and that it is beneficial to the environment. - Mayor Rughan noted the cities will be takin~ action in March regarding certification of the EIR. ... Mr. Bruce Tichinin, 17575 Monterey Street, Morgan Hill, and attorney for the Committee for a Progressive Gilroy, addressed the Councils. Mr. Tichinin pointed out what he felt were inaccuracies in the DEIR regarding the No Project Alternative and the legality of package treatment plants. Mr. Tichinin submitted, for the record, a copy of the Judgment Granting Peremptory writ of Mandate in the matter of David C. Heninger v. Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, et al. Mr. Tichinin asked that the Cities strike the reference to there being a potential significant effect from the No Project Alternative. 5214 ~ Mr., Tichinin further requested th~ Cities to direct the pre- parers of:the EIR to study the issue of whether or not there are technologically available and implementable treatment plants which can avoid adverse effects on the environment. Mayor Hughan asked if there was anyone else in the audience wishing to speak on the matter. There were no comments from the audience. Mayor Hughan asked if any Councilmembers wished to make comments at this time. Mr. Bob Foster, City of Morgan Hill, stated he would like more information regarding the disposal of brine water. Ms. Sharon Albert, City of Gilroy, requested additional information regarding the treatment of effluent to meet the ground- water quality objectives; possible flooding hazards along the pajaro River; and the proposed use of the present percolation ponds if Alternates SO or SP are chosen. Mr. Dan Palmerlee, City of Gilroy, referred to page 2.4-26 of the DEIR and asked for clarification regarding effluent dis- charge to the pajaro River and if the statement in the first para- graph also applies to any other alternative requiring discharge into the pajaro River. Mr. Palmer lee further referred to page 3.2-28 regarding flooding impacts and asked that these impacts be more clearly defined. The Mayor asked if there were any additional comments from mebers of the Councils or the audience. There were no further comments. At 2:10 p.m., Mayor Hughan adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, !~L Deputy City Clerk