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Open Space Land Program DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT San Francisco Area Office Open Space Land Programs CEl\TIFICATION Project No. Call f-OSA-119 Name of Park or Site ,.U ller Park Date Acquired 11/1S/bS II I, Fred O. Wood representative of CIty of Gilroy that to the best of my knowledge and belief: , the duly authorized , do hereby certify 1. There has been no change in the use of the above land to a use other than the open-space use for which a Federal Grant was made as described in the Grant Contract. 2. There have been no leases, easements, or any other disposal of any interest in said land other than those which have been approved in writing by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 3. Any monie~eceived in payment of the disposition of any interest in said land has been specifically designated for future open-space activities to be undertaken by The CIty of GIlroy, a municipal corporation Any false statements made knowingly and willfully may subject the signer to penalties under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code. C ITV OF GILROY (Name of Public Body) BY (Signature) City AdmInistrator (Ti tle) October 27, 1972 (Date) * None has been received nor has any disposition been made. Fred O. !'Ioad, City Administrator October 27, 1972 $~.~~~~iO" ~o ~..i:} "b,~"1O ~ DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SAN FRANCISCO AREA OFFICE ONE EMBARCADERO CENTER, SUITE 1600 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 October 20, 1972 REGION IX 450 Golden Gate Avenue P.O. Box 36003 San Francisco, California .9,4102 IN REPLY REFER TO. 9.lPR Director Parks and Recreation City of Gilroy Gilroy, California 95020 Dear Sir: Subject: Project No. ' Grant Amount ," Acreage Date' of Appx:pV\al' Date of Contract Calif-OOA-llQ $12,610 .- 5 4/66 6/66 \ \ \ Your agency is the recipient of record of a Federal Open Space Land Programs grant under ,Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended. This letter and the attached certification is one of a series of contract compliance measures which will be undertaken periodically by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to insure continuing dedication of the land and property for the intended use and to provide a way of ~easuring the effectiveness of grants made in the past. The attached Cer ti'fl cat ion should be completed within 30 days and returned to HUD. <Before completing the Certfication, you should care- fully examine the;;grant contract to be certain that its terms and pro- visions have and are being met. A separate form should be completed for each site. No additional documentation is required to accompany the executed Certificate. We also at this time wish to call to your attention the requirement that any change in land use, leases, easements, or other partial disposals of any interest in an open space project must be approved in advance by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The requirements for the conversion of Open Space Land to any non-open space use are contained in Section 704 of the Act. This provision is quoted below for your convenience. Section 704. No open-space land for the acquisition of which a grant has been made under this title shall, without the approval of the Secretary, be converted to uses other than those originally approved by him. The Secretary shall approve no conversion of land from open-space use unless he finds that such conversion is essential to the orderly development and growth of the urban l ; ...'~ ~': ,,' . :-!t'.~. , 't' ;>~;~'} , _"I" area involved and is in accord withtne then applicable compre- hensive plan, meeting criteria established by him. The Secretgry shall approve any such conversion only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other open- space land of at least equal fair market value and of as nearly as feasible equivalent usefulness and location. Finally, if more than 12 months has expired following the date of the execution of the Grant Contract and the land or property has not yet been acquired and/or developed or if the attached Certificate cannot be executed for any reason, please respond in writing, explaining the circumstances. ' . --' ,", If you find that the project and site covered in the 'CertificatiQnfrti:s not in compliance for any other reason, please respond within the time period established indicating the nature of non-compliance and the pro- posed action to meet statutory or contractualreqtiirements. If you have any specific questions please contact your HUD Representative in this offic,e: Mr,' John Epler ~ Area C, 556-6782. 'Certificatiotl's'are to be r-eturned to: Processing, Control and. Rep.ot.1ts, 9.lPR, HUD, One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1600, San Francisco, CA 94111. :'; .. We appreciate yOUr 'assistance. " ~ j": ':';' t ' " ", -; , -'I 1" , ~ -j" ""! .-' ... Sincerely~ 'n "-'" ~ ;.. '! , . c:~ ,- ~'c.. ~". " ~'!;h~~ Sglvatore,P. Tedesco,. "'.i).; Director ,OperatioftiJ ,Division,,: .~ : .(.' j : . f' .:' .., , ;', -~ i.' r ~ ' . " ' ",';, ,.'1 '".. ..- , , , ,0:.' : l~' , , . ~ i ~'; r r.' <;:.L'."' . "~-eO. " '-',' t " ,; 1-+